Before setting off to return to Wenchangwei, Nanyi received a telegram with only two words on it - call back.

Difficult to dial the phone, Xian Yaodong's voice came from the opposite side: "Ke Hongxing's parents are here, they want to see you."

"Is the person still in the brigade?"

"No, I'm going to live in a guest house in the city."

"What's their name?"

"Ke Hongxing's father's name is Ke Jianzhen, and his mother's name is Sun Muxi. He seems to have a special smell."

"What smell?"

"In the past, the taste of young masters and young ladies from rich families, you can tell that you have read sage books."

"Nonsense, haven't you read Ke Hongxing's file?" Nanyi spat, and said, "Come right back."

Nanyi had vaguely felt that there was a connection between Ke Jianzhen and Ke Hongxing before, both of them were surnamed Ke, and they were both from Shanghai, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

When Nanyi returned to Wenchangwei, he saw Ke Jianzhen and Sun Muchi, and he fell in love with them.

The style of the two of them was too upright, and Nanyi saw the profound thoughts, independent thinking, and the arrogance and uprightness of the serious literati in the Republic of China came to his face.

"Mr. Nan, thank you for taking care of the little girl's funeral. I am very grateful." Ke Jianzhen bent down and bowed to Nanyi at seventy-five degrees.

Nanyi didn't have any false support, he could bear this bow, and he had to continue, otherwise, Ke Jian would really feel bad about it.

After Ke Jianzhen finished his ceremony, Nan Yi said: "Mr. Ke, call me Comrade Nan directly, or call me by his first name. I can't afford you to call me Mr. Although Ke Liya and I haven't known each other for long, we are Acquaintances, her matter, I should also help.

The two of you sit here for a while, and I'll get some tea. I'm usually in the capital, and there's no one here. It's impolite to boil water temporarily. "

"Don't bother, Mu Xi and I are not thirsty."

"You have to drink something whether you are thirsty or not, otherwise I will neglect you and violate the way of hospitality. Wait a moment."

Nan Yi said, and walked to the kitchen.

First pour a little water into the pot, boil the water to scald the pot, rinse it clean, and then add half a pot of water. When the water boiled, Nan Yi scooped a little into the thermos bottle, shook it, rinsed it, and repeated it twice before filling the thermos bottle.

Holding the thermos bottle in one hand and the handles of the three teacups in the other, he walked to the Eight Immortals table, put down the teacups and thermos bottles, and took out a can of tea leaves from a shelf in one corner.

Add tea, pour out the first brew, and wait for the second brew before Nan Yi puts the teacup beside Ke Jianzhen and Sun Muxi.

"Tea, please, Fenghuang Dancong, it shouldn't be brewed like this, the conditions of the humble house are simple, please forgive me."

Ke Jianzhen picked up the teacup and took a sip, then put it down again, "Good tea! I haven't had such good tea for many years."

"That's good. I'm Dong Shi. I'm arty, but I don't know much about tea."

"Comrade Nan is self-effacing. You can know the person by looking at the house. This house is well-organized by you, dignified and lively."

"It's ridiculous."

After that, the three of them didn't talk about any substantive topics. After staying in the bullpen for too long, Ke Jianzhen and the two of them became a little numb.

After chatting politely for nearly an hour, Ke Jianzhen and the two left.

Nanyi didn't try to keep him, let alone talk about antiques. It's not yet the time to say this, but now, it's a bit suspected of repaying favors.

Moreover, it seems that they don't pay enough attention to others.

After a few years, Nanyi planned to bring some snacks and then visit Ke's house, so as to give him enough gifts.

After the two left, Nanyi went to Ge Cuizhu to register with her, and asked the tractor of the reclamation brigade to pull two carts of yellow mud for him.

When the tractors of the reclamation brigade do not need to plow the land and pull goods, anyone in the brigade can borrow them if they want to use them. Just register with Ge Cuizhu and pay the diesel fee.

Instead of looking for the tractor driver, Nanyi went to the warehouse of the reclamation brigade in the fields, and found a very domineering Z-shaped car key under the driver's seat.

Click, click, fiddled with the position of the steering wheel a few times, shifted the gear lever to neutral, and pulled the throttle handle to the starting position.

Go to the front of the car, insert the car key into the keyhole [crankshaft], press the decompression handle with your left hand, hold the key handle with your right hand and start turning the key, slowly increase the speed of rotation, and quickly release the decompression handle with your left hand, The key continued to turn until the chug sound sounded.

Nanyi pulled the key out of the keyhole, checked to see if the oil pressure indicator valve was raised, listened to the sound of the diesel engine for a while, and checked to see if the smoke exhaust was normal.

Everything was normal, Nanyi stood beside the tractor to smoke, let the diesel engine run for a while, and waited for the water temperature to rise to 40-60 degrees.

After smoking a cigarette, the water temperature is almost the same.

Nan Yi sat in the driving seat, without holding the steering handle, and fiddled with the steering wheel [handrail] left and right until it couldn't move, then he pulled the gear lever to adjust the gear to first gear, and pulled the clutch to the engaged position.

The tractor chugs and rolls forward.

He drove to the arsenal first, took out his gun, took a magazine, hung the gun around his neck, and then drove the tractor towards the barbed wire.

There is a small soil slope next to the barbed wire fence, which is made of yellow mud, and Nanyi came here to pull the yellow mud.

Chuck, the tractor trembled, if it wasn't for holding the handrail, people might fly up.

The shock absorbing function of the walking tractor is almost less than or equal to zero. If you happen to be holding back your urine, the urine will also shake out for you.

Creaking, the tractor was parked beside the slope, Nanyi got off the car, and wanted to go up to the high place to see if there was anyone fleeing, who knew that a frontier guard just happened to be walking this way.


"Wei Zong, is it your turn to patrol today?"

Chen Weizong, from Guiyu Chen, the largest surname in Guangdong Province, Jieshi Town below the sea.

"Yeah, it's my turn, you come here to transport some small [things], and bring the tractor too." Chen Weizong walked up to Nanyi, patted the tractor's trailer and asked.

"Come here to transport the yellow mud, and plan to create a floor at the gate of the yard, so that it is convenient to put a drying mat to dry things."

"Do you want to help?"

"No need, you're still on duty. You'll be off another day. Go to my place to play. I'll get you something delicious."

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, I will continue to patrol."


Looking at Chen Weizong's back, he muttered "Da Zong Weihan, with long hair", what did Chen Weizong's father call Chen Zong?

Holding a shovel, stand on the slope of the soil and dig for a while, and lift the dug out yellow mud into the bucket.

Chutchu, transported back a truck, and then came to dig another truck.

Teng Teng Teng, carrying the dung dustpan, went to the school construction site to make a little slaked lime and a little sand; Ka Ka Ka, ran to the kitchen and poured a third pot of glutinous rice into the iron pot, stirring while cooking, Finally, a pot of glutinous rice paste was made.

After finishing everything, Nanyi came to the pile of yellow mud and turned into a chef, adding slaked lime, sand, and glutinous rice paste.

Use a wide hoe to stir the yellow mud first, then slice it into pieces, stir it again, and slice it again. Repeat this several times until it is evenly stirred.

Nanyi evenly spread the yellow mud on the ground that he wanted to level, put away other things, walked back to the yard, moved a low bench to the kitchen, and took the laundry mallet from the sink...

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