"Liuzi has already burned a batch, almost 200 editions, but it seems that the stimulation of the price is not too obvious. Now the price of the monkey ticket is only about five or six yuan a piece, and the full edition is a little more expensive. .”

"You don't care too much about the stamps, do you?"

"Well, I didn't ask too much. At the beginning, I saw the benefits in it, so I asked Men San'er to buy the 5250 version. At that time, I had a plan to operate it. But later, the Nan's stall is not getting better. The bigger the shop, the less energy I have to pay attention to this matter.

Right now, the hype about monkey tickets has faded. "Nan Yi said, and opened the 83-type kettle on his back and handed it to Liu Zhen, "I plan to spend a few years, and I will handle this matter when I have time and leisure. "

Liu Zhen took a sip of water, then handed the kettle to Nanyi, "You are not in a hurry to operate this matter, does it have something to do with this partnership business?"

Nan Yi took the kettle, drank a couple of sips, and screwed on the lid, "There must be a reason for this. Sharing adversity is easy, but sharing wealth is difficult. In the past two years, I consciously let Man San'er and Weimin take care of themselves. Fortunately, Both of them can stand up."

"It's really difficult to get along with the partner. Why didn't you think about changing the positions of the two of them?"

"You mean make them subordinates?"


Liu Zhen nodded.

"It's not suitable. I met them at the end of the day, especially Man San'er. When I met him, I was poor and had nothing. Although I have always been in favor of him, the relationship between me and him has always been a partnership." people, not superiors and subordinates.

As a human being, it is easy to adapt to going from low to high, but it is difficult to accept going from high to low.

In the beginning, the stall was not big, and it was okay for everyone to work together, but at a certain stage, they had to spread out and set up a new stall of their own, a stall that they could call the shots.

Regardless of whether it is for the Minshengsheng Group or Tu の Taste, I seldom participate in specific affairs now. I just treat myself as a director who does not care about anything. I will never talk too much unless there are some big decisions. "

"But what if Man San'er or Xian Weimin can't support the scene and ruin the business? It's too hot, so find a shade under a tree."

Nanyi helped Liu Zhen under the shade of the tree, and kept saying, "If it breaks, it will break. It is inevitable that there will be losses and profits in business. We can't force every investment to make money, we have to allow it to lose money. As long as the probability of success of the investment exceeds 70%, it will be fine.”

"Seventy percent is not too low."


Nanyi asked Xiaohua to take the folding chair and set it up under the tree, and helped Liu Zhen to sit on the chair.

When Liu Zhen sat down firmly, Nanyi took out the cattail fan to fan her. He used skillful force, the wind was gentle, and it would go away as soon as it touched the skin surface, and it would never penetrate into the bones.

Liu Zhen closed her eyes slightly comfortably, her brows stretched.

"Nanyi, have you been working hard during this time?"

"It's okay, it's not too hard, you are now the first-level protection object of the family, and it is right to serve you."


"I'm not tired. I'm in good health and can bear it."

"No, I'm asking if you're tired?" Liu Zhen opened her eyes, raised her head and said, "Serving a woman you don't love, are you tired?"

"Why do you think I don't love you?" Nan Yi asked in surprise.

"Don't you know that women are very accurate in certain aspects? Although you are doing a good job, much better than most men who are husbands, I still don't feel much from you love."

"Don't you know my character very well? I am an exquisite egoist. To put it bluntly, I am a selfish person. How much do you expect me to love you?"

"Tch, I don't believe it. There must be a woman who occupies a very important position in your heart. I just don't know who this woman is, but it shouldn't be one of those women." Liu Zhen stared straight at Nan Yi's eyes said, "Am I right?"

Nanyi raised his head and looked in a direction in a daze, and said quietly: "There used to be such a woman who lived in my heart for a long time, but it was a long, long time ago, so long that I can't remember how long she was. what kind.

In my heart, you are my filthy wife, you must never forget the poor and humble, and a filthy wife will never go to court.

Selfishness doesn't mean I don't know how to be grateful, well, the word "gratitude" may not be appropriate, you only eat what's ready-made, and you didn't work hard with me. Maybe you saved the Milky Way in your previous life, but in this life, I will repay you as the unlucky human being. "

"Isn't it about investing? What kind of repayment is not repayment." Liu Zhen said with a curled lip.

"Come on, your investment belongs to the 30% that lost everything. It's a blood loss. Not only did you not receive any return, but you also raped me. I'm going to regret it." Nan Yi pointed He pointed to his stomach and said.

"What do you mean by being strong? A dog can't spit out ivory. Besides, why is there no return? Didn't you get my love?"

"Yes, yes, my fault. I didn't count your love for me."

Regarding relationship issues, Nanyi doesn't know how to argue with women. If he insists on arguing even though he knows he can't win, isn't that a fool's brain?

If you care about the other party, it’s right to admit your mistakes cleanly. Women don’t value material things, they value an attitude; if they don’t care, they should separate and separate.

But if you have children, then think of Gou Jian who licks the pee, and bear it.

Anyway, suffocating with pent-up gas, stagnant and hurting the body, people don't live long at all, from the day when they feel that life can't go on, they only live for more than 30 years, opening and closing eyes, opening and closing eyes again Also can't open it.

"Huh, your apology is really perfunctory." Liu Zhen said, suddenly pointing in one direction and said: "I want to eat big red fruit."

Following the direction, Nanyi saw an old woman pushing a bicycle, and a white wooden box was placed on the schoolbag rack with the words "彐糕" written in red on it. This was an old woman selling popsicles.

"How old is the big red fruit? It may not be sold. I'll buy you a pair of Arctic Ocean sticks. You can eat half of it, and I'll eat the rest. You can't eat more if it's cold." Nan Yi said against his will.

"Okay, go quickly, there are big red fruits to buy big red fruits, I'm so hungry."


Nanyi agreed and walked to the ice cream car.

"Is there any big red fruit?"

Walking in front of the ice cream cart, Nanyi asked the ice cream grandma, he expected to get the answer of "no". The red fruit is sour and sweet, and Nanyi doesn't like it very much.

But he is unlikely to get what he wants. Xiaodou popsicles, big red fruits, big ice cream and double sticks, these four kinds of popsicles now dominate the capital, and the ice cream carts are usually sold outside. Unless you are lucky and happen to be sold out juncture.

"Yes, just arrived."

"Then get one."

After handing over the money for change, Nanyi took the big red fruit, unwrapped the wrapping paper, and pulled three-quarters of the popsicle off the stick, stuffed it into his mouth and bit it with grinning teeth.

Walking back to Liu Zhen, handed the big red fruit to her, "Here, just put it in your mouth to satisfy your hunger."

Liu Zhen curled her lips, took the small string of big red fruit and stuffed it into her mouth, licked it twice, with a satisfied expression on her face.

"This is the fifth big red fruit I've eaten, and it's still lame."

There is a touch of bitterness in Liu Zhen's words. Only when you eat less can you remember deeply, and every one of them can be engraved in her heart. Perhaps any big red fruit still has a loss of self-esteem.

"Don't remember the bitterness. Happiness has already knocked on the door. If you are willing, I will go to the Dahongguo factory to see if I can contract the factory and produce you Dahongguo that is one meter by two meters. Let you have a good time eating."

The first shrimp cracker that Nanyi, who was born in poverty and has a very greedy mouth, ate was the one his friend dropped on the muddy ground after the rain. Shrimp crackers messed with mud.

Nanyi clearly remembered the steps of eating that shrimp cracker, and the taste is still fresh in his memory.

"It's so big, you want to freeze me to death?" Liu Zhen narrowed her eyes and spat with a smile.


Nanyi smiled knowingly, and sat cross-legged beside Liu Zhen.

The two of them were eating big red fruits, looking at the gate building of Donghua Gate, and chatting one after another.

While the two were talking about each other, a few buses came not far away, and when they stopped to the side, a large group of people got off the bus, some of them looked like state units Yes, there are still a few that look like tour guides, and the rest, no matter in appearance, behavior and clothing, you can tell that they are Japanese.

Suddenly, Liu Zhen pointed to one of the little girls and said, "Nanyi, do you think that is Tanimura Shin?"

There is a little girl among a group of old youths so abruptly, Nanyi found out early in the morning, "It's Xiaolin Lingzi, isn't the visiting group going to the south? It's the middle of the month, why are you still in the capital?"

"Not only to the south, but also to the ancient city all the way. It's strange. Why haven't we started yet?" Liu Zhen roughly estimated the number of people, "No, there are at most two hundred people here, what about the others?"

"There are too many people, so we must receive them separately. It's not unusual. Let's go. There are foreign guests. Let's stop poking around here. I'll watch "Oshin" with you when I go back."

"It's a pity, if there were not too many people, I really want to ask Xiaolin Lingzi to sign it." Liu Zhen said regretfully.

"Don't be sorry, there will be more opportunities in the future."

"Well, come back. I don't know when this TV series will be broadcast on TV. I can't understand Japanese, and I'm tired of reading subtitles."

"Ashin" currently only has the Japanese version, but what Liu Zhen watched has Chinese subtitles. This was added by Nan Yi, but it cost a little money.

"It should be very soon. The three views of this drama are not good, and it doesn't involve politics. Maybe it will be broadcast next year."

"Very good, then I'll wait, Nanyi, let's not go back to eat, go back after eating outside, and go to the state-run restaurant over my house. When I was young, I envied those who ate in restaurants."

"Okay, it's up to you."

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