Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 597 Look at the five steps

"Then you don't have to worry about this grandson, he won't trade at a loss." Chen Feng finished the copper hot pot and threw out a few plates, "How do you get the sauce?"

"I just want vinegar and garlic."

"Sesame paste." Li Jin responded, and then urged, "Lao Nan, you haven't said what you're planning."

"Just because I don't have the reputation I have. I know that pagers won't sell a lot, but I can't afford them. Don't delay others to see them. I won't lose too much if I buy something along the way."

"As a cover?"

"Roughly the same."

Chen Feng put the prepared sauce dish beside Nanyi, and asked, "How many cars did you get back this time?"

"Two, I was almost caught by Lei Zi on the way back." Nanyi briefly talked about what happened on the train.

"Old Nan, how does that Luo Qianqian look like?"

"Sharp fruit."

"Then you are really a grandson. If it were me, I would have to arrest you and imprison you for ten days and half a month."

"I don't want to, the ghost knows that he is Leizi, forget it, don't mention it." Nanyi glanced at the table, "Only mutton?"

"In the house, do what you want to eat yourself."

"I'll do it later."

Nan Yi muttered, went to the table, picked up a chopsticks to boil the mutton, and threw it into the pot. Immediately, he poured wine into his wine glass, raised his glass and said, "Let's go for Mr. Hua first."

"Respect the old man."

The three of them clinked their glasses, toasted half and drank half.

"Li Jin, I have a good job for you. You go back to your Huaguo Mountain and help my buddies talk about Peony brand sewing machines, Seagull watches, Golden Rooster brand shoe polish, ostrich ink, and the colorful skin cream that just came out this year. .”

"It's worth talking about. Yaqing's brand is so loud now, if you whistle, they will come over." Chen Feng said.

"You have to be sincere when talking about cooperation." Nanyi shook his head and said, "We at Yaqing require suppliers to give us a one-year payment period. People are familiar, and it will be easier to communicate with you when you help to talk."

"Okay, I'll take care of this matter." Li Jin agreed happily: "I'll help you convey your sincerity, it's up to them whether they want to cooperate or not."

"That's what it means. A twisted melon is not sweet. When talking about cooperation, I like to show the horses and horses. I leave the conditions aside. If I think it is mutually beneficial, I will cooperate, and I will pull it out if I can't urinate in a pot."

While Nanyi and his friends were eating boiled mutton, the headquarters of Nanguo Bank in Xiangxi was still brightly lit.

The staff are making preparations. Nanguo Bank is about to launch two wealth management products, one is called Fu Lu Shou three-year capital-guaranteed wealth management, with a guaranteed annual return of 8%; the other is called 338-year capital-guaranteed wealth management. Guaranteed annualized return of 7%.

Both wealth management products have a freezing period, and they cannot be redeemed in advance, even if they have to be redeemed in advance. Nanguo Bank does not settle the proceeds, and also deducts 15% liquidated damages.

From another point of view, Nanguo Bank pays a fairly good interest to borrow money from Xiangxi people.

Coincidentally, PY Securities and Scarlett Fund are also conducting similar operations and launching similar fund products.

Adam Bank is in contact with major banks in the world, preparing to use 600 tons of gold as collateral to distribute a loan in US dollars with a total amount equivalent to 1.5 trillion yen.

Although the figure of 1.5 trillion yen is very large, it is actually less than 6.3 billion when converted into US dollars.

Most of the loans will flow into the foreign exchange market for low-leverage long-term operations with a leverage of up to three times; of course, Scarlett Fund and PY Securities will use different leverages for long-, medium-, and short-term operations at the same time to ensure maximum benefits and maximum safety.

Regarding the upcoming Plaza Accord, not to mention all the big capitals in the world, at least more than 80% of them eat meat on New Year's Eve - they know it without others telling them.

The Japanese Yen and Mark will rise. This is a lice in the palm of the hand. It is obvious that the information gap has been grasped. Then An An is indifferent to long-term operations, or to take a risk and play short-term. Each capital has its own considerations.

The short-term risk is high, and the profit is also large. If the operation is good, the funds can be multiplied several times in one day.

The Plaza Accord is not an accidental event, but an inevitable result created by the joint efforts of many forces. The identity of the Nanyi traverser is meaningless to the "Plaza Accord" case.

In the past, Liu Zhen was able to deduce this matter by relying on the general trend of the international economy, and later, with Scarlett's extensive information channels in China, the role that Nanyi can play is to nod and sign, and then Play Go, play!

Earlier, the Intelligence Policy Committee had opened a research topic on the world economic crisis. Nan Yi remembered the Black Monday of 1987, and the days were clear, but why was it in 1987 instead of 1988? Why Monday and not other days?

Nanyi is more willing to take the time to understand the reasons behind the analysis than to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Everything has an effect and a cause, the world is full of various accidents every minute and every second, but behind the accidents, there are all kinds of inevitability.

One or two fruits, Nanyi is no longer so rare.

Even if he missed the speculative opportunity of the stock market crash in 1987, he would not feel sad.

At this stage of Nan's development, speculation can no longer be regarded as the main driving force for development and growth. Speculation can only be regarded as a small dessert after dinner. Eat something sweet to make your mood more pleasant.

Nan's needs to study the general economic trend, analyze the general economic trend, grasp the economic trend, and then follow the trend.

Grain in the left hand, minerals in the right hand, high technology hidden in the heart, fuel catalysis depends on finance, this is the most perfect structure of Nanyi's chariot in Nanyi's mind, and he has been working hard in this direction.

After drinking happily in Chen Feng's courtyard, he sent Li Jin back to his residence, and then Nan Yi returned to the old bungalow.

"The shoes are broken, the hat is broken, the cassock on the body is broken, you laugh at me, he laughs at me, a fan is broken, Namo Amitabha, Namo Amitabha, Namo Amitabha, hey... hey hey hey hey..."

As soon as he walked into the living room, Nanyi saw Liu Zhen holding a palm-leaf fan in his hand. Well, this prodigal girl broke her good palm-leaf fan on purpose. She was singing and circling around the crib, idle His hand would still rub his waist from time to time.

"Did the elixir come out?"

"There is no mud on your body, come here and let me rub it."

"Haha, I don't have mud either."

"Come here to coax Wuwei, sing "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" to him, and I'll go upstairs." Liu Zhen stuffed the broken cattail fan into Nanyi's hand, and hurried upstairs.

Nan Yi took the broken cattail fan, walked to the side of the crib, looked at his son, and began to sing happily: "People say heaven is good... no, it hasn't come out yet."

After a pause, Nan Yi recalled the lyrics, and then sang again: "The fairy mountain is separated by the sea of ​​clouds, and the Xialing jade belt is connected. It is said that there are angels in the world, and the angels are not envious. People in the world work hard, so there is a happy garden. Mian, don't complain about hardships, sweat and blood in struggle, laugh proudly at gains and losses..."

Nan Yi sang, not only did not put Nan Wuwei to sleep, but made the little baby giggle.

Seeing that the little baby was not asleep, Nan Yi picked him up.

"Your son likes He Xiangu very much. As soon as the camera appears, his hand will reach out to the TV." Liu Zhen said, clapping his hands, wanting to take Nan Wuwei from Nanyi.

"Stay away, have you washed your hands yet?"

"What do you say?"

"That'll be discussed later, your woman's poop is too stinky, don't smoke your baby son."

"The toilet is clogged, go unclog it quickly." Liu Zhen snorted and said deliberately.

"Tear it down and rebuild it." Nan Yi didn't fall for it at all, and continued to tease his son, "I like He Xiangu. When you get older, Dad will take you to see her."

"Has the Mandarin version of "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea" come out? I'm so tired of watching the Cantonese version." Liu Zhen covered her hands for a while, then hugged Nan Wuwei from Nanyi's hands.

"Ask yourself, I don't care how you know." Saying that, Nanyi walked towards the shelf where the video tapes were placed.

It is not convenient to place advertisements in costume dramas, and they are not within the focus of Donglaiwu. Naturally, it is impossible for Nanyi to know too much information.

"Well, I'll make the phone call myself. I can enjoy watching it this year. There are too many good TV series."

"Why are there fewer videotapes?"

"It was borrowed."

"The ones I put under the bed didn't borrow from anyone, did they?" Nanyi asked worriedly.

"Tch, those dirty pictures of yours, I'm ashamed to let others know."

"Stop burying people, the actors in it are all my teachers, marry a dog and follow a dog, you have to respect them."

"Hey, the actions of the film associations are too slow. The "Lizard in Mother's Cloth" in 1971 has been mosaiced. Why don't other restricted-rated films have mosaics? It's not good for children to see. "

Upon hearing Liu Zhen's words, Nanyi immediately jumped up, "Change your name to Mosaic, I'll beat you every day, okay?"

"Nanyi, did I step on your tail?"

"It's not just the tail, you've stepped on my vitals."

"Nonsense, it's not uncommon to talk to you." Liu Zhen said something, and began to tease Nan Wuwei, "Son, don't follow your father's nonsense in the future, grow up quickly, and give birth to more fat grandchildren for mother. "



As soon as he got to work, Nanyi was studying the "Schengen Agreement" that had just been signed by five countries in Europe and was still hot.

Once the "Schengen Agreement" is implemented, it means that the borders of the five countries will be opened, and people from any of the five countries can travel to the other four countries as easily as going to neighboring cities.

This also means that it is good for the tourism and hotel industries of the five countries, and even the whole of Europe.

"Investigate the tourism and hotel industry in Europe, investigate the latest forest protection bills in European countries, investigate the development status of the paper industry in European countries..."

Nanyi sorted out the things that Bolin Holdings and Sophie Holdings should pay attention to in the next step, and then began to deal with Yaqing's affairs.

"Mr. Nan, we will build an elevator shaft in a few days, and the size needs to be confirmed again."

Tang Jiangong of Jingjun Construction defeated many competitors and grabbed the top spot. He was the first to appear in Nanyi's office.

"Mr. Tang, we'll talk about this matter tomorrow. I'll go to the construction site to find you." Nan Yi said after thinking for a while.


Tang Jiangong left after finishing speaking. As soon as he left, Nanyi picked up the phone and made seven or eight calls in a row.

After dealing with the elevator matter, Nan Yi went downstairs to call Shang Han Meili and waited for someone at the gate of Yannan Garden.

After waiting for a while, a middle-aged man arrived.

"Hello, is this Chen Hanquan, section chief of Yongxin Raincoat Dyeing and Weaving Factory?"

"Yes, yes, I am Chen Hanquan, and you are Mr. Nan?"

"I'm Nanyi, Chief Chen, I'll take you to my office first."


Nanyi and Chen Hanquan walked side by side, "Section Chief Chen, I really didn't expect you Yongxin to attach so much importance to our cooperation. Your Dadi brand raincoat is a very famous brand. When it was called ADK back then, it was sought after by the tycoons of Shiliyangchang. I heard that Xu Wenqiang is wearing ADK."

Nanyi's words are targeted. At the end of last year, "Shanghai Beach" was broadcast on Shanghai TV.

"Here, Mr. Nan, isn't Xu Wenqiang a fictional character?"

"Section Chief Chen, then your reaction is slow. Your factory has never thought of inviting the actor who played Xu Wenqiang to shoot an advertisement? Everyone loves to watch "Shanghai Beach". Everyone knows Xu Wenqiang, think about the effect of this advertisement."


Chen Hanquan was a little moved, but he is a sales chief, and he can't decide such a big matter.

"Mr. Nan, your idea is great. I'll report to the factory manager when I get back."

"Hehe, you may not adopt a good idea." Nan Yi thought to himself, "It means that Paris is not easy to graft, otherwise I will let Xu Wenqiang wear the Paris brand. I don't have a long-term vision. I should have considered "Shanghai" back then. The aftermath of the introduction of The Beach.

By making arrangements early, someone's father in Wenchangwei could become a top tailor in Shanghai Beach in the past. He escaped the war and fled to Wenchangwei. After decades of vicissitudes, the good times came.

Geez, how inspiring! "

"Section Chief Chen, as long as you think it's good, I won't lose the brain cells that died after racking my brains."

As Nanyi said, he brought Chen Hanquan to his office soon. The two sides came to have some business exchanging, and then he sent someone to take Chen Hanquan to the construction site in Asia.

The purpose of Chen Hanquan's trip was to do field inspections. Wu Shiyi was in charge of communicating with textile companies outside, and Yongxin was also a stop she had visited.

After all, Wu Shiyi is still a little immature, not as sophisticated as Leng Yan. The companies that Leng Yan talked about have only visited five companies so far to do field inspections. Wu Shiyi has not been working for a long time, but seven companies have been here, and Chen Hanquan has already come. the eighth.

But coming here is not a big problem. Yaqing is not a fraudulent organization, but a real business. It is nothing more than delaying Nanyi's time and spending an extra amount of entertainment expenses by the way.

At noon, Nanyi entertained Chen Hanquan with Han Meili, who intends to train in the direction of a public relations manager.

In the afternoon, instead of going back to the office, he went to the Summer Palace, rented a boat, and rowed towards the center of the lake. After a stop, he lay down on the boat, basking in the warm sun, and began to conceive an advertisement script in his mind.

Just as he was devoting himself to it, a series of shouts reached his ears.

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