When you come to the courtyard in the depths of flowers, the first thing you do is to clean it.

Aunt Yu is no longer here. One day, she picked up 300 yuan in the yard, and left happily with a little sadness.

"Men San'er, you sold all the TVs and VCRs here. Put away the VHS for me first, and next time you come over for Weimin, you give it to him and let him take it back."

"Master Nan, don't you watch movies?"

"If you don't watch it, there are no good movies."

"I have the film. I made "The Snake" and "Lin Shirong". They are all martial arts films. They are good to watch."

"Since it looks good, you can close the door and take a look slowly."

"Master Nan, I encountered something new a few days ago." Men San'er said half and kept the other half, with a mysterious expression on his face.

"Come on, I don't like this, just say what I want, if you don't want to say it, hold it back for me, and get used to you."

"Don't, I said it's not enough. Last time, when I went to the courtyard behind the empty space, I saw that someone was already playing a video to collect tickets. It costs one yuan per person, and a living room is crowded, and you can sit in more than 30 people. , and earn a lot of money this day.”

"What, are you jealous?"

"Well, what are we doing, how can we value these three melons and two dates."

"Men San'er, let me tell you very seriously, dancing and gathering people to watch videos, you can hide as far as you can, don't be shy if you have a video recorder, and don't tell me if you have some money in your pocket." Bite hands.

Keep a low profile and write it eight hundred times for me when you go back.

If you really don't understand it, I have to burn ingots in front of your grave before you run out of money, understand? "

"Yes, yes, Master Nan, I didn't do anything out of the ordinary."

"By the time you do something, it will be too late."

Nanyi threw the rag on the table, went to the yard, lit a cigarette for himself, and threw the cigarette case to Men San'er.

"Zilin, take a break and work again."

"It's okay, brother, you smoke yours, I will do it slowly."

Probing step by step, Xian Zilin pretended to be natural and removed the word Nanyi in front of elder brother.

"Is the capital in chaos recently?"

"It's not peaceful, there are a lot of bad things in this period.

Just two days ago, two of them were stabbed at Xizhimen, and they haven't been caught yet; there was also a woman at Chaoyangmen, who was almost raped, and her money and tickets were all touched. clean.

You don't need to check to know that they are all among the educated youths who have just returned to the city. Those whose families are in poor conditions and see the sky wandering outside are not doing it by their grandsons in the class. "

"It's not a big deal now, and the country can't arrange so many jobs, so there's not much movement. But just wait and see, when the job placement is almost the same, when these grandsons are getting more and more troublesome, big boss It will definitely be filmed."

"I was thinking about it, and I would definitely shoot it. Even if the public security and law enforcement were half paralyzed back then, I didn't let those gangs of collusion fools do it. At that time, I really envied those guys. The train ride was free, and they were entertained wherever they went.

There is one in my alley. At that time, he traveled all over half of the country, and when he came back, he would brag to a group of us hairy children, what is delicious here, and what is authentic there.

I figured that the reason why I was delicious was because he told me to be greedy when I was a child. "

Nanyi cast a disgusted glance at Meng San'er, "Come on, don't blame the latrine for not being able to poop, you have no idea about your own virtue?"


"Since you also think that the board will be photographed, then tell me, how heavy will this board be photographed? How big will it be?"

"I don't know, but according to the current movement, it will definitely not be light."

Nan Yi took a deep breath of cigarettes, "If the four words above are pressed down—serious and strict, then it will be standardized when it is implemented at the police station. Those who have registered usually will be scanned first. If there are not enough people, they can be arrested or not. Yes, then I will be arrested too.

The city gate will definitely catch fire, you little goldfish don't go to sparks.

Sitting on the iron chair, with the words "Leniency for confession and strictness for resistance" on the back, the big cap slapped the table, 'Say, are there any accomplices? '

After thinking about it, Zhang San came in, and Li Si also came in. It was Children's Day when I came in. By the way, there is still Ding Liuyi's grandson, bite him.

I confess, I confess, there is another man named Man San'er, he is our leader, he got the video recorder, he made the video tape, he came up with the idea, and he initiated the incident.

A bunch of them made a series of confessions. Everyone is a brother, and we don't know the grandson of Man San'er very well, so he is the only one.

When the time comes, I will bring you in for questioning, and you will cry and cry: ‘I’m wronged, I didn’t. '

They insisted that you were the mastermind, that it was all right, and you do meet them often, do you think you can pick yourself out? "

Men San'er broke out in cold sweat when Nan Yi said, "Master Nan, it's not so mysterious, is it?"

"Being a person and doing things, don't take chances, especially if there is a gap in your egg, don't expect flies to not nail it.

So, be honest with me, when you should go to work, when you should be on a business trip, control your crotch, use your mouth to eat mutton, don't go out and sell it.

Do you still remember Lou Xiaoyuan who often bought antiques from us? "

"How can I forget the rich man Lou, he was our big customer at that time, and a small half of our money was earned from him."

"Since the 1950s, many people similar to him have died. Why didn't he die? Why did they let us pass water at that time?

His eyesight is not comparable to those of the palm masters, let alone the two of us can only rely on gambling.

What they want is for us two idiots to rush forward, and we will take care of things. If it is really on his head, that is, if they bought antiques from us, they only bought them and didn't sell them. No matter how serious they were, they would confiscate them.

It will be miserable for us, the speculation of huge sums of money will fall, and no one will be caught lightly.

And, remember what he loves to tell us the most? "

"Three Kingdoms, rich man Lou most appreciates Taoyuan's trio of loyalty, that kind of loyalty, that..."

"Idiot, he's talking to us, he wants us to be loyal to him, don't point him out if something happens, understand? We two brats are nothing to him.

Lou Xiaoyuan was doing business before liberation, and what he was doing was opening a door.

What is the boundary of Beijing?

Back then, there were old and young, those from the north, those from the south, devils, all kinds of forces were intertwined, and everyone could stand there firmly.

After Liberation, the business was lost, but the person had nothing to do, and the money was still in his hands. What kind of morality is this?

Men San'er, in his eyes, people like you and me are dogs that don't deserve banquets. Do you know why I decisively broke up with him at that time and stopped doing business with him?

That's because he started pushing us both toward the chamber pot.

The chamber pot is used when it is useful, and it is stuffed under the bed when it is not in use.

Men San'er, I treat you as a brother, but if you keep going to a dead end, then our fate will be over.

Listen clearly, put your tail away, behave yourself.

Brothers share the difficulties and share the blessings, but my mother just wants to be the pain of starting a business and enjoy the blessings of success, not to go squatting with you. "

"Master Nan, I know what to do."

"I hope you really know that I won't say the above words again in the future. You are several years older than me. It is said that you are older. I have already presumptuously taught you."

"I really know, I must keep a low profile."

"Go ahead and buy some food." Nanyi waved his hand and said.

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