"It must be easy to do, but we don't know how to sell things abroad."

After Yan Pannan was happy for a while, he became a little confused again.

"It's up to you to find your own way. If you want to sell things abroad, it's difficult or easy to say. It depends on whether you can find the right temple door."

The two were chatting, and before they knew it, the car had arrived at the door of the old bungalow. Nan Yi and Ye Yan got out of the car first, Yan Pannan continued to stay in the car, and followed the car to Dongdan to pick up her boyfriend.

When Nanyi pushed the gate of the courtyard, he saw an Audi 100 parked in the north corner of the old bungalow, and the license plate was still black.

Those with a black card will come here, needless to say, only Men San'er.

Walking into the living room, Men San'er didn't see it, only saw Emma and Ding Yiku.

"Uncle Nan."

When Ding Yiku saw Nanyi, he staggered towards him with small steps.

"Barton, do you miss Uncle Nan?"

Nanyi hugged Ding Yiku and asked with a smile.

The name Yiku is always a bit awkward for Nanyi to call, but he still prefers to call Ding Yiku's English name Barton.


"Uncle Nan misses you too, how many days will you stay in the capital this time?"

"I don't know, I have to ask my mother."


Nan Yi glanced at Emma, ​​her face was a little unnatural, as if she had something on her mind.

"Barton, play by yourself first, Uncle Nan has guests."


Ding Yiku agreed, then struggled to get off the ground.

Nanyi put Button down, first poured Ye Kai a cup of tea, then sat beside Liu Zhen, and said to Emma, ​​"Are you here today?"

"Yesterday, Adam, I have something to tell you."

"It's not very convenient now. There will be guests coming over later. If you're not in a hurry, I'll treat you to lunch at noon tomorrow. Let's talk again?"


Nanyi can basically guess what Emma wants to talk to him about. If it's about business, she doesn't need to come forward at all, it must be Men Saner.

Most likely, Men San'er was dishonest in Tokyo, and was discovered by Emma.

Nan Yi originally wanted to entertain Yan Pannan and her boyfriend Chen Xun at home, but with Emma around, Nan Yi had to take them out to eat.

At the dinner table, regarding Nanyi's help to Yan Pannan, Chen Xun simply thanked him, and didn't say anything about being a cow or a horse in the next life to repay him. This kind of talk seems to be very important, but in fact it is like farting.

After drinking a glass of wine and eating a few mouthfuls of food, Chen Xun said: "Comrade Nan, just now Pan Nan told me about the idea of ​​selling things abroad, and I had such an idea before.

Last year, I ran across Manzhouli and Anton, and saw people in those two places secretly selling things to the opposite side. A down jacket of that kind could be sold in Suxiu for twenty or thirty yuan.

I wanted to learn to do that too, but after inquiring about it later, I found out that this business is not something you can do if you want to. You must have acquaintances in the border guards on the opposite side. Otherwise, let alone making money, you may lose your life. "

"Oh, then have you inquired about the biggest force in the border trade over there?"

"Anton's side basically works alone, and they are all local people; the biggest one in Manzhouli is a group of Cantonese people. I heard that they are all from the same village. They passed away a long time ago. The relationship between Suxiu's side very good."

The Cantonese people Chen Xun mentioned should be the rotten cloth heads and cigarette butt columns in Wenchangwei.

After the two teams successfully joined forces in Ulan Bator, where Haitang was bloody and tearful, some people retreated to the northeast, some stayed in Ulaanbaatar, and the most people walked up the Siberian railway line, all the way, all the way, passing through Moscow , into the whole of Eastern Europe, and even the whole of Europe.

"Chen Xun, you don't need to be so pretentious, just call me Nanyi. If you really want to do foreign trade, I still suggest you go out and have a look and learn about the market. You can apply for the passport yourself, and I can do the visa here. help."

Nan Yi's original idea was just to tell Chen Xun the temple gate of the import and export, and let him know where to burn the incense, but after a few conversations, Nan Yi had a good impression of Chen Xun, and he was naturally willing to provide more s help.

"Go out and have a look?"

Chen Xun chewed on Nanyi's words, then turned to look at Yan Pannan with a questioning look.

"Since Brother Yi said so, Chen Xun, go out and have a look."

When they were talking to each other just now, Yan Pannan found out that he was younger than Nanyi, so he immediately hit him with a stick and called Nanyi brother.

"Then leave this matter to Nan Yi." Chen Xun said politely.

"It's not a big deal, come on, Chen Xun, Pan Nan, let's continue eating, try this chicken, the Lingbei salt-baked chicken made by a Sichuan chef, and see if you can catch the eyes of you two true gods."

Yan Pannan took a piece of chicken, tasted it, and said, "The taste is quite good, very similar to the authentic ones. I didn't expect Sichuan chefs to cook Xishi dishes so well."

"Chen Xun, what do you think?"

Chen Xun said honestly: "It's delicious, but I don't know if it's authentic or not. I've never eaten authentic Lingbei salt-baked chicken."

"Why haven't you eaten, didn't we eat together last time?" Yan Pannan said.

"The cook at the one we went to is not a Xishi, so the cooking may not be authentic."

"Haha, it doesn't matter whether it's authentic or not, as long as you think it's delicious, there will also be a steamed bun with horse sword meat, and we will eat it as a staple food."

After getting in touch, Nan Yi knew that Chen Xun and Yan Pannan were both very assertive and a bit strong masters. The combination of the two powers would definitely be accompanied by bumps and bumps. He didn't want to see the two of them quarreling because of "authentic or not authentic".

After accompanying the two of them for dinner, Nan Yi sent them to the guest house, opened two rooms, and settled them down before he left.

"Let's go, let's meet the people from the south." Back in the car, Nan Yi said to Ye Qi who had been waiting.

"Who are you going to meet soon?"

"The professional who specializes in wholesale markets in the south, most of the funds needed will fall on him."

"Okay, where are we going?"

"Friendship Hotel."

Twenty minutes later, the two of Nan Yi had already appeared in the guest room of the Friendship Hotel.

"Weighing Duo, let me introduce you. This is Lou Yuchun, the general manager of Nanguo Hongdou Commercial Real Estate Development Company. Mr. Lou, this is Ye Qi, my buddy."

"Hello, Comrade Ye, I'm Lou Yuchun."

Lou Yuchun stretched out his hand and shook Ye Kai with a good manner, completely different from the mud-legged guy Nanyi first met.

When Nanguo Hongdou was first established, Ueto Masami was in charge of it, but later the Nanguo family expanded so fast, and Ueto Masami was busy with affairs, and it was impossible to manage it. Nanguo Hongdou naturally needed to find a new person in charge, and he had to choose from time to time. They chose Lou Yuchun, who was not very qualified at that time.

Fortunately, Lou Yuchun has made rapid progress since he took office, and soon demonstrated good management and operation capabilities. By now, he has grown into a management talent who owns shares.

Moreover, he still has a lot of room for growth, and the future can be expected.

Maybe, Lou Yuchun will become Lou's tie, Lou's belt, Lou's target or something in the future.

"Mr. Lou, hello, hello."

Ye Qian held Lou Yuchun's hand, keeping his posture very low.

"Weighing Duo, that's fine, don't be so polite, my grandma is one of the owners of Nanguo Red Bean."

"Hey, that's it, so they are all our own people."

"Let's avoid the politeness, let's just talk about the business." Nanyi said, took out the simple drawing he drew from his pocket, and spread it on the table, "The building is always like this. The place I am optimistic about is Qinghe. It is two A factory..."

Nanyi introduced the situation of Changhe Woolen's empty factory.

"Only one bus?"

After listening to Nanyi's introduction, Lou Yuchun asked.

"At present, there is only one trip. The wholesale market is booming, and the traffic may be a bit problematic. But this problem is not a big problem. We can go to the district to negotiate. Invigorating the economy is the main task of the governments of various places. Opening an additional line or increasing the number of trains. talk.

In addition, I also want to practice the service of door-to-door delivery. Our wholesale market can raise several cars to deliver goods to wholesalers. "

"Nan... Yi, door-to-door delivery is a good idea, but to achieve this, we must strengthen the management of the wholesale market, put an end to dishonest operations, put an end to shoddy products, and ensure that the quality of wholesalers' products is consistent.

After several times of cooperation, the customer does not need to choose by himself, just make a phone call, and we will send him the goods with guaranteed quality. "

"Yes, the quality must be guaranteed, not to mention how good the quality of the goods must be, but the goods must be in the right version, and the goods must be what the customer wants. In addition, I have an idea that Qinghe is only used as a showroom For a small wholesale business, the warehouse is not located in Qinghe, but in the urban area, so that it is convenient to transfer goods and deliver goods."

When Nanyi thought of being a clothing wholesale market, it thought of logistics business. It started with intra-city logistics, slowly expanded to cross-regional logistics, and then established its own logistics bases in various places.

When the policy allows, the business will directly penetrate into the express delivery field.

In the far future, let Fan Hongdou decide whether he wants to step into the e-commerce field. Nanyi is only responsible for the logistics business to establish a logistics base, and Fan Hongdou will do the rest.

According to Nanyi's current plan, all Nan's industries in the mainland that have nothing to do with "high technology" will be handed over to Fan Hongdou in the future, and a group of younger brothers and sisters will be arranged to assist her.

"This idea is very good. In order to better control the quality and recover the operating expenses of the warehouse, I suggest that some of the stalls in the market should be operated by us, so that we can also achieve a demonstration effect."

"Well, Mr. Lou's proposal is very good. It should be our own operation. I think the ratio of three to seven is more appropriate. In addition, I have another idea. The wholesalers in our wholesale market don't want to be second-hand dealers. We directly Manufacturers and first-level wholesalers in the south are invited to settle in.

In addition, I have an immature idea. Our wholesale market has no concept of stalls, and we don’t charge any booth fees. Wholesalers’ products enter our wholesale market for free. Wholesalers don’t need to guard their booths. Just send the goods to our warehouse, and then send someone over to meet them and check the daily shipments.

Isn’t the load-bearing of the floor not enough, then we will open up the second floor as an office, which is used to accommodate representatives of various wholesalers and our non-business personnel.

The tellers, shopping guides, and salespersons in the wholesale market are all our own people.

The clothes displayed in the market are not displayed in different blocks according to different wholesalers, but are mixed and matched. At the beginning, they are arranged randomly. When there are sales, they are arranged according to the sales volume. In a relatively conspicuous golden position; those that sell poorly are placed in the corners.

If there is something that cannot be sold, it will be removed from the shelves within a certain period of time. "

"Nanyi, the golden location, shall we use half of it to collect money? Whoever pays, we will put his goods in the golden location?" Lou Yuchun said.

"Mr. Lou, your idea is very good. We can divide the prime position into two parts, one part is won by real effort, the better the sale, the better the display position; the other part is by bidding, three days or one week is a unit, The higher the payment, the better the display position. When the time comes, we will re-bid. This additional business, we can call it a direct pit.

As I said before, we do not charge any booth fees, and wholesalers are free to settle in, so where is our profit point?

It's very simple, take the sales promotion point, 5% of the sales volume or other figures, and divide it into several levels. The better the sales, the lower our promotion points will be, and more discounts will be given to wholesalers; the worse the sales, we will The higher the point is, it is not impossible to be half as high.

In short, we want to keep the competitive wholesalers and kick out all those who are not good enough.

Our wholesale market is called Qinghe International Garment City. Qinghe International’s main purpose is not to make money. What we want to do is to help small and medium wholesalers grow up. If you don’t enter Qinghe today, you will have no business tomorrow. How about this slogan? "

"Okay, this slogan is full of energy, Nanyi, it's awesome, it's one set." Ye Qian praised with smoke from his mouth.

"Are you excited?" Nan Yi laughed and said, "I'll give you a little discount, one hundred thousand yuan plus you, I'll give you 15% of the shares, and you don't care how much Qinghe International will cost to operate, your shares It's fixed, it doesn't dilute."

"It's not very good, you said it's so big, Qinghe International can't be done with a million dollars, right?" Ye Qi said embarrassedly.

"I've said it all, you don't care how much it costs, anyway, you own 15% of the shares, so don't be polite to me, this share is not so easy to get, you have to give it to Qinghe International Platform, as long as you do a good job, I will let you You have millions of sons and daughters, and wherever you go, people call you Papa Ye."

"Yeah, what I said before was good, but now I'm out of tune again."

"Hahaha, don't think I'm joking. Someday you really have so many sons." Nan Yi laughed, and immediately said in a serious manner: "Two things, one is the matter of Changhe Wool Spinning, you should get it done as soon as possible ; Second, I will come up with a plan as soon as possible, and after Changhe Wool Spinning is finished, you take the plan to raise funds.

The object of the fundraising is the children of the big courtyard like you. The starting point is 500, the upper limit is 20,000, and you can't vote more than you want. "

Ye Qian thought for a while and said, "You asked me to raise funds, not for money?"

"Unity is strength, unity is strength, this strength is iron, this strength is steel, harder than iron and stronger than steel..."

"Beating sex!"

The three of them conspired in the guest room of the hotel, and they hadn't finished talking until half past nine.

Nan Yi suggested to continue the conversation at dinner time the next day. He had to go back first. Before ten o'clock, Liu Zhen had to go to bed, so he couldn't go back too late.

Lying on the bed, Nan Yi said to Liu Zhen: "Tomorrow afternoon, I will go to the gate of your unit. At three o'clock, you ask Lin Tiao to come out. I have something to ask her."

"Her? What's the matter?"

"Please polish my application and turn it into a flowery stereotyped essay. I want to apply to Haidian District to establish a clothing wholesale market."

"Then you are looking for Lin Tiao, but you are looking for the wrong person. She is not a secretary, and she is not good at this. All right, you give me the application, and I will find someone to polish it for you."

"That's fine, I'll hand it over to you when I finish writing it."


"Stand upright with your feet close together, your hands hanging by your legs, your eyes looking forward, and your tongue on your palate; follow me, lift your hands from the side of your legs to your chest, make a fist with both hands, the center of the fist upwards, the back of the fist downwards, and your hands Pull the arm back slightly.

Bend your knees slightly, separate the soles of your feet to the left and right, separate the two toes first at 45 degrees, and then divide the two heels, keep the soles of the feet on the ground, do not leave the ground, keep your chest up and your abdomen in, draw your buttocks, and do not protrude backwards ..."

Nanyi abided by yesterday's agreement and came to the park again today to practice Wing Chun with the old man whom he already knew was Qiu Hanmin.

Putting airs in his hands, Nanyi said, "Old man, as soon as you are old, can't you practice magical skills like others? I practice kung fu, and I have to suffer a lot if I want to learn something famous. Don't blame me for talking Straight, you, you have old arms and legs, learning this is just a toss.”

Qiu Hanmin's eyes were fixed on Nanyi's hands and feet, and Nanyi's words were echoed in his mouth, "Young man, don't say that, old man, I don't want to learn to become famous, just exercise my muscles and bones. No matter how you practice, this is the quintessence of Chinese culture." , It’s different from those magical skills that fool people.”

"Old man, you can't talk nonsense about this. What if some great god's fans hear it and they collectively perform kung fu and beat me to outer space?"

"You are a kung fu practitioner, are you still afraid of those old men and women?"

"I'm not afraid when I'm young, but I'm scared when I'm older. My fists turn into palms, cross forward and downward, left hand up, right hand down, back of palm up, palm down."

"Boy, I have a question for you."

"Old man, if you want to ask anything, just ask, don't be so polite." Nanyi kept moving his hands, and said in his mouth.

"You are a kung fu practitioner, so you must know about kung fu. Then tell me, which kung fu is the best?"

"There is no such thing as the most powerful kung fu. Kung fu is just a force and attack technique summed up by the predecessors. The difference between a master and a mediocre player is speed and strength. As long as the speed is fast enough, the first step is to stick the knife on the opponent's neck. , heart, naturally won.

If it is unarmed combat, the speed is only a line faster, not several times faster, then the competition is strength, whether it is eye insertion, throat locking, crotch kicking, if the strength is insufficient, the enemy cannot be killed in one blow.

As long as you give the opponent room to resist, and if the opponent's strength is strong, you may be finished if you take a hit. "

Qiu Hanmin said: "You are talking about a life-and-death struggle. If you are competing in a ring, can you not attack the vital parts?"

"That is the combination of speed and strength, the combination of striking and resisting abilities. What is the old man asking about this, are you interested in Sanda?"

"I'm interested in it. When I was young, I lived with my parents in Tianlong. At that time, the martial arts gym in Tianlong was very prosperous. No matter what kind of martial art it was, I wanted to go to Tianlong to open a martial arts gym. It was convenient to learn anything. It's a pity that my parents didn't let me. Studying literature. Studying literature, I also gave up halfway and did not persevere."

"Old man, when did you join the revolution?"

"In 1938, when I was a junior at Southwest Associated University in Yunnan Province, it was almost fifty years in a flash."


Nanyi didn't continue the topic, even if he wanted to make friends, he didn't need to be in such a hurry, besides, he didn't have the attitude of being very eager to make friends.

"The left palm is stretched out straight forward, as high as the throat, with the palm pointing to the left, and the palm facing forward. Relax, be natural, and don't be too stiff. The Wing Chun I learned was inherited from Yan Wing Chun. Women are passing it on, without too many improvements, it is more suitable for women to practice.

It's just right for you, though, with a little softness, to unclog your old arms and legs. "

"Okay, it's much easier to move around."

"I'm going to call it a day. I'm here today. I can't compare with you. I have a big family waiting for me to support me. I have to go to work."

"Young man, don't be humble. Although I don't know what you do, I can tell that you must have a good life, and the saying of supporting a family is over."

"Same, I almost have to support my family." Nanyi walked to the tree, took off his schoolbag, and greeted Qiu Hanmin, "Let's go, old man."

"Isn't it still the same tomorrow?"

"Well, same."

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