Two days after Lai came, Nan Yi finally sat in the restaurant with Luo Qianqian.

Two years ago, Nanyi never cared about Lou Xiaoyuan's case since he helped with the transaction. Anyway, the box of Hong Kong dollars he provided came back to him after more than a month, but there were a few wads of money that were not from him. The original ones.

The numbers are correct, and Nanyi is not too entangled.

After eating a few mouthfuls of food, Luo Qianqian said: "The case was not handled very well back then. Li Tangming, a devil, was not crucified, but was sentenced to a year and a half. He has been released. Three or four I haven’t reported to the police station for a month.”

"Did you go to another place, or simply slipped out of the country?"

"I don't know. He is a person released after serving his sentence, but he is not a wanted criminal. The police can only pay more attention to him. They often go to his house to check, but they can't issue a police investigation report."

"Forget it, don't mention him."

Nanyi moved the dishes on the table to make it easier for the waiter to place them.

"Then tell me something. There is a case in the past two days, and the pager will ring at any time. As soon as it rings, I will leave." Luo Qianqian took out the pager from his pocket, looked at it, and said.

"Do you know how many people came from the ice city?"

"Is it related to you?"

As soon as Luo Qianqian asked, Nanyi knew that these people had fallen into the sight of the police.

"It has nothing to do with me. A friend of mine regarded them as thugs and hired them to teach a person. In the end, he was taught a lesson by someone else."

"Then tell your friends to stay away from them."

Luo Qianqian didn't seem to say anything, but Nanyi's goal had been achieved. He came to Luo Qianqian to order the people from Bingcheng.

"I will definitely keep him away."

"You're done talking, it's my turn, do me a favor." Luo Qianqian put down her chopsticks and said.


"I have a younger brother named Luo Shenshen, who just graduated from university this year and did not report to the assigned position."

"Then what does he want to do?"

In Nanyi's class, no matter what kind of university they graduated from, the positions they were assigned were not bad. In addition, most of the graduates came from the stage of earth cultivation, so they would be happy to report for a good job.

This was the case in the first session, and the next two sessions were similar. There were basically no thorns, but it was different in the fourth session. more.

"Enter a foreign company."

"The conditions of your family should not be bad, right?" Nan Yi asked in surprise.

Luo Qianqian explained: "It's not that foreign companies have high wages, but he wants to go abroad."

"don't know."

Nanyi was confused by Luo Qianqian, he shouldn't work hard in this direction when going abroad.

"He wanted to work on Wall Street, and he went to a foreign company for a work visa." Luo Qianqian explained again.

"It's easy to get a work visa. You don't need to go to a foreign company. Give your brother my pager number and let him call me tomorrow. I'll meet him first." After Nanyi finished speaking, he added, "Inquire about your family's privacy."

Luo Qianqian glanced at Nanyi and said, "Ask."

"Who in your family was a big capitalist in Shanghai Beach before liberation?"

"Your family is a capitalist."

"You're right, my grandma's family is a big capitalist."

Luo Qian gave Nan Yi a soft look, and said, "My grandfather worked in the Shanghai Huashang Stock Exchange for several years before liberation, and was just a small employee. Because of this experience, he once encountered trouble."

"It's just a small employee, what trouble can there be?"

Nanyi was very curious. How could the experience of a small employee in the stock exchange cause an impact in the future? Did you ever speculate in stocks for some terrific big shot?

Luo Qianqian said lightly: "My grandfather bought a stock in China before, and every year there will be dividends sent over there."

"Tsk tsk!"

Nan Yi took a sip of his teeth, and first felt that the old American capitalists are very trustworthy, and they are also deeply interested in this Luo. He has a long history of family education, and he might even meet Bao.

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables, just let your brother call me."

Different stages will have different needs. At the beginning, Nanyi does not need to hear different voices, but only needs someone to act as an extension of his siblings and strictly follow his orders, so he prefers to find female generals;

But now it is different, his siblings are long enough, but not enough, he needs more siblings, he needs to hear different voices and opposing opinions, the Nan family has reached the moment when it needs to be handsome.

As soon as Luo Qianqian picked up half a bowl of rice, her pager rang.

Putting down the chopsticks, Luo Qianqian left immediately.

Nan Yi sat on his seat and finished his meal slowly, and made a phone call at the restaurant. He walked around the street for a while, and then went to a coffee shop.

When he arrived, Bai Yuqi was already waiting in a seat.

As soon as Nan Yi sat down opposite Bai Yuqi, Bai Yuqi handed him a stack of manuscript paper.

After receiving the manuscript paper, Nan Yi put it away without even looking at it, took out a kraft paper envelope from his pocket and put it on the table, "Bai Gong, I will pay you the money first, I don't understand the drawings, I will take them back to find out." If there is anything that needs to be changed, I will trouble you again."

"It should be." Bai Yuqi glanced at the envelope and said politely.

"I have something to do later, let's take a step first, the coffee here is good, you can enjoy it slowly." Said, Nanyi put two fifty bills on the table.

Bai Yuqi looked at the money on the table, sighed, and only said "goodbye".

"See you next time."

Nan Yi waved his hand, turned and left.

In fact, Nanyi asked Bai Yuqi to make a plan, and it would not cost so much as 20,000 yuan. Even if it was divided by twenty, Bai Yuqi would take it after a struggle in his heart. Who made him poor.

Bai Yuqi has a mother with medicine jars, who spends tens of dollars a month on medicines; a wife with a rural household registration, who has no good job and low income; and has three children, all of whom are at the age of death;

Although Nanyi calls Bai Yuqi a white worker, in fact, Bai Yuqi does not have the rank of a senior worker, so naturally he does not have the salary of a senior worker. He only pays 120 yuan a month, which is not low for others. But for him, it was tight.

When Nanyi found out about Bai Yuqi, he also checked out the truth. According to others, Bai Yuqi is a capable coward. He was used to being bullied in the factory. , When setting the salary level, he was left at the end every time.

Money is a man's guts, with 20,000 yuan, Bai Yuqi will have the confidence to vent the evil fire that has been suppressed for so many years.

After leaving the cafe, Nan Yi went to the Great Wall Hotel, sent Bai Yuqi's plan to Li Jiapo, and after sending the fax, Nan Yi called Leng Yan.

"Have the edges and corners of those thorns been smoothed?"

"It's almost hot."

"Then keep going, Comrade Leng, the finances of our Shengchen Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. must be transparent and open. Let accountant Jiang go through the accounts in the factory, and make a list and post it on the bulletin board."

"Hehe, didn't you say that as long as you are in the factory for a day, the workers don't have to worry about not being paid?" Leng Yan laughed on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, I said it, but I'm backing out now." Nanyi made a joke, and then turned serious and said: "Focus on the workers' affairs, and the Bagui Pharmaceutical Factory's affairs as well."


Nanyi hung up the phone and waited for more than three hours for the "excellent" evaluation result from Li Jiapo.



It is still the courtyard of the old bungalow.

Nan Yi looked deeply at Luo, who was opposite him, and asked in English: "What do you think the essence of finance is? I don't want to listen to the definition in the textbook, and I don't want to listen to the answer you heard from the teacher. Say what you think the answer is."

Nan Yi's eyes like sharp arrows burned Luo Shen's courage, making him restless. Luo Shen used great perseverance to restrain his urge to jump up and run away. After weighing and struggling for a while, he finally trembled He expressed his truest views on finance, "I think the essence of finance is the opportunity to get rich."

"Your answer is dangerous, but I like it very much. If this is what you really think in your heart, you will either sit in the clouds or fall into hell in the future."

After Nanyi finished speaking, he took out a deck of playing cards, picked out 4 aces, big and small kings, and four 2s from it, put the cards together, shuffled the cards, and said: "Luck is illusory, but no matter what you do Can not do without luck.

There is a man named Roy Sullivan in China. He has been struck by lightning seven times in his life, but each time he was only slightly injured. Do you think his luck is good or bad? "

"Is he still alive?"

"He died four years ago. Because of conflicts with his wife, he shot himself in his own home." Nanyi said, and then said playfully: "Women are scary, right? Thunder and lightning can't kill him, but women make him willing to die." die."

After finishing speaking, Nanyi put the poker cards in his hand on the low table, "There are 10 cards in total. If you want to draw a small two, just pretend you haven't been here today; if you want to draw an A, I will help you get a work visa, but you When you come to China, to Wall Street, where you are thinking of, you have to rely on yourself to find a job;

If you win the lottery, I will help you find a company for an internship. After the internship period is over, if you want to stay in the company, you need to beat dozens of competitors;

If you are lucky enough to draw a big ghost, congratulations, you will get a formal office assistant job, oh, this is actually a job of doing odd jobs in the office, and anyone can order you to do things.

Come on, you're welcome. "

Luo looked down at the cards deeply, and after hesitating for a while, he stretched out his hand and plucked at the playing cards, and took out a card. Without any extra movement, it was directly in front of his eyes.

Upon seeing the card, Luo Shenshen immediately became ecstatic, "Big ghost, big ghost!"

Nanyi himself doesn't gamble, but he knows and knows a lot of gamblers. Whether it's Zha Jinhua or Niu Niu, usually, gamblers have a lot of procedures and actions when looking at cards. A card is tightly covered, and you can look at it vertically Whether it is pointed or round, and then you have to look at several sides horizontally, and after seeing the sides, you have to push it up and blow it.

It was as if the cards would change if they were revealed directly.

Luo Shenshen is not a gambler, so naturally he doesn't have so many tricks, but when he opened the cards, he didn't hesitate too much. Nanyi appreciates him very much.

"Congratulations, go back and apply for a passport. Your visa will be delivered in a few days." Nanyi smiled knowingly and said.

"Thank you, Brother Nan." Luo said happily.

"Let's go back."

As soon as Luo Shenshen left, Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei to Yongding Road.

From the second half of last year, second-hand book stalls began to appear on Yongding Road. At the beginning, there were only one or two stalls. Later, relatives brought relatives, and gradually the number of stalls began to increase. Now there are forty or fifty stalls, which means two families.

One family is from the Central Plains, surnamed Wang, and the other is from Lu Province, also surnamed Wang.

When they arrived at Yongding Road, Nan Yi held Nan Wuwei's little hand, stopped at a stall, and glanced at the old books spread out on the oilcloth.

Nanyi doesn't want to pick up leaks, and he doesn't have the ability to pick up big leaks, so he doesn't care whether it's ancient or not, he only cares about what is written on the paper. He came here today mainly to find a book, By the way, buy a few books he likes.

Nanyi's gaze swept half of the stall, and then stopped on a book in yellowish yellow.

Picking up the book and flipping through it, confirming that the heart in it has not changed, Nanyi asked the stall owner: "How much is this book?"

"Two dollars."

No nonsense, Nanyi threw down two dollars and stuffed the book into his military bag.

It's not a precious and rare book, but it's a memoir love novel written by Yu Meiyan. The book tells about her experience of falling in love with her four-figure ex-boyfriend.

"Dad, I want this one." Nan Wuwei next to Nanyi said, pointing to a comic book.

"You buy it yourself."

Nan Yi replied, and continued to scan the remaining half of the stall. Nan Wu asked the price for himself, paid for it, and carried the comic strips by himself.

After finishing one stall, Nanyi goes to the next one.

At this stall, Nanyi gained a little. He bought a copy of "Midnight", which was printed by the Kaiming Bookstore in February 1933 and was kept by the famous book binder Mo Zhiheng. It cost six yuan.

However, he still didn't see the book he was looking for.

Walking around one stall after another, when he came to the 17th stall, Nanyi's eyes lit up—"Slingshot Manual" compiled by Zhang Heding, and he found the book he was looking for.

"Here, son." Nan Yi picked up the book and slapped it in Nan Wuwei's hands, "This is a peerless martial arts secret book. As long as you practice the above skills, you will be invincible in the world."

"Father, you are lying. This is obviously for teaching how to shoot a slingshot." Nan Wuwei opened the book and pointed to a pair of illustrations.

"That's right, as long as you practice the slingshot technique in the cheat book, your slingshot ability will be the best among your friends." Nan Yi patted Nan Wuwei's head and said with a smile.

"Slingshot..." Nan Wuwei pursed his lips and said, "Dad, I don't play with slingshots, I want to play with guns."

"No, you are too young, the recoil of the gun is too strong, you can't control it."

"Aren't toy guns okay?"

"You are a man, if you want to play, you can play with real guns."

"Ah oh."

Taking Nan Wuwei back to the old bungalow, Nan Yi first sent Wu Kun to buy glass, then went to the workshop to get a vermilion slingshot, walked to Nan Wuwei, held the slingshot in his hand, squeezed the eunuch's voice and said: "Nan Wuwei Inaction, catch the slingshot."

Nan Wuwei rolled his eyes, "Dad, do you want to kneel down?"

"Kneeling, kneeling, take it." Nan Yi stuffed the slingshot into Nan Wuwei's hand, and said, "This slingshot is called the Kanglong Bow. Back then, Daoguang used the Kanglong Bow to perform heroically in Lin Qing's Change, and that's why he won Jiaqing's award." Favored, the Jiaqing Golden Chamber kept its name and made Daoguang the heir to the throne.

Today, Dad handed over the Kanglong Bow to you. With this slingshot, you go to fight on the battlefield, knock down this street, open up the territory and crack the soil, and establish yourself as a king. From now on, Dad will call your child His Majesty the King. "


Nan Wuwei nodded his head, stroked the slingshot, his eyes glistened, and his whole body was full of fighting spirit.

"Hoo... ha... ha... ha... ask if this mountain is the tallest in the world."

Bathed in the background music, Nan Wuwei began to practice during the summer and winter, and one day, his magical skills would be great, and then he would go out with a vermilion slingshot to cause trouble.

Nan Yi was not worried that Nan Wuwei would hit someone. His son, he still understood that it would be inevitable to break a few pieces of glass in other people's houses. The glass has been prepared, and I will prepare some cakes tomorrow, waiting to apologize to others.

Rolling hoops, spinning tops, bamboo dragonflies, toy cars made of wood and ball bearings, periscopes made of toothpaste boxes, water guns made of bamboo tubes, beer caps flattened and cut into gears, with two holes pierced for strings... …

All the self-made toys that I have seen and remembered, except for match guns, Nanyi has prepared for Nan Wuwei or made them with him, and will try my best to make them exquisite.

Because of this, Nanyi has become the "other people's father" in the minds of the children of the old bungalow generation. From time to time, the children will come to him with beer bottle caps to process supplied materials. The rewards for him are smiles and Clear nose.

Nanyi also found someone to transport a cart of clay and piled it in the narrow space. The children could make clay figurines or make a small pistol for themselves.

Before, the mothers in the neighborhood had been talking about Nanyi behind their backs. Now, all the people who come home every day are mud monkeys, and the clothes are so difficult to wash that they die, and the discussions have turned into verbal criticism. Probably, it will not be long before they come to the door.

"Wuwei, did your father beat you?"

The friends who were beaten up the night before will ask Nan Wuwei the same way the next day.

Knowing that Nan Wuwei had never been beaten, the friends almost wiped the words "other people's" from their hearts.

Went to a glove factory, Nan Yi got some waste crochet needles for knitting gloves and came back, cut off the hooks on the top, sharpened them, plucked chicken feathers from a feather duster to make balance whiskers, and made dozens of darts for Nan Wuwei.

I went to the vegetable market again, and begged for the longest and straightest feathers on the buttocks of the goose from the chicken, duck, and goose dealer. I took it back, carefully flattened the goose feathers, and then inserted a piece of hair into the goose quill. Put a sewing needle on it, stick it with glue, and a goose feather dart is born.

A mason was found, and a gap of one meter wide was opened in the direction of a narrow open space in the old bungalow, one wall was changed into three walls, a recessed opening was closed in the courtyard wall, and another was built in the recess. The short washbasin was connected to a water pipe from the yard.

I bought seven soap boxes and engraved the names of each of my friends on the boxes. I had to replace them with seven new pieces of travel soap every day, and added new soap boxes every three to five times.

Small partners are better at "making", and the consumption is fast. Occasionally, big friends will come to take the sheep, and it is cheap to check.

Nan Yi turned a blind eye to these things. Although the camera was already hidden in the bamboo leaves on the bamboo pole higher than the courtyard wall, there was no blind spot in a narrow space to be monitored in real time.

After the mason built the washbasin, Nan Yi didn't let him go directly, but went to the next door, built a simple hut in the yard, and opened a big window facing the street.

After the house was built, Nanyi went to order a glass counter, and bought a refrigerator, a freezer, and all the snacks and ice cream popsicles for children on the market, as long as he felt that the hygiene was acceptable. , all pulled the goods back.

The small buddy store will open soon, and the items in the store will not be sold for money. Anyone who wants to buy something can just sing a song or read a Tang poem and take it away. You can buy it up to three times a day.

The business of the commissary is very bleak, there are only 7 regular customers, and 21 transactions are the daily ceiling.

Seven or eight days passed in a blink of an eye. During these days, Nanyi patiently taught seven friends to develop the habit of washing their hands before eating.

He didn't dare not to teach them well, he made all the messy toys, and he also brought the clay, but if any little friend had roundworms in his stomach, and the shit pot was stuck on his head, there would be no wrongdoing.

In seven or eight days, Nan Wuwei has gotten used to it or hoped that there will be a period of time every day where Nanyi and Liu Zhen will not dangle in front of his eyes. That period of time belongs to him and his friends.

It was also during these seven or eight days that the seven little friends became righteous brothers and sisters with Jinlan, turned their noses into incense, and gave their group a famous name-Calabash Brothers and Sisters.

Nanyi changed his previous routine and actively moved closer to this gang, begging for the position of Chief Protector with a shy face.

After becoming the Chief Protector, Nan Yi found a thin piece of wood, tied a thin thread on it and hung it on a bamboo pole, and wrote the word "Sihai" on the thin wood piece. Blow in the wind.

He found another broken wooden barrel and turned it into a bench, and wrote the word "Jianghu" on the barrel.

In this way, the gourd brothers and sisters ruled the rivers and lakes and shocked the world.

On the ninth day, Nan Yi, who was half redundant, started to get busy with his own affairs.

In Nan Wuwei's expectant and urging eyes, Nan Yi finished the gruel in the bowl, and as soon as he put down the bowl, Nan Wuwei immediately took it away, and then there was a clanging sound in the kitchen.

Nan Yi was just about to go out with his bag in hand. Nan Wuwei had already washed the dishes, as if a gust of wind blew out of the yard and disappeared.

Turning around, Nan Yi went to the kitchen to check the bowl that Nan Wuwei had just washed. When he touched it, the rim of the bowl was greasy, so he decided to come back at night and give it a good tap.

Baiwanzhuang, Gong Xue's house.

Sitting in the study room converted from the guest bedroom, Nan Yi took out a document that he had just received and began to read it.

This is a list of overseas students currently studying in various prestigious universities in the country. After screening, they are mainly majors in economics and finance.

The appearance of Luo Shenshen made Nanyi realize that the "fission" plan he had planned a long time ago could be implemented.

Select the nationalities of developing countries and are interested in returning to their home countries to engage in venture capital and capital industries, provide them with good financing channels, give them the opportunity to borrow chickens to lay eggs, and help them create their own careers.

Nan's reaped financial returns and also opened a hole where he could quietly insert his tentacles. The holdings have great potential for development and are expected to become shares of unicorns or invisible champion companies.

The fission plan is a plan belonging to the glove group, and it will be a supplement to the white glove plan. Unlike white gloves, which require loyalty, fission has nothing to do with loyalty, and everything depends on the cooperation agreement.

It is necessary to set up a few more companies to connect with the fission, otherwise it is easy to be followed by others, to find out the context and scale of the whole plan, and to be taboo.

After reading the information, Nanyi picked up the world map and used a ruler to divide the destination into areas. In the future, each area will be connected by different company groups, and there will be no cross-connection between the company groups, and each will do its own thing.

In Nan’s hands, like a game account, it has tens of thousands of offshore and non-offshore short-seller companies. It will be activated after ten years.

Who likes to chase after them, not to mention that most of these numbers will be raised and abandoned in the end, and Nan Yi never thought that these numbers would be used for shady business, but he simply didn't want people to find out the true strength of the Nan family.

Nanyi still likes to hide in a dark corner, he doesn't need others to worship and admire him, and he doesn't want to attract envy and hatred.

Sometimes the judgment of right and wrong lies only in the subjective judgment of the forces that have the right to judge. As long as they feel that you are a threat, they can label you wrongly, clean you up, and maintain their superior dominance.

And how many people will give their family property to other people's sons because other people's sons are more capable, and let their own son call him "big brother"?

Except for the "Old Wang next door" who will definitely distribute the family property to the people with a different surname next door, other people, hehe... mental retardation is contagious?

When Nanyi was writing and drawing on the map, in the office building of Zhu Youxiao Wood Industry under Hu Jian's Youxian and Luban Forestry, the general manager Zhu Jialuo was holding a meeting with his subordinates.

At the meeting, he divided the responsible areas for several deputy managers, and went all the way to Wuchuan, Guizhou, Xiangchu, and Hubei provinces to contact the local forestry departments to purchase golden nanmu; all the way to Qiongdao to be responsible for huanghuali, Rosewood, chicken wing wood; all the way to Southeast Asia, aiming at Siamese rosewood and agarwood.

The development orientation of Zhu Youxiao's wood industry is in the field of high-end wood and high-end furniture. In recent years, the main task is to hoard and research and develop various high-end wood alternatives.

In Xianghe, Hebei Province, Shiquan Wood Industry, which is committed to the deep cultivation of the general wood furniture industry, is working overtime to build its own production plant.

Shi Hongli, the director of the Shiquan Wood Factory whose grandfather was still surnamed Shi, and a native of Hunan and Chu, led a few people to patrol around the construction site.

"The wood storage warehouse needs to be built quickly. The wood we imported is already floating in the sea. Also, please urge those who go to the south to recruit carpenters, hurry up and send a batch of them..."

There are a few areas in China where good carpenters are concentrated, such as Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and Anhui. As long as the wages are sufficient, it is absolutely no problem to recruit tens of thousands of high-level carpenters.

However, Shiquan Wood does not need too many senior carpenters, and it is actually apprentices who need a large number of recruits.

Carpenters and masons are still paying attention to the old rules. They don’t take apprentices lightly.

The old rules are good rules, but they are becoming less and less suitable for this fast-changing society. Young people have no wages for several years, want to smoke some cigarettes, and have no money to buy things. How can the increasingly impetuous people bear it.

Once this kind of apprentices hear that they are going to work in the north, they can get dozens of yuan or hundreds of yuan in wages a month, not to mention all of them, at least 60 to 70% will choose to defect from the teacher.

This choice has both advantages and disadvantages. They lose the opportunity to be politely called "Master" by the owner, and they are far away from the unreasonable owner's arrears of wages. They will become assembly line workers and get a stable income. Little room for upward advancement.

As long as Chinese people need furniture, Shiquan Wood Industry is basically invincible. No matter it is to fight for quality or price, Shiquan Wood Industry is willing to accompany you and fight for quality. How many people are more willing to share the victory with others than Nanyi? fruit?

How can talents not be willing to stay and work in Shiquan Wood Industry if they can get extra rewards for their efforts.

In terms of fighting prices, Luban Forestry has a global layout, buying and planting itself, and can provide low-priced timber to subsidiaries for many years. In five or ten years, who the hell will run on whom?

Shiquan Wood Co., Ltd. suffered losses for ten consecutive years, and switched to other furniture companies. It suffered a loss for one year, and most of them went bankrupt.

Don't think that Nan Yi doesn't understand the principle of victory by killing his opponent. In an industry that Nan's needs to cultivate deeply, whoever wants to play this game with him will dry up his opponent's last oil or two.

Anyway, Nan's can change its strategy at any time. If the furniture does not make money, it will transfer the profit point to wood, and vice versa.

After Nanyi divided the area, he put away the map, took out a stack of manuscript paper, and wrote a title on it—Century-year-old trees, discussing the irreplaceable role of forests in water and soil conservation.

One by one, they floated on the paper eloquently.

Nanyi would like to appeal to the mainland to further strengthen the protection of forests, enter the era of scientific logging as soon as possible, and take into account both public and selfish interests.

It would be great if it can be realized that ordinary people only have the obligation to plant, but not the right to cut down.

After finishing writing, Nan Yi carefully deliberated and crumpled the manuscript paper into a ball.

He doesn't need to come up with ideas by himself, let alone implement them. The reason why he writes it once and spends energy thinking about it is so that when he submits the report, he can "fill in the gaps" and leave an impression of his wisdom in the hearts of his subordinates.

If no one in Luban Wood has come up with similar ideas, then Nanyi will make major personnel adjustments to Luban Wood and kick out the idiots one by one.

"Contact Yami and ask her to choose a personal secretary for me, male, preferably from the mainland." Throwing the paper ball into a special garbage bag, Nan Yi said to Xiaohua.


Masami Ueto doesn't have much time to hang around in front of Nanyi. She, the secretary, has unknowingly added the word "long" to the end. Nanyi needs a full-time personal secretary. Multiple jobs.

Sitting and thinking about whether the things that should be done have been done, Nanyi stood up and cleaned up the table, took the things that should be brought, and went out to the clothing market that was renovated by Xidan Stadium.

"Daxianer, how is business?"

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