On the way, Nanyi made a call to Wang Jin and asked him about the income of Xiangcheng's model.

Then I went to the non-staple food products. When I was shopping, I ran into the manager of the non-staple food company and was forced to stuff a few catties of "Indian green" apples.

Indian green, the current fruit king in China, is widely planted from south to north, as long as it can be planted. The cycle is longer.

But it also has the advantages of easy survival, good taste, and rich vitamins. This is why it was introduced from India and integrated into the "self-sufficiency" system of the brigade.

Indian greens are not worth much, but it is very rare to get them out this month. It is only June now, and there are three months before the Indian greens mature. It is conceivable that the few catties of Indian greens in Nanyi's hands were refrigerated last year.

This favor is not small.

Carrying things into Duanjin Building, Nan Yi saw Yi Jinru sitting at a table in the corner choosing dishes.


"Come so early, I thought you wouldn't come until dinner time."

"I don't have anything to do in the morning, so I'll come over first, where's the elder brother?" Nan Yi sat opposite Yi Jinru, helping them choose vegetables together.

"The old stubborn man who delivered the coal fell ill and was in a hurry to use it at noon. Your brother went to pull the coal by himself."

"Why do you still ask him to pull briquettes today? Later, you will be dressed in black, so how can you meet him?"

"It's okay, it's about twelve o'clock, and I have plenty of time to go back and make arrangements. The girl I'm going to meet today is not bad. I've been to her house several times to look at her. Her ass is so solid that she can give birth at a glance."

"How old are you?"


"Girl with yellow flowers?"

"I talked about one earlier, but it didn't work."

"If you don't succeed, you can talk about it, so you didn't inquire about it?"

"You treat me as a tiger, can I not ask, that man found a vixen and kicked her."

"Oh, that man is very dishonest, he won't blow [the palace] off, will he?"

"Just hope your brother can order it." Yi Jinru said angrily as he tossed the dishes.

"You misunderstood me. What I mean is, if that's the case, just look at the next one. As far as the elder brother is concerned, let alone a twenty-eight, even a twenty-eight will do."

"In the 28th, whether you are looking for a wife or a daughter, you have to find someone who is about the same age, able to bear children, honest and virtuous, and I don't even try to look good."

Yi Jinru's request is quite solid, Nan Tieli's conditions are really not bad, the old man is a senior engineer, the old woman receives a pension, the younger brother goes out to work alone, he runs a big restaurant, and there are three suites at home. A set of courtyards, a courtyard house given by Nanyi, and a courtyard house he bought himself.

Although divorced with a daughter, but on this condition, and Nan Tieli is a simple and honest person, some people want to marry him.

"What do you think, big brother?"

"He's a dumb gourd, he can't get a fart with three sticks, what can he think." Yi Jinru spat, and then said: "A man must have a home, and a grasshopper must have a mother. When it comes to Mom, I just think of that heartless one, no, Nanyi, you have to help mom clean up that dead star."

"Okay, I'll find someone to slash her on the forehead, and another slash on the left and right cheeks, so that she can never find another man."

"No, I'll cripple my legs again." Yi Jinru said through gritted teeth.

Yi Jinru's hatred for Jin Yan is really great, but it's just that she has a sexual addiction. If Jin Yan stands in front of her, it is possible to slap a few times, but it is impossible to do anything else.

"Then just don't keep your hands, stuff them in the meat grinder and grind them."

"You, just make fun of me."


Both of them chose dishes quietly for a while, and Yi Jinru suddenly said, "Have you visited her?"

"No, Mom, we don't mention her, it's a disappointment."

"Okay, okay, don't mention her." Yi Jinru said happily in her heart: "I'll make a pot of pork at noon. You loved it the most when you were young."

"Add mashed potato shreds."

"I'll dip the whole thing in pickles, and the girl's second aunt will also come. She's a drinker. You and I can accompany her."

"Okay, the three dishes are almost done, let Master Pang come for the rest, otherwise people will have opinions, okay, come to the restaurant and eat a full stomach of home-cooked dishes, the Nan family really knows how to calculate."

"Hahaha, I'm sure I'll save face, I'll ask Master Pang to serve more hard dishes."

"What's the girl's name?"

"It's called Wenren Lanyue, with a double surname, which is rare."

"There are not too many people in Beijing. When I was in high school, there was a man named Wenren in the school."

Nan Yi said, but thought about the name in his heart, "I heard Lanyue, this name is quite elegant. Lanyue should be born in late July or August. People born in 1957 can be called such a name." , the old man in the family should have studied. Hey, why am I thinking about this, it’s not for me to go on a blind date.”

Shaking his head, Nanyi no longer thinks about it.

As the meal time approached, guests began to be served in the restaurant, and Nanyi also helped entertain the guests.

Duanjinlou is quieter than the Pearl Banquet. Since its opening, I have only met someone who ate Bawang’s meal once. Yi Jinru is not just a coward, she is abusive to everyone. Without further ado, she cleaned up the two of them who were eating the overlord's meal.

While helping, Nanyi also paid attention to how Yi Jinru treated the guests, which surprised him. Yi Jinru handles people very well, and the guests who come can basically talk to each other, but they keep their distance, neither far nor near , a young teenager can go to a big hotel as a lobby manager.

That's right, being able to tidy up Nan Huaiqiu's obedience does not depend on holding on to that little trick.

What's more, Fang Mengyin was run away by her, even though Fang Mengyin should disdain to be as knowledgeable as a shrew like Yi Jinru, but no matter what, it is a fact that she was run away.

It can be seen from this that Yi Jinru was originally a man of artifice.

Nan Yi refreshed his understanding of Yi Jinru in his mind, and his hands were not idle. He was also able to handle melon seeds, tea, and dishes with ease.


Nan Yi was holding a plate of melon seeds and was about to deliver them to the dining table when he heard someone calling him.

"Kang Steelmaking, come over for dinner?"

Nan Yi turned his head and looked, it was the hyperthyroidism guy with kebabs, seeing that there were four other people in industrial and commercial uniforms beside him, Nan Yi didn't call him a nickname.

"Yeah, I'm having dinner with some friends."

When hyperthyroidism said the word "friend", it was a little lack of confidence.

"Then sit in the van, and I'll take you there."

Nan Yi walked in front, leading a group of people to the innermost box.

When everyone was seated in the box, Nanyi took out two cookbooks from the side, chose two uniforms that he thought were more difficult to deal with, and handed them over, "Leaders, take your time to read the recipes, and I'll get them for you." Bring me some melon seeds and some tea."

"Excuse me," said the thinnest one in the uniform.

"No trouble, no trouble."

After exiting the box, Nan Yi went to the front desk to get melon seeds and tea. Before he was ready, hyperthyroidism had already come to him.

"Nanyi, is there any game in the store?"

"No, meat dishes are only domesticated." Nanyi paused and said, "What a big deal, it takes such a big expense?"

"What else can I do, license. After you told me about the storefront last year, I thought about it later, and it's true that the practice stall is not a long-term solution. In August, I set up the storefront, and the business was OK. , No, now I’m planning to build a second one, but I’m stuck on the license.”

"Heh, you've got a lot of money, then you can bleed slowly, tell me, how much is the standard, I'll go to the kitchen and talk to help you save face." Nan Yi patted the hyperthyroidism on the shoulder and said.

Hyperthyroidism gritted his teeth and said: "There is no standard, just pick the good ones."

"Okay, this shop belongs to my brother, but I will give you a big discount, and only charge you the cost."

"Thanks, I'll go back to the private room first."


Nanyi called Kangjia to stop, took out his military bag from the counter, took out five packs of cigarettes, and put them in Kangjia's hand, "That's all, you can use it."

"How can I take your cigarette." Hyperthyroidism was a little at a loss while holding the cigarette.

"Okay, get the license as soon as possible, and when your new store opens, invite me to have a massage."

"Okay, I got it." Hyperthyroidism patted his chest and said: "I'm going in to serve those masters, mix some water with the wine for me later."

"Beating sex, if someone drinks it, the business will be lost."

Nan Yi said a word, and watched hyperthyroidism go inside.

"What are you looking at in Nanyi? Don't look at it, it's almost time, and you haven't seen your brother yet, you go to meet him on the road, don't wait for him to arrive, he hasn't arrived yet."

"Okay, I'll take a look on the way. Mom, there's my friend in the innermost box, and I'll just charge him a cost price later."

"I remember, you go quickly." Yi Jinru said eagerly.

Nan Yi walked out of Duanjin Tower, looked around, but did not see Nan Tieli, and immediately walked forward.

Walking all the way to the intersection, Nanyi was standing by the side of the road.

This place has a wide view, no matter which direction Nan Tieli comes from, he can see it.

After waiting for five minutes, there was no sign of Nan Tieli, and there was still no sign for ten minutes. Nanyi looked at his watch, and it was already eleven fifty-five. There is a maximum of twenty-five minutes left.

If you don't come again, you're really late.

Fortunately, when the time reached 11:57, Nan Yi saw Nan Tieli riding upside down on a donkey from a distance.

Nanyi stepped forward, "Why did it take so long to pull coal?"

"Something happened on the road, so I was delayed." Nan Tieli smiled naively.

Nan Yi stared at Nan Tieli's face for a while, and said, "Are you sure it wasn't intentional?"

If Nan Yi is a scumbag, then Nan Tieli is a lover. In half a year, he probably didn't let Jin Yan go.

"Something really happened." Nan Tieli explained again.

"Okay, give me the car, you go back to the store to wash it first, the person may have arrived."

Nan Tieli hesitated for a while, but he still got down from the cushion. He waited for Nanyi to hold the handle before letting go, "Then I'll go back to the store first."

"Go, give me the coal."

Nanyi put his buttocks on the cushion, put his feet on the pedals, and started to move while riding the donkey backwards.

After riding the bike to the back door of Duanjin Building, Nanyi ran to the kitchen and took a torn apron, hung it around his neck, and unloaded the briquettes in the corner of the wall.

After dusting off the dust, leaning on the sink to wash his arms and face, Nanyi went back to the front door.

"Is anyone here yet?"

Nan Yi walked back to the front desk and saw Yi Jinru and Nan Tieli standing inside.

"not coming."

Nan Yi looked at the time, saw that it was not half past twelve, and said, "Then wait."

Wait and wait, wait and wait.

At 12:30, Yi Jinru's face turned ugly, but she didn't show anything else. Seeing her not moving, Nan Yi waited.

This waited until twelve sixty-two.

Yi Jinru patted the front desk and said, "Don't wait, our Nan family can't afford such a family."

"Mom, it's past one o'clock. I still have a lot of things to do. I won't eat here. If you need anything, please call me." Nan Yi said quickly when he got the signal to disband.

"So busy, don't you have time for a meal?" Yi Jinru asked.

"I'm a little busy, I'll come over for dinner another day." Nan Yi responded, and said to Nan Tieli: "Brother, I'm leaving first."

The blind date meal didn't work out, Nan Yi guessed that there must be some unexpected accident on the woman's side, otherwise, even if she regretted not wanting to come, someone should come over to say hello.

Returning to the old bungalow, he took the money and handed it to Qiu Heping. In the evening, Nanyi went to the Great Wall Hotel again, eating and chatting. After more than three hours, the advertising plan was basically finalized.

Then, within three days, all the people who should be in place were in place, and the advertisement could finally be shot.

"Old Zhang, Old Chen, let me emphasize one more point. Bodybuilding pants are the protagonists. Don't put the cart before the horse. You can play the rest freely, and I won't intervene."

Before filming started, Nan Yi emphasized again.

"You have said it more than 800 times, you can definitely rest assured about Zhang Yimou's photography skills."

"I'm not worried about technology, I'm just worried about your evil eyes, what are you looking at, don't take a photo of me as a little tiger tooth, or I'll be in a hurry with you."

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm not blind." A blush crept out of Zhang Yimou's folds.

"Whether you read it or not, you know."

After Nan Yi spat, he kept silent, stood aside, and stopped interfering with the crew's work.

There are no long advertisements for bodybuilding pants, only short advertisements of five seconds. It is impossible to expect a connotative story in such a short time, and the only way to attract attention is through visuals and advertisements.

Besides, bodybuilding pants don’t need any connotation. The purpose of the advertisement is to associate several actors with Paris’ bodybuilding pants, so as to distinguish it from other followers.

After last year's Olympic Games, Parris only had an exclusive business for two months, and in the third month, more than a dozen factories began to produce bodybuilding pants. The advantages that cannot be imitated for a while, the sales volume is not affected much.

But it will not work this year, other factories have also launched new machines, one-piece bodybuilding pants flood the market, and the sales of Parris have fallen precipitously.

It is impossible for Wenchang Clothing to continue to rely on Nanyi to provide new ideas to do exclusive business forever, and there are not many new ideas in Nanyi's belly;

Besides, the Nan family also has a swallowtail butterfly. Nanyi has not paid much attention to it in the past few years. It is time to shift the mind from Wenchang clothing to the swallowtail butterfly. The commercial shooting is Nanyi's last direct intervention in Wenchang clothing.

"Keriya, I heard that after the year-end meeting last year, you haven't been back to Wenchangwei?" Looking at the busy crowd of the crew, Nan Yi said abruptly.

"Nansheng, after you stopped directly managing Wenchangwei, some things have changed. My current job is not as easy as before." Han Hanren said, "That Zhang Yu is eyeing my position."

"Nonsense, any seat Zhang Yu wants is possible, but she will not miss your seat, she knows very well that she can't do it." Nanyi turned his head, stared into Han Hanren's eyes and said: "Keriya, If you have anything to say, just say it, don't play such a clever thing."

"Okay, okay, Nansheng, I'll just say it straight." Han Guoren begged for mercy: "Now I feel that what I do in Wenchang Clothing is boring. Although the others in Wenchangwei are not country bumpkins, they don't have much knowledge. , those who are capable, Nansheng, you can send them outside, I am very tired from communicating with them."

"Fuck, straighten your tongue before you speak."

"I'm used to it. It's more convenient to say that Hong Kong Pu does things in the mainland."

Han Hanren's accent immediately changed, and his Mandarin became the standard. He has been dealing with film studios in the Mainland for so many years, and he has learned Mandarin very well. It depends on whether he is willing to speak it.

"I know you are in trouble. If you really want to leave, I won't stop you. We have talked about some things last time. If you want to do it yourself, I will help you on the horse and take you for a ride. It is not in vain that we know each other so well. for many years."

"I have thought about doing it alone. I have saved a lot of money over the years, and I have contacts, but I can only make clothes when I do it alone. Isn't this right with you, Nansheng?"

"You don't need to be so cautious, you don't have to be an enemy if you do the same business." Nan Yi patted Han Guoren's arm, "You go now, but I owe you something. Back then, I told you, I want you to live in the middle of the mountain, I want you to be a fashion king, I want you to be Xu Shaoliang, and now I haven’t done any of them.”

Han Hanren said emotionally: "Nansheng, I was just a street fashion designer back then, and I lived with my family in a resettlement building in Shek Kip Mei. It was you who gave me the opportunity to be what I am today. I...I am sorry for you. "

"Okay, don't say I'm sorry. If you have the opportunity to be a boss, who would want to be a four or nine boy? It's human nature. Don't worry, I won't hate you. I only have three requirements for you."

"Nansheng, tell me, I will definitely agree." Han Guoren nodded and said.

"First, stay for a while longer, until I call Xiuyun back to hand over to you; second, don't open the factory in Shenzeng, far away from Wenchangwei, so don't embarrass me; third, things about Wenchangwei are rotten in your stomach inside."

"I plan to open the factory in Yongcheng. I have already visited the site. The investment environment there is not bad, the folk customs are very simple, and there is a wharf there, so it is very convenient for foreign trade shipments."

"It's a good choice. Call me when it opens. I'll send you a long-term order. The profit won't be too high, but it will be enough for you to feed your workers."

Han Guoren said happily: "Thank you Nansheng."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me. The low profit is not a polite word. It is really not high. Just don't scold me when the time comes."

"No, no, with a long-term and stable business, the pressure on me will be much less. When formulating the development route, I can be a little bit more aggressive, and I don't have to worry about not being able to support the workers."

"When you leave, I should not be in Wenchangwei. If you say goodbye, I will say it first." Nan Yiyu said earnestly: "Distinguish between the inside and the outside, and don't treat those who do things for you badly."


Han Hanren nodded heavily.

"I can't help you for a few days. Now that I'm your superior, hurry up and get me the teacup." Nanyi patted Han Hanren's arm again and smiled.

"Hehehe, yes, Nansheng."

Han Hanren smiled foolishly, and hurriedly went to get the teacup.

"Hey, the small-scale farmer's consciousness doesn't have the capacity to tolerate people at all. I wish I could keep all the money in my pocket. Han Guoren is not a great talent, but he is definitely a talent. Once he leaves, Xiuyun can't handle the foreign trade at all. Business Definitely shrinking."

"Nansheng, teacup."

Han Hanren quickly brought the teacup over.

Nan Yi took the teacup, unscrewed the bottle cap, took a sip of tea, and swallowed the tea leaves, "Keriya, you can find Gong Xue to sign the advertising agreement later, and settle the accounts by the way; If you go to Yang Kaiyan to talk about it, I won't participate."

In the 60-second advertisement time, only Nan Chenjiu will follow from the beginning to the end until the 18-month contract expires, and the other advertisements will stop running at a certain point in the middle.

For example, the popularity of bodybuilding pants is just a gust of wind, and it may not be sold anytime soon. With changes in the market and sales, its advertising frequency will be adjusted, and most of them will not meet the expiration of the contract.

In the spare time, it is impossible to be idle. Genzheng Miaohong will then be a middleman to make a difference, and try to earn back the buyout fee as much as possible.

It doesn’t matter if the food is ugly. After this toss, the court’s understanding of the value of advertising time will definitely be further improved. It is entirely possible that Biao Wang will be born earlier than the original history, and there will be no cheap ones in the future.

Don't play with it if you don't have the advantage. The next step is to go to the local TV station to sweep the garbage time and turn waste into treasure.

"Understood." Han Hanren nodded and said, "Nansheng, there is one more thing I forgot to mention just now. I plan to continue to use the contacts in the film studio."

"Hehe, Keriya, you don't need to apply for this matter. The film studio's network is built by you. They all recognize you. You can use it as you like. It's just..."


Nanyi's long voice made Han Hanren's heart startled.

"It's just that you forgot another sentence I told you - eat less snacks and read newspapers more. If you have been reading newspapers all the time, plus your contacts in the film studio, it is impossible not to analyze the inland film market. showing signs of atrophy.

I won't talk about the rest, since you want to do it alone, you have to worry about everything in the future, and no one will check for you and fill in the gaps. "

"This... Nansheng, you already plan to change the promotional strategy of Wenchang Clothing?"

Nan Yi pointed to the camera not far away, and said, "Isn't it changing now?"


Han Hanren was lost in thought.

Nanyi didn't bother Han Hanren's thinking. He walked to the corner with the teacup, poured out the cold tea, and went to the tea station for the crew to refill the boiled water.

"Nan Batian, why don't you ask your buddies to join in the fun when you're shooting commercials?"

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