Nanyi's decoration plan finally went through a little fine-tuning, and the bamboo chairs were replaced with solid wood.

This is because Europe is not the place where bamboo and moso bamboo are produced. Bamboo can be seen, but it is carefully cultivated by people in front of and behind the house as a scenery. It is impossible to sell it to you easily. Besides, bamboo cannot be used as a chair.

Solid wood is much simpler. Buy a batch of wood boards and wooden brackets, and then buy some screws, and you can do it with a little dexterity.

Nanyi still likes this kind of building block game for adults. As a result, except for the two toilets, he hired a mason and he personally took care of the decoration of "Longmenzhen".

One day to paint the walls, one day to make tables, chairs and benches, one day to do some odds and ends, in three days, Nanyi's work is almost done, and the rest of the wall decorations have to wait for the domestic goods to be delivered.

In three days, most of the toilets have been rebuilt, and the kitchen has not been rebuilt at all.

The kitchen is more troublesome, and it can only be done under the guidance of the chef when he is in place. Besides, for the problem of smoke exhaust, I have to go to the relevant departments here in London.

There is a lot of oily smoke in cooking Chinese food. Sichuan cuisine uses more oil than other cuisines, and the smoke emitted is greasy. This smoke exhaust pipe is really not something you can do casually.

I inquired in Juelu Street, but I didn't hear of any reliable Sichuan cuisine cooks, so Nanyi could only turn his idea to those dispatched by Ikeda's trainees, and look for them from the labor exporters who had already gone abroad.

As for the domestic ones, forget it, and you have to find someone to help you go abroad, which is too cumbersome.

I made a phone call with Man San'er, and soon he arranged for someone from the country to come. The business dispatched by Ikeda's trainees has expanded to the country, sending farmers and truck drivers to the country.

They are mainly farmers, and there are very few truck drivers. Those who can drive trucks these days will live a good life in the Mainland. Although they can get two to three thousand dollars a month in China, they are willing to come out after leaving their hometowns. There are not many drivers.

Besides, the requirements of trucks are not low, and the language barrier can stump ninety-nine percent of people.

When farmers come to the country, they will go to Scarlett Food Group for an internship for a period of time, and then they will be arranged to work on other farms after they learn how to operate agricultural machinery. In this way, their starting salary can be higher.

According to Men San’er’s feedback, the farmers who were sent to the country were very happy to work, including food and housing, and saved more than 400 US dollars a month. After working for a month, the money sent home was almost You can build a brick and tile house, or a two-story one.

As for suffering, they didn’t notice it, it’s all farm work, but it’s done in a different way, and it’s easy to do it after getting the hang of it; that is, they don’t have their wives to sleep with their arms around at night, and they feel like they’re on fire, and they need to take a cold bath to decompress the fire. Live to sleep.

On the phone, Nanyi asked Men San'er again, and asked the people in the club to tell the people who were exported: "If you have money, save it, send it home to build a house, go to the city to buy a house, don't gamble." .”

If you want to talk, listen or not, Nanyi didn't intend to force others to make things difficult for him. He is not noble enough to help others on his knees. Getting them out of the country has opened the door for them to enter the middle class. Whether they can step in and stand firm depends on their own luck.

Before the shop was finished, the Sichuan cuisine chef sent by Mensaner was in place.

Luo Kun, in his late thirties, raised pigs for two years in a logistics army with a farm, and steamed steamed buns for several years in the cooking team. Except for double robbing, he didn't work in the field much. After demobilization, he worked in the state-run canteen and completed Completed the transformation from a helper to a second chef.

The master he followed was well aware of the allusion of "the apprentice of the church starved to death of the master", and he taught everything else, except for the trick of cooking.

Luo Kun looked at it, what kind of job is this? If you don't teach, I will learn and practice secretly.

Not to mention, Luo Kun is very talented in cooking, and his craftsmanship has improved rapidly. One day, he cooked a few dishes and wanted his chef to comment on them. Unexpectedly, after eating his dishes, his master turned his face immediately, found fault and drove him out of the kitchen and asked him to work as a waiter outside.

Seeing that there was no hope of learning art, Luo Kun happened to meet the opportunity to go abroad, so he went abroad in a fit of anger.

"So, are you sure you can do it? If not, I'll help you buy a plane ticket, and you can continue to go back to the country to farm." Nan Yi said so after going to the airport to pick up Luo Kun and listening to him tell his story.

"Brother Pao, I will never loosen my belt." Luo Kun said firmly.

"Okay, go to the kitchen first and see how the kitchen should be done. If you want to buy something, I will add it. There is no difference between here and China, except that the stove needs to burn gas, not a three-burner coal stove."


Luo Kun agreed, and walked in the direction Nanyi pointed.

After a while, the man came back again and told Nanyi what he wanted to buy. Nanyi told Luo Kun the location of Rongyehang, and asked him to go there to make purchases, buy some ingredients and come back to cook some special dishes at night.

As soon as Luo Kun heard it, he understood that Nanyi wanted to measure his level, so he nodded solemnly, and went out with the topographic map Nanyi drew for him.

As soon as Luo Kun left, Wu Zaisheng came back.

"Ah Yi, it's not bad, it looks decent." Wu Zaisheng said after looking around the whole store.

"Okay, don't laugh at me, it's nothing compared to your Jingexuan. Aren't you going to work, it's only time, why do you have time to come here?"

"I came to you because of work." Wu Zaisheng moved the debris on the chair and sat opposite Nanyi, "Aside from this restaurant, you haven't decided to do it yet. what?"

"Yeah, I haven't figured it out yet, why, do you have a good idea?"

"No, what I mean is, since you haven't thought about it, or you can go to Jardine Bank to help me first, come and go freely, you can leave whenever you want, and the salary is easy to negotiate."

After hearing Wu Zaisheng's words, Nan Yi's expression froze and he fell into deep thought.

This is the correct reaction he should have. "Nanyi" is a high-end talent. People like him can't find a job casually. When there is no job, it is impossible to find a job casually. The treatment should also get better and better, otherwise, the golden body will be broken, and it will be difficult to ask for a price in the future.

The annual salary of the first job is one million, the second one is 800,000, and the third job may not be able to get half a million; only the first job is one million, the second is more than one million, and the third job can The asking price is two million.

It can only go up to a higher level, not in a downward spiral.

"If you are interested, the position of deputy manager of Jardine Bank is vacant. The starting salary is 250,000 pounds, and there are also project commissions and bonuses. If you are not satisfied with the salary, we can talk again." Wu Zaisheng said again .

"Ah Sheng, I won't be able to decide for a while, show me the information of Jardine Bank, and give me some time to think about it."

"Of course. I'll bring you the materials tomorrow. You can think about it slowly. Just let me know when you've made up your mind. I still have something to do, so I'll go first." Wu Zaisheng patted his ass and left after finishing speaking.

Seeing Wu Zaisheng leave, Nanyi continued to thread dried red peppers with a needle and thread. After stringing several strings of dried red peppers, Nanyi put on a five-layer mask on his face and three layers of medical gloves on his hands , put on two more layers of plastic gloves, and then took out a plastic bag, grabbed a chocolate-like tan pepper from it, and carefully passed it through with a needle.

This is the seven pot Douglas pepper, the hottest pepper naturally grown on the earth, with a spiciness of 185 SHU [Scoville, spicy measurement unit], the "seven pot" in its name means a seven pot Dugla pepper can be used for seven pot dishes.

Let’s put it this way, even if the spicy shabu shabu in Yunnan Province is not the spiciest dish in China, it should be ranked at the top, but its spiciness is only in the early 400,000 SHU, and more than 500,000 SHU, which is beyond human tolerance. that's it.

If you swallow a seven-pot Douglas pepper alive, you will be half disabled if you don't die.

Most people's subjective impression of Sichuan cuisine is "spicy". Nanyi estimates that there will be customers who will criticize the dishes here in Longmenzhen for not being spicy enough. Anyone who criticizes will pick a seven-pot Douglas pepper for him to smell. He has to pay for it, and if he smells it or touches it with his hands, he can kill him.

Putting the peppers together, Nanyi hung the peppers on the wall. Among them, the string of seven pots of Douglas peppers was hung at a relatively high position, so that even a two-meter-tall person could not touch it, so as not to be cheap.

As soon as the chili peppers are hung, there is a burst of vitality in the store. After hanging up facial makeup, Chinese paintings, etc., it is necessary to have the locality and the heritage.

Standing there and looking at it for a while, Nanyi took out the price list sent by Rongyehang, combined with the expenses of rent, water, electricity, liquefied petroleum gas, staff salaries, taxes, etc., and began to calculate the prices of the dishes in the store.

Generally speaking, the price of restaurant dishes should be increased by 50%-120% on the basis of raw materials. Only such a price increase can ensure that the restaurant's net profit is more than 30%.

If the hotel doesn't have 30% of its net profit, then there's no need to do it.

Soon, Nanyi figured out the calculation formula for vegetable prices, and he couldn't do the rest. He had to wait for Luo Kun to come back, taste his specialty dishes, and predict which dishes would sell better; Then calculate the amount of various main ingredients, auxiliary materials, and seasonings, and combine the marketing idea of ​​small profits but quick turnover to determine the price of each dish.

In the evening, when Nanyi and Uedo Masami were tasting the dishes cooked by Luo Kun, the Wu family, Wu Jingyuan and Wu Zaisheng were talking about Nanyi again.

"A Sheng, do you think that kid from Nanyi will agree to you?"

"Maybe I won't agree. My asking price is not high enough. It is basically the same as his last job. But in addition to salary, his last job had a relatively high income from project commissions. I will find him again in a few days and raise the price." Let me know the price."

"If you are a talent, don't be afraid to spend money. You can give a higher price, but you can't give it all at once. You have to leave room for a price increase. People, you will never be satisfied. A mountain is as high as a mountain."

"Grandpa, I understand."

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