At the end of June, the weather in Beijing is already hot.

The matter of Liu Zhen's going to the country has also been decided, and Nan Yi accompanied Liu Zhen to Xidan to buy some things to bring there.

On the second floor of Xidan food shopping mall, the best cold drink shop in Xidan is here at this time.

Popsicles cost 35 cents, cream ice cream 12 cents, Arctic Ocean 15 cents, and sour plum soup and mung bean soup.

The most expensive is the cream stewed fruit, one piece and two goblets. However, Nanyi sneered at this, it was simply a trick.

What do you say?

The so-called cream stewed fruit is to cut the fruit pieces in several canned fruits into cubes, and then mix them with yogurt. Whether it's price or quality, it can fool people more than the fruit fishing of later generations.

But it is such a thing that fools people and treats consumers as a fool, but it is very popular.

Nan Yi was chewing on the cheapest popsicles, and when he looked up, there were quite a few people ordering fruit stewed with cream in this cold drink shop. Whether it's Jiao Didi or Wu Da San Cu, they all eat very slowly.

Well, Nan Yi understands, what people eat is not this taste, but this "expensive".

Those of you who are passing by, please take a look, we are drinking a piece of cream stewed fruit, you say, am I awesome?

Nan Yi raised his eyes to the first floor, and he could still see a few teenagers who looked like middle school students standing at the entrance of the food mall, holding two ice creams in their hands.

"Brother, what are you looking at?"

"Looking at people patting mother-in-law, see those children below, holding two ice creams in their hands."

"I see, are you waiting for someone?"

"I'm waiting for someone, but what I'm waiting for is the honey they want to shoot." Nanyi smiled knowingly, then turned to ask Liu Zhen, "Is there anything else I'm missing?"

"There should be no shortage. I bought everything that should be bought. Brother, it cost you again."

Liu Zhen smiled shyly.

"What are you talking about, you are my own sister, shouldn't I buy things for you? Besides, the big yellow croaker I took out of the well is half of yours."

"Hehe, how could it be mine, brother, you took it out, and of course it belongs to you alone. Besides, I have spent a lot on you in the past two years."

"Okay, little girl, you're still so clear with me, what's mine is yours, and it's only natural for you to spend my money. You've been away for two years, and I'm not around, so take good care of yourself .

If you graduated from undergraduate and still want to take the postgraduate entrance examination there, please tell me earlier, and I will give you activities in school. "

"I don't know either. What the school means is that you have to come back as soon as you graduate and obey the state's distribution. Graduate students don't just take the exam if they want to."

"That's why I said to help you move around."

"Let's talk about it. I'm not used to being alone outside without seeing my brother. I still want to come back early to be with my brother."

"The chicks always fly to the sky, and you, you can't always revolve around me. You have to have your own circle and associate with friends that belong only to you; not every friend of yours is common to us. "

"I have my own friends, the female classmates in the class, brother, you don't talk to them very much, but I have a very good relationship with them."

"Well, it's okay. Anyway, take good care of yourself after you go out."

"Don't worry, I'm not a kid anymore."

"That's right, you are no longer a child, you have grown into an adult. Tonight, I will take you to do something that an adult should do."

"What's up?"

"Eat supper and drink beer."

"Pfft, what am I thinking?"

At this time, after eight o'clock in the evening, there are basically no shops or restaurants that are open again on the street.

However, there are no absolutes, and there are exceptions.

Next to the Capital Cinema, there is a snack department of Xinfeng Restaurant, which is open every day until after eleven o'clock in the evening.

Here, only beer, cold dishes, and wontons that can fill the stomach are sold.

It's rare that there is a place where you can have a drink at night. Of course, young people like this place, and the business here is definitely not bad.

When Nanyi and Liu Zhen arrived, there was only one seat with the worst position left, and they had no choice. Talk about the mountains outside.

Nan Yi looked at the menu on the wall, and when the waiter came over, he ordered a few cold dishes, bean curd sticks and celery, pork head meat, spiced peanuts, and a liter of loose beer in a bottle.

The loose beer at this time can be understood as draft beer, and it is served in a plastic draft beer cup, and the water is too much, so it is called beer in the market.

But even so, it is still in short supply.

In the beginning, you could go to state-run restaurants to buy loose beer alone, but because of the popularity, the restaurant began to sell some matching products. It's okay to buy loose beer, first buy some cold dishes, if you don't buy it, you won't sell your loose beer.

Therefore, there is at least one pot of cold dishes on every table in the store, among which the spiced peanuts are the most.

A liter of loose beer is 40 cents; a bottle of beer is 53 cents, including a charge of 15 cents for the bottle. Nanyi ordered a bunch, and the total cost is more than four yuan, which is considered a mid-to-high-end consumption in the store.

As for the top consumption, of course it was Nanyi and the others at the next table, seven or eight young people.

There are one or two cold dishes, and there are a lot of bottles of beer on the table. At a glance, there are no less than twenty bottles, which is more than ten yuan, including about twelve yuan for cold dishes.

When eating out at this time, you will never see anyone who evades orders. How to escape, they always give money tickets first, and then eat food.

Young and young, they care about face and are vain. It is estimated that they have already told each other before going out that they must bring enough deposit.

Others usually order a few bottles first, and then ask for a few more bottles after drinking.

It's just their table, and putting the bottles on the table is actually showing off. If I really want to drink too much, some of the bottles will fall off [cèi], I guess it will not only hurt my heart, but also make my liver tremble.

"Brother, the pork head meat tastes good."

"Eat more if it tastes good. When you come to China, if you want to eat Chinese food, you have to go to Brooklyn or Flushing, New York. There are basically southern tastes, and you may not be used to it. In Cambridge, you want to find authentic Chinese food. Chinese food, you may not be able to find it.”

"Huh? Brother, you have been to the country of Yi, and you know it so well?"

"Haha, actually, I did my homework beforehand, just to maintain my dignity as an older brother in front of you."

Liu Zhen smiled, and suddenly looked in one direction.

Nan Yi turned his head and saw two girls in green, with lipstick on their mouths, striding back and forth.

"Brother, what are those two doing?"

"Don't look, sister Yao is not as good as a stinky circle. If you want to say hello and buy her a bottle of wine, she will stick to you and talk nonsense with you.

She usually doesn't tell the truth. If you ask her where she is from, she will tell you about Zhengyangmen today, but she will change it to Gongzhufen tomorrow. You can't tell her the truth, otherwise, if you open your mouth, there is no one in Sijiu City that she doesn't know.

One by one, no matter whether you have heard of it or not, she just swung it out.

People are also more casual, and if they really want to drink too much, they don't mind going to the night with men. That is to say, most people don't have any land to bring, otherwise, who knows what kind of rot they will be. "

At this time, men and women want to eat the forbidden fruit. If they don't worry about the house like Nanyi, they really can't figure out where the crime is committed.

Take home, definitely not.

As for the guest house, aside from the danger of hooliganism, do you have a letter of introduction?

No letter of introduction to open a fart room.

What does a letter of introduction look like?

Generally, a piece of paper smaller than A4 paper is cut in half, with a letter of introduction written on the head of a certain unit, and then the number XX is written in the upper right corner or lower right corner; there is a blank in the upper left corner for Fill in the name of the reception unit.

Content of the main text: I would like to introduce the comrade "XX in this unit", what to do when you come/go to your place, please contact/please contact me.

Then fill in the date in the lower right corner, stamp the official seal, and some even indicate the validity period on the introduction letter.

Don't say that most young people can't get a letter of introduction, even if they can get it, what should they do if they open a house in the capital with a letter of introduction from a unit in the capital?

Well, choose for yourself, whether to call the police station or the work correction team.

You want to say that on the curb of the main road, finding a secluded place is a good thing. It's still the same, being caught by the labor corrections team and interrogated, when it arrives, it will inevitably be charged with hooliganism.

"There is also a woman in the alley of my house, who hangs out with stubborn bosses every day, and often spends nights outside. Isn't she like this?" Liu Zhen said.

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