"Nanyi, Nanyi."

"Uncle Yaohua, what's the matter?"

Nanyi, Xian Weimin, and Xian Weile finished talking about the tape, and as soon as they reached the pier by the river, Xian Yaohua came over.

Xian Yaohua has not yet reached the edge of Nanyi, he has already made a gesture of pulling out a cigarette. Yan touched Nanyi's hand first, followed by the lit match.


Sparks spread rapidly.

"Nanyi, Yaodong is not here, so the people from the brigade asked me if the brigade supports them in breeding."

"What to raise?"

"Pigs and poultry chickens ducks and geese."

"In principle, I don't really support members in the farming industry.

It turned out that the third team only raised dozens of pigs, and the pig shed was very smelly; as for the chickens, there were not many chickens in the whole Wenchangwei, but you can also see that the chicken shit is everywhere.

There are also ducks, that is, there are not many of them now, otherwise, the lotus ponds and rivers will be full of duck droppings.

Members who want to engage in breeding may not have a large number at the beginning, but when they taste the sweetness, the scale will definitely expand.

I can't imagine what Wenchangwei would look like if thousands of pigs and tens of thousands of chickens, ducks and geese were raised.

We only have clothing factories now, but we will have food factories in the near future.

You said, if merchants come to see that there is a smelly pig farm next to our food factory, what will they think?

Do they think the food in the food factory is unhygienic?

In my opinion, the Wenchangwei Brigade not only cannot engage in large-scale breeding, but even the more than 100 pigs currently raised will all be slaughtered by the end of the year, and the pigsty will be pushed out.

Starting from next year, pigs will no longer be raised in the area where the brigade buildings are concentrated, and the number of chickens, ducks and geese will also be controlled. Add up the three, and each person should not exceed two.

I have to circle them all, I don't want to see them shitting all over the brigade. "

Hearing Nanyi's words, Xian Yaohua's expression turned pale, "This is not good, Wenchangwei is a rural area, and everyone is a farmer, so it is not allowed to raise chickens, ducks and geese, which is unreasonable."

"I didn't say no, I meant to control the quantity. Why raise so many hens? Even if a household can raise fifty old hens, even if one hen can lay 250 eggs a year.

I'm counting towards the highest, how many hens can lay so many eggs a year?

Even if it's 250, it's 12,500 a year, and it's sent to the purchase station. Even if it's calculated according to the highest purchase price, seven cents a piece is worth it, right? "

"Not so much, usually charged at four or five cents each."

"I treat all the eggs hatched by them as premium grade, even if one is seven cents, I can get 875 yuan that year.

It takes at least half a year for a hen to grow from the chick to the nest, and the most powerful hen can lay eggs for two and a half years.

Two and a half years plus the first half of the year, that's three years. A hen can lay 625 eggs in three years. On average, 208 eggs a year. The highest income in a year is 728 yuan.

Does this sound high at first glance?

More than 700 yuan a year, 60 yuan a month, which is higher than the wages of most workers.

But how did I calculate this account?

This is all calculated according to the most ideal state. If you really want to raise it, you can have one-third of your annual income and you will be Amitabha.

You say, how many eggs are needed to incubate the chicks to ensure fifty hens?

What about the other chickens that hatch?

Fifty hens, how much food should be fed a day?

Only let the hens eat grass seeds and yellow dogs [earthworms], do not feed rice bran?

Baa is a rich family, and the hairy ones don't count?

There is chicken plague, and the hens die. Can they afford the loss?

Uncle Yaohua, if anyone can't figure it out, let them answer these few questions.

If you can give the answer, you think you can bear it, and you can raise it if you want, but you are not allowed to raise it in the village, where the beach is, and set aside a place farthest from the village. If you want to raise it, you can raise it there.

But I have to make it clear to them, take care of the chicken shit, don't let me smell chicken shit;

There is also the matter of work points, and I have also made it clear to them that raising chickens at home does not contribute much to the brigade, and when work points are calculated at the end of the year, just don’t complain. "

"Okay, I'll go and talk to them."

It's not that Nanyi has never thought about farming. In his plan, the reclamation team will go out to engage in farming in the future, whether it is chickens, ducks, geese, quails, ostriches, or pigs, cattle, sheep, and rabbits. dabbled in.

But he never thought about farming within the Wenchang Wai area. No matter what he raised, once it scaled up, the surrounding area would definitely smell bad. He didn't want his home to become a stinky garbage dump.

But it's not a problem to force the members of the commune to not be able to support them. They will think that the brigade is preventing them from making a fortune.

People, who have never hit the south wall, do not know how to look back.

Nan Yi thought bitterly, "If you raise them, let the disobedient members raise them first, and when they lose their fortunes, they will learn to be good, and they will honestly cooperate with the rhythm of the brigade to do things."

Nanyi never felt that with a wave of his hand, all the members of Wenchangwei would unite around him, and everyone would be convinced by him and completely obey his orders.

After his handwriting, before Wenchangwei undergoes earth-shaking changes, there will definitely be people who will not accept him.

Even if he makes Wenchangwei the number one team in the country, there must be people who disagree with him, but at that time, even if they have different opinions, they can only hold back.

Self-restraint and prudence, seeking common ground while reserving differences, Nanyi allowed Wenchangwei to have different voices, the key is not to hinder the development plan he made in his heart.

Derusting and shuffling the cards, it takes three to five years to eliminate the things that can't see the general direction and make themselves messy.

Nanyi thought all the way, and walked towards the reclamation team automatically.

On the way, in the pumpkin field by the roadside, a few kids squatted there not knowing what they were doing.

Take two quick steps, and when you see what the little boy is doing, Nanyi's anger rises from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

"Little bastard, get the hell out of here."

When the little boy in the field heard the sound and saw Nanyi, he wanted to run away.

"Run, where are you going, I already know who you are, let's see how you run."

When the boys heard this, they didn't dare to run away. They walked to the side of Nanyi one by one, looked down at the ground, and didn't dare to speak.

"Ah! How dare you waste food like this after only eating a few full meals, ah..."

Nan Yi was very angry, his hands were already raised, and half of the slaps had already been thrown out, but they were still taken back abruptly.

"What's wrong with playing? Pooping and peeing in a pumpkin? In a famine year, a pumpkin can save a family's life, do you know that?


Forget it, I don't bother to scold you, so I take each of your tampered pumpkins home one by one. Go back and tell your old bean mothers clearly what you have done.

You, you! "

Nan Yi pointed to a few little bastards, turned around and left.

When the pumpkin is immature and still growing on the vine, dig a piece out of the pumpkin, and then shit and pee in it. This is something many rural children have done since 1970 and 1980.

Shit and pee, and then cover the dug out piece back. In a few days, the pumpkin will grow well, and it will not be obvious from the appearance that it has been dug up.

The same thing works the same way, and when the cabbage is still young, you put shit on it, and when the cabbage grows slowly, the leaves are wrapped into a ball, and the shit will be wrapped in it.

If it is said that 7080's doing this is a prank, it is harmless. The gang of little bastards just now are born in the 1960s, and most of them have tasted the taste of starvation when they were young.

Having suffered from hunger, and still not cherishing food so much, Nanyi is really full of smoke.

If he didn't want to add unnecessary obstacles to his plan, he would have thrown away the slap just now.

Two bad things happened one day, which made Nanyi lose the mood to go to the reclamation brigade. I washed my face at the pier, suppressed my anger, smoked a cigarette, and went home feeling depressed.

In the next book, I must write a system, ding, absolutely loyal to the housekeeper; ding, absolutely loyal to the CEO, so that I won’t be considered unreasonable when I pursue rationality.

There is a system that can increase the number of words and eliminate all doubts. If you are not convinced, you can ask the system.

Well, by the way, you have to write the parameter stream, so that the data can be copied and pasted, the favorability degree is 999, the obedience degree is 999, the figure is 999, the face is 999, and the combat power is 999999. won't resist...

Book friend: Ah, the author is so coquettish; wow, he drives a good car; the author's writing is good, the plot is rigorous and reasonable, and it's on the shelves for full order.

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