Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 536 Meeting the Phoenix Man Again

[The last chapter was reviewed, and a paragraph was continued, book friends who didn't read it in time, don't be offended. ]

Time flies to July 22, the weekend, the great heat.

Just at 7:40 in the morning, the weather was surprisingly hot. Nanyi wound up the clockwork, and then pressed the switch. The mechanical fan he bought yesterday began to creak and spin.

"I said you don't think it's troublesome. Isn't the electricity very good? Why are you looking for a wind-up one?"

"It's not the same. This is an object. Although the stock is a bit high, it's still worth two yuan." Nanyi said after eating the last mouthful of porridge.

As soon as Nan Yi's voice fell, Yan Du came to report, "Mr. Nan, the owner of the painting is here to pick up the painting."

"Hey, I don't play cards according to common sense, come here so early." Nanyi thought for a while and said: "Uncle Yan, charge him one hundred and fifty. If he leaves without saying anything, let the tiger cub follow. If you want to smash the store, let him smash it and blackmail him."

"Okay, Mr. Nan."

"Nanyi, are you going out today?"

"I want to go out at noon, but that old Qiu who practiced boxing with me doesn't know what's going on, he insists on asking me to go to his house for dinner at noon, and ask him what's the matter, but he didn't answer me, he was mysterious."

"You didn't tell him you were married, did you?"

"I haven't talked to him about family matters."

"Then he probably has an unmarried daughter, and he asked you to come over for dinner to introduce the two of you." Liu Zhen teased.

"Hey, then I have to make a good impression on my future father-in-law and mother-in-law. Let me tell you, if it really works out on my side, don't cry and be reluctant to divorce me, don't hold me back , I am a person who wants to make progress."

"Don't worry, if it happens, I won't hold you back. Or, let's talk about the divorce certificate now?"

"Take a break, the Civil Affairs Bureau will not be working this weekend."

"You still need to say, I don't know what the weekend is." Liu Zhen gave Nan Yi a hygienic eye, put down the chopsticks, and said, "Help me get the dental floss."

"It's not on the table... Eh, you use it so fast?" Nanyi said, looking at the empty floss container on the table.

"I accidentally dropped it on the floor yesterday and spilled it. Go get it quickly. The fritter is stuck between your teeth."

"Look, aren't your teeth very dense, and things get stuck too?" Nan Yi grabbed Liu Zhen's chin and looked into her mouth, "The qigong masters outside can pull out teeth in the air, but I'm not a master. I'll show you picking your teeth from a distance. Open your mouth, relax, and don't let your heart beat."

"I'm a living person, so why isn't my heart beating?" Liu Zhen spat.

"Are you going to be obedient? I'm telling you not to be nervous. When you get nervous, my qigong is easy to be distorted. If I knock out your tongue, it depends on you."

"Dexing, you really think of yourself as Zhou Derong, hurry up and get the dental floss."

"Here we go."

In the morning, Nan Yi stayed with Liu Zhen at home, and at half past ten, Nan Yi went to Qiu Hanmin's house with some fruit.

Qiu Hanmin's house is located at the gate of the palace. Coincidentally, there is a courtyard not far from his house. There are two trees planted in the backyard, a lilac tree on the left and a lilac tree on the right.

The clove smells bitter. According to Feng Shui, this kind of tree is not suitable to be planted in the yard, which will make the life of the people living in it miserable.

It is probably certain that Lu Xun does not believe in feng shui, so he lived here for two long years in the house he bought for 800 yuan, while his very old-fashioned wife, Zhu An, only lived here with a snap of his fingers. Twenty years in between.

Looking for the house number, Nanyi came to the outside of Qiu Hanmin's courtyard. Against the courtyard wall, there were many women with children squatting at the base of the wall. The courtyard wall was not low, which just blocked the sunlight and formed a shady place. .

These women should be the nannies of each family, and they can chat with each other while taking care of the children.

The courtyard door of Qiu Hanmin's house was wide open, and one could walk inside without knocking.

Nan Yi stepped over the threshold and directly entered the front yard. There were also two trees in the yard, a catalpa on the left and a crabapple on the right.

Both are fortune trees and well-being trees that are very suitable for planting in the yard.

"Boy Nan, why didn't you scream when you came? If I didn't just come out, I wouldn't know you were here." Qiu Hanmin walked to Nan Yi and said.

"I've just arrived, and I'm thinking about your two trees. It seems that this tree was planted by the previous owner, right?"

"Then I don't know. When I moved in, these two trees were already there. Looking at the canopy, these two trees are at least twice my age. They should have been planted during the Guangxu period. The weather is hot, Nan boy, don't stand outside, come in and sit."


Nan Yi responded, and followed Qiu Hanmin into the east room.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw three men and two women sitting on the sofa and chairs in the living room.

Among them, the older woman stood up from the sofa when she saw Nanyi, and greeted with a smile: "You are Nanyi, right? Lao Qiu often mentions you at home."

"Boy Nan, let me introduce you. This is my wife, Liao Yaqin, who works in a cultural unit." Qiu Hanmin waited for Liao Yaqin to greet him and introduced.

According to what Nanyi called Qiu Hanmin "Qiu Lao", it would be more appropriate for him to be called Liao Yaqin Grandma Liao, but out of the desire to please women, and because of a man he met just now—Chen Zheng, this made him change a given name.

"Aunt Liao, hello, I don't know what you like, so I brought you some fruit." Nan Yi said, and handed the fruit basket in his hand to Liao Yaqin.

Liao Yaqin said politely: "Oh, look, come as soon as you come, and bring any fruit."

"It's not expensive, you keep it."

"Yaqin, please accept Nan's kindness." Qiu Hanmin smoothed things over, "Nan, let me introduce you to others. This is my eldest son Qiu Donghai, and this is my second daughter Qiu Shanshan. This is my third son Qiu Heping."

After speaking, Qiu Hanmin motioned to the last person in the living room, "Chen Zheng", and said in a blunt tone, "This is my daughter's boyfriend, Chen Zheng."

"Hello, Nanyi."

"Hello, my name is Nan Yi."

"Hello, Nanyi."

Nanyi shook hands with Qiu Donghai, Qiu Shanshan, and Qiu Heping before facing Chen Zheng's calm face.

Nan Yi is a celebrity of the 77th class of Peking University, and so is Chen Zheng, a patch, a Phoenix man, not to mention the same class, even the next class and the next class will know both of them.

Nanyi knew about Chen Zheng, and it was impossible for Chen Zheng not to know about Nanyi.

Looking at Chen Zheng's face, Nan Yi smiled like a spring breeze and said, "Hello, Chen Zheng, long time no see."

"Hey, boy Nan, do you two know each other?" Qiu Hanmin asked in surprise.

"Old Qiu, Chen Zheng and I are in the same class of Peking University. He is a well-known figure in the school. I know him, but he may not know me."

Nanyi and Chen Zheng have no grudges or grudges. Chen Zheng is a phoenix man, so he won't talk too much about it with Qiu's family.

After Zhao Yu, now it's Qiu Shanshan, Nan Yi has to admire Chen Zheng's vision, at the beginning Zhao Yu was a beauty with great potential, now the thin Zhao Yu has proved this point.

The Qiu Shanshan in front of her is a beautiful woman, but the skin on her chin and neck looks very hideous, and it looks like she was burnt.

And observing the burnt part, Nanyi easily conceived a scene - when she was a child, Qiu Shanshan held the thermos bottle from a high place with her feet up and her head up, and she accidentally knocked over the thermos bottle, and the hot water splashed out It just flows down the chin and into the neck, and then is absorbed by the clothes along the collarbone.

Nan Yi guessed that there was a group of slightly less serious burns around Qiu Shanshan's collarbone where she could not see.

"What an unlucky kid." Nanyi muttered in his heart.

Nan Yi has heard many things about children being scalded by the hot water in a thermos, but those who are scalded like Qiu Shanshan are really rare, and the others are nothing more than scalding their hands or thighs.

"Oh, that's a coincidence. I never heard you say that you graduated from Peking University. You turned out to be a high-achieving student. No wonder, no wonder..."

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