seventh day.

Nanyi took Nan Ruofing for a walk by the river, and unexpectedly saw something new—Xian Yaodong was washing clothes on the pier.

Well, it's not the laundry that's fresh, it's the clothes he's wearing.

Looking at the clothes on Xian Yaodong, Nan Yi laughed and walked to him, "Uncle Xian, do the members of the brigade not recognize you as the brigade leader, and want you to wear all the high-end trousers?"

"What's so funny, there are mice in the closet, and they have bitten several of my clothes. I can only tidy up my clothes and wash them all. After washing, I have no clothes to wear. What do I wear if I don't wear this?" .”

Xian Yaodong glanced at Nan Yi angrily, and scratched at the three words "Japanese production" on his chest.

Nan Yi walked around Xian Yaodong, and carefully looked at the set of high-end trousers that he had only heard of but never seen before, also called cadre trousers.

In the early years, there was a jingle-the cadres met the cadres, and the high-end trousers were compared first. The front was made by Nissan, and the back was urea. The crotch had a "net weight of 25".

There are many such jingles, which are widely circulated and have many versions, basically the same.

These urea pants may seem funny, but there is a poignant story behind them.

Before the appearance of rayon and Dacron, the domestic cloth supply was quite tight, three years old for three years, and three years for sewing and repairing. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was not a celebration of saving, but a kind of helplessness.

Even if you have money, you can't buy cloth at all. If the old ones are worn out and you don't mend them, then you will be naked, and there is no way to get new ones.

Especially in the north, where the weather is cold and summer and winter are distinct, there are too many clothes to prepare. When the cloth supply can still keep up at the beginning, the cloth tickets will be sold out in one fell swoop.

Later, the supply couldn't keep up, and I couldn't buy it even if I wanted to. As time went by, the original inventory was rotten, and there was only one pair of pants that looked like pants.

As far as this thing is concerned, it is estimated that many pieces of clothes and trousers are put together.

As a result, a poor family only had one pair of trousers left, and whoever wanted to go out wore them, while the rest of the family was nestled on the kang, which also appeared in that era.

For a while, when the matchmaker fooled the woman, she used such a set of lines, "Let me tell you, the young man I introduced has six members in his family, each of whom has pants, and no more than three patches.

If your daughter is married, their family said, make a new pair of trousers for Rabu. "

When the woman's mother heard this, her eyes would definitely glow, and then she raised two fingers, "My daughter is very virtuous, look at this big butt, she can give birth...we want two."

It was against this background that the diplomatic relations between my country and Japan were normalized, and a limited batch of urea was imported from Japan, and this batch of urea was distributed to various parts of the country.

Looking at the urea bag from the local area, this bag is really amazing, it feels as good as the material of their clothes.

In this way, urea bags have become a scarce resource that circulates in a small area. Internal "arbitrage purchases" are carried out, and the price is 80 cents per bag. Don't think it is expensive, and ordinary people are not qualified to buy it.

Thus, the jingle about cadre pants was born.

Nanyi didn't expect Xian Yaodong to have such a set of cadre trousers. It is said that it is not difficult to get some cloth here with the back of the incense.

"Uncle Xian, tell me, where did you get those cadre pants?"

Nan Yi looked at Xian Yaodong curiously, expecting his answer.

"What are you doing? In 1973, the commune awarded prizes. In the whole commune that year, our grain output in Wenchangwei ranked first."

"Oh, that's it. I'll get you a new set of my clothes. I'll change into this one with you."

"What are you going to change? When my clothes are dry, I'll send them to you. I don't understand you, but you still have to offer this crap?"

"That's right, I have to collect it. I don't think I can find a few sets with such a good appearance in the whole country. In a few years, I will take it out and show it, and I will say that it was worn by the rich man Xian Yaodong." Officer pants, tsk tsk, how much do you think they sell for?"

"Just make fun of your Uncle Xian." Xian Yaodong smiled wryly.

"Forget it, forget it, I won't tease you. I really like what you wear. Is it a mark of an era? I plan to keep it well."

"It's all right, I'll give it to you."

"Then it's settled, Ruo Fing and Grandpa Xian say goodbye, let's go ahead."

"Goodbye, Grandpa Xian!"

"Hey, goodbye Ruobing."

Leaving Xian Yaodong behind, Nanyi came to the tidal flats. On the part farthest from the village, he didn't see any chicken sheds or duck sheds. But when he was standing by the river just now, he saw many ducks playing in the river.

Obviously, no one paid any attention to Xian Yaohua's rules for broadcasting notices in the summer, and the members still did what they wanted.

Nan Yi curled his lips and smiled, secretly said: "This is very good, the street lights are on every day, no one will think it is important, only when it breaks down one day and falls a few times while walking at night, pedestrians will know its importance.

My street lamp should also be broken for a while, and the plan will be fine-tuned. This year, the center of gravity will be tilted in the direction of "foreign investment". "

"Dad, what are you laughing at?"

"I'm not laughing, Dad is thinking about something."

"What are you thinking?"

"I think my family's Ruobing has grown taller again, it's already 1.1 meters tall now."

"Hmm, grandma just measured me not long ago, 109.2 centimeters."

"Hehe, let my grandma take you to the hospital for an examination some other day, to see if you have developed early, or if you will become taller in the future."

Nan Ruofing has just turned five years old, and her current height is developing towards the limit of normal height for her age.

"Dad, I'm not sick, so I won't go to the hospital."

When Nan Ruofing heard about the hospital, a trace of fear appeared in her eyes.

"Okay, it's okay, just go for a checkup, no injections or medicines."

"Oh, no injections?"

"Do not hit."

"Okay then, I'll go."

"Be good like this. Come on, little pig girl, Daddy hugs you." Nan Yi clapped his palms and opened his hands to Nan Ruofing.

Carrying home, Nan Yi asked Nan Ruofeng to play by himself, while he and Fang Mengyin hid aside and muttered again.

"Grandma, it's time for someone to dismantle the golden nanmu in the house. After dismantling, find a truck to help me transport it to the capital. I plan to dig a cellar in your courtyard and hide the wood there first."

"No need to dig. There is already a basement in my yard. Judging by the amount of wood, the basement should fit."

"Wow, grandma, you have a basement in your house, and you never told me?"

Fang Mengyin glanced at Nan Yi, "Don't talk about you, I haven't even told you about your grandfather. Before putting the wood in, I put away a box inside. Inside the box are the Fang family's genealogy and ancestral tablets."

"Grandma, within two years, I will definitely buy back the Fang Mansion in Shanghai for you. At that time, please bring the tablet and genealogy back to Shanghai."

"Okay, good grandson, grandma is counting on you." Fang Mengyin said excitedly.

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