
"Oh, I'll see you then."

"Any thoughts?" Leng Yan asked.

"If you have any ideas, I just hope that everyone in the factory will be simpler. If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle in. It's easier to deal with it." Nanyi said quietly.

"My big boss, don't think about how to deal with the people who run the factory. Think about money first. I will go to Bagui for consultation the day after tomorrow. Even if the technology can be transferred, nothing can be done without money."

"It's not difficult to find money. It's not difficult to sell 35% of the shares. The difficult thing is to increase the valuation."

Leng Yan thought for a while and said: "Putting it together, the valuation can reach 5 million at most. No matter how high it is, the bank debt is too high. The factory's previous Biwensan, Angong Niuhuang Pill, and Tianwang Buxin Dan Not an exclusive product, no technology, no assets, no..."

"Okay, I don't need you to pour cold water." Nanyi waved his hand and interrupted Leng Yan, "1.75 million is not enough. I am not willing to sell the shares at such a low price. Now that I have done it, I plan to do it Best of all, on the day I leave, I hope that Shengchen Pharmaceutical will be thriving instead of flooding.

I heard from Liu Zhen that her teacher participated in the demonstration meeting on the feasibility of establishing a stock market. It is very likely that we will establish a stock market in China, and you want to put Shengchen Pharmaceutical on the market. "


Leng Yan pointed to her nose.

"Yes, you." Nanyi nodded and said, "This time, it's the same as Yaqing, I will be the pioneer cow, and others will pick the peaches, this time you will stay as the manager, and the chairman's seat has to be given up.

There are several steps. The first step is to raise internal funds in the factory tomorrow. Needless to say, it will definitely not go well. If it is not forced, it may not be possible to sell a share.

The second step is to discuss debt-to-equity swap with the bank. The loan of 17.2 million yuan will become 35% of the shares. The bank will agree to it;

The third step is to find outsiders to sell the shares, and it is estimated that they can only sell a few shares in a piecemeal manner;

The three steps are not going well. For the sake of the development of Shengchen Pharmaceutical Industry, I can only put my mind on it and mobilize my relatives and friends to buy, first you, then Liu Zhen, Yaqing Company, etc. Most of the shares, we Buy it yourself. "

Leng Yan continued according to Nanyi's thoughts: "When the implementation of each of these three steps is not smooth, you should go to the district government to complain and let them know that we are in a difficult situation; Do you want to transfer some shares to internal employees and external related accounts?"

"Yes, you and I have to spit out the shares that you and I personally bought. This plan needs to be implemented beautifully. A reporter needs to follow up and report. "Three years of sharpening a sword, Shengchen Pharmaceutical Industry reborn from the ashes", three years later Today, I hope that the report will use this as the title."

Leng Yan: "Three years later, I have already thought about it. Have you thought about the title of the first article?"

""He said: Tired of sitting in the car", subtitled "Remember Nan Yi, Director of Shengchen Pharmaceutical Factory, who was difficult to restructure", with a picture of me pushing a bicycle forward with my body soaked but still straight on a rainy day back photo."

Leng Yan: "You still want to act out a scene where you sell your car and buy stocks?"

"How is it possible? I will only say that I am tired of the car and want to ride a bicycle. Everything else is the reporter's guess. This must be reflected in the report; the drama you mentioned must be written from the reporter's first-person perspective. , only reflects our difficulties, and cannot be written in a noble way, otherwise it will be easy to overturn in the future."

"Gao Shang, you deserve it too?" Leng Yan said disdainfully.

"If you dare to despise your superiors like this again, I will send you to Africa directly to fill in the houses of the chiefs there. As far as your appearance is concerned, the diamond mine will definitely not be able to get you back. It is okay to exchange dozens of camels." Nan Yi's eyes deliberately Leng Yan swept her body.

"Fuck you!" Leng Yan spat first, and then said coquettishly, "Dear boss of Nantah University."

"You can do it, and play with me and eat and throw up."

The two of Nanyi were talking, and they had already come to the side of the small cafeteria, where more than a dozen workers were talking and laughing about demolishing the house.

"It seems that the workers have a long history of resentment towards the small cafeteria." Leng Yan said with emotion.

"The factory office is a group of vested interests, and should have kept a low profile, but this small cafeteria has clearly displayed the inequality between them and the workers.

For a while in the future, don’t emphasize the sense of ownership in the factory, and wait until the workers become the owners of the factory. Now they have no obligation to be responsible for the factory, they only need to be responsible for the wages they receive. "

"This argument is different from the current mainstream thinking, and it is a bit dangerous to say it." Leng Yan worried.

"Just do it and don't talk about it. It's almost time. You go to the door to pick up someone. Just after talking with Shi Hongqi to strengthen the security of the factory, Lawyer Jin may not be able to come in." Nan Yi said, looking at his watch.

On the first day at the Nine Pharmaceutical Factory, Nanyi arranged for the workers to clean up. On the second day, they found a car and went to the brewery to pull a car full of broken beer bottles back. They asked the workers to do it themselves and cement the walls of the factory. Filled with shards of beer bottles.

Nanyi has already checked the raw material warehouse, and there is no raw material in it. In addition, the original three medicines are not suitable for continued production. The workers have no work to do, but they can’t be allowed to be idle. If they are idle, they will panic again. The hearts of those who have just been appeased will become restless again.

In the morning, Nanyi went to the No. 1 Infectious Disease Hospital to inquire about the 84 disinfectant.

The matter is very simple and not complicated, as long as the technology transfer fee is paid, the money is not very much, only 150,000 yuan; the conditions are so loose, Nanyi asked how many companies were transferred, and the answer was 37.

After getting this answer, Nanyi calculated the cost of producing 84 disinfectant in his stomach. After getting a figure, he quickly gave up the idea of ​​producing 84 disinfectant.

There is too much competition, the cost is too high, and the short-term speculative profit is not big, and it is only suitable for the long-term flow of water.

Nothing could be done, Nanyi didn't go back to Nine Pharmaceutical Factory, bought a bag of green apples for one yuan on the side of the road, turned the corner and went to the streets of Xidan.

Wandering the streets while chewing an apple.

No stalls are allowed at the crossroads, and there are red armbands in charge. They will go back and forth for ten or twenty minutes to check. The first time, they will persuade them with kind words, but the second time, they will not be polite. If they should deduct things, they will be fined. .

But it's not difficult for the street vendors to sell the men. If the stalls are not allowed, I will sell them on foot.

A wooden box similar to that in the period of the Republic of China is hung around the neck of the seller of smuggled cigarettes. Cigarettes are sold all the way, and then restocked in corners when they are sold out; those who sell snacks and snacks carry baskets or net bags. Just hold it in your hand, find a place to stand and wait for customers to come up to inquire.

"Sister-in-law, how is business?"

Nan Yi found a woman selling sugar-fried chestnuts among all kinds of vendors. This woman was named Wenren Lanyue, the one who was going on a blind date with Nan Tie-li at the beginning, and now she is Nan Yi's sister-in-law and Nan Tie-li's wife.

Coincidentally, Wenren Lanyue and her second aunt did not come during the blind date back then. It turned out that it was on the way to the Duanjin Tower. Her second aunt suddenly fell ill and happened to meet Nan Tieli, who sent her second aunt to the hospital.

Later, after her second aunt got well and was discharged from the hospital, she went to Yi Jinru to explain it to Yi Jinru. As soon as the matter was discussed, the two parties arranged another blind date. Like, Nan Tieli and Wenren Lanyue got together soon.

Wenren Lanyue said happily: "It's pretty good, I've sold almost 20 catties today, and made a profit of more than 60 yuan."

Even after decades, it will be difficult to buy sugar-fried chestnuts in spring and summer, and almost none of them will be seen on the market.

The old fruit from years ago has been sold out, and this year's new fruit has not yet come out. In June, the sale of sugar-fried chestnuts is an exclusive sale. There is no semicolon, and the price is a little higher.

Wenren Lanyue's sugar-fried chestnuts sell for four or five yuan a catty, but there is still an endless stream of people who can buy them, especially some young men who want to please someone, even if they are shy, they have to bite their teeth to buy.

"Anyone looking for trouble?"

"No, it's just that many people asked me where I got the chestnuts, but I didn't tell them."

"Sister-in-law, eat an apple. I just bought it on the side of the road and washed it." Nanyi said, and handed the bag of apples to Wenren Lanyue.

Wenren Lanyue pushed the bag back and said, "Don't eat it, your hands will become sticky after eating it, and it won't be easy to sell things in a while."

"Oh, then you continue to sell, I'll go over there." Nan Yi said casually pointing in a direction.

"Nanyi and so on." Wenren Lanyue stopped Nanyi and said, "Ruochan is at the traffic box at the intersection ahead, help me to see her."

"Okay, sister-in-law."

Nan Yi came here just to take a look at Wenren Lanyue. Nan Tieli is a boring gourd, but Nan Yi's sister-in-law is not. She is gentle and virtuous, she is shrewd, she is also outgoing, and has the potential to be a gold medal seller; plus Shangnan Tieli did not become a stepfather, which is enough to prove that her character has passed the test.

Shengchen Pharmaceutical needs to establish its own sales channels, and cannot be choked by Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Company. Building an iron army of medical representatives who can drink, blow, and shoot is the meaning of the title.

Nanyi has an idea to support Wenren Lanyue as the deputy helm of this iron army.

After saying goodbye to Wenren Lanyue, Nanyi went to the traffic guard box at the Xidan intersection. The guard box here is called the red scarf guard box. Every day, the red scarves from several elementary schools near Xidan would take turns to clean the guard box, and would stand on the side of the road holding a tin sheet and making a loud noise. Promote traffic safety knowledge.

Nan Yi nodded to a female student holding a loud male, and after receiving a sweet smile from the female student, she leaned on the iron railing beside the sentry box and watched quietly.

The female student is Nan Ruochan, who studies in the primary school attached to the normal school in the capital. The school is not too far from here. This area belongs to their school's red scarf activity area. Nan Ruoying wears a bar on her arm. Participation is definitely indispensable.

Nan Ruochan is a little girl who is very interested in chemistry. If her interest in chemistry remains unchanged, the joke Nan Yi told Chen Feng at the beginning might come true. He might really pave the way for the little girl to climb smoothly. the road.

Just like Nanyi's help to the Liu family, preventing the three Liu family brothers from going astray, this is not only the duty of a son-in-law, but also for the sake of Nan Wuwei, Nanyi wants to create a glittering circle of relatives for his son.

The Nan family does not lack businessmen, but lacks an academic master. Nan Ruochan has this potential, and Nan Yi, a cheap uncle, is naturally willing to contribute money and efforts.

It's good to be kind to others, to follow the glory, to benefit others and yourself, not to mention that if one person attains the Tao, if the chicken and dog don't ascend to heaven, they will be stabbed in the back.

If you do not arrange for your own family in politics, you are called selfless, honest and honest; in business, your family begs for food, and you don't take arguments wherever you go.

Taking advantage of Nan Ruochan's shift change, Nan Yi stepped forward and said a few words to her, and then left Xidan.

In less than half an hour, people from Nanyi appeared on the edge of Wild Duck Island in Houhai.

Hang a radio on a tree, listen to the cross talk "Buying a Monkey" by two old men, Ma Sanli and Wang Fengshan, set up a picnic folding table, light the alcohol stove, sit on the teapot, set up the chairs, and put your head up As soon as I lay down, the fishhook was thrown out, listening to the cross talk mixed with sizzling sounds, accompanied by the gurgling of hot water, it was so relaxing.

The meal time is approaching, let the tiger cubs go to the Pearl Banquet to get some food, Nanyi plans to stay here until dark today.

It's a pity that things didn't work out as expected, Nan Yi had just been paralyzed for a while, and the pager beeped.

Once I pressed it, I saw that the number was unknown and there was no digital code. Nanyi didn't bother to call back. Several acquaintances had their own digital codes, so I knew who was calling at a glance.

Nanyi didn't reply, but he didn't expect the other party to be quite persistent, calling out over and over again, seven or eight times in just ten minutes, it seemed that it would be impossible not to answer one.

It happened that the tiger cub came back with a meal, so Nanyi asked him to answer the phone, and she and Xiaohua ate first.

"It's been a long time since you took a vacation. Take some time to take a two-month vacation. You can go wherever you want, and you can relax." Nanyi said to Xiaohua while eating.

"I don't have anywhere to go, I'd better sleep later."

Nan Yi nodded and said, "Okay, just do what you want, and you can take more time to rest then."

"Nansheng, it's Mrs. Yi's call, saying that she has urgent business with you." After a while, the tiger cub came back and said to Nanyi.

"It's not the phone number in the store." Nan Yi muttered and asked, "Did you say something?"

"I didn't say anything, I'll let you go home to the courtyard."

"Okay, let's go after dinner." Nanyi said helplessly.

It has been several years since the Nan family moved out of the family home, and it is unlikely that Yi Jinru will ask him to go to the family home.

After eating, Nanyi put away his things and rushed to the family home.

When he arrived at the Nan's house in the family courtyard, Nan Yi saw four strangers sitting in the living room: two middle school students and two youths, three men and one woman.

After careful identification, Nanyi could recognize one of the middle-aged people, his nominal uncle Yi Haohan, whom Nanyi met once when he was six or seven years old.

Looking at the other middle-aged man next to him, he looks similar to Yi Haohann, probably his second uncle Yi Haofan, and the man and woman on the other side should be his cousin Yi Hongxuan , Cousin Yi Qianxi.

Nanyi has only heard of these three people, but has never seen them.

Nan Yi murmured in his heart, "Yi Jinru tolerated him because of Nan Tieli, but there's no need for the Yi family to tolerate him together. When the Yi family came over, why did Yi Jinru call him?"


"Hehe, we haven't seen each other for almost twenty years, Nan Yi still recognizes me." Yi Haohann adjusted his glasses and said.

The nominal grandfather of Nanyi seems to be a literati in the period of the Republic of China. He used to work in the education department of the Vinegar Province, so he attached great importance to the education of his children. Yi Haohan was a college student in the 1950s. Yi Haofan graduated from high school. Yi Jinru this The youngest also graduated from junior high school.

As for why one has a lower education level than the other, it is because of Nanyi's grandfather's identity in the original environment, not because of personal ability.

These are what Qian Nanyi heard from the conversation between Yi Jinru and Nan Huaiqiu, and he didn't hear everything at all. He didn't know the name of the cheap grandfather, and he didn't know why a man from the Northeast would go to Yan Laoxi Get a job there.

"Uncle, is this the second uncle?"

"Yes, this is your second uncle." Yi Haohan pointed to Yi Haofan, then pointed to Yi Hongxuan and said, "This is my son, your cousin Yi Hongxuan; this is your cousin Yi Qianxi, it is you My second uncle's daughter."

"Hello second uncle, cousin, and cousin." Nan Yi greeted the three of them one by one, and then asked, "Why isn't Mom here?"

"She went to call your dad."

"Oh, Mom didn't give you the new address. The family has moved for several years."

"The address was given, but we asked the driver on the way of the car, and he couldn't tell where your new address is, so we had no choice but to come here." Yi Haohan said.

"It's not easy to find. There are many alleys in the capital. People who don't live nearby can only tell which alley is roughly where. Few people can tell in detail. Uncle, Uncle, you first Sit down, I will also make a phone call, and then call a car to come over, and when Mom comes back, we will go to the new house."

"Okay, Nanyi, you can go."

Nan Yi ran out of the family courtyard and made a phone call, and when he returned to Nan's house, Yi Jinru had already returned.

"Mom, didn't I tell you that you add 911 when you call me? When I saw that I didn't know the number, I didn't want to answer it. If you didn't call several times, I wouldn't call back."

"I forget when I'm in a hurry, how many cars did you drive?" Yi Jinru said.

"I have ordered a car, and it will be here in a while."

"It's good to have a car, your uncle and the others haven't had lunch yet." Yi Jinru said, then turned to Yi Haohan and said, "Brother, brother, there is a restaurant at home, where to eat first, I will In the store every day, there is nothing to eat at home."

"Jinru, just follow the arrangement. We came in a hurry this time, so I really trouble you."

"Brother, don't say that. Brother, come to my sister. Is there any trouble? I, I want to go back and have a look, but I have to go to work a few years ago, and I have to take care of my granddaughter after I retire. I can't find it. It’s been a while, I haven’t seen my parents.”

As she said that, Yi Jinru burst into tears.

Nan Yi took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Yi Jinru, "Mom, don't be sad, my eldest brother and I will accompany you back in a few days, let's worship grandma and grandpa together."

Yi Jinru took the handkerchief and wiped away her tears, then sniffled her nose a few more times, "Well, go back, you must go back."

The two of Nanyi are deeply in love with each other, but Yi Hongxuan and Yi Qianxi who are sitting there are looking at them in surprise, obviously they both know that Nanyi is not Yi Jinru's biological son.

Just as Yi Jinru was comforted, Nanyi's pager rang. After looking at the number, Nanyi said to Yi Jinru: "Mom, the car is here."

"Okay." Yi Jinru choked again, and said, "Brother, Brother, let's go to the restaurant."

When the group left the family courtyard, Nan Yi asked Wu Kun, who came by the van, to take his car. He sat in the driver's seat by himself, and he drove after the Yi family members sat down.

On the way, Nanyi was holding the steering wheel in his hand, and his mind turned away again, "At the time when Nantie Litou got married, Yi's family didn't come, and when they got married again, no one came. I don't know how they came here this time. Look at the four of them. Dress up and live a good life, and logically, you won't feel bad for a little travel expenses.

Could it be that the Yi family did not support Yi Jinru and Nan Huaiqiu's marriage back then, so they severed the relationship and never communicated with each other?

But it’s not right, Yi Haohann obviously came here..."

Unable to figure it out for a while, Nanyi stopped thinking and concentrated on controlling the steering wheel.

"Cousin, are you easy to learn to drive?" Suddenly, Yi Qianxi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, asked.

"If you simply learn to drive a car, it's not difficult. What's difficult is to get a driver's license. When you take the driver's license test, you also need to take a mechanical maintenance test."

"Hee hee, it's not difficult for me to take the driver's license test. The test place is at our house. I know the people who are in charge of the test." Yi Qianxi said with a smile.

"Oh, where does Second Uncle work?"

"My dad, at the Anton Automobile Factory, which is the factory that produces the Yellow River bus."

"I've heard that grandpa is not from Syracuse, why did the second uncle go to work in Anton?" Nan Yi asked in surprise.

"What's so strange about this? Uncle works in Bincheng and has traveled farther."

"Oh, what about you, where do you work?"

"I work in the Anton Art Troupe, and I'm not happy doing it, so I don't want to do it anymore." Yi Qianxi pouted.

"Then what's the plan?"

Nanyi hadn't thought of what other people would do in the capital, but this Yi Qianxi, he guessed, was probably here to take the art test.

"I miss college, and this time I want to take the art test of Beijing Film and Drama Academy."

"Very good, then you go on."

Nan Yi said, but began to recall in his mind. After thinking for a while, he never thought that there was an actor named Yi Qianxi. Nan Yi thought that maybe he used a stage name, and he didn't mix well. There are not many chances to appear, otherwise even if she can't call her name, she should feel familiar.

The reason why Nan Yi did not go to Yi Qianxi may not have passed the exam, and she did not join the film and television industry. It is because Yi Qianxi is not bad. She looks a bit like a wealthy Li bus from the front, and she looks like Akasaka Rei from the side. .

With such good conditions, even if her artistic skills are a bit weak, the two schools would make an exception and admit her.

"It's strange, why didn't you know there was such a number one person in your previous life?"

Nan Yi put the question in his heart, and continued to drive forward. After a while, he came to the door of Duanjin Tower, where Nan Tieli stood looking forward to it.

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