"I don't need to say compliments, as long as you can do well with Yaqing Company, the district will definitely support you as much as possible." Min Jinsheng said, taking a puff of cigarette, "The district can help you with the land you want to build a dormitory. You solve it, but what you want to build is not two buildings, but three buildings.

Many young people in the district government have not solved the housing problem. The dormitory building is relatively old. The district has held several meetings to discuss the need to repair it, but there has been no budget. Now, I will leave this problem to you. "

"The matter of the single dormitory will be discussed in the Standing Committee, what a fool, this is a rip-off, bang bang."

Nan Yi slandered, and said: "No problem, it is our Yaqing company's job to share the worries of the district. It just so happens that I am a little underestimated to prepare the company's new year's goods this time. I bought too much, so much that there is no room. Let it go, simply, I will drag it to the district, and ask the district to help us Yaqing deal with it."

"Hahaha, the word 'handling' is used well, all right, come on, the district will help you deal with it." Min Jinsheng smiled happily and said humorously.

"That's great, it solved Yaqing's big problem."

"You, you." Min Jinsheng nodded at Nanyi, shook his head slightly, and said, "Xiao Nan, you are twenty-two years old, right?"

"Yes, I was born in 1962."

"You are so young." Min Jinsheng sighed with emotion, "University at the age of sixteen?"

"Yes, good luck, I passed the college entrance examination in the first year of resumption."

"I know, I have seen your file. In 1980, the district wanted to recruit some good fresh graduates. The Personnel Department visited your school. Your name was already recorded at that time, but who knows when you graduate? By then, you had already been transferred away by Shenfeng."

"That's really... a mistake."

Nan Yi wanted to say it was a pity, but after thinking about it, it is not appropriate to say this word at this time.

Regardless of whether what Min Jinsheng said was true or not, maybe Haidian District really went to Peking University to look at the student files, or maybe Min Jinsheng looked at Nanyi's files some time ago, in any case, it's not the point.

The key point is, what does Min Jinsheng mean by this, solicitation?

"Yeah, our Haidian District has lost talents. You did a good job in Shenzhen Guofa Trading and achieved outstanding results. Why did you leave later? You were treated unfairly?"

"That's not true. The main reason is that I'm not strong enough. When I was doing investment promotion work in Xiangtang, I met a lot of business owners in Xiangtang, and several of them wanted to recruit me. At the beginning, I was given a salary of 50,000 yuan. Sixty thousand Hong Kong dollars a year, later, higher and higher, the highest opened to three hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars.

At that time, I did ideological struggle, three hundred thousand, I don't know if I can earn so much in this life.

Just when I couldn't bear the temptation and wanted to agree, I received a letter from my current wife from China. The main content of the letter was that a company in China wanted her to work part-time, and only a few days a month. God, the salary is more than 3,000 US dollars... US dollars.

When I did the math, I felt unbalanced in an instant. I can get so much for a part-time job. I sold my whole body to others to get such a little, so I didn’t agree to them. "

"Then what happened afterwards?" Min Jinsheng asked.

"Later, a foreign company offered me a salary of 600,000 U.S. dollars, and I couldn't stand it any longer and agreed to it."

Min Jinsheng smiled and said, "Isn't the root Zheng Miaohong?"

"No, District Chief Min, don't laugh at me. Anyone with a discerning eye can understand that Genzheng Miaohong is the company I established for the Yaqing project. The shareholders are all brought here temporarily by me, including my grandma."

"Hehe, it doesn't matter whether Genzheng Miaohong is a real foreign investment or a fake foreign investment, as long as your two million US dollars is real money, as long as you can make Yaqing Company a success, there will be no problem.

Xiao Nan, you are very smart, you understand the policy very well, you step on the point every step, and you don't go beyond a single step, which is very good. I hope you will keep it up and never cross that red line. "

"District Chief Min, you can rest assured that even if it's not for myself or for my wife, I won't do anything drastic."

"That's good. If there is any difficulty, the district will definitely help Yaqing solve it. I will see other people later. Let's go back and work hard."


Coming out of the Haidian District Government, Nan Yi had been wondering why Min Jinsheng didn't continue his conversation at the end.

There was too little information to analyze, so he put this matter down for now.

Back in the old bungalow, Liu Zhen was already busy in the kitchen. This was something new. It had been a long time since I saw this girl cooking.

"What kind of food?"

Nanyi walked behind Liu Zhen, put his arms around her waist and said.

"Rolled tofu with pickled vegetables."

"That's good, what kind of pickles?"

"Pickles made from radish sprouts."

"Then let's make fried pork with lettuce, do you still have lettuce at home?"

"There is more, you give it away, I'll take a look." Liu Zhen slapped Nanyi's hand away, squatted down and opened a jar to look at it, and said, "There are still a lot."

"Less meat and more lettuce, you do it slowly, I will be an old man today, waiting to eat."

Nan Yi happily walked back to the living room, humming in his mouth, "How do you say that? By the way, the emperor is not as good as me."

Walking to the corner, opened a wine jar, looked at the red liquor and fermented glutinous rice in the jar, smelled the sour smell in the air, and muttered distressedly: "Unfortunately, it was shaken during transportation, and the wine is finished. "

Reluctant fingers reached in and dug some fermented glutinous rice and tasted it, "Fortunately, fermented glutinous glutinous rice is not bad. It's been a long time since I ate fermented glutinous glutinous rice. I can make more tomorrow to satisfy my cravings."

After re-sealing the jar, Nanyi opened another jar, and used a wine grape to beat a little white glutinous rice wine from Yongcheng out of the jar. Gudu Gudu drank the grape first, and then got a small aluminum pot to beat it. a pot.

Find the alcohol stove, sit on the small aluminum pot, and let the wine warm slowly.

When Liu Zhen finished the dishes, he would roll tofu with pickled vegetables, and Nanyi had a drink and a slow drink. After the broadcast of "Detective Hunter", Nanyi was still drinking. When the dishes were gone, he opened a bottle of beer to drink. Come for white glutinous rice wine.

The wine is strong and the love is strong.

In the dead of night, Nanyi inevitably had to charge the rocking car three times.

"What's the name of Dad's dad? Dad's dad is called Grandpa; what's Dad's mom called? Dad's mom is called Grandma; what's Dad's brother called? Dad's brother is called..."


In 1985, the influx of various international production lines into the country suddenly accelerated, and Tongzi International ushered in its peak period of business.

Nanyi and Chen Feng got together once, and the smile on this guy's face never stopped.

Time entered February, Nan Yi flew to Xiangxi twice, his energy began to divide, and most of his energy was devoted to Nan's affairs.

On the afternoon of the 19th, Nanyi flew back to the capital from Xiangtang. On the second day of junior high school, he went to Liu Zhen's house to pay New Year's greetings, and Nanyi flew back to Xiangtang again. After staying in Xiangtang for five days and missing work for five days, Nan Yi returned to Yaqing's office to resume normal get off work.

On February 28, the last day of February, the weather in Beijing began to warm up.

The construction company "Jingjun Construction" established by the Beijing Military Region pulled the team to the construction site of Yaqing Company, and the two buildings of Asia Asia Shopping Center and Qinghe International Wholesale Market began to dig the foundation at the same time.

As soon as the construction team entered the arena, Nanyi ran around for various building materials.

If you want steel bars, you need to ask for help; if you want cement, you need to ask for help; if you want water pipes, you still need to ask for help; fortunately, years ago, Nanyi had already contacted various channels, and it became much easier to contact again.

It's inevitable that they still drink all kinds of things and pretend to be grandchildren.

In the first ten days of March, Nanyi's work mainly revolves around the wine table, either on the wine table or on the way to the wine table.

The experience was bad, very bad.

Nan Yi has the urge to pick up the throat-picking skill that has been almost forgotten.

Returning to the office from the wine table again, Nan Yi slumped on the chair with his heavy head in his hands, drank two cups of strong tea to dilute the alcohol in his body, shook his head, and regained his sanity, and pulled the documents on the table , opened it and looked up.

Knock knock!

"Please come in."

"In the evening, I have an appointment with Section Chief Chu of the imperial court for dinner, do you want to join me?" Yang Kaiyan pushed open the door and said after entering the office.

"I'm not going. I've been drinking too much recently. I just drank a lot at noon."

"I have a very strange question. We, Yaqing, are obviously buyers. We buy things from others, but what we buy is not the only one that has no branches. Why do we still ask the seller?" Yang Kaiyan said, walking Sit down opposite Nanyi.

"Should I help you recall your lesson on supply and demand?"

"Of course not. Of course I can understand such a simple question. I just don't understand the existence of this unreasonable supply and demand relationship."

"If you don't understand, then you should slowly find a way to figure it out by yourself. The current abnormal supply and demand relationship is very beneficial to us in Yaqing, which will greatly speed up our recovery of investment. When the supply exceeds demand, we will Yaqing’s is going downhill.”

Nan Yi said, rubbing his temples, "How is your cousin's wholesale market, and how is the investment promotion going?"

"What do you say?"

"Not going well?"

"It's okay to attract business, but no one is willing to pay long-term rent. They all pay as little as they can." Yang Kaiyan glanced at Nanyi, "It's all thanks to you."

"Being reasonable, I contacted Changhe Wool Spinning before you. In the end, you kicked me out of the game by means of shady means. I was forced to do nothing, so I stayed here to implement the Yaqing project."

"Then change?" Yang Kaiyan sneered.

"Okay, if you give me another 100 million US dollars, I will give you all the shares of Genzheng Miaohong, and I will withdraw from Yaqing Company."

"I agree with the first half of the sentence, but not the second half. You transfer Genzheng Miaohong to me, and I will pay you 2 million dollars a year to hire you to continue to be the general manager of Yaqing Company."

Nan Yi chuckled, "The general manager of Yaqing Company doesn't deserve such a high salary."

"The seat is not worth it, you are worth it." Yang Kaiyan said seriously.

"Don't think about good things. When the TV station can get it done, it's time for the advertisement to follow up." Nanyi shook his head and said.


"How soon? Three days? A week?"

Yang Kaiyan said confidently: "I will get it done in ten days at most."

"That's ten days. I'll wait to see the result."

"OK, please wait and see."

On March 11, "Mouthpiece" reprinted a piece of news from "Central Plains Daily" that a new form of economic cooperation appeared in Central Plains - joint-stock cooperation.

The so-called joint-stock cooperation model refers to joint-stock management and dividends in proportion to the share capital.

Funds can be used as shares, and production materials such as land, factory buildings, livestock, and vehicles, as well as labor and technology can be valued as shares.

This news is unpredictable for Nanyi.

The external enemies in Wenchang Siege have not been cleared, and internal strife may arise again.

On March 15th, a "Nantianmen Company" was established in the south attic of Columbus apartment in New York.

If you want to say where the popular music in Huaguo originated, there is no doubt that it is Shenfeng, to be precise, it is the song and dance hall of Shenzhen. Song and dance halls, which are still unfamiliar to northerners outside of Guangdong Province, have blossomed everywhere in Shenzhen two years ago.

The singers in the dance hall were tired of singing imported songs, and they all started to explore their own way of pop music.

As the saying goes, there are no guns or cannons, and the enemy makes them for us.

It's okay if you don't know how to compose, we can pick up the tape, this song is good, take it and use it, fill in the lyrics, won't it become your own song?

Just like that, when the end of last year was approaching, a music video for an original song by Hideki Nishijo, "Spiritual Decline", was broadcast on the court station, and it was sung all over the country overnight. The charm also aroused their longing for deep steam.

It can be said that many young people who went to Shenzhen made their determination to go south because of the song "Desperation".

It happened to be Saturday afternoon, Nan Yi and Liu Zhen were nestling at home listening to a newly bought tape.

Hearing the fourth song "People Say We Don't Love Each other", Liu Zhen suddenly said: "Why does this prelude sound so familiar?"

"Of course I'm familiar with it. I've used up all the songs from the 1950s in Hong Kong. I can think of a few titles. Let's just listen to them. The singer has a good voice and comes with an electronic sound." Nan Yi said indifferently.

Liu Zhen picked up the tape, looked at the cover, and said, "I don't like this hairstyle. When I was in the country, only street gangsters wore this hairstyle."

"Don't ask yourself..."

"Mr. Nan, we have guests."

Nan Yi was about to speak, Yan Du came to report.

"Oh, please come in."

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