Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 554 Diamonds from the Mountain

The living environment on Kanglong Island is very primitive, but people can live so long, which shows a problem. There is one or even a variety of materials on the island that can bring great benefits to the human body.

As long as you find this material and conduct in-depth research, you can develop a real health care product. As for whether to launch it on the market, it depends on whether the material is easy to obtain.

Large-scale promotion is impossible. Even if such materials are not in short supply, the health care products developed will only be limited to the rich and handed down.

A very cruel and very real reality, good things are often impossible to fall into the hands of ordinary people.

When the time on Nanyi’s watch pointed to 3:30 in the morning, at the olive oil processing plant in Carthage, Gafsa Province, Tunisia, Juma pointed a flashlight in one direction, turned it on and off three times in a row, and sent out a signal.

After waiting for a few minutes, two people walked towards him from the dark.

"How much security is there in the factory?"

Among the two, the one with the hooked nose walked up to Zhuma and asked in a cold voice.

"Boss Kaqi, you can rest assured that the security guards in the factory have been bribed by me. After the matter is completed, you only need to give them 1,000 dinars [1 US dollar = 0.776 dinars] and they will be able to get rid of it." Zhu Ma said shyly Face, to invite credit.

"You did a very good job, and your benefits will not be missed." Kaqi said with a sullen face.

"Thank you, thank you Boss Kaqi."

"Chris, can you see clearly?"

On the high ground behind the olive oil processing plant in Carthage, Dewen and sniper Chris were lying in the grass wearing a camouflage net.

Chris holds a Savior 1977 precision rifle in his hand. This is a rifle that has never appeared in the original historical track. It combines the advantages of WSG2000 long-range rifle and AWP, and comprehensively adopts the advantages of various sniper rifles. According to Chris's personal habits, it is a very high-tech sniper rifle.

At this time, Chris observed the movement under the hillside through the world's most advanced thermal imaging lens.

After Johnny acquired the patented technology of the AA-12 shotgun, in order to facilitate the continuous development and improvement of this shotgun, he formed a wanderer company.

After the establishment of the company, Johnny was not idle, and soon became a shareholder of Barrett Company. Nanyi felt that Johnny was playing with tickets, and he also liked guns, so he should buy shares if he wanted to.

But he never expected that Johnny seemed to be possessed by business elites, and he soon set his sights on Yingguo International Precision Instrument Company and German HK Company, and invested some money in the two companies respectively. The shares he held were not many, nothing The right to speak, but have the opportunity to contact the latest technology and experimental firearms of the two companies.

In addition, Pan American Holdings has also invested in Philly, a company in Portland, Oregon, which is a global leader in infrared imaging technology.

When it comes to infrared imaging companies, only two companies need to be mentioned, Philly and other common companies.

It is precisely because of all aspects of technical support that Chris finally has the rescuer 1977 precision rifle that will never be popularized in Chris' hands.

The cost is 320,000 US dollars, which country's army is willing to equip large-scale equipment, and it would be good to equip special forces.

"It is very clear that the target is close to the oil storage tank, and it is estimated that there are still fifteen seconds."

"OK, then wait and watch the show."

Dewin held a passive low-light telescope in her hand and was also observing down the hillside.

The oil storage tank has been tampered with, and a shock sensor detonator is installed on it. The mixed oil stored in the oil storage tank is also added with naphthenes [one of the components of napalm bombs]. The amount is not too large, but it is enough to guarantee After the explosion, the mixed oil will be ignited, resulting in a violent explosion.

After all, if you want to ignite gasoline and cause an explosion, you need to meet several slightly harsh conditions. It is not like in the movie, where a child is shot one by one. As long as the bullet hits the fuel tank, the car will explode.

"The target is ready to transfer hole, three, two..."

Before Chris could say "one", he and Dewin got up from the ground and squatted on the two sponges prepared in advance.

As soon as the two of them squatted down, the oil storage tank under the hillside let out a muffled groan, and then, a few tenths later, the ground began to shake, the mountain shook and the ground shook, as if a magnitude 12 earthquake had erupted.


Chris and Dewin both opened their mouths and yelled as the tremors rippled down the hillside.

The weather is calm, only the flames are left.

Dewen said quietly: "The boss must be covering his heart now, hoping he won't have a heart attack."


"Nansheng, it exploded." Xiaohua hung up the phone and said to Nanyi.

"Understood, the news will reach Hahn in half a day, and the futures market will react this afternoon in Spanish time. The big news will not be released until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when the news is widely disseminated."

Nan Yi estimated that the money he earned from the futures market would only be enough to make up for the bombing and his frightened losses, and the real profit would still come from the 210,000 tons of olive oil that he secretly hid.

"The commotion this time is a bit noisy. Although I take every step to be reasonable, or at least take the fallacy, the capital will not be reasonable with others. Next time, I have to change my operation, or sooner or later someone will jump out and make trouble for him. In order to earn some private money, it's easy for me, me!"

Nan Yi sat there muttering, and asked the school beauty to take the big brother and call Pan Disheng.

An hour later, Nanyi appeared at Youqiao Tea House on the broadcast channel.

Speaking of this Youqiao Tea House is quite famous, especially among the actors in Xiangxi, because it was opened by Cao Yuhua, um, not the tiger of the serious crime team who eats soft food but sticks to it.

Cao Yuhua's qualifications in the film and television industry are very old. He was an actor when he was in Shanghai in the early 1930s.

He opened a film company in the 1940s, founded a theater in the 1950s, and stepped into the field of theaters. In the 1960s, his career reached its peak, and then flourished and declined.

As for how it fell, Nanyi is listening to Cao Yuhua talk about his history.

"Back then, in my Huada Film Factory, every movie was made and sold, and each movie could earn tens of millions. When this person had a lot of money, he felt itchy in his heart. When he was teased by others, I also I gambled across the sea.

It was okay at first, just for fun, but as time goes by, the more you gamble, the more addicted you become..." Cao Yuhua took a puff of his cigar, sighed, and continued: "In the end, the whole of Huada lost to Bojiapu, and The entire land of Diamond Mountain. "

Hearing the word "Diamond Mountain", Nan Yi's eyes lit up, "If I remember correctly, the place where Diamond Mountain is located will become a famous star river residence and Plaza Hollywood in the future, whose property is there... ..."

Nanyi recalled it for a long time before realizing that it should be Wu Zhengguang's property, that is, Bao Yugang's son-in-law who inherited the Bao family's property.

"Did Wu Zhengguang join forces with Bo Chipu, or did he buy the land from Bo Chipu?"

Nanyi roughly estimated the current value of the Diamond Mountain land. Even if it is a 100% premium, or even a three-fold premium, it is impossible to lose money if it is bought and stocked. It will definitely make a profit, and it will be a big profit.

Today's trip to Youqiao Tea House was worthwhile. Nanyi has to thank Pan Disheng for inviting him here. I also have to thank Pan Disheng and Cao Yuhua for chatting here because I didn't come. I should also thank Pan Disheng for not knowingly leaving after seeing Mi. Come over yourself.

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