
As soon as Nan Yi finished calling Pulan, Han Zhenhe came to his study.

"Zhenhe, is the plan out?"

"It's already come out. After our discussion, we finally came up with a more feasible plan. Chairman, please have a look." Han Zhenhe unfolded a folder and placed it in front of Nanyi.

Nanyi lowered his head and read the content of the document carefully from beginning to end, then closed the folder, looked up and said, "You mean to learn from Richemont's model and establish a group that operates multiple luxury brands?"

"Yes, Chairman, it takes a long time to build a top luxury brand. First of all, the identity of the brand founder needs to form the brand gene that customers are superior to others, which is the core value of luxury brands.

People plus tools are equal to tool people. No matter how much wealth and power a person has, if he does not feel served by others in his life, he will not be able to feel his own value.

Because people are social creatures, longing for this kind of value that dominates others also means dominating other people’s time, materializing it is a luxury, and most luxury brands emphasize artificial production.

The inventor or designer of luxury goods, that is, the founder of the brand, must have the highest status, usually a craftsman employed by the royal family or a person with outstanding achievements in the field of craftsmanship and art.

This identity gene represents that the people who serve the customers are outstanding, and the high base point of the price comes from it.

Chairman, a luxury brand must be positioned at this height from the very beginning, instead of slowly climbing from low to high. Our initial positioning of the swallowtail butterfly determines that it has no possibility of becoming a luxury brand. "

Nan Yi frowned when he heard this, and thought to himself: "It's really uncomfortable to be denied face to face."

"A luxury brand needs time to settle, and the founder needs to have considerable fame and achievements in the art design and craft circles. Depending on the product field, it takes 15-150 years to take shape.

More than 95% of the luxury brands on the market now accumulate value through the relay of several generations. An ordinary person with mediocre artistic talent, no matter how much money he has, is unlikely to create a luxury brand. "

Nanyi: "..."

"President, the development model of Nanchen Liquor you established in Huaguo is very good. Nanchen Liquor is also a luxury brand. It is not as good as Maotai now. When it is not recognized by the public, you need to establish a price system.

That is to say, a product represents a certain amount of money, and the pricing of the product must be adhered to, only rising but not falling. The second is to let more customers buy, so that more customers agree with the brand's pricing and price increase.

A luxury brand can be compared to a stock. The customers are stockholders. If stockholders are willing to spend a lot of money to buy stocks and agree with the price of the stock, the value of the brand and products will naturally be higher. This is the essence of luxury sales.

It is a good way to use the model of recycling famous cigarettes and famous wines to boost the value of Gaonan aged wine..."

Nan Yi waved his hand and said, "You mean, if I build a luxury clothing brand, it is impossible for the brand in my hands to grow to the height of luxury?"

"President, with all due respect, with your low-key style of doing things, you are not suitable to be the owner of a luxury brand." Han Zhenhe said.

"I know this. Building a luxury brand from scratch has become my obsession. Maybe I won't stand at the front desk in person, but it must be my brand." Nanyi paused and said: "Your plan, I preliminarily agree that the initial acquisition targets are Lanzun in France and Deljean in Belgium?"

"Yes, the market share and brand influence of these two brands in the field of leather goods and luggage are very good, and the cost of acquiring them will be relatively low, and the probability of successful acquisition will be relatively high."

"Well, it takes three days to make a detailed plan, and then submit it to the Intelligence Policy Committee for review."

"Okay, President."

Han Zhenhe nodded excitedly. This is the first plan he has been involved in since he became Nanyi's secretary, and it is still led by him.

Nanyi felt a little ridiculous. He had been thinking about luxury brands from the very beginning, but he had always been careless. Now, because of the Dharavi slum project, he has really promoted the road to luxury.

It’s okay, if you can’t invest in Richemont, you can create your own Richemont.

Nanyi walked out of the study room, just as he was about to go out to have a good time with guns, when Xiaohua came to him with a phone.


"Mrs. Liu."

Nan Yi took the phone from Xiao Hua, and said into the microphone: "President Liu, what instructions do you have?"

"Xiaowei's birthday, Sister Meifeng invited us to her house to have a good time."

"what's the situation?"

Nanyi knew that Wu Renpin and his wife were low-key masters, and it was impossible for them to work hard to celebrate their son's birthday.

"How long has it been since you contacted Wu Renpin?"

"It's been eight or nine months. He's busy and I'm busy too. It's not very convenient to call him."

"He's going to be released soon."

"Oh, where are you going to serve the masses?"

"Go to Fengtian Steel West District."

"deputy mayor?"

"How is it possible? His level is not high enough, the deputy director of the Management Committee of the Economic Development Zone."

"Didn't even get a full-time job?"

"It's not bad. You're wearing a hat. You should understand what Sister Meifeng means. Do you want to come back?"

"When will it be?"

"It's Xiaowei's birthday."

"I'll go back to the capital directly, you take Wuwei up there by yourself."

"Okay, hang up, someone knocked on the door."


"School belle, check when Wu Xiaowei's birthday is." After hanging up the phone, Nanyi said to the school belle.

Nan Yi remembered Wu Renpin's birthday. After all, they celebrated together. How could he remember Wu Xiaowei's birthday carefully? His name was only hidden in a big list, and Nan Yi didn't need to worry about the etiquette every year.

Xiaohua made a phone call and told Nanyi that it was "October 15th".

Nan Yi thought about it and there are still ten days left, and it will be too late to set off in another week.

One day, Nanyi was sitting by Peacock Lake again, holding an Assani MKI semi-automatic pistol and dismantling it there. This is a pistol developed by India itself. Although the research and development funds are spent on the appearance, the internal structure is still poor Certainly Browning is self-produced in any way, which is worthy of recognition.

This gun is very popular in the Indian civilian market, and many women in wealthy areas will put one in their bags.

A few days ago, there was a news article in the newspaper, saying that two thieves were following a woman who had just got off the car. When she was about to plot something wrong in an alley, the woman drew out her gun and shot the two thieves with precision. "Criminal Motivation" was wiped out, leaving the rest of the area unharmed.

Nanyi bought one after reading the newspaper. He wanted to see what sharpshooter could achieve such a result.

After dismantling the pistol, Nan Yi squinted his eyes and glanced into the barrel, and then cursed: "Which apprentice car's rifling, just this crap, can make the bullet go in a straight line?"

Click, click, Nanyi assembled the gun again and put it back in the gun case. He dared not open the broken gun, and the bullet might fly backward.

Picking up the water glass on the table and taking a sip of water, Nan Yi thought to himself, "The newspaper reporter's skills have improved again, and he is one step closer to the great achievement of 'starting with a picture, and the content is all edited'. In the future, if you want to get Accurate information is going to get harder. Looks like a touch with News Corp. to build a steady stream of accurate public sources of information.”

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Priyanka walking towards him with an expression of seeing a ghost.

"If you encounter something unhappy, tell me to make me happy." When Priyanka came to him, Nan Yi said.

"I don't want to say it." Priyanka said with a dead face: "My parents asked me to bring you a message, and they will wait for your visit at home."

"I will definitely visit on time." Nanyi nodded and said affirmatively, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Priyanka's face was tangled for a while, but she still said, "When I was shopping at CitiMall just now, a man showed love to me."

"Wow, it seems that our Miss Priyanka is about to start a second life-and-death relationship." Nan Yi whistled, and said frivolously: "This time is a high caste, right?"

"Do you think it's possible?" Priyanka stared at Nanyi with embarrassment and said, "The whole of Mumbai knows about me. Which high caste do you think will take the initiative to pursue me?"

"It can't be Dalit, right? It shouldn't be, can Dalit enter CitiMall?"

"Speak American English, I came back from abroad." Priyanka said, still spitting: "Damn Dalit."

Nanyi pretended not to hear the word Dalit, and asked with a look of curiosity: "Oh, Mr. NRL, is it a tactful way to ask for friendship, or directly invite you to the place where he lives?"

Priyanka poked countless holes in Nanyi's body with her eyes, then shook the sari, and walked into the manor angrily.

"Little girl, it's really rude. If you can't agree with your parents, I'll let you go back and continue making cow dung cakes."

The time soon came to October 10th, which was the day when Nanyi was going to visit Priyanka's house.

Priyanka’s villa is near Ashok Park, which is a prime location in Mumbai, adjacent to the beach and Hindu temples. A little lower than Peacock Villa.

And it's still the current value. In a few years, when the land price in Mumbai rises, Priyanka's villa will be replaced by at least three Peacock Villas. The upper limit is hard to estimate.

Nanyi took Diwaman out of the car in front of the villa, and Sharma and his wife came up with Priyanka.

Sonu Sharma surpassed his wife and daughter, stepped forward to Nanyi, stretched out his right hand and said, "Hello, Mr. Adam, welcome to Sharma's villa."

"Hello, Mr. Sharma."

Sonu's Indian features are not strong, and he looks more like a white-and-white multi-race Europa race, with fair skin, a high nose bridge, light-colored black with yellowish hair, sharp eyes, and a strong body. Introverted, engraved in the bones of superiority.

This sense of superiority is not expressed by oral language and body language, it is inherent and has been precipitated by several generations.

About 2.5 seconds later, Nanyi let go of Sonu's hand, walked to his wife Saila Sharma, clasped his hands together, "Mrs. Sharma, hello."

Saila is wearing a sari without complicated patterns, but it looks graceful and luxurious, with a touch of maturity. Time precipitation and temperament forget to copy the past.

If someone confronted Nanyi with a gun and had to choose between Saila and Priyanka, he would choose Saila without hesitation, and this choice would not change for at least twenty years.

"Mr. Adam, hello."

Passing Saila, Nanyi came to Priyanka again, stretched out his right hand to her and said in a slightly flattering tone: "Miss Sharma, long time no see, I miss you very much."

Priyanka secretly rolled her eyes, endured the unknown fire, stretched out her right hand and shook hands with Nanyi, "Mr. Adam, hello."

Priyanka couldn't comprehend the meaning of Nanyi's "Miss Sharma", but Sonu and Seira did. They looked at each other with relief and relief on their faces.

"Little girl, you are so stupid." Nan Yi sneered, and withdrew his hand.

"Mr. Adam, please sit in the living room."

Sonu seamlessly followed the process and led Nanyi to the living room. Saila and Priyanka followed Nanyi hand in hand.

The living room of the villa looks very simple. The two sides are made of glass walls with a height of more than six meters. The lighting is very good, but the outside has been specially treated so that the sunlight cannot directly shine on the glass.

In the middle of the living room, there are two low marble tables measuring three by three meters. In the center is a three-tier container. The bottom and largest layer is for keeping ornamental fish, the middle layer is for various fruits, and the top layer is for displaying The art of flower arrangement.

Adjacent to the east and west sides of the short table are eight single sofas side by side, and a western-style double sofa is placed on the north and south sides respectively. The material should be lobular red sandalwood.

The floor is made up of irregular geometric color blocks. The white blocks are mixed with brown and brown lines. It is simple, but it also strengthens the spacious effect of the living room. Put on a suitable light music, and sitting in this living room will feel like being under the sky. wilderness.

Anyone who has decorated a house knows that the seemingly simple decoration style is actually very costly. Not to mention other things, the glass on the two walls and the floor are enough for Nanyi to pay for a quarter's transportation expenses. I have to say, Pu The Yaka family is really rich.

After sitting in the living room, Saila made coffee herself. I don't know if it was to express her importance to Nanyi, or there were not many servants in the villa.

From just now to walking into the living room, Nanyi didn't see a single servant. Presumably, even if there were servants in the villa, the number would be very limited.

"Mr. Adam, is the weather in Bombay still adaptable?"

Sonu's opening remarks were actually to talk about the weather, which made the one who was ready for Indian Style changed to British Style.

"The weather in Mumbai is a little too hot for me, so I seldom go out in the afternoon, and I always hide in the room and blow on the air conditioner."

"Yes, the weather in Mumbai is a bit hot, but I have lived here for more than 30 years, and I have adapted to the weather here. Have you ever visited the Ajanta Caves? Five years ago, it was included in the "World Heritage Site" Table of contents"."

"Not yet, I plan to wait for the weather to turn cold, and then take the time to look around."

"This is a good idea." Sonu agreed, and asked again: "Mr. Adam, can you get used to Indian food?"

"Well enough."

"Cayla, you and Priyanka go to prepare lunch first, and you must prepare your best MOMO." Sonu turned to Saila.

"Okay." Seila responded, and said apologetically to Nanyi: "Mr. Adam, Priyanka and I will not accompany you first."

After the two women Seira and Priyanka left, the atmosphere in the living room changed suddenly.

Sonu's expression became serious, and he calmly said to Nanyi: "Mr. Adam, shall we be more direct?"

Nanyi put away the courtesy and said with a smile, "Yes, I like simplicity and directness."

"What is your purpose in coming to India?" Sonu asked.

"I'm a businessman."

"Just doing business?"

"Yes, Mr. Sharma, to put it bluntly, I'm here to make money, you don't have to overcomplicate the problem at all, I don't have any hidden identity.

In 1985, your country began to experience a balance of payments problem. Mr. Sharma should be very clear about why it happened. Your country’s military expenditures increased sharply in that year, and military expenditures remained high in the following two years;

This year, your country's economy will deteriorate further. Next year or the year after, your country will be in deep economic crisis. What will happen then?

The government is on the verge of bankruptcy, the central bank refuses new loans, foreign exchange reserves continue to decline, and may be exhausted at any time, but for your country, you need to rely on oil from West Asia, gold from South America, technology from the United States, and vegetable oil from Southeast Asia.

In order to buy goods from the world market, you need to trade dollars, the international currency, and the only way to earn dollars is to export enough goods to the world market.

Since the 1960s, your country basically relied on Soviet revisionism for its exports, and did not develop very good trade relations with the United States and Western Europe. In the 1980s, the Soviet revisionist economy began to weaken, and it was unable to import a large amount of foreign goods, while your country’s exports volume dropped sharply.

The oil in your country mainly comes from Iraq and Kuwait. The situation between the two countries is very tense now. It can be said that sparks are flying everywhere. If a little spark falls in the oil barrel, boom... the purchase price of your country's oil will go up. skyrocketed.

Also, the guy in Delhi Palace seems to be in a lot of trouble.

On the whole, if it is as short as next year and as long as the next year, your country's economy will fall into a state of collapse. In order to save the economy, what will your country do? "

Sonu said with a cold face: "Loan from the IMF, reduce import tariffs on industrial products, cancel restrictions on production licenses in some industries, open up some industries, and allow foreign investment."

Nan Yi nodded and said: "Mr. Sharma missed one point. In order to revitalize the finances quickly, your country will probably learn from Europe to privatize and sell some state-owned enterprises to private individuals."

"So, Mr. Adam came here in advance to make arrangements, and when India's economy collapses, you can eat the fattest piece?"

"No, no, no." Nan Yi shook his hand, "The fattest piece will only be eaten by your own people, and I am at most a hyena, eat some leftovers that your own people don't like, suck a few mouthfuls of your own Human leftover bones.

Mr. Sharma, I am a person who pays great attention to etiquette. I will always remember my identity as a guest, and I will never turn against the guest.

I want to invest in agriculture in your country, but your own people don’t like this; I want to invest in fertilizer industry in your country, which is very much needed in your country; I invest in trade here, and I am going to change the status quo of slums.

What I am going to do can't be said to be for your country's consideration, but it can actually provide some help to your country's economic improvement. From a large perspective, I am a good friend of the Indian people.

From a practical point of view, I need allies and partners. Mr. Sharma, you are the most suitable and most suitable partner for me. "

Hearing this, Sonu thought about the effort of a cup of tea.

"What can I get?"

"Miss Priyanka can not only get 5% of the labor group shares, but also regain her lost dignity. I believe she will grow into a role model for Indian women;

As for Mr. Sharma, you can get 20% of the labor group share subscription quota. Within five years, no matter how much I increase the capital, you only need to increase the capital proportionally by 10% to maintain your share quota without being diluted.

In addition, I have also prepared 12% of the shares, which will be handed over to Mr. Sharma. I only have one request--An An should do business lightly, and I don't want to see anyone come to make trouble.

Of course, excluding the so-called evil forces on the streets of Mumbai, they are not troublesome in my eyes. Punishing evil and promoting good, and fighting evil forces are a great hobby of mine in my spare time.

Ah, I went to Varanasi not long ago, and signed a support contract with many Ganges turtles by the Ganges River. I am obliged to ensure that those sacred animals consume enough protein. "

As Nanyi said, he clasped his hands together and made a very pious gesture.

Sonu smiled knowingly. The "black and evil forces" in Nanyi's mouth were never taken seriously by him. His villa was not protected by bodyguards, and no one dared to come to make trouble.

"Mr. Adam, I heard from Priyanka that you read a lot of newspapers every day?"


"No wonder you have such a clear understanding of India's national conditions. I mean the 12% stake you prepared."

"I like to make friends, and I am also happy to share beautiful things with good friends." Nanyi said, and changed the topic, "I don't know if Miss Priyanka told you that she suffered a little bit at Peacock Villa. Those are all I arranged it on purpose."

Sonu nodded, "I heard that, I would like to thank Mr. Adam for this matter. Priyanka was well protected by Saila and me, and she didn't understand the true meaning of this society, so she made a mistake. She made a big mistake and led herself into the abyss. Now that she has grown up and matured, I believe she will not go the wrong way again."

"I also believe that Miss Priyanka will not step on the same pit twice. Miss Priyanka is very smart. As long as her thinking becomes mature, she will definitely be able to reach a very high level in the future."

"Mr. Adam, since we want to cooperate, we need to understand each other. You must have understood my information, but Mr. Adam, with all due respect, I don't understand you."

"Mr. Sharma is right. Partners need to understand each other. If it is convenient for you to travel recently, I invite you to visit New York for a few days. There, you will have a full understanding of me."

"New York..." Sonu thought for a while and said, "After two days, I can spare a week."

"I'm really sorry. I'm going back to China to deal with some personal affairs. It's not convenient to accompany Mr. Sharma to New York. However, Mr. Sharma doesn't need to change his plan. I will send a plane to pick up Mr. Sharma in two days. New York will also be accompanied by a special person. If there is more time, I will rush to New York to meet you."

Even if it is convenient for Nanyi, he will find an excuse not to accompany Sonu to New York. When he arrives in New York, it will be Scarlett's performance time. He will show off his muscles and come up with a move to knock the mountain away, so that Sonu will not dare to easily breed the ambition to swallow the labor group. .

"It's okay, Mr. Adam can go to your own affairs. I have been to New York several times, and I won't get lost without being accompanied."

For Sonu, if Nanyi is not around, Nanyi will have less chance to adapt to changes. He can understand Nanyi's strength more thoroughly, and he can see some problems more objectively.

After the business was settled, Saila came over and asked the two to go to the dining room for dinner, and the atmosphere became relaxed again.

"Mr. Adam, try Seira's best food, MOMO. It is said that this food was spread from the Eastern Tang Dynasty to India. I don't know what it is called in your country?"

After sitting in the dining room, Sonu moved a serving bowl to the side of Nanyi.

Nan Yi looked into the bowl, and there was a crescent-like pasta lying in it. The shape of the crescent and the creases on it all told him what kind of food it was.

"This is now called dumplings in China, dumpling, and it was called wonton when it first appeared, and Wonton. In the Tang Dynasty, it should be called Lao Wan. This word is not easy to translate into English."

Nan Yi pointed to the dumplings in the dining bowl and said: "Look at the stuffing of MOMO, which is tightly wrapped in the skin. From the perspective of the stuffing, is it the same as being in a prison? It means putting stuffing in prison."

"A very vivid metaphor, full of wisdom." Sai Lazan said: "Mr. Adam, you take us to rescue the stuffing together."

Saying that, Seira took a colander and scooped two MOMOs onto Nanyi's dinner plate.

Nan Yi picked up a spoon, scooped one into his mouth, and chewed a mouthful. A very rich taste hit his taste buds, the fresh fragrance of vegetables, the fragrance of milk, and the slight taste of Marsala.

The taste is very good, but apart from the appearance, Nanyi did not find that MOMO has a dime relationship with dumplings, and even the skin is not the taste that dumpling skin should have.

"Mrs. Sharma, the MOMO you made is delicious. Let me first express my apologies. At present, I can't guarantee that my eating will continue to be elegant."

Seira smiled happily, "I feel a sense of accomplishment when I hear Mr. Adam say that."

"Luo Hu, you really know how to pretend!" Priyanka said with contempt in her heart.

For a lunch, Nanyi ate a lot of MOMO made by Saila. Compared with other foods on the table, MOMO was more in line with his taste. Besides, since the cowhide started, he had to blow it down even when he was kneeling.

Of course, from the beginning to the end, Nanyi still maintained a gentle eating appearance.

After lunch at Sharma's house and afternoon tea, Nan Yi bid farewell and left, and Priyanka followed him when he left.

After getting in the car, Nanyi turned his head and said to Priyanka: "I will take you to the office first, today is not the weekend, you have to go back to work, I give you some tasks, help me collect information about Gangupai Kotwali material."

"Gangubai? The Queen of Bombay in Kamatipura?"

"Yes, that's her."

"Why are you collecting information about her?"

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