Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 484 Eastern Telegraph Bureau

"The closing price of Cannes Yingni today is 32.2, and the stockholders are very enthusiastic about it. It will go up as soon as the market opens tomorrow. I estimate that it can rise to around 40 at the close tomorrow. As long as we push it again, it can rise to around 43 yuan at the close."

Zhao Shixian regained his composure, and said to Nanyi: "When it reaches 45 yuan, if you want the stock price to go up, you need new good news. Is your foreign woman ready?"

"Okay, don't speak so harshly, what kind of foreign woman is not a foreign woman, people have names and surnames."

"Hmph, I also know that she is a nobleman, so sharp." Zhao Shixian said sourly.

"Don't be endless, it's almost enough. Tomorrow, you and Catherine will meet and discuss how to cooperate, so as to raise the stock price as soon as possible. The 26.5% of the shares must be cashed out, and strive to return more than 400 million Hong Kong dollars in funds."

"Don't say 400 million, even 500 million is not a big problem, as long as every step is done perfectly, without any mistakes, and let the supervisory committee catch the handle. I will definitely not have any problems here, just look at other links .”

"Other links have been carefully deployed, and there will be no problems." Nanyi turned up the air conditioner and covered Zhao Shixian's bald back, "It's getting late, go to sleep."

"Go to bed first, I want to watch "A Thousand Purples and Reds"."

Nan Yi asked in surprise: "Why do you think of watching mainland programs? Shouldn't you be watching "Happy Tonight" at this point?"

"I watched half of it last Saturday, and tonight it will be replayed, so I will watch the other half."

Zhao Shixian took the TV remote control and pressed it, and quickly tuned to Guangdong TV Station, watching with relish, Nan Yi glanced at it, and was not interested in watching, so he fell asleep directly.


The next day, at 8:30 in the morning, the coffee shop of Oriental Mandarin Hotel.

"Shixian Zhao, I am a woman." Nan Yi first introduced Zhao Shixian to Catherine, and then pointed to Catherine to introduce Zhao Shixian: "Catherine Bolin, I am a woman, you two talk slowly and carefully, it is best Don't fight... you can fight if you want to, but don't hit your face."

Zhao Shixian and Catherine just looked at each other, there was no hostility between them, but they gave Nanyi a supercilious glance.

Bearing the eyes of the two, Nan Yi smiled, stood up and said, "I have something to do in the morning, you two communicate, Catherine, give me your business card, I will use it later."

"Adam, where are you going?" Catherine asked while pulling out her business card.

"I have an appointment with Farrier, the president of the Oriental Telegraph Company, and I have lunch with him."

"for you."

After taking Catherine's business card, Nan Yi greeted the two women and left.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the hotel, a whistle sounded in Nanyi's ears, "Handsome guy, where do you want to go? I have a car, do you want to give you a ride?"

"Take your lead, why are you still here, didn't you leave?"

Following the voice, Nan Yi walked up to Nan Ruofing, who was wearing a pink T-shirt, denim overalls, and a pair of big red cat-shaped sunglasses, sitting on the front of the car, "Aren't you looking for a Feng Shui master to see the land today?" ?”

"Dad, did you let a woman get your brains confused? I'm a brat, who cares about me? I found Aunt Liang, and she has already sent someone to help me see a Feng Shui master."

"Remember, you must distinguish between public and private in the future. You can no longer turn to Huiwen for your own private affairs. I will notify Qian Haohui and arrange two full-time lawyers for you, and then ask Yamei to split a small South Office from the South Office. Let Xiao Nan be responsible for your own private affairs."

Nan Ruofing jumped off the front of the car, pulled Nan Yi's sleeve and said with a smile: "Xiao Nanban, okay, I also have my own secretarial team, Dad, let's discuss it again, shall we?"

"You don't need to say it, I know what you want to say, my father will be responsible for the salary of the staff in Xiaonan's office. You little girl knows how to cheat my father out of filming. Poor your father, I'm so poor."

"Hey, Dad, you are so capable, isn't it easy to earn some money from your own house? Dad, come on, I'll go first. I'm going to attend lectures at the University of Beijing today, and I won't be back until four in the afternoon." Nan Ruofing snapped Patted Nanyi's arm, gave a word of encouragement, then opened the door and got in the car.

slip away!

Looking at the exhaust of the car, Nan Yi shook his head.

After a while, he also got into his car, "School beauty, go to Quarry Bay Park to stay for a while, it's still early, I'll read the newspaper first."


On the way, I found a newsstand on the corner of the street and bought a stack of newspapers. When I arrived at the park, Nan Yi found a chair in the corner and sat down to read the newspapers.

There was nothing worth paying attention to in the newspaper today, and it took Nanyi less than an hour to read even celebrity gossip.

Seeing that Nanyi had put away the newspaper, the school girl walked up to Nanyi and said, "Nansheng, I want to talk to you about something."

"Sit down and talk." Nan Yi patted the chair and said.

Xiaohua sat next to Nanyi and said, "I've saved a lot of money in the past few years, and it's useless all the time. I want to invest the money. Nansheng, where do you think it should be invested?"

"How much have you saved?"

"In addition to the 100,000 US dollars of salary I gave to my family, I have saved everything else and have hardly spent it."

"Oh, there are quite a few." Nan Yi pondered for a while and said, "Well, don't worry, the Emotional Policy Committee is already planning to establish a Nan's Workers' Committee, which will represent the rights and interests of all Nan's employees.

Under this committee, a pension fund will be established. After you retire in the future, your pension will be paid by the pension fund;

In addition, a pancake fund will be established. This fund holds shares in the companies under Nan’s Group. The specific share has not yet been determined. In the future, some employees of each company will hold a certain share of the shares of the company they serve. Dividends, the right to recover dividends free of charge after resignation or retirement.

Your work is a bit special, and there is no profit sharing. My original idea was to set up another defense fund, inject a certain amount of funds every year, and give you a lump sum pension when you retire.

Now it seems that this fund needs to expand its functions, and the idle funds of the defense team members are also entrusted to this fund.

However, forget about yours, you have been with me all the time, and there is no chance to spend money. If you can save money for living, take out half of your money to buy a little property in Xiangtang, and you should be able to buy two luxury houses.

The remaining half of the money will be put in my private money, and my personal investment will be counted as your share in the future.

In the future, the rent of the property you hold will allow you to live well, plus your pension, pension and savings, your retirement life will be very secure, and you will be able to support a few poor faces at that time. "

Before Xiaohua could respond to Nanyi's joke, her phone rang.

After picking it up and listening for a while, he handed the phone to Nan Yi immediately, "Nan Sheng, the old lady's phone number."

"Grandma, what's the matter?" Nanyi said after taking the phone.

"Where is my eldest grandson?"

"in the park."

"There's something I need your help with."

"Ouch, my grandma, what else can you not do by yourself, and you want me to do it?" Nan Yi laughed.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's inconvenient for me to come forward on this matter. Your grandfather has an old subordinate named Li Zhiyuan. Back then, his wife Yue Guoying and eldest son Li Jianjun came to Hong Kong. By accident, both Li Zhiyuan and Yue Guoying remarried. Now Li Jianjun If something happens, go and help him."

Fang Mengyin succinctly explained the relationship between the characters.

"Escape from Hong Kong?"


"Must help?"

"To help, the Nan family owes Li Zhiyuan a favor, and you have a share in this favor, and you are obliged to pay it back." Fang Mengyin said affirmatively.

"Okay, don't die? Just wait if you don't die. I have a lot of work to do."

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone. You send someone over to listen."

"Grandma, are you in the group office?"

"I'm not going out today, I'll send someone over at any time."

"Okay, half an hour."

After Nanyi finished speaking, he hung up the phone and said to the school belle, "Ask someone to find my grandma in Fang's Group and find out what's going on."


Xiaohua agreed, and arranged for someone to go to Fang's Group.

Nan Yi then sat in Quarry Bay Park for a while, and then took a car to Xiangxi Club.


The Eastern Telegraph Bureau was established in 1872. It was the world's first international telegraph business company. It was a privately held company at the beginning. After World War I, the territory of the Eagle Country occupied a quarter of the earth, and the Eastern Telegraph Bureau became the communications of the Great Eagle Empire. center.

In 1947, the Commonwealth established the Communications Commission, and the Eastern Telegraph Bureau was nationalized;

In 1981, the Eastern Telegraph Bureau was privatized and some private shareholders were added, but most of the shares were still controlled by Downing Street; in the same year, the Eastern Telegraph Bureau was reorganized and officially registered in Hong Kong as "Eastern Telegraph Bureau (Xiang Chuan) Co., Ltd." ".

Last year, the Eastern Telegraph Bureau acquired the Hong Kong Telephone Company from Jardine Matheson, and the internal and external communication services of Xiang Lai were all provided by the Eastern Telegraph Bureau.

In the same year, the Eastern Telegraph Bureau and Shenzhen Teng established a joint venture, Shenzhen University Telephone, to operate public telephony services in the urban area of ​​Shenzhen, and to provide users with long-distance and international telephone services through the long-distance and international facilities of the Shenzhen Post and Telecommunications Bureau.

Before 1982, the Eastern Telegraph Bureau had no business in the British mainland. Its main business was in the Commonwealth area, whether it was Hong Kong, Omen, or India, it had its communication business.

It is precisely because most of the business of the Eastern Telegraph Office is not in the British mainland, and the political resistance to privatization is the lowest, so Thatcher will choose it to be the first company to be privatized.

After the privatization of the Oriental Telegraph Bureau, it began to cut costs, and at the same time increased the remuneration and dividends of the management, which to a certain extent increased the stock price, but after all, it has been a state-owned enterprise for decades, and the backbone of it is "state-owned enterprise People", naturally there are common problems of state-owned enterprises.

The common problems of state-owned enterprises and the international status of Eagle Country will gradually decline. Nan Yi is sure that the Eastern Telegraph Bureau will start to decline and its business will gradually shrink. He will first step into the Eastern Telegraph Bureau and wait for its business to start. After shrinking, cannibalizing the regional business he needs.

Nanyi remembers that in his previous life, there should have been a "Xiangcheng Telecom" in Xiangcheng. This company almost monopolized Xiangcheng's fixed-line business, but now this company does not exist in Xiangcheng. He guessed that there are only three possibilities:

One of the Hong Kong Oriental Telegraph Office and Hong Kong Telephone was reorganized or acquired and became "Xiang Telecommunication"; or the two merged and reorganized or were acquired to become "Xiang Telecommunication".

There is only one of these three possibilities. It is impossible for Hong Kong Telecom to be a new company emerging at some point in the future. How much does the telephone network cost.

This is a project of a private company, not a government communication project, and there is no such thing as expropriation.

Punching a hole in someone else's wall, installing a wiring box, etc. will inevitably require compensation. If these costs are spread, unless the phone bill receives sky-high prices, you can't expect to pay back for decades.

Therefore, Hong Kong Telecom must be established on the basis of the old company, and it cannot be a newly established company.

It is precisely because of this that Nanyi has a strong interest in the Eastern Telegraph Bureau.

Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter.

Keli Island, the venue of the Hong Kong Yacht Club.

On the trestle bridge, Nan Yi shook hands with a middle-aged white man in his fifties.

"Adam Nan."

"David Farrier, there are too many people called David, Mr. Adam can just call me Farrier." Farrier said.

"Mr. Farrier, you can call me Adam directly. Let's go on a yacht first. While fishing, while enjoying the sea breeze, tasting red wine and eating seafood, it will be a very good enjoyment."

"I believe so. I usually have free time. I like to go out to sea and enjoy the tranquility of the sea." Farrier said.

"OK, let's go."

Nan Yi made a gesture of invitation, inviting Farrier to board the yacht.

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