Review, there are only a few days left before the exam; study, Japanese will be used soon; reading, this year turned out to be a book "The Story of Qiao Guangpu's Appointment". He has not read the story about Qiao Guangpu.

Qiao Guangpu can be said to be the epitome of reformers of this era, he directly inspired a generation of people to change their own destiny.

Looking at the story of Qiao Guangpu, Nanyi can get a glimpse of the leopard, and think about the competitors who will emerge in the future from the side, those competitors who he doesn't know who they are, let alone where they are.

In every era, a generation will be imprinted with the imprint of the era, and their strengths and weaknesses will have certain commonalities.

This commonality will not be too obvious, but it is enough to provide Nanyi with one or two analytical data.

In the library, Xu Feiyang and Wu Renpin sat next to Nanyi. When they were in school, except for eating time, the three of them basically mixed together.

Wu Renpin no longer eats in the cafeteria, and eats the meal he brought over in the morning at noon, and when it's dinner time, Wu Meifeng will bring it to him after picking up the child from school.

Even the breakfast stall has basically been taken over by Wu Meifeng now. His wife earns money, and Wu Renpin studies at school with peace of mind, envious of others.

From them, Nanyi also saw half of the love, and the remaining half depends on whether Wu Renpin's identity undergoes a subversive change, and whether he can still maintain his original heart for Wu Meifeng.

"Tired of looking at the basketball court?"

Xu Feiyang suddenly raised his head from the pile of books, and said to the other two.


All three are heavy smokers, and being able to sit here without smoking for more than two hours is considered the limit.

On the edge of the basketball court, three people and three brands draw their own.

"Xiaofang said that she will bring her children here after the new year, and the brigade will soon calculate her work points. She has to figure out how much she owes."

"Well, is two hundred enough?"

"Why, you want to pay her debts?"

"Heisi, don't make fools of me next time, you tell me this, don't you just want me to pay for it?"

Nan Yi scolded with a smile.

"Hey hey, it's not enough, I need to add some."

"How much is the train ticket from your place to here?"

"Six dollars and five."

"Thirteen dollars?"

"Yes, I forgot, I'm half price."

"I'll give you three hundred, which should be enough for Xu Xiaofang to pay off the brigade's money, and get herself to the capital by the way, right?"

"Enough, enough."

"give you tomorrow."

Nanyi agreed with his mouth, but he was muttering in his stomach.

I hope that little girl whom I have never met is worth such a big investment. Three hundred yuan, no matter where it is in any corner, is enough to build three sets of large tile-roofed houses, and it is also enough to decorate the houses.

Wu Renpin next to him had mixed feelings. Nanyi is really kind-hearted and will help you when you encounter difficulties. What's even better is that he doesn't give fish directly, but teaches you how to fish.

If Nanyi hadn't brought it with him, he would really have no shame in setting up a stall to sell breakfast.

Today's policy has allowed self-employed businesses, but there are not many people practicing stalls on the street, which has a lot to do with face.

Self-employment, in the eyes of many people, is still a business that is shameful and ashamed to talk about.

If someone in a family is practicing the stall, it will make other family members feel embarrassed in front of the neighbors.

Because it is not a one-two thing to do something about the individual and the family falling out. This is a very common phenomenon nowadays.

The status of the self-employed, at present, is only a little bit better than that of a labor camp prisoner.

A very narrow line.

If someone sent himself in because of being brave or helping a friend, he would probably get a thumbs-up from others and praise this buddy for his righteousness.

But if you are a self-employed person, you will only be spat at by others, leaving a sentence of "shame"!

It is also because of this that the people in the capital are now engaged in individual work, basically those people who can't survive, and there is no place for you to receive this gold or that gold.

They were whipped by fate and forcibly dragged along this road of thorns, but who could know the foresight and know that this is actually a golden road.

This also allows mediocre people to have a good time and enjoy a few years of glory.

The first batch of stall holders were like pigs standing on the wind, chasing after them, begging and coaxing money into their pockets.

"Nanyi, is it difficult for you to get so much money? If it's not enough, I can make some money here."

Wu Renpin thought that Nanyi was so righteous, he had to express it, although he was not very happy in his heart, after all, his family of three had just had enough food not long ago.

"No need, it's easy for me to take out the three hundred yuan. If you're dragging your family, you'd better hold on to the money. When Xiaowei grows a little longer, there will be more places to spend money."

Now that he has decided to make a move, he has to make a solid deal of favors. Nanyi doesn't want others to get in the way again, making it neither salty nor dull.

"After the exam is over, Nanyi, you take me to rub it." Xu Feiyang, a shameless person, suddenly said again.


"With the scholarship, you are very sure, shouldn't you have a good meal to celebrate?"

"Fuck you, don't try to think of me, let me tell you, when Xu Xiaofang comes over, you can eat your own, and don't lie to me again."

"Hey, can I still use it to rub you? With a stipend of more than 20 yuan a month, I can eat meat dishes with an open stomach. I eat meat with you. I only eat meat once a week, and the birds are fading out of my mouth."

"You bastard, I let you eat for nothing, but I made your mouth so tricky."

"Hahaha, after eating clear soup for two years and serving pancakes, I can be regarded as a converted serf and sing."


Looking at Xu Feiyang who was dancing, Nan Yi spat.

After smoking, the three of them went back to the library to continue reading. As the exam was approaching, the students in the class were scattered. Some stayed in the study room, some in the dormitory, and some just nestled in the library like Nanyi and the others.

Those who are far away from each other, who are reviewing English, can gather together and read aloud freely.

In a few years, it will be rare to see the scene of all the staff lighting up the lamp to read at night.

Seems wrong, where is Zhou Maode?

This kid was reviewing in the library yesterday, did he change positions today?

Looking up and looking left and right, Nan Yi, who let his eyes rest for a while, suddenly saw that Zhou Maode was not there. Nan Yi, a gentleman, has always been concerned about him.

Turning his mind around, thinking about various possibilities, and finally locked on the one he most hoped to happen, Nan Yi stood up, gave an excuse to go shit with Wu Renpin, left the library, and went straight to the dormitory to kill.

Lai Biao went abroad, lived in an old bungalow in Nanyi, and Wu Renpin came home almost every day. The dormitory had become Zhou Maode's private bedroom. He should be lonely and cold by himself, and he might call his romanticism to appreciate his poems.

Nan Yi returned to the dormitory building and looked around. There was no one in the aisle, so he put his ear on the door of his dormitory and listened for a while.


What an aria!

Pavarotti's "No Sleepless Tonight" can only be sidelined.

Er'er, a bright and ferocious smile crawled onto Nanyi's face.

Madonna? I am a good man! Chapter 69 has been reviewed, so we have to wait.

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