"Your family members can continue to receive your dividends. As long as our Wenchangwei is still there, as long as our brigade company is still there, the dividends can be passed on from generation to generation, and it will continue to be passed down like this.

If you retire from the army due to disability, in addition to maintaining the highest bonus you got in the army, the brigade will subsidize you with a bonus of 0.5.

Soldiers, defending the home and the country are supremely honorable.

I encourage everyone to take advantage of this loophole. If girls go to serve in the army, they will enjoy the same treatment, and when you get married, your dividends will not be halved.

If you become a martyr, your dividends can also be inherited.

In addition, when the marriageable age is reached, boys will naturally marry a daughter-in-law. I want to tell you that the newly added people with foreign surnames in Wenchangwei no longer enjoy dividends.

The children born here are still the same as before. Only three children of a couple can enjoy dividends. Whether the three children can be born smoothly, the brigade doesn't care, you young people can figure out their own way.

That's all about the dividends. Next, I will distribute dividends to everyone soon. "

As Xian Yaodong said, he turned around again, "However, before posting, please be patient and listen to me a few more words. With the dividends, you can add some new clothes, cut some meat to improve, it's all fine.

However, for the time being, we are not allowed to build houses, purchase home appliances, or go out to show off. In the next few years, we in Wenchangwei will keep a low profile.

Don't tell me when I go out to pay New Year's greetings, meet relatives, drink some wine, and talk about everything.

If you let me know who is bragging outside, your family's dividends will be withheld first, and you will continue to live your poor life. When you reflect on it someday, then give you the dividends.

Listen, this is very serious.

When the brigade finds you and punishes you, don't call me wrong.

When your brain is about to get hot, think about the house that Nanyi lives in, and ask yourself why you dare not go there?

Well, that's all for now, let's get the bonus.

If you have doubts about the dividend figures, you can go to the brigade tomorrow to find Jimin, and he will explain to you how your dividends are calculated. "

Nan Yi nodded in satisfaction on the tree, then slid down to the ground to collect his and Liu Zhen's head dividends, as well as Nan Ruofing's Lao Hong.

Renhong was 105 yuan each, and Nan Ruofing's Laohong was 12.57 yuan.

The head dividends only accounted for 30% of the dividends that should be paid this year, and the remaining 70%, about 600,000 labor bonuses were distributed to the members according to the amount they should get.

And Lao Hong from the brigade will not distribute the money for the time being, but will inject the money into Xian Weimin's company.

According to Nanyi's plan, for three consecutive years, Lao Hong from the brigade will be injected into the company. Three years later, the ratio of labor to labor was changed to an eight-to-two ratio.

The income of the members of the brigade will be drawn from the joint venture.

After the dividend meeting was over, Nan Yi went to the brigade department to hold a meeting for the members of the brigade department.

"Jimin, how many dividends are left?"


"Understood." Nanyi responded, and said, "Let's talk about the company's problems. Weimin registered a Wenchang Holdings Investment Company in Hong Kong, and in the name of this company, registered a Hepburn company in China. .

Hepburn is the company that will come forward to form a joint venture with Wenchangwei in the future. In the future, everyone's income will be received from Wenchang Holdings.

Now I will talk about the amount of shares for everyone, and if there are any objections, I will raise them after I finish speaking.

Xian Yaodong 15%, Xian Yaohua 8%, Xian Jimin 8%, Xian Yaowei 8%, Ge Cuizhu 8%, Xian Yaoguo 8%, Niu Aihua 8%, Xian Weimin 15%, and me 22%;

If anyone wants to sell shares, they need the consent of all other shareholders, especially my consent, and I have a veto right.

Who has any objection to your shareholding ratio? Uncle Xian? "

Xian Yaodong shook his head, "No!"

"Uncle Yaohua?"


Nanyi asked them one by one, but no one had an opinion.

"Since everyone has no objections, the shareholding ratio will be determined in this way. Now we just say it verbally, and we will sign the shareholding agreement after we find a suitable lawyer."

After Nanyi finished speaking, he took out two pieces of paper from his pocket and handed them to Xian Yaodong and Xian Weimin respectively, "The above lists are the machines that need to be purchased abroad and domestically. For Weimin, you go through the import procedures and don't use domestic For foreign exchange, this procedure is not difficult to run.

Uncle Xian, the machine you want to purchase can be found in Jiangxi Province. You can go there to have a look first. It is closer to us. If not, go to other provinces to have a look. "


"Uncle Yaoguo, you have had a lot of contact with Han Guoren, what do you think of him?"

Xian Yaoguo said: "Very good, he is very serious about his work, and he seems to be very capable. Apart from production, he is now in charge of the garment factory and is very organized."

"For the people, what do you say?"

"Han Hanren is not bad. I have been on a business trip with him. His communication skills are very good. Now he can speak Mandarin very fluently, even better than me."

"You still have the nerve to say it." Nan Yi cast a glance at Xian Weimin, "After the new year, you go to enroll in an MBA class, Xiangzhu University has this class, you study hard for me.

The development of foreign countries is changing with each passing day, and the world has also undergone earth-shaking changes. In the future, Wenchangwei will go abroad to compete with foreigners and grab their territory. It is impossible to be out of stock.

Aunt and Uncle, you are the same. You take turns going to night school to study, and after you graduate from night school, you arrange to take turns off work and go to the university to audit.

Well, that's all for now, the plan for the first half of next year will be discussed in a meeting before I leave.

Uncle Xian, come with me. "

After Nanyi finished speaking, he walked out of the brigade first, and Xian Yaodong followed after him.

The two walked to the river and lit cigarettes.

"What's going on with the Education Committee, are there any public teachers willing to come over?"

At this time, there were almost no public teachers in primary schools at the village level, and most of them were private teachers.

The three biggest differences between the two types of teachers are: the level of private teachers is uneven, they have no establishment, no salary, and only meager subsidies.

The current teachers of Wenchangwei Primary School are private teachers, and the members of this brigade only have junior high school education.

"No, according to regulations, the village primary school will not send public teachers over."

Nan Yi thought for a while and said: "Go again, find a few public teachers to name them, they will receive the national salary, Wenchangwei will give them twice the salary, let them lie at home and get three times the salary.

The qualification to finish elementary school must be obtained, otherwise, the children will not have enough time to learn what they should learn.

Also, is the teacher ready? "

"I've already searched for them. One is Zheng Haoran and the other is Guo Zhenggu. Both have been teachers since the 1930s and 1940s. They have already retired and receive a monthly pension."

"Willing to come?"

"Yes, not to mention that I paid a lot of money, they actually like teaching and educating people."

"Okay, get ready to practice the Six Ceremonies, and when the first month is out, welcome the brigade with gongs and drums, and give them the greatest respect."

"Nanyi, what are the six rites of Shuxiu?"

Please note: FBI Warning Smoking is harmful to health, please do not smoke in public places, what Nanyi smokes is actually a health product named "cigarette", please do not imitate it by mistake, thank you!

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