After saluting to Xiaoshu, Sa Lan said to Nanyi: "Master Adam, the well water is very sweet, you can try it."

"No, I just drank water, and I'm not thirsty now, you can help yourself."

Nan Yi rejected Sa Lan's kindness, walked to Sophie Marceau, and watched her take pictures with the camera.

"Adam, look, the house here is pretty good, not dilapidated." Sophie Marceau said with her eyes in front of the camera lens, pointing in one direction.

"It's pretty good."

It’s not just good, it’s too good. The road that Nanyi and the others walked just now was not a dirt road, but also paved with bluestone strips. You can see the house from a hundred meters away. The walls don’t look like rammed earth walls. It is built with bluestone strips.

And so far, Nanyi has not seen a pile of cow dung on the ground, nor has there been any strange smell in the air.

Nanyi saw someone near the house, so he asked Sophie Marceau to give him the camera, and he looked at the camera. There were two men, one big and one small, the big one was wearing a totti, clean and refreshing, and the small one Wearing a plaid short-sleeved shirt, a pair of trousers and shorts, and a pair of plastic sandals on the feet, it is also refreshing.

If it weren't for seeing that the skin of both of them was very white, Nan Yi would suspect that there was something wrong with the way he opened it.

Waiting for Sa Lan and the others to drink the water, Nanyi and the others went deep into the village.

As it went deeper, houses began to appear on both sides of the road, one connected to the other, the gap between the houses was not big, and the houses looked good, Nan Yi went to the wall of a house and knocked on it, and then scratched it with his nails , The walls are indeed built with bluestone strips.

Nan Yi went to a gate and took a look in. The house is in the shape of a Chinese character, with a courtyard in the middle and a corridor around the courtyard. The ground is covered with bluestone strips that are not smooth but not uneven. There is no chicken droppings or duck droppings. , looks pretty clean.

The room is blocked by a wall, so I don’t know what it looks like inside. Nan Yi speculates based on the house-building routines in rural areas in China. The room is definitely not as bright as the corridor. Maybe the ground is not paved with bluestone strips, or it will not be paved. It's so smooth.

Nan Yi withdrew his gaze and looked around, feeling a little strange in his heart. Except for the one big and one small ones he saw just now, he hadn't met any villagers since he entered the village.

"Saran, why is there no one in the village?"

"Today is the day for the elders' meeting. Everyone should go to the village square to listen to the elders' meeting."

"Then let's go and see."

Nanyi is very interested in knowing how the Rural Presbyterian Church in India holds meetings.

Under the urging of Nanyi, Sa Lan led everyone to the square.

Walking out of the "good house" area, Nan Yi's eyes suddenly opened up. Kabir changed from a line to a plane, the space became empty, and he couldn't see the edge at a glance, and his heart became extremely comfortable.

"Let me just say, how could the rural areas of India be so good? The houses just now were just facades, and what you see now is the real thing."

I saw that the bluestone road just now turned into a yellow mud rammed earth road, and the good houses that made Nanyi feel incredible disappeared, and turned into mud grass rammed earth houses and mudstone rammed earth houses, and the roofs were no longer paved with tiles. , but become thatch.

The area of ​​the house has become very small. None of the houses in Nanyi’s eyes is more than 20 square meters. You can still see piles of cow dung cakes on the walls. There are straw stacks and cow dung between the houses. Scattered cow dung can also be seen on the dung piles and rammed earth roads.

Looking forward, you can see a white fan-shaped area about one kilometer away.

Nan Yi pointed to the vast expanse of whiteness in the distance and asked Sa Lan, "Where is the village square?"

"Yes, Master Adam."

Afraid of missing the Presbyterian meeting, Nan Yi asked Sa Lan to speed up and take him there.

One kilometer, a group of people arrived in ten minutes.

The scene that caught my eye was very shocking. There were countless people sitting on the ground, silent, looking up at the high platform in front of them.

There were a few people standing there on the high platform, as if they were arguing about something, the distance was too far, and they couldn't hear or see the movements clearly.

"Saran, can you get close to the high platform?"

"Yes, Master Adam, please follow me."

Saran agreed, and led Nanyi and Sophie Marceau to the high platform from the periphery of the crowd.

Along the way, all the villagers who saw Sa Lan put their palms together and saluted her. After being exposed to her evil light, the villagers saluted Sa Lan and then saluted Nanyi and the other two.

Sa Lan, a little girl, put on airs, held her head high, her nostrils turned up to the sky, and dismissed the villagers' salutes; at first Nanyi would return the salutes, but after paying them more than a dozen times, he didn't bother to return them. There are black clouds pressing down on a large area, where is the head.

It's just a circle from the outside, but still has to be saluted by thousands of people and watched by thousands of people, which makes Nanyi a little unaccustomed, but Sophie Marceau's performance is a little better than him. Can give the crowd a little response from time to time, as if she is very comfortable with this feeling of being surrounded by stars.

Finally, a group of people came to the east side of the high platform. There was no one there, so they could stand very close to the high platform and hear clearly the elders above.

The Presbyterian Church, the full name of the Five-member Presbyterian Church, the official name is the Rural Village Council, which is an autonomous institution in rural India. From a legal point of view, this is not a legally effective institution, but in fact, the Elders will have an impact on the villagers. He has great power and has absolute authority in village affairs.

Members of the Presbyterian Church are generally not elected, but are made up of elders. The elders who can enter the Presbyterian Church are generally members of clans with greater power in the village, or landowners and gentry.

The Presbyterian Council promulgated decrees to control the life of the villagers, involving all aspects of the villagers' marriage and property.

In the middle of the high platform, an iron pot was set on fire, and an old man was talking excitedly on it. Nan Yi, who could only understand a few points, wanted Sa Lan to translate it, but she was already very caring. The active translation explained.

"Master Adam, the teacher of Kabir Primary School was stolen 300 catties of rice and 120 rupees. The elder is looking for the thief."

"How to find it?"

"The suspect has been delineated. Later, the suspect will be asked to go on stage and pick up the ring from the frying pan. Whoever dares to pick it up is a thief."

"How were the suspects identified?"

"I don't know, the elder didn't say anything." Saran replied.

Nan Yi thought to himself, this is not looking for a thief, it is clear that it is aboveboard to exclude dissidents, it is hard to say whether there is any basis for the delineation of the suspect, even if there is something that convinces everyone, but after a while, touching the ring in the boiling oil, the hand counts It is half disabled even if it is not wasteful.

"What will the thief do?"

"The villagers of the Ganges River are simple and simple. Stealing is a very serious crime, especially stealing things from the teacher. The crime will be even more serious. The thief will be tied to the Crescent Lake and exposed to the sun for seven days."

Nanyi didn't ask what kind of binding method, there is a big difference between binding and binding, and there are many ways to expose to the sun, and there is a lot of flexibility inside, ranging from suffering a little flesh and blood, to severe death.

"Why is it more serious to steal from the teacher?"

"My master has issued a rule that all children in Ganges Village must go to school, and my master will pay the tuition fees. Those with excellent grades can go out of Ganges Village to continue studying in higher schools, and my master will continue to support them."

"Boys and girls are treated equally?"


"Has this rule always existed?"

"No, this rule only came after my master came back from studying abroad. It started seven years ago."

"Then your two older brothers?"

"It's different. Our family has served the master's family for generations, and the old master will also raise the children of the family's loyal servants."

"Only boys?"


"Your dad is Amit butler?"


It is normal to raise a family to have children. From ancient times to the present, rich families will train promising children among their servants. Those who are promising will obtain fame and fame. As long as they can recite a little incense, they will be able to benefit endlessly; , To leave a confidant for his offspring.

But Deepak is currently adopting the model of casting a large net, and there is no distinction between males and females. He will definitely be able to cultivate a few talents, but it is hard to say whether they can be used by him. How the node works.

The fact that men and women are treated equally made Nan Yi have to deepen his suspicion of Fatia.

After thinking about it, Nanyi didn't ask Saran any other questions. Today he has asked too many questions. At night, Deepak and Fatia or one of them may have to think about his motives all night. Instead of adding insult to injury, leave some time for the couple to sleep.

After the elders on the high platform said a lot, they took a list to roll their names. All those whose names were called sat near the high platform, stood up one by one, and walked onto the high platform expressionlessly.

Nan Yi counted, a total of 29 people.

The elders on the high platform continued to say something to the 29 people. Without Saran's translation, Nan Yi could roughly guess what he was talking about.

Under the encouragement and urging of the elder, the first "tough guy" walked up to the iron pot. After standing still, he first raised his right hand to have a look, then changed to his left hand. After hesitating for a while, he firmly chose the left hand, and then The left hand tremblingly stretched out towards the iron pan, hovered over it for a while and then withdrew it. This went back and forth several times, but he still didn't dare to put his hand into the oil pan.

The elder walked up to him expressionlessly and stared at him with death.

The tough guy glanced at the elder, the veins on his cheeks squirmed, under the high pressure of the death threat, he ruthlessly looked into the iron pot, as if observing the position of the ring, then the tough guy put his left hand in his arms Plug it in, and quickly put your hand into the oil pan.

There was a sizzling sound in the oil pan, and the scream of the tough man pierced the sky.

"Adam, that's too cruel."

Sophie Marceau was frightened and grabbed Nanyi's hand hard.

"Don't look at it if you're afraid." Nan Yi said with a smile.

The tough guy on the stage is not an idiot. When he took out his hand just now, Nan Yi saw that his hand became wet. It only took a few seconds from dipping his hand into the oil pan to taking it out. Burns are inevitable, but they are not crippled at all.

The first one was not an idiot, and the second one was not an elm-headed one either. It was still a similar operation. The elders on the stage seemed to deliberately let others go, turning a blind eye to their actions.

The first dozen passed the test smoothly, but when the eighteenth one was reached, the elder's slightly squinted eyeballs were as big as copper bells, and his eyes followed the hand of the eighteenth tough guy.

Eighteen tough guys have dark skin and thick arms. Even without exerting any strength, you can see that the biceps are big, and the joints of the fists are clearly defined, which should be very powerful.

The eighteen tough guy's eyes were full of desperation, he stood in front of the iron pot, looked at the elder with disdain, then snorted again, and put his hand directly into the oil pot.

Puff, puff, the thumping sound of the oil pan came into Nanyi's ears.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, five seconds, the hands of eighteen tough guys have not been taken out of the frying pan.

"Okay, that's awesome."

Nanyi gave a thumbs up to the eighteen tough guys in his heart.

Although the Eighteenth Tough Guy didn't cry out, the veins on his neck were already stalked, and his forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat. It was obvious that he was also a mortal body and knew pain.

Raising his hand and waving in front of his nose, Nanyi fanned away the tangy smell of meat, and said in his heart: "Silly hat, is there such a way to show heroic spirit, it really can directly kill the elder in front of you like this."

It took about ten seconds before Eighteen Tough Guys took his hands out of the frying pan.

Tsk tsk tsk, golden yellow, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, wrap it in starch and fry it again, pierce a few holes with chopsticks and put it in the pot, put some marinade and simmer slowly, the taste must be gone.

Nan Yi glanced back at Sophie Marceau, her eyes were closed, she didn't dare to look at the high platform at all, her gaze moved sideways and she glanced at Saran again, her eyeballs did not blink, she stared intently at high tower.

"The little girl is a ruthless character, she is really a talent to make."

After getting in touch for a long time, Nan Yi admired Sa Lan very much. If he had met her a few years ago, he would probably have cultivated her carefully.

After the 18th tough guy, there was no tougher guy than him. At the 24th, the soft guy who dared not stretch into the oil pan finally appeared, so he became a thief.

It didn't matter at all whether he was really a thief or not.

Twenty-four was taken away in a chain, and the topic of catching thieves in the elders' meeting ended and moved on to the next topic-prohibiting women from wearing shorts.

According to Saran’s translation of the elders’ statement, the elders said that they considered the girls’ fear of being attacked and violated by men, and mentioned other advanced areas’ initiatives, such as some villages known for their patriarchal system, posting their daughters’ nameplates outside their doors as a sign respect for them.

This issue was quickly settled. Women in Kabir cannot wear shorts in the future. Anyone who wears shorts will be punished. I didn’t say what kind of punishment it will be.

The Council of Presbyterians was very efficient. In just half an hour, they discussed five or six issues and came up with solutions. It seemed a little careless, like a child's play. However, this approach cannot be said to be completely unacceptable. Many things just need to be solved. A quick word, cut the mess quickly, let things pass quickly, instead of being backlogged there.

After listening to trivial issues for a while, Nanyi asked Sa Lan to take them to Crescent Moon Lake.

Crescent Lake is not very big, it only looks like an area of ​​about three acres, but its shape looks like a half-curved crescent, very round, and the pier built with bluestone strips extends into the lake in a semicircle.

"Master Adam, Crescent Moon Lake is a holy lake. A long time ago, a demon with powerful mana appeared in the Three Realms. This demon is very powerful. For every drop of blood on the ground, a thousand demons as powerful as him will appear on the ground. The incarnation of the gods went to the world.

The wife of Shiva, one of the three gods, the snow mountain goddess Parvati was furious when she heard the news, and she turned into the goddess Kali to destroy the demon.

Goddess Kali was afraid that the demon would drop her own blood on the ground during the duel, causing a thousand demon incarnations with the same mana to appear, so she sucked up its blood first, leaving no drop.

Later, Kali finally wiped out the demon, but she couldn't control herself because she was too angry. Her feet could not help trampling the ground vigorously, which affected the lives of all living beings in the three realms.

In order to alleviate the suffering of all living beings, Shiva lay at Kali's feet and let him trample on him to vent his hatred. "

Saran pointed in one direction and said, "That's the footprints left by the goddess Kali. The Crescent Lake is the lake that was transformed by her magic power when she was angry. Except for the hands and feet, other parts of the body cannot be touched. Lake water, not to mention taking a bath in the lake. And..."

"Infidels are not allowed to touch the lake, are they?"

Nanyi looked at the green lake water, and thought to himself, "If you ask him to step in, he won't even step on it."

"Yes, Master Adam."

"Can I go and see the footprints of Goddess Kali?"


Sa Lan led Nanyi to a piece of bluestone that was missing a corner. From the gap, one could see a glimpse of running water flowing out of a gap like peeing. Just above the gap, there was a pair of obvious bare feet. print.

The footprints are sprinkled with red and yellow powder, and orange-red stamens are sprinkled on the side, which looks like dry lotus.

Leaning over to look at the footprints carefully, Nanyi instantly sneered at the craftsmen who had done the work of the holy site, it was too damn perfunctory, the footprints were actually not on the bluestone strips, but in the cement, and the more you looked at the footprints, the bigger the footprints were. It looks masculine, Nanyi suspects that the craftsman stepped on the footprints himself, and he didn't even think about spending energy to find a girl to do it for him.

"Saran, does Kabir mean footprints?"

"Master Adam, Kabir is an English term. The name here should be Charanpur in Hindi, which itself means footprints." Saran replied.

"Oh." Nan Yi nodded, and said to Xiaohua: "Have someone drive the car over, and I won't walk when I go back."

The road we walked just now is not narrow, and there is no problem in opening to traffic.

After waiting for a while, in the pursuit of several children, the team came to the edge of Crescent Moon Lake. Nanyi invited Sa Lan to take his own car, and asked the bodyguards of the Tiwedi family to wait first, and come back to pick them up next time .

In the car, Nanyi found a box of Fornan Mason's chocolates for Sa Lan. Nanyi deliberately didn't open the box, and handed the whole box to her directly.

The design of the box is a bit special, with a flat cylindrical shape, and it looks like there is a lid. If you have not touched this chocolate before, you will definitely think that it is opened from the lid, but those who have touched it will know that this chocolate is opened. The method is actually to split the cylinder from the middle into two semicircles.

Saran took the chocolate, thanked Nanyi, opened the box from the middle, twisted a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I think this chocolate tastes a bit strange. Are you used to eating it?"

"Master Adam, it's delicious. I like its taste very much, but it's very expensive, and it's not available in India." Saran said regretfully.

"I like it, I'll give you another box." Nanyi took out another box from the armrest box and put it in Sa Lan's hand.

"Thank you, Master Adam, you are so kind to Saran." Saran said with a smile.

"As long as you like to eat, you don't need to thank you."

The desired answer has been obtained, and Nan Yi stopped disturbing Sa Lan from enjoying dessert, and started chatting with Sophie Marceau who was sitting in the middle.

"At the Crescent Lake just now, did you notice the girl on the opposite side of the White God Bull?"

"I see, I even took photos, do they have special identities?"

"They should be goddesses."

"A saint who serves God?"

"No, they are not responsible for serving the gods, but the spokespersons of the gods." When Nanyi spoke, the expression on his face was very strange.

Sophie Marceau exclaimed after thinking for a while: "You mean that the little girl is actually played with by a magic stick?"

"They will also be used to make money."

"Those bastards are really disgusting. God's name is used by them like this?"

"Otherwise, isn't the reason why gods were created by some people to achieve a certain purpose?" Nan Yi pulled up his sleeves, revealing his armpit hair, "Flat shoes, come and pay homage to the god of armpit hair, it is not simple Yes, we humans can live in the universe, thanks to its protection."

Nan Yi's face straightened, and he said piously: "Others don't know, but as the incarnation of the armpit hair god in the world, I know very well that just five minutes ago, the armpit hair god repelled a large wave of evil forces that invaded the universe. Outnumbered was seriously injured and will be in seclusion for seven to forty-nine days starting today.

For the next forty-nine days, the burden of protecting the universe and human beings will fall on me, the human incarnation of the armpit hair god. Just three seconds ago, I just defeated another group of evil forces that tried to attack.

Flat shoes, my sleep is very important. If I don’t sleep well, I will not be able to protect the universe properly. Therefore, for the sake of the universe and all mankind, you must overcome it and don’t wake me up at night. "

"Adam, you really know how to make up stories. If you can make up stories, make up more. After dinner, I want to listen to a story about the goddess Marceau. She has a mount named Adam." Sophie Marceau gave Nan Yi a white look, and shook him. Next puzzle.

"Okay." Nan Yi replied with a smile.

Back at Tiwedi Manor, Nan Yi asked Sophie Marceau to follow Saran in first, and he stayed in the car to read the report he had just delivered before.

A report was submitted by Zhu Youren, the president of Creativity Real Estate. Zhu Youren speculated that before 1997, the property market in Hong Kong would go up all the way, so he planned to build a few residential buildings in Ho Man Tin that will only be used for rent in the short term, and based on this In fact, I also plan to register an independent company that has nothing to do with creativity, and then use this company as the main body to operate the business of real estate speculation.

After reading the report, Nanyi pondered for a while. Judging from the current growth rate of housing prices in the Hong Kong real estate market, it is quite cost-effective to buy a house with a loan for speculation. The increase in housing prices can leave the interest on loans far behind. It is enough to pay the monthly payment, and the down payment is only 10% of the down payment.

"By 1997, it would not be difficult for Hong Kong Island's housing prices to appreciate four to five times. With an investment of 2 billion, you can leverage about 19 billion real estate. 19 billion x 5 is 95 billion. Before 1997, the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar should exceed that of the RMB. ;

Mao estimates that it can be exchanged for 110 billion RMB. This is a relatively optimistic calculation. If you give it a 30% discount, it will be 77 billion RMB, and 2 billion Hong Kong dollars will leverage 77 billion RMB. This transaction is worth doing.

But, in 1997 and 1998, where should the 77 billion be invested? "

Nan Yi stroked his chin and pondered for a while, but he didn't think where to invest such a large sum of money.

"Is it possible to use the mantis arm as a cart to prevent state-owned assets from being embezzled?"

As soon as the idea came up, Nanyi shook his head. It doesn't make much sense to block one or two. He wants to block them all. Heh, how many people have to be against, how many people's money will be cut off, how many people's parents will be killed, and he will lose. undoubtedly.

If a person is not good, he will be pushed into the excrement basin and drowned. If he dies, it will stink.

Instead of thinking about how to spend the money, Nanyi took out a pen and wrote instructions on the report-the budget limit is 2 billion Hong Kong dollars, and submit a detailed plan as soon as possible.

After reading the first report, Nan Yi put it aside and picked up the second report.

It took half an hour to approve all the reports, and Nan Yi sealed the reports and handed them over to one of the bodyguards, asking the sender to take them back as soon as possible.


the next day.

Early in the morning, Nanyi followed Deepak to visit the tea plantation of the Tiwedi family. There were only a few servants of the Tiwedi family and Nanyi's people. Saran did not go with him.

"Saran, tell me everything about yesterday."

As Nan Yi guessed, Saran was indeed Fatia's confidant. As soon as he and Deepak left, Fatia called Saran to a room for questioning.

Saran explained to Fatiya everything Nanyi said and did yesterday in detail.

After listening to Saran's report, Fatia told her to leave.

Click, Fatia lit a mole, took a deep breath and said to the air: "Did you hear that?"

On Fatia's body, a communicator made a low voice: "I heard it."

"What do you think?"

"This Adam is not simple. He has almost touched Saran's background. Have you found out his identity in London?"

"I found out that there is such a person in Sun Never Set Capital, but he appeared in London a few years ago with the identity of the former Asia-Pacific President of Pan American Holdings. Compare."

"Have you checked the list of shareholders of Sun Never Set Capital?"

Fatiya crushed the cigarette in the ashtray, took out the headset from the sari and plugged it into the intercom, "Sun Never Sets Capital is not a listed company, if this Adam intentionally hides his shareholder identity, we have no way of investigating it. "

"It's okay if you can't find it. This Adam is definitely not simple. We can assume that he is a shareholder of Sun Never Set Capital, and we can even assume that he is a shareholder of Bolin Holdings and Pan American Holdings. He just arrived in Varanasi. The man I managed to arrange for Dhawan Rahja was killed, and we must be absolutely careful with him."

"Isn't the body not found?"

"There is no need to look for it. The person must be dead. I will return to Varanasi later. Take care of yourself."

Fatia frowned and said, "You haven't said what to do next."

"Don't do anything for the time being, just wait and see what happens. Remove the bug in the living room as soon as possible. It will be troublesome if Adam finds out."

"I know."

The tea garden of the Tiwedi family is on a mountain that is not too high in altitude. Nanyi and Deepak rode donkeys, and the others walked up the mountain to the tea garden in more than half an hour.

The area of ​​the tea garden is not too big, only about 100 acres, but it is well maintained, the tea trees grow lush, several streams pass through the tea garden, and there are clouds that can be touched by reaching out. It's like a fairyland.

"Mr. Tiwedi, I really envy you. The scenery here is very good and the air is very fresh. It is very good to build a villa next to the source of the stream. It is very good to escape the heat in summer."

Deepak nodded and said: "Yes, the air here is indeed better than Varanasi, not to mention London, there are not so many messy cars on the road, and most importantly, many enjoyments can only be found in India, only in rural areas Only then."

What Deepak said is correct, the rural areas of India are indeed a bit of an extrajudicial place. As far as Deepak’s class status is concerned, he can really live like an emperor in the countryside.

People like Deepak, even though they have received higher education, know that the caste system is harmful to the country, but they don't think about changing it. Once they change, their privileges will disappear, no matter how advanced and civilized they are. Education , they will all become defenders of the traditional system.

Deepak took Nanyi to shuttle among the tea trees, and talked to Nanyi about tea trees from time to time. Deepak spoke clearly and clearly, and it was obvious that he had a deep understanding of tea trees.

After staying on the mountain for more than an hour, when Nanyi and the others went down the mountain, they happened to meet a young man in a "Beatles" costume who came over, trotted to Deepak, bent down and kissed his feet , and then started talking with Deepak, showing great respect to Deepak.

Nanyi knew that this kind of Beatles clothing actually originated from the court clothing of the Mughal Dynasty, and was later called "Nehru vest". This kind of clothing is usually only popular among Indian officials.

In order to avoid suspicion, Nanyi led the donkey to the side of the stream, and when he came to the edge of the stream, Nanyi loosened the reins of the donkey, allowing it to forage for green grass freely. He squatted down by the stream by himself, watching Looking at the crystal-clear stream, looking at the restaurants and gobies that refused to swim in the water, I took a handful of water to wipe my face, and then put another handful of water into my mouth.

The water has a hint of sweetness, moistens the throat without astringency, and the water quality is excellent. This is a land that has not been polluted.

"Mr. Adam, the water from this stream is used in the manor. How does it taste?"

"It's better than drinking in the manor, maybe you should have someone clean the cistern." Nanyi turned his head and said to Deepak behind him.

"Really? I'll order someone to clean it up when I get back, Mr. Adam, where do you want to go for a stroll later?"

"Mr Tiwidi, you are the master, I am at your disposal, as long as the place we are going to does not take too much time, unfortunately, I think I will have to leave tomorrow, I received a call yesterday, in Mumbai There is a gentleman waiting to meet me." Nanyi spread his hands and said.

"That's really a pity. There are many places worth visiting in Ganges Village. If you don't have a week, it's not enough to visit them all."

"Yes, unfortunately, I plan to come over to disturb Mr. Tiwedi again after I finish my work in a few days. I wonder if it is convenient?"

"Of course, I welcome Mr. Adam to visit at any time. There is a temple fair in the temple in the village today. I will take Mr. Adam to visit."

"OK, let's go."

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