Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 578 Enlightenment of the Thirty-Six Strategies?

"Nan Yi, whose phone is it?"

As soon as Nan Yi returned to the old bungalow, he received a call. Liu Zhen, who was watching TV, asked when she saw Nan Yi hang up the phone.

"A fake foreign devil who wants to invest in Yaqing. Her grandfather's name is Zheng Pingchuan. Have you heard of this name?"

Liu Zhen thought for a while and said, "Plain Chan?"

"Yes, that's him."

"I've heard that Professor Spencer explained Zheng Pingchuan's acquisition case as a business case to us. He seems to be my alumnus."

"Forget it, his investigation report has the experience of studying at Harvard, and I will meet his granddaughter later, named Yang Kaiyan, she is a very proud person."

"Does it look good?"

"It's okay, it looks better than you."

"You just want to anger me on purpose, are you interested?"

"No, the capital is your land, even if I want to look for it, I won't look for it here."

"I didn't tell you this." Liu Zhenxuan said with a glance at Nanyi.

"Oh, I haven't taken a fancy to it yet. Her arrogance is greater than her ability. Besides, Zheng Pingchuan's assets of more than one billion US dollars are waiting for her to inherit. The capital is strong. Why should the boss not be the boss and follow me as a pony."

"Use your charm."

"Don't talk like a child." Nanyi stroked Liu Zhen's face and said, "It's been 42 days, don't stay at home all day, let Zhiling go out with you."

"Understood, when do you plan to deal with the matter at the painting shop?"

"Let it go first, a little matter, don't worry."

Nanyi was about to go out when the black phone on the long table rang again.

There are two phones on the long table, one is black and the other is red. The black one is installed by Liu Zhen’s unit, and those who can make this call, except for the people in Liu Zhen’s unit who are on business, the others who can make calls are basically from Nanyi. An acquaintance of someone; the red phone was applied by Wenchangwei, and the person who can call this number is basically Nanyi's domestic business relationship.


"Nan Batian, we are in trouble."

"What trouble?"

Ye Qi has been busy with raising funds. Before the foundation of the Yaqing project had not been laid, his fundraising work was not going very smoothly. But when the foundation of the project was laid, the fundraising entered the fast lane. Now it has raised more than 400,000 yuan. There are still about 270,000 full debt and half debt stocks in the funds.

Not to mention, the children of the big courtyard are wild, and they have more or less living money on hand.

"Today, I met a man named Zhu Yu in the Laogao Procuratorate. He was able to pay 1 million yuan with a single mouth, and he also wanted 1 million yuan in debt stocks."

"1 million, what is the number?" Nanyi said with a smile.

"The old Gaojian is next door. The roots are not too deep, and the road is quite wild. This area is number one."

"Pao'er Bureau or Pao'er Tower?"

"Cannon Bureau."

"Did you get involved with a health doctor?"

"Almost mean."

"Oh, it's the approval letter?"


"No, we won't touch this kind of person."

"Now it's not a question of whether I want to get involved, it's someone else who gets involved."

Nan Yi changed the microphone from one hand to another, and said, "Do you still remember our original intention of raising funds? If you can't get it right with an almost meaning, then you should return the money quickly, and let's tear down the stall as soon as possible."

"Yes, I know who to ask to come forward, Jia Mingwei can cure him, hang up, I will call Commander Jia."

"Well, take it easy, if you want to fight with words, not with martial arts, just surrender without fighting."

"Don't worry, I'm familiar with the routines of winding the road and mentioning people. By the way, it's been more than a month, and your son's full moon wine is still on display?"

"Don't put it out, it's too cold, and children are delicate, so don't let people touch them, change it for a hundred days, come to my office when you are free, and help me make a list, so I can send out invitations. "

"Which side?"

"Yannan Garden."

"Afternoon the day after tomorrow, will it work?"

"bring it on."

After hanging up the phone, Nan Yi went to the Great Wall Hotel.

After finding a seat in the coffee shop, Nan Yi called Cao Lin who was on duty to her side.

Cao Lin bowed her body, pretending to have a professional smile on her face, but said words that had nothing to do with her job, "I haven't seen you for more than a month, what have you been up to lately?"

"Take the kids."

"Your wife gave birth?" Cao Lin asked.

"It wasn't born by you anyway."

Cao Lin said with a half-smile, "I want to give birth to you, okay, I'll go to your house today to spend the night, do you dare?"

"Yeah, she's really a hero of the girls' school. She dares to say anything." Nanyi said timidly, "Help me go to the front desk and call 8712, just tell her I'm here, and tell her to come down quickly."




"Wait a while for someone to come and order together."

"Okay, I'll call you." Cao Lin said, leaving with a little regret.

Cao Lin looks so interesting, and she is also very sassy. Nan Yi is a little more proactive. It is really not difficult to spend the night with her, but Nan Yi can't even if he doesn't want to.

Over there, Liu Zhen just gave birth to a son for him, and here he is just sniffing outside, which is hard to say.

Sitting there thinking wildly for a while, Nan Yi saw Yang Kaiyan walking towards him.

"May I?"

"Please take a seat. How long has Miss Yang been in the capital, and she hasn't come to do as the Romans do?"

"Comrade Nan, why do I feel a little uncomfortable listening to you." Yang Kaiyan sat down and said unhappily: "I always feel that there is a little sarcasm in your words."

"The ridicule is too much, you can say teasing. Ms. Yang is not easy. She even found my home phone number, and she can call me when I first got home. Didn't she send someone to keep an eye on me?"

Saying that, Nan Yi deliberately looked around.

In fact, it is not difficult to find the phone number of the old bungalow. At this time, some calls can be dialed directly, and some calls need to be transferred. As long as you know the address of the old bungalow, you can make a call. Yang Kaiyan wants to get through to Nanyi, as long as you find the old bungalow. address will do.

There are quite a few people who know the address of the old bungalow, and Yang Kaiyan can find it out just by asking.

"Comrade Nan, can we be more sincere, I really want to talk to you about investment, but your attitude is clumsy [aggressive] aggressive."

Nan Yi smiled and said: "Okay, sincerity, Miss Yang said well, then let's be more sincere. I remember... Haha, let me do the math."

Nan Yi snapped his fingers and waved his hand again, "Forget it, I still don't count, anyway, Ms. Yang's memory is definitely not bad. I once said: 'Why do you let me agree to your investment in the Yaqing project' , You gave me an answer that day, saying that you yourself are a talent.

I accepted this reason, and our conversation was able to continue.

That day, I offered my price openly and honestly, but after you heard my valuation, you gave me a "See you" and then walked away.

I think I was very sincere that day, very sincere, and told you my reserve price without reservation. On the contrary, Ms. Yang, I don’t think it’s sincere.

Then, today, you gave me another trick to return the carbine, feeling that you are giving me a series of tricks, one trick after another, you must have been enlightened by "Thirty-six Strategies" when you were a child, right? "

"I admit that I have used a little bit of tricks, but I don't think it is a sign of insincerity to play tricks in business. On the contrary, it shows that I want to invest in the Yaqing project with 120% sincerity."

"Very good. The Yaqing project is valued at 200 million US dollars. I am qualified to say that it is 86 million US dollars. Ms. Yang, how much do you want to subscribe?"

"I want 50%, but not according to the price you said, Comrade Nan. I also only agree with 50% of the valuation you said. I can inject 21.5 million US dollars into Genzhengmiao Hongxiang Company."

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