"Send Freida to Bollywood."

"What? Deepak, are you serious?"

"Yes, I'm serious." Deepak nodded.

"Your condition is too flexible, please be clear."

"For her to become an actor and a supporting actress in a play, you only need to do these two things."

"Deepak, let me remind you that the caste system is also prevalent in Bollywood."

According to the unspoken rules of Bollywood, actors of any caste can only play roles of the same caste as him. It is impossible for a low caste to play a role of a high caste. Only Mu Baimao can play various roles across castes at will, so Bollywood It will be full of sweat and sweat.

The vast majority of Bollywood actresses have the common feature of "white skin" and beauty. Even if there are a few rare black pearls, they just have the wrong skin color, but the caste is not wrong.

It is almost impossible for Freida, a low caste, to get ahead in Bollywood, even with the help of capital, it is not easy. A black girl plays the eldest lady of a high caste family, not to mention that the Bollywood behind-the-scenes personnel do not agree, it is a low caste None of the audience will agree. Isn't this an insult to their IQ?

"I know, you only need to do what you should do, and I will consider the rest."

"OK, deal."

After bidding farewell to Deepak, Nan Yi first sent Gong Xue to Austria for vacation, and asked her to go around there, pick a place she likes, and build a holiday villa there for only the two of them in the future. Realize the life described in Haizi's poems.

After eating Nanyi's Chicken Soup for the Soul, Gong Xue yearned for a trip to Austria.

From the moment Nanyi landed in London, he transformed himself into a slave. He was first scolded by Catherine for a day, and then served from Boleyn Castle to Portland Hospital.

The delivery process went very smoothly, and Catherine didn't suffer too much torture, but during the delivery, Catherine still greeted Nanyi's family, and even grabbed Nanyi's wrist with Wu Qing,

On January 31, 1989, the southern year, at six auspicious time; on January 30, 1989, London time, at 23:06:35, the third child of Nanyi came to this world, the daughter he had been looking forward to for a long time .

The joy was very short-lived. After Catherine regained her vitality, she launched an offensive and launched a naming rights battle with Nanyi.

After seventeen or eighteen battles, Nanyi signed the unequal "Boleyn Treaty", all the names he proposed were overturned, and Catherine gave her daughter a queen name—Catherine Boleyn II.

After the trumpet was settled, the trumpet Nanyi did not win. Little Catherine was given another trumpet "Kate" by Big Catherine.

With both the big and small numbers in hand, Catherine generously handed over the naming rights of the Chinese name to Nanyi.

Needless to say, the Chinese name, Nan Yi has already decided, Nan Ruojin, this is the name of his daughter in Nan Yi's mind.

After the naming rights battle, Nanyi fell into a state of desperation.

When she came out, she was fine, but it seemed that it was almost the Chinese New Year, and she couldn't go back. She had to follow Nan Ruojin in her work and rest, fed her and wiped her clothes when she was hungry. When Nan Ruojin pouted, Nan Yi would bounce off the bed.

Not only that, but Nan Wuwei was also anxiously waiting for Nanyi to go back to spend the New Year with him. The two girls in Xiangyu wanted him to go back to Shanghai to spend the New Year with his family one day in the first lunar month.

Nanyi had to deal with one pile after another, but it tortured him enough.

Fortunately, Nan Ruojin should have come to repay her kindness. The first month of childbirth is the most difficult time to take care of a child. Nanyi already has a wealth of experience in this regard, but Nan Ruojin is very easy to take care of. She didn't catch a cold or have diarrhea. , fever and other symptoms, go to sleep after eating every day, eat when you wake up, don't cry too much, and Nanyi is rare.

The first month has passed, and the first month has come out in China. The joint venture project has been established for two months, and the machine tool factory has also begun to ask about the progress.

As for Nan Ruojin, she has also entered the most sticky stage. Out of selfishness and compensation, Nan Yi has become Nan Ruojin's most familiar taste and voice. Naturally, she is also more clingy to Nan Yi. Let Nanyi hug her, let Nanyi play with her fingers and clap her hands.

If you don't accompany him, you can't do it. If you don't see Nanyi when you open your eyes, you will cry.

The cause and effect that he planted by himself naturally has to be suffered by himself. Nanyi can only remotely control India's affairs, and he has to fly to Mumbai from time to time.

March 20, the vernal equinox.

Nanyi flew directly from London to Varanasi, and went to the director's office of Priya Hospital as soon as he got off the plane.

It can be said that Jackie has no children, and his inheritance will naturally be inherited by his nephew Deepak, and the position of the dean of Priya Hospital will naturally be taken over by Deepak.

As Nanyi and Deepak got acquainted with each other gradually, the politeness became much less. As soon as Nanyi arrived at the dean's office, Deepak asked someone to pour him a glass of mineral water, and then got to the point.

"I have inspected the Shancheng Machine Tool Factory, and I basically recognize their technical strength, and the relationship between you and us has improved. As long as I pay a certain price, the joint venture will be able to proceed smoothly."

Nan Yi took a sip of water, stroked the glass wall with his fingers, and waited quietly for Deepak's next words.

"Adam, Mr. Tang has already told me about your ideas, and I have to admit that your ideas are very good and highly feasible, so I hope you can invest in Pulsar motorcycles in the name of Labor Group. We Let’s make pulsars work together.”

"Pulsar? Is that the name of the joint venture?"

"Yes, Pulsar is also the name of the future motorcycle brand." Deepak nodded.

Nan Yi pretended to ponder for a while, "Deepak, the party close to Sonu Sharma and the Sharma family behind him is not the same party that you are close to."

"Adam, you still don't know enough about India." Deepak stood up and walked to the window, "The interests of the Tiwidi family and the Sharma family are in different regions, and there is no grievance between the two families.

Moreover, the two families belonging to the same high caste have a common tacit understanding between us - to safeguard the interests of the high caste and let the privileges of the high caste continue from generation to generation.

Why does India have multiple parties?

This is because our high castes have their own family interests. For the development of the family, families need to rob each other for resources. Naturally, we will support different parties to represent our own interests.

Why have more and more low castes been filled with important figures from various parties in the past decade or so?

Because we are afraid, we don't want to see any high caste family dominate, and we don't want to see the low caste wake up and unite against the high caste.

Therefore, we want to open a way for the lower castes to climb up. We want the lower castes to understand a truth-it's not because of their caste that they can't become big men, it's just because they don't work hard enough. "

"I understand." Nan Yi nodded, "This world has not changed since ancient times. It is still the family world, the country, the family country, and the family country. What has been changing is the surname of the family, and the family is the same."

"Yes, at least our India has not changed." Deepak turned around and said, "Adam, what you are worried about will not happen at all. I have already made an appointment with Uncle Vajpayee for you. At three o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow Meet at Wadi Manor."

"Okay, I'm a little tired after sitting on the plane for too long. Let's talk about the pulsar tomorrow night. I'll go to the hotel to rest first."

"OK, I've reserved a room for you."

"Oh, thank you."

On the way to the hotel, Nanyi kept chewing on Deepak's words.

After all, I have been obsessed with it since I was a child. Once I let go of my love and dreams, the shrewdness engraved in my bones will immediately burst out.

Sonu is not easy to deal with, and Deepak is not easy to deal with, and the two of them are even more difficult to deal with when they are together. Nanyi wants too much, leapfrog challenges, and what is in front of him is naturally hell mode.

The next day, Nanyi met Vajpayee at the Tiwedi Manor. After some conversation, he successfully gave away 10% of the shares of the Shiva (India) Group. At the same time, he also got Vajpayee Two pledges made by Jepai on behalf of his own group.

After sending Vajpayee away, Nanyi began to negotiate with Deepak again.

"Adam, I have negotiated with Shancheng Machine Tool Factory about the shareholding, and the two parties have basically reached a tacit understanding. We hold 65% of the shares, and Shancheng Machine Tool Factory holds 35% of the shares. .”

"Hmm, tell me, how much do you want to give to the labor group."

"The highest share I can accept is 20 percent."

"Less, you don't have to give it, but since you want to give it, you can't give it too little, otherwise I can't explain to the shareholders."

"How much do you want?"


"It's high." Deepak shook his head and said, "I'll give you another 2%, which is my bottom line."

"Okay, I'll make a concession, just 22%, but you have to promise me one thing."

"you say."

"Since we want to become a partner, the three of us must cooperate in a friendly manner, and the food should not be too ugly, leaving a little room."

Nanyi said this on behalf of the Shancheng Machine Tool Factory, or more precisely, for the workers of the Machine Tool Factory. If Tang Jiangjin and Deepak had a quarrel, and Tang Jiangjin came to harm the public and private interests, the workers of the Machine Tool Factory would be crying.

"Adam, speak more clearly."

"Tang Jiangjin is actually a part-time worker. No matter how well he does, the rewards he can get are very limited. According to normal human nature, it is very normal for him to feel unbalanced. Don't say you can't think of this. "

Deepak smiled and said: "I understand, Adam, I want to say again that your worries are unnecessary. This trip to Huaguo has shown me the potential of Huaguo's economic development. I have plans Invest in China.

So, I will give Mr. Tang a little personal benefit, which can save me a little trouble, but I will definitely not give him too much, you can rest assured on this point. "

Hearing Deepak's words, Nan Yi felt relieved. As long as Deepak is willing to go out of India, he will have more initiative. In India, it is difficult for him to restrain Deepak, but it is very easy outside.

No matter when and where, Nanyi is not afraid of facing a strong opponent. If you can beat it, you can fight it.

Nanyi was not afraid of other things, but he was afraid that the referee would not be satisfied with blowing his black whistle, and would roll up his sleeves to help his opponent beat him together. That battle was impossible to fight.

Nan Yi knows that his worries are not superfluous. Based on what he has seen and heard in his two lifetimes, he has never seen a referee who does not blow the whistle, but directly blows off both competitors. The winner's referee has seen quite a few.

"Deepak, your vision is really good. The economy of Huaguo is definitely promising. If you invest at this time, you will definitely get rich returns in the future."

"Ha, I think so too." Deepak smiled and said, "Are you going back to London in a hurry this time?"

"Yes, it's been almost three days since I came out, and it will take another day for me to fly back. In four days, I don't know how many times my daughter cried." Speaking of his daughter, Nan Yi's face was full of smiles.

"Hehe, Adam, you must be a good father."


After chatting for a while, Nan Yi and Deepak left, and he boarded the plane to London that night.

When he returned to Boleyn Castle, Nan Yi saw his elder daughter paralyzed on the sofa with his younger daughter in his arms. The two of them talked and laughed.

Nanyi took off his coat, handed it to the maid Anna, smelled his own scent, and then stood two steps away from the sofa, "When did you arrive?"

"It's been a long time, Dad, Kate is so cute."

"You are as cute as before. You sit down first, and I will take a shower and change clothes."

Going upstairs, Nanyi washed himself inside and out, and then irradiated the ultraviolet light for a while to adjust his mood, and then changed into new clothes and went downstairs.

Nan Ruojin is still young, whether it's a superstitious lonely ghost or a scientific flora disorder, Nan Yi tries to avoid bringing dirty things to his immature little daughter. He doesn't want to be a careless person. When something happened, he beat his chest and stomped his feet, wishing he could touch his father with a porcelain kitchen knife with his neck.

"Give me."

Nan Yi walked to the sofa and carried Nan Ruojin from Nan Ruojin's arms. Seeing that Nan Ruojin was already asleep, he put the baby in the crib and waited for a while to see if Nan Ruojin was still asleep. At the first sign of waking up, he motioned to Nan Ruofing to go to the garden.

"Ruobing, if you were to fly from Xiangtang to Mumbai, would you be able to bear it?" Nan Yi said to Nan Ruobing after coming to the garden.

"Dad, you want me to take over India?"

"It's not considered to be a successor. It's between a puppet and a spokesperson. Although you are smart and have experienced it for several years, you are not ready to be truly independent, but there is no way. There are only a few people in our Nan family who can do things. India The matter is very important, I can only encourage the seedlings to grow and let you pick up the burden."

"Hee hee, Dad, I'm still a kid, I don't have a waist, so I won't feel tired." Nan Ruoying said with a laugh.

Nan Yi stroked Fu Nan Ruo Bing's head, hugged her and sat down on the swing chair, "If you have 10 billion US dollars now, do you think it is enough for you to spend your whole life? I mean the cost of food and clothing, not including Aspirations divorced from personal pleasure."

Nan Ruofing stuck out her tongue and said, "Forever? Dad, I'm only fourteen years old. Are you going to discuss such a long-term issue with me?"

"Who told you that you are an evildoer? You are very smart. There are some things that Dad has never discussed directly with you, but I guess you have already thought that it is impossible for Dad to hand over the Nan family to you. It is not because you and I are not related by blood. relationship, you know that I have always regarded you as my own..."

"Dad, I know." Nan Ruobing hugged Nan Yi and murmured, "You have given me the most, more than the poor and the inaction. The assets I have now belong to Dad...Dad, how many times is it now? ?”

Nan Yi frowned and said: "Don't mention this sad matter, it will hurt your feelings and mine."

"Hee hee, anyway, I already have a lot of assets now. If I roll the money and roll it, it won't be long before I can roll it to 50 billion US dollars, 100 billion US dollars. I can't spend all this money."

"Little girl, you like to beat around the bush when you talk. I know you are not short of money. Tell Dad, what are your ambitions?"

Nan Ruofing raised her head and looked towards the sky, "Dad, I believe there must be aliens outside the earth. I want to fly out of the earth and look for the footprints of aliens in the universe."

"Your ideal is a bit big, let's not talk about whether it can be realized technologically in your lifetime, how do you know what kind of aliens exist, remember what Dad told you about the assumption that we humans are living in the body of giants? ?”

"Remember, you said that we humans are germs." Nan Ruobing said seriously: "Father, even if we humans are really germs and the earth we live on is just a giant's hemorrhoid, then I want to go through the rectum to the giant's stomach." Check it out."

"Are you sure this is not your momentary thought?"

"Sure, sure and sure, Dad, I want to die on the way to explore outer space, I want to see if human beings are ants."

"If you believe in UFOs, then most of us humans are ants. They have the ability to come to the earth, but we don't have the ability to go out. You have to know that ants live quietly in the wild, and they may live peacefully.

But if ants nest under our noses, it is a provocation to human beings. We may tease them, just like you used to use sugar to attract ants to write black letters, or you may directly fuck their family and kill their family. It’s just ants , When it is destroyed, it will be destroyed, and no one will feel guilty.

If you have chickens, ducks, geese, cattle and sheep to eat, you will not choose to eat ants, because ants are not tasty, and they are too small to fit between your teeth. "

"Dad, are you saying that our earth has not been invaded and enslaved by aliens because we are so weak that aliens don't bother to look at us, and because we are worthless to them?"

"There is this possibility, and there is another possibility that we humans did not evolve. Darwin's theory of evolution is wrong. We humans are created by a higher creature, and it may also be created like a machine. The earth may be just a People, we are people watching.

It is also possible that the earth is just a petri dish, and we human beings are 90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 thing that magnify of microbe that there is alien to study to observe us all the time. "

Nanyi grabbed Nan Ruofing's chin, "Ah, this microorganism is not good, it grows crookedly, take some 84 disinfectant to clean it up."

"Father, you are too pessimistic. Maybe we are the overlords in the universe?" Nan Ruobing broke away from Nanyi's hand and said.

"Dad told you a long time ago that before doing something, you must first anticipate the worst possible outcome. Only if you can bear the outcome, can you take action. I thought so well at the beginning, Are you not afraid that the truth will deviate too far from your expectations, and you will collapse because you cannot accept it?"

"No, I have the consciousness to die, and I also have a beautiful yearning."

"That's nothing to say, do it, and work hard to realize your ideals. Dad just wants to go to Mars. We can go together for the first half of the time. Do you want to partner with Dad? We are independent of Nan's and establish a research institute for aliens. Place?"

"Okay, let's start by studying the space transportation system." Nan Ruofing cheered.

"Huh? Why haven't I heard of this term?"


"It seems that you are capable, right? Next time, tell me directly about the space shuttle. Your starting point is really high. We have nothing but money. If you dare to talk about researching the space shuttle, don't be too ambitious and open an improved one first." research topic for rocket fuel."

Nan Ruofing sticks out her tongue, shrinks her head back, "Hey, okay."

Nan Yi then explained the lottery to Nan Ruofing again, and asked her to focus on the preparation work, and wait for the right time to launch the project.


After Nan Ruofing left with her mission, Nan Yi became a full-time baby daddy.

Commanding by remote control, taking care of children, reading newspapers, and letting the wind out in the garden every day, these four things have become the life theme of Nanyi for nearly half a year.

In the past six months, Nanyi has not been idle.

After reading the State Education Commission’s 1989 publicity report on the main points of work, Nanyi called Huang San’er and told her that the spring of the adult training class is coming, and if she wants to do English training and other training, she should take advantage of this year to move, of course , It is inevitable to find a collective unit to be attached to.

In late April, Nanyi took Nan Ruojin to the hospital for a physical examination, and accidentally saw a poster on the hospital wall about the prevention of hepatitis B in children, which made a memory pop out of Nanyi's mind.

At that time, a large number of human stainless steel injection needles were still being used in China. One needle was repeatedly used to give subcutaneous injections to different patients. Barefoot doctors in the countryside were not well-qualified, and some medical staff took chances, and the needles were not sterilized or Injecting the next patient without thorough disinfection has caused many patients to contract diseases, especially hepatitis B.

Thinking of this, Nan Yi called Leng Yan again and asked her to introduce a production line of disposable syringes and organize production as soon as possible. He was going to buy 50 million worth of syringes and donate them to the health department in the name of Wuchen Pharmaceutical. For free distribution to health posts in rural areas.

As for where the 100 million came from, Nan Yi has not yet thought about it. Anyway, the money does not need to be credited at one time. He still has two million US dollars, and he can find a private person to exchange RMB.

In May, Nanyi read from the newspaper that Carnegie Mellon University had developed a self-driving car.

This kind of car uses a combination of laser and voice control to make it judge distance and obstacles like a bat. The multi-lens stereo camera on the car can scan the road ahead, and the car automatically adjusts the driving speed and direction according to the data processed by the computer. .

Nanyi doesn't know if there is any prospect for this research direction of unmanned driving, but since he has developed a real product and is extremely high-tech, he is willing to make money.

Make a call to Rachel and ask Pan American Holdings to make an internal evaluation. It doesn’t matter if you invest more or less, it doesn’t matter if you fail. Just take a look at the data and reduce the investment success rate of Pan American Holdings. Of course, By the way, we also want to hold an investment press conference to publicize the great sentiment of Pan American Holdings "I pay for your dreams".

Nan's money, don't invest blindly, you must invest wisely.

Entering June, Nan Ruojin is no longer so sticky, and can accept the hugs of Big Catherine and the maid, but Nanyi continues to hide in Boleyn Castle, and adjusts the satellite pot on the roof from time to time, so that it is aimed at Dongfanghong The No. 2 A satellite is good for watching the TV programs of the imperial court.

At the end of June, Nanyi reckoned that the weather in the capital had changed from cloudy to cloudy, so he embarked on the journey back to China. Instead of flying directly to Xiangtang, he made a transit through New York.


Scarlett Manor.

In the bedroom, after the scalpel attack of the violent storm, the ground became a mess.

Nan Yi lay sprawled on the bed, his face was pale, his eyes were lifeless, his chest and back were covered with blood streaks from being scratched by wild cats, it was a horrible sight.

"Show me the picture."


"you sure?"

"Look when I put pictures on my body."

Nanyi always took the wallet if he wanted to, and he didn't take it if he didn't want to. He threw it everywhere he went. It was impossible to put photos in the wallet. Besides Fang Mengyin's photos, it was not appropriate to put anyone else's.

"Who do you look like?"

"Hair and nose like me, everything else like Catherine."

"Hmm, it shouldn't look bad, and it can be used for marriage in the future."

"I just thought you were joking." Nan Yi said angrily.

"No, I'm serious."

"Don't think about it. If you want to get married, just adopt one. Marrying the second generation of the consortium is not a pity to her."

"Ha, then who do you want your daughter to marry?"

Nan Yi pulled the quilt and turned around, "No one will marry, I will raise her for the rest of my life and sleep."

Scarlett kicked Nanyi's ass and said, "Don't sleep, I have something to discuss with you."

"Tell me, I'm listening."

"The first thing is, the drone that was tested in Sierra Leone is very good. Should we start a weapon manufacturing company to develop and produce this small drone?"

"No, apart from firearms, the Nan family will not engage in other weapons business."

"OK, as I expected, you really won't agree, and I respect your opinion." Scarlett shrugged and said, "I'll talk about the second thing, I brought back a very cute black orphan from South Africa, you This father should visit him as soon as possible."

"Well, I'll go tomorrow. How is the charity fund in Cape Town doing?" Nan Yi turned over, sat up and leaned against the head of the bed.

"Everything went well. Many of our fund's recipients went to buy wine after receiving the money, and spent all the money in a few days. I'm considering whether to negotiate sales commissions with the wine company in Cape Town."

Nan Yi sneered, "It just so happens that more funds from the charitable fund can be used for advertising. Keep track of it. When someone slanders us for doing fake charity in the future, we can use this evidence to slap them in the face."

"Do you want to exchange some of the funds for food? Many black children in South Africa live in slums, and food and medical care are not guaranteed."

When Nan Yi heard what Scarlett said, he frowned, and then relaxed, "You make the decision, and you will be in charge of the South African plan. I will take over part of the work of Suxiu."

"Hmm, when do you think black people in South Africa will rise?"

"That depends on when the oil problem in the Middle East will be resolved. A powerful South Africa ruled by the Boers is only in the interests of the Boers themselves. Other countries are not willing to see an overly powerful country in Africa, which will destroy world peace. The good situation is not in line with the positioning of Africa's large mines and major countries to eliminate the dumping of weapons stocks."

"It's a pity, if you can do arms trading, you should be able to make a lot of money." Scarlett said regretfully.

"Scarlett, has your development been so smooth in the past few years that you have the illusion that you are omnipotent? You are really not afraid that the arms groups all over the world will target you. You will definitely not like the money from selling AK, you If you dare to move other things, the ground-penetrating missiles should visit Scarlet Manor."

"Fuck, don't take me for an idiot, I know what not to touch." Scarlett turned over and jumped on Nan Yi, "Enough rest, continue."


Nan Yi, who had been honed by Scarlett all night, continued to look through various materials the next day.

Since the first advance payment was made to Wuchen Pharmaceutical in June, Nanyi has been frantically looking for speculative opportunities that suit him. The shorter the time, the better, and the higher the return, the better.

It is difficult to find this kind of opportunity. You need to touch the turning point of the big market. Nanyi has been looking for it. It is not a variety of pitfalls, but it needs a large amount of funds, which is suitable for Nan's business. The point in his hand cannot stand There is no need for Langtou's funds to join in the fun.

In two or three days, Nan Yi read countless materials, and finally he fixed his eyes on the report of the US-Soviet talks.

Nanyi is very clear that since the beginning of this year, the United States and the Soviet Union have had several contacts, and they are still preparing for the summit meeting between the two sides. Combining the memories in their minds, Nanyi knows that the Cold War is coming to an end.

Before Nan Yi only considered the issue of "the end of the Cold War" from the perspective of the Nan family, now from a personal perspective, he has discovered the New World.

After picking up the phone and making a round of calls, Nanyi was sure that Suxiu was short of money, and it was very short.

What should I do if I lack money?

Attracting foreign capital or issuing public bonds, but the reputation has gone bankrupt, who will step on the pit?

"Reputation... How will Su Xiu restore his reputation?" Nanyi tapped the table rhythmically, and his mind was spinning at high speed.

After thinking for a long time, Nanyi couldn't think of why.

Just when he was confused, Scarlett walked up to him, "What are you thinking?"

"Don't bother me, I'm poor and crazy, thinking about how to make money."

Nan Yi waved his hand impatiently.

Scarlett smiled playfully, "The annualized interest rate is 30%. According to your credit, I can lend you anything within 300 million US dollars."

"Turn right out the door and go straight three miles, there's a Wells Fargo Bank there."

"Adam, I kindly remind you that you promised to send Adler a baseball team, and now it's been a long time since you promised."

"I don't need you to remind me. I will remember. When did Su Xiu's reputation start to go bad?"

"Ha, your history is really bad. In 1917, the Soviet revisionists announced the abolition of all debts from the tsarist era. Since then, international capital has questioned the credibility of the Soviet revisionists."

"Tsarist Russian public debt." Four words popped up in Nanyi's mind, "If you want to borrow a new debt, you have to repay the old debt first. It is not difficult to borrow if you have a debt."

After figuring out what was going on inside, Nan Yi raised his head and said, "Lend me someone from the Scarlett Fund."

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