
"Then what to buy, do you have a goal?" Nan Yi said with a poke.

""Yongle Canon"."

"Which museum was stolen?"

"The original." Zhou Dingjun said lightly.

"No, back then Jiajing ordered someone to re-record the copy, and he died before it was finished. Later, it seems that Longqing ordered someone to continue recording it, and then the original was buried with Jiajing.

But that was just a rumor, not necessarily true, but since then there has been no original record.

In the 1950s, didn't Dean Guo like "Yongle Dadian" very much?

In order to find it, he opened the Ming Tomb all over. Why, he didn't dig Jiajing's tomb, but let Lou Xiaoyuan and the others dig it?

It shouldn't be, the surname Lou is not that courageous, he dares to dig the imperial tomb in the capital? "

"Mr. Nan, you also said that it was just a rumor. No one knows where the original copy went. A month ago, Xiang's auction house sold three volumes of "Yongle Dadian". It is said that it is the original copy. We found Lou Xiaoyuan."

"The price is very expensive?"

"The transaction price was 7.8 million Hong Kong dollars, and it was auctioned off by a wealthy businessman from Malay."

"Lou Xiaoyuan posted it. It's not clear. There are a total of 22,937 volumes of "Yongle Dadian", and they will be sold at this price. It can be sold for a gross of 60 billion Hong Kong dollars. Team leader Zhou, what are you waiting for, just arrest people , tiger stool, chili water to serve, I don't believe he doesn't recruit."

Luo Qianqian glared and said, "Nan, what nonsense are you talking about? We need evidence to handle the case."

"You don't need to ask me for evidence. I don't make money by smuggling cultural relics. If Lou Xiaoyuan is doing that kind of business as you said, then based on what I don't know much about him, he is definitely a cunning and cunning person." People, there are channels to get things out, why did he sell me "Yongle Dadian"?

Besides, what should I buy?

I can still make up tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands, tens of millions, where do you want us to change?

Or do you want me to embezzle Yaqing's public funds?

Misappropriating tens of millions is enough to be shot. Use one crime to stop another crime? "

What kind of "Yongle Dadian" original, bullshit, I have never heard of any original version appearing in Nanyi in my last life, "Yongle Dadian", if the original is really going to appear, even if he doesn't care, the news will automatically go to his eyes and ears.

Nanyi is more willing to believe that Lou Xiaoyuan himself or in his subordinates, there are one or several counterfeiters.

Who identified the three volumes of "Yongle Dadian"?

What is the level of identification?

Has he seen the original "Yongle Dadian" before? If you haven't seen it, how can you say those three volumes are real?

Appraisal experts, hehe, the appraisal level is erratic. If you want to be high, you can be high, and if you want to be low, you can be low. It can change at any time according to the situation. Sun Monkey doesn't change as much as them.

Nan Yi was thinking, buy two loads of Hetian jade tomorrow, start making golden jade clothes the day after tomorrow, and get a mortgage loan from a Swiss bank the day after tomorrow, not much, just take a loan of 1 billion US dollars, even if the kickback is 990 million, it is probably his It is also a good deal.

"Xiao Luo, don't talk, Mr. Nan, and don't use your emotions." Zhou Dingjun comforted him, "Mr. Nan, you don't have to act as a buyer, you can also act as a broker. You have work experience in Xiangcheng, and your grandma If you want to say that you know a few wealthy people in Xiangxi, no one will doubt that."

"Being a broker is a good way. I used to be in charge of attracting investment in the front line. I know a lot of bosses in Xiangxi, but there is no boss who can spend tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars to buy antiques?"

"You don't have to buy all of them, you can buy a few rolls."

Nan Yi patted his forehead and said: "Yes, yes, yes, I think I'm left. There's no need to make a circle. They sell it at retail. Team leader Zhou, tell me how I can cooperate with you. I'll follow your orders.

However, there is one thing I want to explain first, the time can't be too long, Yaqing's work is at a critical moment, I can't wait to work 24 hours a day, and I can't leave for too long. "

Zhou Dingjun smiled and said: "It won't take long, the line from Xiangyu can be connected to the ghost Li Tangming. Mr. Nan just needs to go to the Jingcheng Hotel to find him and tell him that you want to buy "Yongle Dadian". Wait for news from Lou Xiaoyuan."

"go today?"

"No, the day after tomorrow, Li Tangming is not in the capital now, and will come back tomorrow night."

"Okay, what about today?"

"Mr. Nan, as long as you are busy with your work, I will let Xiao Luo stay as a liaison officer." Zhou Dingjun said.

Nan Yi frowned, "Comrade Luo will come with me the day after tomorrow?"

"Yes, she wants to keep you safe."

"Protect me, I'm just using Lao Tzu as a ladder. Unfortunately, there is no chance for Infernal Affairs." Nan Yi slandered, and said, "Then how do I introduce her to outsiders? Team Leader Zhou, don't hurt me." , my wife is fierce.

If it's okay, I will be asked to kneel on the washboard every now and then. If a beautiful woman appears by my side, then how can I live? "

"Mr. Nan, you don't need to be joking. We absolutely believe in Director Liu's political consciousness. Don't worry, our task force will explain the situation to her afterwards, but beforehand..."

Zhou Dingjun deliberately didn't finish his sentence.

"Captain Zhou, don't worry, I used to be a communications militiaman, and I have memorized the code of confidentiality." Nan Yi said with a straight face.


Zhou Dingjun left, Luo Qianqian stayed.

"Comrade Luo, I apologize again for what happened on the train." Nan Yi first expressed his apology, and then said: "However, you should be more polite to me, anyway, I am also the grandson of the target of the United Front .”

"Are you sure?" Luo Qianqian taunted, "I think Ms. Fang Mengyin is more like the grandma of the united front."

"Do I need a united front?" Nan Yi pointed to the documents on the table and said, "Didn't you see that I am working hard for our country's reform and opening up? Well, if you want to drink water, you can pour it yourself. If you want to drink, go downstairs There is a refrigerator, I have to work, so I can do it myself.”

After the voice fell, Nanyi began to read the document, writing something in the blank space of the document from time to time.

Luo Qianqian was bored, first stared at Nanyi for a while, and then looked at Nanyi's office without interest. After a while, he wanted to kill the blowfly buzzing beside the screen window with his eyes.

After two hours, Nanyi finished processing the documents, and then looked up at Luo Qianqian, who was fighting with the flies.

"The female dormitory building of Beijing University is not far from here. These Lucila sericata go there for dinner every day. When they are full, they will disperse and fly [step] away. After eating, they will fly to me to cool off. Repeat by the way Watch a movie called "Busy Day".

After watching the movie, fly back to the girls’ dormitory to have a big meal. At night, as long as it doesn’t rain, they will hold a bonfire party in the depths of Yannan Garden. Mosquitoes, moths, and fireflies will all participate together. Let's dance together regardless of race.

The one you see, I call it Kung Fu Little Fly, loves to be clean very much, and it has to be freshly pulled...freshly cooked. "

Luo Qianqian thought it was a bit interesting to hear that a fly was endowed with a romantic and humanistic color, but Nanyi's last "pull" word, all the beauty was instantly smashed to pieces.

"The bastard surnamed Nan must be deliberately disgusting me."

Luo Qianqian was keenly aware of Nanyi's evil taste, so she just gave Nanyi a glance and said nothing.

Nan Yi scratched his chin, feeling a little embarrassed. He didn't purposely reverse it at the end, but he was used to this reversed way of speaking.

"I'm going out, do you follow, or stay here?"

"I want to follow you twenty-four hours a day."

Luo Qianqian didn't make a sound, she had realized that her verbal skills were probably not as good as Nanyi's.


Nanyi nodded and picked up the phone on the table.

"Hello, Nanyi, Yaqing Company, do you still have a suite? Okay, reserve one for me. I'll stay for two days...Thank you."

The Great Wall Hotel has a business reservation business, and Yaqing Company is their cooperative unit. If you book a room in the name of Yaqing, you can get a considerable discount.

It is said that it is a cooperative unit. In fact, there is no threshold, and no additional fees are required. As long as the unit comes forward in the name, it is nothing more than giving potential high-quality customers a little discount to increase customer stickiness.

This marketing model only began to be popular among domestic business hotels in the mid-to-late 1990s. It has to be said that the business model of the Great Wall Hotel is quite advanced.

Going out and getting in the car, Luo Qianqian just glanced at the school girl and the tiger cub, but didn't pay much attention.

There is no need to pay attention now. The school belles are holding Hong Kong ID cards. They came to the mainland to get home return certificates. They are all recorded. Luo Qianqian must know the existence of the two of them.

The car drove to Wangfujing, got out of the car, Nanyi got into Wangfujing Bookstore, and then squeezed into the crowd.

Wangfujing Bookstore is the largest bookstore in the capital. Since October 1977, when the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination was published, the business here has been very good. Not only the locals in the capital come here to buy books, but even those who come from other places for business or tourism must come here. Walking around here, as well as schools and libraries in other places, all recognize Wangfujing Bookstore.

Just in the first half of last year, the bookstore was not a self-selection mode. There were glass counters in front of the bookshelves, and the teller could pick up any books you wanted, and there was no chance to read a few pages first.

Whoever dares to stand at the counter and slowly flip through the books will be thrown out by those who are queuing behind.

As soon as the bookstore opens every day, readers immediately line up in a long queue, which is still a unique landscape in Wangfujing Street.

It's not that people who buy books like to come to Wangfujing to join in the fun, but Wangfujing Bookstore is the "No. 1 store in China". Any new books will be supplied here in advance, and those that cannot be bought in other places can be bought here.

Nanyi squeezed into the crowd and ran towards a staff member who was replenishing the bookshelves.

"Old Ai, will you stay for me?"

"I have kept it, but there are only eight copies. There is no way. There are too many people who have reserved, so I dare not keep too many." Lao Ai whispered in Nanyi's ear.

Lao Ai, Nan Yi didn't know whose relationship it was. Anyway, the person I contacted after going around several detours was a friend of a friend of a friend.

"When will the next batch arrive?" Nan Yi asked.

Old Ai: "At least by the end of next month."

"Forget it, eight books are eight books, can I take them away now?"

"I can't do it now, I can't go away, I have to replenish the stock, and I have replenished more than a dozen times today. So, I will take it back tonight, and you can go to my house to pick it up." Before Lao Ai could finish his sentence, he was picked up by a person next to him. Readers ask questions.

"You are busy, I have to go to the inner bookstore next door."

After Nanyi said something, he turned and left without disturbing other people's work.

This is a lovely era. If you want to buy a copy of "Ci Hai" and "Etymology", you have to go through the back door. Otherwise, you have to pay a deposit, register and rank, and the book will be in your hand in less than two years. How fast is it?

On the right side of Wangfujing Bookstore, there is an "internal bookstore" tens of meters away.

The door is half closed, and if you want to go in, you have to show your identity, and you have to make the cut.

"Hey, who are you, this is the office, what are you doing in there?"

As soon as Nan Yi walked to the door of the bookstore, he was stopped by a male voice.

Luckily, he cleared his throat. Nanyi was about to say "The earth vibrates in Gaogang, and the streams and mountains are beautiful throughout the ages", when he heard the male voice just now, "It turned out to be you, come in."

It's not the first time Nanyi has come here, and he has left SSS-level confidential files here.

Male voice, nicknamed Bookworm, his real name is unknown, Nanyi didn't ask.

The nerds not only guard this bookstore, but also set up a dubbing group with their friends. They not only sell foreign literary works that have been dubbed before, but also dub some new foreign books, such as "The Shogunate" bought by Nanyi last time. The fragment of The General, the third page has a unique flavor of translation.

"Which country's army does Lafayette want to challenge today?" Nan Yi asked after entering the door.

The nerd replied: "Weihaiwei's Huayong Camp has just arrived, and Lafayette wants to touch them. Go to the far right and go all the way to the end."


Nan Yi responded, walked along the bookshelf to the innermost place, and saw two Eagle Country literature books "Down and Out in Paris and London" and "Middlemarch" in a conspicuous position.

Picking it up and flipping through it, but not finding any obvious printing errors, Nanyi raised his head and said to the male voice, "How many are there?"

"Twenty-two books, you can take ten books."


Nan Yi responded, and walked around the bookstore again, picking up two original books that he hadn't read yet.

He paid the money silently, nodded and left.

With the book in hand, I went to the post office and sent a package to Wenchangwei.

"Is it too early for elementary school students to read this kind of book?" Seeing Nanyi packing there, Luo Qianqian suddenly said.

"I checked it carefully enough." Nan Yi snorted, and then said: "You don't have to read it if you don't understand it, but as long as there is one person who reads it, this book will not be a loss. Maybe there will be a book in Wenchangwei in the future." The Nobel Prize in Literature."

There is not much difference in the price of parcels developed separately and distributed together. Before getting "Etymology", Nanyi distributed the current ten books.

"Picture what?"

After walking out of the post office, Luo Qianqian asked again.


"You care so much about Wenchangwei, what are you trying to do?"

Nan Yi stopped, looked into Luo Qianqian's eyes, and said: "Before I went to the countryside, the teacher who put on the big red flower for me said to me: 'Go to the countryside and change the backwardness there.'

The teacher may have just said it to me in a formulaic way, but I took it seriously when I wore the big red flower.

The educated youth go to the countryside, receive re-education from the poor and lower-middle peasants, integrate into them, become one with the peasants, transform them, change the backward thinking in the countryside, and lead them to realize the beautiful life of lights and telephones upstairs and downstairs. "

"Not empty words?"

Luo Qianqian didn't believe Nanyi's words at all.

Nan Yi sneered, "Of course it's empty talk. It's glorious to be a soldier defending the country, being a policeman to eliminate violence and safety, being a scientist to improve science and technology, being a cadre to serve the people, being a doctor to save lives and heal the wounded, being a cleaner to beautify the city, being a worker." It is glorious to engage in industrial production.

Be a farmer?

Comrade Luo, are you willing to marry a farmer and take root in the countryside? "

Nanyi issued a torture that penetrated into the soul.

No, it should be said to be an interrogation.

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