Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 424: Yinglun Ce Part 1

On May 1st, the second day Nanyi went to Wu's house.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Nanyi, Uedo Masami, and another very beautiful woman came to Boleyn Castle together.

The study room on the second floor of Boleyn Castle was used as a temporary meeting room. At a conference table, Nan Yi sat in the main seat, Masami Uedo sat on the left, Catherine sat on the right, Dunstone sat on the second right, and Dunstone sat on the second left "Pretty Woman" Huang Yingzi.

Huang Yingzi, the daughter of Aunt Huang who drives the elevator in the foreign-related office building, has a beard on the left side of her face that is almost half the size of her face, and is a high-achieving student who graduated from Tsinghua University.

As Nan Yi had expected, because of her appearance, the job assigned after graduation was not ideal. After she took a very depressing class for a period of time, Nan Yi asked someone to offer her an olive branch.

After taking her under his command, he first let her intern at the Scarlett Fund for more than half a year. After confirming that she was indeed a talent, he then arranged for her to work for the richest man, Albert, and now she was transferred to London by Nanyi.

"Let me introduce to you first, this is Catherine Bolling." Nan Yi gestured to Catherine, "for the time being, she is the mascot of our Bolling Holdings, the nominal president of Bolling Holdings .It is only in name for the time being, whether she can become the real president or not depends on herself."

Nanyi's words made Catherine roll her eyes.

"This is Dun Stone. I won't introduce him where he is from. He will serve as the executive vice president of Bolin Holdings and the executive president of the soon-to-be-established Sun Never Set Capital."

Dunstone stood up and nodded to the others present.

Dunstone is from Adam Bank, which has never conducted any business with the outside world. At the same time, he also has a part-time job in the Intelligence Policy Committee and is a member of the financial team.

"This is Huang Yingzi, from Albert Capital, the richest man in Pan-American Investment Holdings. She will serve as Dun Stone's special assistant. At the same time, she is also a candidate for the vice president of Sun Never Set Capital." Nan Yi said, looking at Huang Yingzi again His face said: "Whether you can become one or not depends on yourself."

"Understood, Mr. Nan." Huang Ying stood up and nodded.

"Masami Ueto, I don't need my introduction, let's get straight to the point. First, we need to clarify the positioning of Bolin Holdings, which is actually very simple. Our bridgehead in England.

Bolin Holdings focuses on investment, supplemented by self-established enterprises, and what are the areas we want to invest in? "

Nan Yi raised his index finger and said: "First of all, in the field of biopharmaceuticals, Dun Stone, study the information of Beecham as soon as possible to see if this company is worth our investment."

"Yes, Sir."

Eagle Country will have a great biopharmaceutical company "GlaxoSmithKline" in the future. This company was formed in 2000 by the merger of Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham.

In fact, Glaxo Wellcome and SmithKline Beecham can be dismantled into four companies: Glaxo, Wellcome, SmithKline, and Beecham. Or Wellcome, which has been established for more than a hundred years, has a profound foundation, and it is not something Nan can worry about for the time being.

And Smith Kline is a domestic company, so if we want to miss it, it is natural that Pan Am Holdings will come forward.

Eagle Country will have another great biopharmaceutical company "AstraZeneca" in the future, and this company has not yet been established.

This company is composed of Astra of Sweden and Eagle Country Zeneca, which has not yet been established. It will be split from Imperial Chemical Industries in the process of Eagle Country's privatization.

As mentioned earlier, Nanyi has conducted in-depth and detailed research in the field of biopharmaceuticals in his previous life, and he can be said to know the superficial information of the giants in this field very well.

As for why his memory is so deep, it’s also very simple. In his previous life, he crossed over a few days after finishing his research in the field of biopharmaceuticals; if he really wanted to invest in the field of biopharmaceuticals, at least half of his net worth had to be invested in it. , this is still on the premise of partnering with others.

With the investment of billions of dollars involved, how could he not thoroughly research this industry?

If you want to talk about which industry's development track Nanyi knows best about this era, it should be the biopharmaceutical industry; long-term research, tens of millions of words of information, breaking apart, crushing and reading carefully, these original useless efforts , At this time and space, it becomes quite precious.

Let's put it this way, in addition to real estate and related fields, if you want to make a lot of money in other industries, you have to say as many words of flattery and disobedience, and you have to study as many words of information.

To earn 10 million, you have to study materials of 10 million words or more. "Research" is not just reading. After researching, you can write at least ten times the number of reading comprehension. You must also ensure that every word is useful. No nonsense.

As for real estate, it's relatively simple. Either look up at the sky and borrow another five hundred glasses of alcohol from the sky; or go home and ask your grandfather's name; or look down at what brand of belt you're wearing...

If it is Hermes, then congratulations, you will be the next real estate tycoon.

Otherwise, I will start, "I used to ask endlessly, when will you go with me", if you can continue to sing, you should stop poking, hurry up, plunge into real estate, and earn tens of billions. Don't panic, there are not thousands of small goals, and you have not reached your limit at all.

"There is also the financial field. I don't need to say anything about it. London is an international financial center. There are many investment opportunities in the Financial City. Don't miss a good opportunity.

In addition, in the automotive field, Bentley, Jaguar, and Lotus are all suitable acquisition targets. We will strive to acquire two of them, preferably three of them.

This is the premise of the ideal state. If things are not going well and there are many obstacles, then we must at least make sure that Bentley is acquired, and it is best to acquire all the shares.

Bentley means a lot to me personally, and I am going to give the company to our lovely Miss Catherine as a courting gift to her. Nan Yi shrugged and said hippie.

Naturally, his words caught Catherine's eyes again.

In fact, Nanyi is really not interested in entering the field of fuel household vehicles. He is only interested in automobile engines. Whether it is Bentley, Jaguar, or Lotus, they all have excellent engine research and development technologies.

Nanyi wants to acquire these three companies, it can be said that it is rushing to the engine technology.

Start with the engine, then think about the tires, and then jump out of the automotive field and invest in special steel. In this way, the engine, tires, chassis, the three most important components of the car have entered, and the foundation for building a good car is ready.

Nanyi's idea for the automotive field is to acquire a ready-made brand, and produce cars step by step for sale, while Nan's real vision is to focus on the field of new energy vehicles, whether it is water power, hydrogen power, or electric power, as long as it is possible All technologies must be tried and explored.

Even if the money will go to waste.

Naturally, the car factory that will be opened in the mainland soon will definitely focus on electric power, and Nanyi wants to become the actual first person in electric vehicles in Huaguo. His first experimental electric car must have been born earlier than Ye Wengui's "Ye Feng".


Ye Wengui, manufactured the first domestic electric vehicle [1988] and the first gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle [1990].

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