"Adam, I heard the news that two agricultural planes were shot down over the Amazon plains yesterday morning."

Last night, Nan Yi replied to Xiang Xun's phone call, and learned that it was Scarlett who was looking for her. As soon as the telegraph building opened today, Nan Yi came to make overseas calls.

"Oh Amazon, guerrillas?"

"I don't think so. Have you ever heard of Pablo Escobar?"

"The Medellin Group, I heard that it is very powerful in Colombia. Those two planes were so unlucky that they actually encountered Medellin. Are the planes also owned by drug dealers?"

"It seems to be a plane spraying pesticides on the farm of the Samba indigenous brothers."

"Oh, long distance is expensive, let's not talk about these insignificant words, and say hello to your parents and children for me."

"I will bring your greetings, my son can already call him Dad."


Nan Yi and Scarlett hung up the phone after chatting a little bit of nothing nutritious.

Ever since Shennong Nanliang bought the farm of the indigenous brothers in Samba Manaus, it had to face a situation—a tributary of the Amazon River passed through the farm, and this tributary happened to be the transport of samba drug traffickers from Colombia. Poison route.

For a long time, the farm and them have been based on the principle that the well water does not violate the river water. Drug dealers can continue to transport goods on the tributaries, but they are not allowed to stop within the farm area, let alone fight in the farm area.

With a tacit understanding, both sides have been safe and sound in the past few years, and no conflict has ever broken out.

Drug dealers in Samba know how to behave, but Medellin in Colombia is so crazy that they dare to shoot down the plane on the farm?

The Medellin Group has tens of billions of dollars in cash and deposits. When Nan Yi was bored, he had imagined whether it was possible to turn these money into Nan's, but he just thought about it and didn't take action. plan.

It is really that Medellin is too powerful, and it is very difficult to swallow it. In addition, the National Drug Enforcement Administration has been eyeing it.

In the face of the troubles he might face, Nan Yi flinched.

But now it is different, it is no longer a simple "economic dispute", but Nanyi must retaliate if it wants to be wronged.

A day later, an order was in Johnny's hands.

"Establish a mercenary regiment composed of the best of the elite. The number of people is controlled within 40. It is absolutely independent. Don't have any contact with the dove of peace, and don't recruit personnel from your own people. The codename of the mercenary regiment is Arctic Fox.

The arctic fox keeps secret at all times, there is no fixed station, members only gather during missions, and are usually scattered around; in addition, to make the arctic fox look like a mercenary group that only recognizes money but not people, who can pay the price , who will do things for.

This matter is top secret, you know me. "

After receiving Nanyi's order, Johnny quietly left the New York sub-base of Peace Dove and started to implement the establishment of Arctic Fox.

Dealing with Medellin Group is not a matter of overnight. Scarlett has sent people to investigate the reason why the plane was shot down. Nanyi will continue to do what he should be busy with, and will not change his schedule for the time being.

It was Sunday, and Nanyi drove the newly modified Toyota Hiace H50 by himself early in the morning. First, he ran back and forth on Beijie Street for several times. Home past.

There was only Nan Yi in the car, and the school flower and the tiger cub were in the car where Nan Yi usually sat.

After waiting in front of Fan Guangfu's house for a while, Fan Guangfu, wearing a Plum Blossom sportswear and carrying a sports bag, came towards Nanyi.

"Xiao Nan, have you waited long?"

As soon as he walked in front of Nanyi, Fan Guangfu said with a smile.

"No, President Fan, I just arrived for a while." Nanyi stepped forward, took the sports bag from Fan Guangfu, turned around and slid open the door of the van, "President Fan, please get in the car."


Fan Guangfu responded, and got into the car as soon as he lifted his feet. As soon as he sat down, he also looked at the interior of the car.

Nanyi put the sports bag on the co-pilot's seat, and sat down in the driver's seat. After fastening the seat belt, he turned to Fan Guangfu and said, "President Fan, why don't we go to Gongti, where a new ball table has just been replaced?" , the flexibility is better."

"Xiao Nan, I entrust myself to you today, and everything is arranged by you."

"Hehe, the burden on my shoulders is heavy. If President Fan is not having fun, it will not affect tomorrow's work. You have a lot of work to do every day. If work is delayed for a day, our country's economic development will have to slow down. I am terrified."

"Hahaha." Fan Guangfu smiled happily: "Xiao Nan, what you said is too exaggerated. I'm just a screw. How can it be so important."

"It's not an exaggeration. A horseshoe nail can cause the defeat of a battle and the loss of Richard III's life. President Fan, the leader of your line, will have a greater impact. President Fan, please sit down, I'm driving .”

Some topics are not suitable for getting too deep with Fan Guangfu for the time being. Nan Yi stopped the topic in a timely manner and turned the car key to start the car.

When they arrived at Gongti, the two played for a while.

During the playing period, Nanyi had no chance to "let the water go". Fan Guangfu's skill in the game was superb, and Nanyi was no match for Fan Guangfu with all his efforts, so it was his turn to hide his hand.

He was concentrating on it, and Fan Guangfu was able to play at a super level.

"Xiao Nan, you played well. I haven't played it so seriously for a long time." After three rounds, the two sat on the stool by the table to rest. At that time, the city table tennis team came to our school to inspect me, but it was a pity that I was passed the last level, which became a regret of my life. Otherwise, I should have been a retired table tennis player by this time.”

"Athletes are good, but their career cycle is too short, and they are marginalized in their forties. It is not like now. President Fan, you are in your prime, and it is time to do a good job in revolutionary work and make achievements."

Fan Guangfu said with a bit of hopelessness: "No, I'm still a bit older, and now everyone advocates younger cadres."

Fan Guangfu was born in 45 years. He was lucky enough to graduate just before the university was closed, but he was also unlucky. When he was young, he happened to be in the heyday of seniority ranking. When he was in his forties, he caught up with the younger cadres. .

Although he was already sitting in the head office of the National Bank of China in the capital area, he already felt a little bit stagnant. The younger ones below were all making great strides, and Fan Guangfu was now full of a sense of crisis.

This issue also cannot be discussed in depth. Nanyi and Fan Guangfu's friendship has not yet reached the point where this topic can be discussed, so Nanyi immediately changed the topic.

"A few days ago, the south open-pit mine of Huolinhe Coal Mine has been put into production. I heard that the annual output can reach 3 million tons. I don't know if the price of this briquette can be lowered."

"It's unlikely to drop. Huolinhe's coal is mainly for industrial coal use. It can only be said that the price of briquettes will not rise too fast." Fan Guangfu said: "Xiao Nan, based on your conditions, you shouldn't The briquettes are a couple of cents more expensive, don’t you worry?”

"I'm also worried. I'm going to have a baby soon, and the family's expenses will increase a lot. The children have to eat and drink well. My wife used to live poorly at home and was malnourished. In the future, the milk will definitely not have much nutrition. I have to make a deal to buy imported milk powder for my child.

I went to the Friendship Store. A can of imported milk powder, just such a small can, costs dozens of foreign exchange certificates. If the child can eat too much, he will need five or six cans a month. "

"Yeah, it costs money to raise a child, and my brat is the same. He is uneasy. He wants to learn the electronic organ today, and the piano tomorrow. All my salary is spent on paying his tuition fees to the Cultural Palace and buying musical instruments.

A few days ago, he wanted to learn martial arts again, and he said he was going to Shichahai Martial Arts School to take classes. If he didn't agree, he would make trouble with you. This trouble made my head big. "

"This is not a small leap, from a musician to a martial arts master."

"Yeah, you can't scold and scold, the kid's mother loves me so much, if I dare to scold, the kid's mother will quarrel with me. No, there is no way, I still signed up for him, and I go to class for one and a half days every week .”

"President Fan, this is actually a good thing. It's better than going out and fooling around. I live in an old bungalow in Tsinghua University. The neighbors next door are all teachers from Tsinghua University, but the little grandson and son at home are good at school. But I hang out with a bunch of ignorant people all day, and worry about the family."

"Yeah, I'm strictly guarded at home, and I don't want my son to make bad friends. Now there's something wrong with the atmosphere outside. I don't want to be a professor or a scientist in the future, but I want to be an old gun and a gangster.

Why do I disagree with my son learning martial arts? It's not because of his motives. He doesn't learn martial arts to strengthen his body.

My son goes to No. 4 Middle School, and the school is full of top students from junior high schools, but even among the top students, there are some who fight every day and smoke in hiding.

A few days ago, I went to No. 4 Middle School to find my son’s head teacher. The school radio was announcing the punishment for a student who had fought. Female students also like male students who can fight.

Xiao Nan, tell me, what kind of atmosphere is this? "

"Your son goes to No. 4 Middle School. What a coincidence, my neighbor's one is also in No. 4 Middle School."

"What's the name of your neighbor's kid?"

"His family name is Gao, that child seems to be called..." Nanyi thought for a while and said, "Gao Hanlu."

"Gao Hanlu, isn't he tall, about 175 centimeters?"

"There should be."

"That's a coincidence. I'm in the same class as my son. I have a deep impression on him. He is knowledgeable and knowledgeable. After all, he comes from a scholarly family." Fan Guangfu frowned and said, "That's the name, weird."

"Maybe it's self-effacement. Didn't the ancients like to call their sons Gouzi?"

"Han Lu Zhuqian, Han Lu is a good dog, there is an allusion, it should be self-effacing. I have also met that child Gao Hanlu, he is not very humble, he should be suppressed with a modest name. Xiao Nan, the rest is almost the same Okay, continue?"

"Okay, come and come, today I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman, don't give up for a while, let me experience the high level."

"Hahaha, okay, then I will let go of the fight. If the loss is too ugly, don't cry." Fan Guangfu smiled heartily.

"No, no, I know what level I am. After seeing your high level, I can brag when I go out. My buddy has played against a quasi-national player."

"Hahaha, you, you, you!"

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