Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 548 Olive Harvest Arrives

Listening to Yan Zhiwen's words, Nan Yi pouted at a girl who had just walked into the auditorium, "That's your senior sister, do you look good?"

When Yan Zhiwen heard Nanyi's words, he followed the sound and looked over, turned his head and said, "It's so beautiful, how do you know that this is my senior sister, don't you say that you are not from this school?"

"You don't usually watch movies, do you?"

"How do you know? The family conditions are not good, and I often go to the cinema without money."

When Yan Zhiwen said this, there was no inferiority complex on his face.

"That's no wonder, Lin Fangping, has acted in several movies, and is a little famous, is it good?"

Yan Zhiwen stared straight at Lin Fangping, and said in a daze, "It looks good."

"Oh, there is no rule in the university's school rules that you are not allowed to fall in love. If you like it, go after it."

"Can it be done?"

"Success, why not, you are so handsome, a woman will like you." Nan Yi said playfully: "By the way, this is still your fellow villager."

"Is she also from Shanghai?" Yan Zhiwen asked happily.

"No, people from Suzhou Province are considered fellow villagers with you."

"Can this count?"

"Whether it counts or not depends on what you say, I also like her quite a lot, if you don't become a fellow villager with her, I will go up to build a relationship with her." Nan Yixu raised his buttocks and said jokingly.

"Don't, I have climbed this fellow."

Yan Zhiwen probably really fell in love with Lin Fangping. Hearing Nanyi's jokes, he couldn't hold it any longer. He threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stood up to cheer himself up, and walked over to Lin Fangping.

Nan Yi looked at Yan Zhiwen and Lin Fangping for a while, and then turned his attention to Sophie Marceau.

After about ten minutes, a group of school leaders and teachers walked into the auditorium, sat in the first row, and the graduation report performance officially began.

As soon as the curtain opened and the actors took to the stage, Nan Yi was in a bad mood.

This strong flavor of Western stage drama makes people feel nondescript, and the actors' dialogue also has a flavor of Western drama, and the soul of drama cannot be found at all.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai's performances are also very wrong. Only Sophie Marceau's Ma Wen is interesting. It is not obtrusive at all, but has a natural smell.

After the play was over, a few leaders and teachers commented on it. They kept their faces, and they were all very polite, and they also said a few polite words such as wishing everything goes well in the future.

This attitude made Nan Yi suddenly realize that the students in this class, except for Sophie Marceau, who went through the back door, are all middle-level employees of various film studios, and all the titles are followed by a leader. In the future, the students of Jingying will graduate Assignment, they can all talk.

After the process was over, Sophie Marceau, who had changed her clothes, hopped over to look for Nanyi.

After playing outside with Sophie Marceau all day, and having dinner early, Nan Yi hurried back to the old bungalow a little later.

After getting off the car outside the courtyard gate, Nan Yi took out the water cup and handed it to Xiao Hua, "We played football for two hours in the afternoon, come on."

Xiaohua took the water glass, looked at Nanyi, pondered for a while, then took the water glass and splashed it on Nanyi's body, a little east and west. After the school flowers were splashed with water, Nan Yi picked up a handful of floating soil on the ground and threw it on his body, one piece here, one piece here.

When it looked like that, Nanyi stood on the spot and did leg raising exercises. He didn't stop until his forehead and body were sweating profusely, and stood there waiting for the sweat to dry.

"Why did you go today, why are you so dirty?"

As soon as Nanyi walked into the living room, Liu Zhen, who was sitting at the dinner table eating, asked.

"I went to Xidan to play football in the afternoon. I met a group of unruly people who dared to do anything like pulling people and shoveling legs. I was pushed down and fell. You eat first, and I go up to wash first. "

"Go, you smell of sweat." Liu Zhen sniffled and said in disgust.

"Don't talk nonsense, it's masculine."

Nan Yi made a joke, put on his slippers, dragged them and walked to the second floor.

After staying with Sophie Marceau for a day, her body must have smelled of perfume. If she didn't cover it with sweat, she would definitely be smelled by Liu Zhen. As for why he didn't take a shower before coming back, unless Liu Zhen was Ma Daha, otherwise Nanyi would have to explain why he had to take a bath outside.

In summer, it’s too easy to tell if you’ve taken a shower or not. If you take a bath outside for no reason, it’s no wonder it’s not tricky.

The pregnant woman's spirit is too sensitive, and Liu Zhen lost most of her previous shrewdness. Nanyi didn't want to stimulate her too much. If it weren't for the special situation today, he would not go to Sophie Marceau.

Nanyi is not sure whether he has concealed it from Liu Zhen just now, but in any case, he has made an effort to "conceal it", at least his attitude is worthy of recognition, isn't it that women value the attitude of men.


On August 22, Nanyi temporarily put aside all affairs in the capital and flew to Xiangtang.

Ueto Masami purchased 600,000 tons of September olive oil contracts at the Spanish Jahn Exchange at a price of 732.5 US dollars per ton. Now the price of olive oil futures has dropped to 719.2 US dollars per ton, with a book loss of 8 million US dollars.

Spain, the number one producer and exporter of olive oil this year, has a bumper harvest of olives, which is expected to provide about 1.92 million tons of olive oil. In addition to the bumper harvest of olives in other places such as Tunisia, the global olive oil production can reach 3.12 million tons Ton.

Tunisia, Gafsa province, Carthage olive oil mill.

Dewen stood in front of the shutters on the second floor of the factory office building, looked at the workers in the factory who were doing foreign work, and said to herself with a twitch: "Quickly, I can leave this damn place soon."

At the beginning, when Dewin came to Tunisia, she paid a small amount of currency and most of the grain, and contracted all the olive production in Tunisia in 1984 at an estimated price of 300,000 tons of olive oil.

But this year, Tunisia has insufficient rain and the olive harvest has failed. Only 240,000 tons of olive oil can be harvested.

It was 60,000 tons less than the estimated value, which discounted Nanyi's expected income, but the poor harvest also brought a little benefit, allowing the plan to proceed more smoothly.

When the Carthage olive oil processing plant was first put into operation, Dewin promised to distribute food every day, and pay cash salaries to employees after the olive oil was sold.

At the beginning, Tunisia was short of food, and many people across the country fell into famine. Carthage distributed food here to fill their stomachs. Of course, the Tunisians came here happily.

The Wuyang Wuyang people almost caused trouble.

There are too many people, Carthage can't use so many people, and those who can stay are the lucky ones.

But these lucky ones worked in Carthage for a month, and they were no longer hungry, their bodies recovered, and the desires buried deep in their hearts also emerged.

First, they complained about the bad food. After Dewen improved the food conditions a little, within half a month, someone complained that they couldn't go out for fun because they didn't have money.

Dewen did not satisfy them with this request, she only told them that everything should be done according to the contract signed at the beginning.

If the requirements raised are not met, there is a basis for contradiction.

In this world, opportunities will not only be given to those with backgrounds, but also to those who can seize the opportunity.

Since there are contradictions, smart people will think of using the contradictions to achieve their own goals. A worker named Juma is one of the smart people.

At the beginning of this year, a smuggling organization called "Bengal Tigers" suddenly appeared in Tunisia, smuggling food from abroad to Tunisia, and then exchanged some valuables with food and Tunisians.

Gold, silver, jewelry, copper, iron, aluminum and zinc, as long as the value is acceptable, can be exchanged for food.

For some reason, this organization actually set its sights on the Carthage olive oil processing plant, thinking of smuggling olive oil from the processing plant.

So the Bengals took on Juma, a restless smart.

Xiangxi, Nanyi was doing calculations with a calculator.

"For 40,000 tons, 750 US dollars per ton is 30 million US dollars. It is too much, and it would be a pity to burn it. Xiaohua, please make a phone call and ask if 20,000 tons can be done. Save a little bit."


The school belle answered, picked up the phone and made a call.

Nanyi moved the calculator to the side, and began to think in his heart, "Over there in Carthage, 200,000 tons of olive oil has been transferred, and the oil tank has been replaced with a mixture of soybean oil and gasoline. It's lively.

Burning 240,000 tons, it should be no problem to increase the price by tens of hundreds of dollars. It should be no problem to earn tens of millions of dollars from the futures, plus secretly selling olive oil at high prices.

Hehe, it doesn’t matter if someone breaks this game in the end. Carthage is not a listed company, and I have never thought of seeking compensation from the insurance company. I’m happy to say that all my olive oil was burned, bite me?

The olive oil market is good, and it will go up all the way in the future. You can plant some olives in the Mediterranean area. After three or four years, the olive harvest will be abundant. If you sell short and sell the olive oil all at once, it will be strange if the futures price does not drop.

I still can't find my fault. I don't decide when I plant olives and when to sell them. Why do I have to listen to others?

In a few years, it will be said that growing olives is not cost-effective, and the trees will be cut down and planted in fast-growing forests...they will stop cutting halfway, and continue to grow olives. After a few times of tossing and turning, olive oil futures can be delisted.

Tsk tsk, buddy, this operation is much better than oysters running away for a while, and then bringing the girlfriend back. "

Nanyi was still lusting after her, and the school belle had already finished making phone calls.

"Nan Sheng, no, it needs at least 30,000 tons, otherwise, the traces of burning will be too obvious."

Nanyi pressed his heart and said: "Okay, thirty thousand is thirty thousand, I don't want the child to be trapped by wolves, let Dewen watch my African compatriots carefully, and don't burn innocent people."

Before the words finished, there was a knock on Nanyi's door.

"Please come in."

"Master, the weather is hot, I made you a bowl of turtle jelly."

Mrs. Chen walked to Nanyi Dapan's table with a tray in her hands, picked up the bowl and put it on the table.

"Mrs. Chen, please excuse me."

"No trouble, no trouble, young master, take your time, I'll go down and prepare dinner first."

Mrs. Chen is very grateful to Nanyi. Although Nanyi doesn't come back to Repulse Bay often, she does a good job of paying the servants' salaries and usual benefits. Mrs. Chen's salary is usually increased twice a year, which is followed by the incense. The price of goods in Hong Kong has risen, and now she can already get 3,600 Hong Kong dollars a month, which is above the middle salary in Hong Kong.

The salaries of servants in wealthy families in Hong Kong are not high, and the current market price is between 1,200 and 1,800 Hong Kong dollars, but even so, everyone still rushes to do it, because the servants are responsible for the food and clothing of the servants. , almost all of the salary can be saved.

The gold content is very high. Although there are quite a few earning four to five thousand dollars a month, they may not be able to save ten thousand Hong Kong dollars in a year. The consumption in Hong Kong is ridiculously high, and it is really not easy to save money.

If you want to save money, you have to pick it out of your mouth, and your life in those days is several grades worse than being a servant.

Especially here in Repulse Bay, the servants at home eat the same food as Fang Mengyin, except for the rare and expensive ingredients, the servants will follow whatever Fang Mengyin eats, there is no so-called servant meal.

Mrs. Chen's three thousand six thousand a month is more nourishing than the six or seven thousand a month outside.

Nan Yi took the turtle jelly and ate it spoon by spoon. While walking to the balcony on the second floor, he looked at the Yingying and Yanyan on the beach of Repulse Bay.

It's too far away to see clearly, so just watch the excitement.

When the Guiling paste was finished, Nan Yi went back to the study with a bowl in his hand to find out the videotape "The True Colors of a Hero" made by Long Gang in 1967, and went downstairs to watch it in the living room.

Just halfway through, Fang Mengyin came back.

"Why do you watch such an old movie?" Fang Mengyin sat beside Nanyi and said after watching it for a few moments.

"The story is good, and a remake should be a hit."

"You still have the energy to care about making movies?"

"Let's just say, grandma came back so early today."

"Of course I know you're here, I have to come back early and tell me about my home." Fang Mengyin said.

"Nothing, everything is fine, nothing bad happened. The old man has become the chief engineer, and his salary has been raised by one level. Ruochan may go to elementary school earlier. She is six years old, and Toto should be fine."

"Where's her mother, didn't you pay attention?"

"Why should I pay attention to her? My little uncle cares about my sister-in-law. Grandma, don't let me make mistakes."

"Don't be serious with me, find a way to get him back."

"My grandma, she's already lost her mind. What's the use of getting her back? Wait until she asks someone to come back for a divorce. The eldest brother's conditions are not bad, and it's not difficult to find another big girl with yellow flowers. You don't have to worry about it."

Fang Mengyin was just at odds with Yi Jinru, no matter how displeased her own son and grandson were, she still cared about her.

"If you have a stepmother, you have a stepfather. What will Ruochan do in the future?"

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