People from China who have been watching the live broadcast of the Olympic Games feel very strange. From the first day of the competition, that is, July 29th in Los Angeles, as long as there are athletes from China participating in the event, they must be in the audience seats at the competition site. You can see the four spliced ​​characters of "Hua Guoxiongqi".

At the beginning, everyone thought it was a spontaneous behavior of overseas Chinese, but after watching two or three games, people with a little more savvy will find that this is not a purely spontaneous behavior, it is obviously strictly organized.

Because they found that no matter which event it is, as long as the nationalities of the champion seed players are European countries, they will always hold a can of red and yellow beverage in their hands during the break between games.

Moreover, I don't know whether it was intentional or not, whenever the camera turns to the resting athlete, it will take a close-up of the drink, so that the audience in front of the TV can clearly see the words "Rise Up!", on the other side is written the Chinese character "Xiongqi".

In addition, the slogan "Hua Guo Xiongqi" in the auditorium has changed from four pieces of pure red cloth with a red background to a white cloth with a red outline like a beverage can, and the text is in the outline .

Such an obvious hint, if he still can't understand it, there will naturally be "understandable people" to remind him so that he can understand it.

Carl Lewis, the first person in the sprint, held a Xiongqi drink in his hand, Moses, the first hurdler, held a Xiongqi drink in his hand, and the decathlete Daley Thompson held a Xiongqi drink in his hand...

What about Wabrisco Hooks, Evelyn Ashford, U. Mephat, Joan Benoist, etc., whether it is the United States, the Eagle State, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Far East, Canada European and American sports powerhouses, as long as they are seed players who have a chance to win the championship, they will have a bottle of Xiongqi drink.

This creates an illusion, as if the Xiongqi drink is a drink distributed by the Los Angeles Olympic Committee.

Since Huaguo won its first gold medal in shooting on July 29, foreign media have always expressed doubts about Huaguo's achievements, especially when the women's volleyball team defeated the host country's national team. end.

In particular, a Japanese reporter, Tsujioka, received the money, and Gido discovered after follow-up and observation that the volleyball girls in Huaguo were drinking a drink that they had never seen before in the Los Angeles Olympics, but they were often seen in this Olympics. Therefore, a meticulously crafted "Relying on "Xiongqi" to quickly attack? "The news appeared in the newspaper.

This piece of news was "accidentally" read by reporters from Huaguo, who disliked the poor writing style of Little Japan. After some polishing, it was published in domestic newspapers and periodicals, with the title changed to "Hua Guoxiong rises to sweep Los Angeles".

Once this article was published, it was widely reposted. For a while, everyone in the north and south of the river knew that there was a drink called Xiongqi, and Huaguo's Xiongqi drink became famous overseas.

Non-staple food stores, consignment stores, friendship stores, no matter what the store is, whether it sells drinks or not, during this period of time, people often go to ask if there is any "Xiong Qi" drink for sale.

Of the one billion people in the country, at least 900 million of them know that there is a drink called Xiongqi.

No matter what form of advertising, in this era, can achieve a good advertising effect. The Yanwu radio recorder and Dongfang Qiluowa refrigerator that Nanyi knew, although these two brands did not survive for a long time due to decision-making problems, they were quite popular for a few years because of their advertisements on TV stations.

"Nanyi, how much did Xiongqi spend on advertising?"

In an old bungalow, in front of the TV, Nanyi and Liu Zhen are watching the live broadcast of the game.

"The final bill hasn't come out, but it will definitely exceed 15 million." Nan Yi took a bite of the watermelon and replied casually.

"Not much."


"So many? Didn't that empty out the village?"

"No, the big head is from the Nan family." Nan Yi replied casually.

"Doesn't the trademark belong to Wenchangwei?"

"The ownership of the Chinese trademark in the mainland belongs to Wenchang Holdings, the ownership outside the mainland belongs to Nanshi, and the global ownership of the English trademark belongs to Nanshi."

"I said, with such a big commotion, it shouldn't be possible to do it just by paying money."

"I have entrusted many people and owed a few favors." Nanyi put the watermelon rind on the coffee table, wiped his mouth and said, "Xiongqi Beverage, Nan's comprehensive investment is not small, but in fact, all foreign markets increase Speaking of it, there may not be a domestic market with great potential, and Wenchangwei took a ride with the Nan family."

"Then you didn't do well in this matter. Someone will investigate in the future, and they will say that you poached the corner of Wenchangwei."

Nan Yi smiled wryly, and said, "There will be a day. Now it seems that the speed of Wenchangwei's collapse of people's hearts is faster than I expected at the beginning. Wealth is common, alas... difficult."

Liu Zhen said with a smile that was not a smile: "Why, do you want to retreat?"

"It's just a moment of emotion, what should be done or how to do it, when I decided to do it, I already expected that there would be constant troubles. Ever since Confucius said that the people can let them do what they want, but they can't let them know what they want, peasants are easy to bully and don't help .

Peasants are like dough, they can be kneaded at will, whether it is good or bad for them, after a long time, they will feel that it is their own fate.

You slap them every day, if you don’t slap them one day, they will think you are a good person; but on the other hand, give them meat every day, if you don’t, they will unite and treat you like a pig Divide the meat. "

"Well, Nan Yi, which event do you think will win the gold medal?"

"Women's platform diving, Zhou Jihong has a good chance of winning a gold medal, and the chances of other events should not be great."

"Now there are 14 gold medals, and one more gold medal is 15. Can you rank fourth?"

"Basically, this time it is the country that is thriving, with many dominant athletes, and it is the host country. Just wait and see in the next Olympic Games. South Korea will also have a lot of medals."

"Spend a lot of money to host the Olympics, and you have to give the host a little bit of sweetness. Tell me, when will our country be able to host the Olympics?"

"In a few years, it will definitely be done."

Nan Yi replied faintly, and then fell into deep thought again.

Xiongqi's first shot has been fired very resoundingly. As long as Wenchangwei does not make a big mistake and goes down one step at a time, the rewards in the future will definitely not be small.

Internationally, Xiongqi will take the path of a certain drink in his previous life and start sponsoring various extreme sports that are prone to death. Every dangerous corner of the earth should leave Xiongqi's beverage cans.

On the front line of life and death, only Xiongqi!

The rise of Xiongqi across the sky completely cut off the rise of Li Weiwei's "Oriental Magic Water". In this Olympic Games, Xiongqi stands out, and Jianli can only stand aside. Drink of choice".

Xiongqi and Jianli are both public relations and sports committees. Li Weiwei has few coins in his pocket, and Wenchangwei has a lot of money. It is clear at a glance who has the upper hand. In addition, Li Weiwei only knows those who are superior in public relations, but Wenchangwei implements everything in place from top to bottom.

The girls of the women's volleyball team, Nanyi had ordered at the beginning that 100,000 of the 500,000 sponsorship had to be given directly to them.

Which drink they like more, there is no need to guess.

Nanyi has already greeted Xian Yaohua, asking him to visit the thatched cottage and try to find a way to lure Li Jiewei to Wenchangwei and let him manage the Xiongqi Beverage Factory. I don't know if Xian Yaohua can do it.

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