"Annabelle, my name is Annabelle."

"Oh, sorry, Annabelle, would you accept my invitation?"

"If you invite me in person, I might agree to you." Annabelle on the other side of the phone said in a slightly mischievous tone.

"There is a chance. I believe that I will appear in London again in a short time. Of course, this needs your help."

"Ha, how can I help you?"

"You understand."

"Aha, I see, I'll transfer the call for you."

After a while, Nanyi's call was transferred, and a man's voice came out of the microphone, "I'm Matt, are you?"

"Hi Matt, I'm Adam, I'm sorry to call you so early, I have some good news for you..."

Before Nanyi finished speaking, he was interrupted by Matt, "Huaguo boy, I have to receive at least four or five calls a day to tell me good news. Just say what you want to sell, and if I need it, maybe I will make you a few pennies."

"Haha, Matt, I am indeed a salesman, but what I want to tell you is really good news, no, it should be said to be two good news."

The phone bill was too expensive, so Nanyi didn't waste time to make a fuss, but said directly: "First, our company has channels to purchase affordable factory silk, and second, we can give you a batch of SPA mulberry silk fabrics, you only need to compare them a little A little more than normal price."

"SPA? Ha, it's not that good. If it's Taishan, I'll take as much as you have."

"Matt, I'm honest with you, and I hope you can be honest with me. Taishan brand is impossible. It has been in short supply, and it's not for big customers who purchase a lot. It's impossible to get it."

"OK, how much can you give me in SPA?"

"Increase the price by 10%, within two million pounds, I can handle it for you."

"Too much."

"Oh, no, I'm such an idiot, I didn't do my homework, it turns out Matt Spinning can't come up with two million, sorry Matt, excuse me, have a nice day."

"Oh, damn it, Adam, you misunderstood me, I mean your markup is too much, this year's market is sluggish, the price of factory silk in Yokohama, Japan is plummeting..."

"Hell, Matt, factory silk is factory silk. We're talking about mulberry silk now. Besides, the price of factory silk is only falling below grade 2A. The price of grade 3A and above is all normal. Let it go to hell with grade 2A. This kind of low-end goods can only be bought by Indians.

SPA only needs to increase the price by 10%. I can give you a 5% discount on the price of factory silk, and I can supply you with long-term supply. You should be in Yangcheng on October 14th. How about we meet and discuss in detail that day? "

"Where is the factory silk?"

"Hangzhou City."

"OK, your phone number, I will contact you when I arrive in Yangcheng."

Tell the other party his contact information, and when the call is over, Nan Yi quickly put the call away, but it was still a step too late, and the second hand had already passed the position of XII.

"Fuck, twenty dollars more."

Seven minutes and two seconds, a phone bill of 160 yuan, Nan Yi regretted that he didn't grasp the time well.

After recording the company name of Matt Textile, the names of Matt and Annabelle, and the main points of the conversation in the notebook, Nan Yi raised his head and was about to call Pan Wuju, when he found that the three people in the office were all staring at him .

Seeing Nanyi raised his head, Zhao Jun exclaimed, "Boss, you are so good, you can get a potential client with just one phone call."

Nan Yi smiled lightly, "It's not that great. I'm looking for a potential customer who is in need. We can provide him with the goods he needs, and the price is very affordable. Naturally, it's easier to talk to someone who is really good. Can make potential customers buy products they don't need or don't plan to buy by calling.

You don’t need to have such great magical powers, you just need to read and analyze the data carefully, bypass the staff and talk directly to the boss, and you will basically succeed, because the price we can offer is very competitive.

By the way, in the future when you call, pay attention to the rhythm and timing of the conversation. My call just now did not end within seven minutes. If it exceeded two seconds, I would have to pay an extra 20 yuan for the call. Alas, you can have a good meal meal. "


Nanyi's last words made the three people in the office smile, and then they went to work with greater confidence and a more relaxed mood.

It's Nanyi's luck to talk about the next potential customer on the first phone call. The model has been created and his personality has been established. He will not make a second phone call easily, only Su Meng and the others Only when his confidence is shaken and he questions whether such an operation is feasible, he will make another shot, and he must ensure that the hit is sure to hit.

Therefore, Nanyi had to arrange a "fake client" to maintain his undefeated golden body.

On the same day, Cheng Hainan did not come as scheduled. After six o'clock, Nanyi set off for Wanghai Tower, where he was going to sit in the dance hall.

Yingyingyanyan's set is the favorite of the businessmen in Xiangfang. Nightclubs and dance halls are places where they like to spend time and entertain guests.

During the trip to Spring City, Nanyi discovered that there were people from Xiangxi and Lijiapo behind Clivia. They also joined the hype of Clivia, and they all withdrew before Clivia reached its highest point.

It is said that all history is modern history. Similar samples can be found in the long river of history, especially the hoarding and hype. In thousands of years of history, it has happened in every corner of the earth .

No matter how the times develop and how technology advances, people's hearts, especially greed, never change.

When the real estate bubble is in progress in Tokyo, land speculation is left over from real estate developers in Hong Kong. The Li Jiapo businessman jumped out and laughed, "Hey, guess what my grandfather was doing in Shanghai Beach back then?"

The land speculation strategy of Hong Kong real estate developers is actually not sophisticated. Buy first and then stock up, creating a sense of crisis, collecting rent at a high price or cashing out at a high price. The model and steps are clear at a glance. Many people in Hong Kong can understand this routine. It's useless, they can't afford the money to buy the land, and they can't integrate into this circle.

But it’s different when you come to the mainland. Whether it’s knowledge or funds, for mainlanders, they are in a position of reducing dimensionality. It's tricky to say it clearly, let alone a businessman who has personally experienced the depth of the fragrance.

The real estate bubble in Qiongdao will be so big. Nanyi doesn’t believe that there is no active catalyst in it. Businessmen in Xiangdao, Qiongdao people who went to Nanyang in the early years, and even Japanese who speculate in land. These people have capital and knowledge. Come to Coconut City for a walk, they should not feel that this is a good soil for land speculation.

The news about the development of Yangpu by Kumagai Gumi (Xiangpu) Company has been buzzing for a long time. This is a major Japanese construction contractor, and the Xiangsi branch is still a listed company. See.

There have been merchants of one kind and another in the country, and there are groups of trendsetters in geographical distribution. For example, Wenzhou merchants who are more active at present can be seen everywhere from south to north, from domestic to foreign countries.

But Wen Shang has not yet grown up, and there is no top-notch existence among them. If you want to do something big, you will inevitably need to raise funds.

To put it bluntly, the current Wenshang is just a colony of ants without much energy.

To say that the really powerful ones should be Chaozhou merchants. From Xiangtang all the way to the south, as long as you come from Chaozhou, just say "Jiaoji people", you can have a bowl of rice wherever you go.

Since the Qing Dynasty when the Qiao family and Hu Xueyan were active, Chaozhou people began to travel around and travel to Nanyang, and they left with a strong purpose, that is, to look like a person.

Foresight, daring to fight and fight hard, a word of self-adhesion, send the club to help out, the rich people in Xiangtang are either Yongcheng people from Shanghai or Chaozhou people, and the rest are people from other places.

Yongcheng people are developing in their own fields, and they don’t have much contact with each other. Chaozhou people are different. They get together in the real estate industry. From the biggest Li Tongban, to the real estate agencies on the street, Chaozhou people are full of Chaozhou people. They sit together and drink together in the morning. Have morning tea, discuss with each other where there are opportunities to make a fortune, there will always be someone who will mention Qiongdao, and there will always be a few people who will come to explore the way.

"Don't wander around at midnight on weekends, come to Apple Paradise, welcome the homeless children, don't be dazed by the side, shout loudly together, say BYE BYE to the lonely midnight..."

When Nanyi arrived at the dance hall, a male singer was singing the song "Green Apple Paradise" by the Little Tigers adapted from the youth team's "what's your name" on the stage.

It has to be said that the Little Tigers, which fully imitated the youth team and even selected the looks of the group members according to the appearance standards of the youth team, achieved great success as soon as they were launched in the market. Not only in Hong Kong and Taiwan, but also in the southern coastal areas of the mainland.

"It's just that it doesn't seem appropriate to sing this kind of song in a dance hall. It's better to look up at a sunny sky. Uh, this song doesn't seem to be released yet."

After muttering, Nanyi was led by the waiter to a seat and sat down. He glanced at the wine list, was stunned for a while, and ordered a bottle of Royal Girl. As soon as the waiter walked away, Nanyi thought about it again.

In Yecheng, he didn't seem to have seen local beer brands in Qiong Province. The ones he saw the most were Shengli and Huangmei. Doesn't Qiong Province have its own brewery?

South of the Sea, Nanjia Wine Industry craft beer!

Nanyi is a little hesitant whether to get a foot in the beer industry and keep some local brands, or simply push for the people of the whole country to drink foreign (beer) wine as soon as possible.

"The biggest giant behind domestic beer is Baiba InBev. The three major shareholders behind InBev are Sambacs. What's their name... One seems to be called Lehman. The company should be 3G, and it's called Goldman Sachs in Brazil. Eh, This company should have taken the lead, why didn't you see the investment record in the report?"

Feeling puzzled, Nanyi greeted the waiter and ran to the lobby of Wanghai Building to make long-distance calls.

The first place in China where private individuals can make international long-distance calls is the telephone building, and the second is various foreign-related hotels. In the early years, foreign-related hotels could not make international long-distance calls. International long-distance travel has become a standard feature of foreign-related hotels until now.

"Is there any famous investment bank in Brazil?"

"BG Investment Bank, the full name is Banco Grantia, a company in Rio de Janeiro, highly praised by the industry, and they are praised as Brazil Goldman Sachs. There are three partners Jorge Paul Lehman, Carlos Alberto Scubila, Marcel Hermann Thales, Lehman is the largest shareholder and promoter.

BG is executing a big move. Lehman is planning to monopolize the beer market in South America. It will reorganize a series of acquired breweries into AmBev and expand rapidly in Brazil and Argentina. Lehman’s management of the company is very strict, forcing unnecessary Cost, ruthless but efficient, and I believe it won't be long before AmBev becomes the largest brewer in South America. "

"OK, I see, hang up."

The shareholder’s name matches, and the industry’s evaluation matches, but the company’s name does not match. It is likely that the name was changed later. Nanyi has seen the name Banco grantia in the report, Fanmei Holdings and Scarlett Fund Sprinkling money everywhere, except for the ones he was familiar with in his previous life, Nanyi will pay more attention to it. He can't care about so many other invested institutions.

Investment is very interesting. At the beginning, Nanyi asked Liu Zhen to post to find Bill Gates to invest. The conditions are very favorable, with less investment but more shares.

This is all because the money from Pan Am Holdings is fragrant. As long as Pan Am invests, many wait-and-see investment companies will follow. This is the accumulation of reputation. Even louder, Pan American Holdings has won the reputation of a wind vane in the investment field.

Back at the dance hall, the stage turned into another male singer, singing the love song The Prodigal Son's "Remember These Things". Last month, the lyrics of this song were rewritten, from the Mandarin version to the Cantonese version, which was included in Chen Baiqiang's album of the same name , it is called "What to ask for in a lifetime".

Drinking the imperial sister and eating the food brought to him by the tiger cubs in the tea restaurant upstairs, Nan Yi looked around with his eyes and ears. He saw the people from Xiangxi, heard the Chaozhou dialect, and turned into a woman on the stage. When the singer sang on stage, he saw several pairs of staring eyes.

Following her gaze, Nanyi looked at the stage. The female singer was pretty and had a good voice, but the typhoon was a little worse. She stood there, facing the microphone, her eyes were empty, and she had nothing to do with God in the audience. There is no language interaction, not even eye contact and smile interaction.

But I have to say that the singing is indeed very good. The song "Ping Ju" has a completely different taste from the original song. It seems that there are still a few in God who came to praise her. Halfway through the singing, there are already several The flower basket was placed on the stage.

Nan Yi reckoned that a flower basket cost at least twenty or thirty, even if it was shared with the song and dance hall, the female singer would earn more than one hundred, but her eyes were still blurred, she neither acted like a baby to the big brother, nor Encourage the second brother on the list.

"Could it be that swiping has become popular now? No, isn't it popular in dance halls now to arrange rivals for the big brothers on the list to fight for wealth?"

Nan Yi murmured in his heart, for the owner of the singing and dancing hall became dissatisfied with the female singer, why should he give the big brothers a smile, or these big brothers like this tune?

After wandering around the world, Nanyi first concentrated on the food in his hands. When he ate the last bite of the pork bun, he saw a shirtless man walking in from outside the dance hall, covering his head with a T-shirt. The T-shirt was already stained with blood. Red, with a smear of red drooping at the corner of his eyes, the man walked straight to the Chaozhou people's table.

The Chaozhou people at that table stood up one after another when they saw the bleeding man, and one of the men in his early thirties asked eagerly, "Jiaren, who beat you?"

"I don't know, Uncle Mu Jiu, it's not robbery, it's coming after me."

"We are all coming to Yecheng for the first time. We are here for you. We are here for all of us. It seems that we are in the way of others. Jiaren can't be beaten in vain. Go and find them."

The man named Uncle Mu Jiu yelled, and the others followed him out of the dance hall. Two of the men stretched their hands behind their backs as they walked, as if their actions were to adjust the angle of the knives.

Nan Yi touched his back, gesturing how long the knife would be so that it would not bulge too much when he sat down, and came to the conclusion that it should not exceed 25 centimeters.

"Short dagger, no more than 16 centimeters." Seeing Nanyi's movements, the tiger cub reminded.

Nan Yi withdrew his hand and asked, "Ruthless?"


Short daggers are ruthless, if you don't move, you will be fine, and if you move, you will die.

In the era when banks were not yet convenient for transferring money, it was normal to carry a guy with you when you went out to do business. Long weapons were inconvenient to carry, and they usually carried daggers, but they were usually used to scare people. Not many people dared to use them.

Daggers are not suitable for chopping, only for cutting and stabbing. These two actions are very deadly, especially stabbing. Regardless of whether it is a vital point or not, once the artery is pierced, you will die if you don't seek medical treatment in time.

Going out is to make money, who the hell is full and wants to kill people for fun, it’s fine if you can scare people away, if you suffer a little loss, you will suffer a little loss, as long as the money is not lost, this is the mentality of ordinary people, but if you are cruel, you will lose money. It's hard to say, they usually don't hear cruel words like beating you or killing you from their mouths, and if they don't say it, they usually mean it.

If the combat power of the beating gang is scum, it's okay, but if the combat power is good, and the ruthless people are forced to use their daggers, I don't know how many people will die.

After sitting in the dance hall for a while, paying five yuan, and being awarded the title of "The Smallest God" tonight, Nanyi activated the anti-contempt device, and ejected from the dance hall with the contempt fuel contributed by the waiter.

the next day.

After eating breakfast, Nanyi squatted under a tree and looked at the "Shanchigu" parked on the branch. It was the first time he had seen this bird, and he had never seen it before. The name of the bird was just from the mouth of a passing local. After inquiring, they said that this is a kind of bird unique to Qiongdao, which cannot be seen in other places.

Looking at Shanchigu, Nanyi's mind started to run the plane again, from Shanchigu to Feilong, from Feilong to migratory birds coming to Qiongdao for the winter, and from migratory birds to Northeast people coming to Qiong Province to spend the winter.

Coconut City can be built into a city for the elderly, can Banya be built into a nest for migratory birds?


"Welcome, welcome, welcome Mr. Huangfu to visit Yecheng."

Near noon, Duan Wenxuan, mayor of Yecheng City, led a group of people to welcome Huang Fuming who came to inspect at the passenger ship terminal.

After a long period of investigation and visits, Fuji Pharmaceutical has collected and purchased many formulas of traditional Chinese medicine, and also found many shareholders of the prescriptions, who are unwilling to sell the prescriptions, or look far away, and want to leave a note for their descendants Huangfuming will invite the holders of the secret recipes to be the shareholders of the prescriptions.

As long as the secret recipe is made into a proprietary Chinese medicine and sold on the market, Yaofang shareholders can receive dividends according to the sales volume, and there is no fixed number of years.

"Hello, Mayor Duan, I'm really sorry, but I'm sorry to ask you to come and greet me." Huangfuming shook hands with Duan Wenxuan and said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Mr. Huangfu, you are a distinguished guest, you should come to greet me."

Duan Wenxuan's face was full of smiles. A few days ago, he received a letter of notification that Huangfuming and his party would come to Yecheng for inspection. Although he had never heard of Fuji Pharmaceuticals, he had heard of it and knew the nature of Temasek. For the enterprise, the notification letter was forwarded by Temasek, and Fuji Pharmaceutical is definitely not simple.

Nan's investment in Lijiapo is quite large, so it is naturally impossible not to have contact with Temasek, a company that is actually Lijiapo's financial pocket.

The Urban Agriculture Development Company was originally a company specially designed for Lijiapo. After making breakthroughs in the technology of urban farms, Temasek came to the door, saying that it was very optimistic about the project of urban farms, and that it wanted to give urban agriculture some support to speed up its development. speed of development.

As a result, urban agriculture not only received a sum of support funds, but also received an additional investment fund and a shareholder.

The slogan of Temasek is that we will invest in all enterprises in Lijiapo, and all enterprises with good prospects. That's what the slogan is, and it's what it does. Now that Lijiapo has no companies worth thinking about, it has begun to expand, and its tentacles have extended to other countries.

After weighing the situation, the Policy Committee felt that Fuji Pharmaceutical needed a shareholder like Temasek, which would increase the room for Fuji Pharmaceutical to move and move, and also add an extra guarantee, so Fuji Pharmaceutical threw a shareholder like Temasek. Winking, it's like leaving a signal to come to my room in the middle of the night.

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