Wherever there is a hot spot, where there is attention, there will be the Karate Trust.

When Qiong Province was just established as a province, Mu Nand established a karate economic group in Yecheng. Nan Yi had seen the name of this group in the industrial and commercial registration documents and newspapers. In fact, Mu Nand had done something For anything, you can usually see soft articles in newspapers, but you need a sharp eye to peel off the "soft" layer of beautification on the surface and directly explore the essence.

What is the essence of an entrepreneur?

Economist Schumpeter gave a simple and clear definition of this—innovation.

Innovation is the driving force of economic development, without innovation, there will be no change and development. And this kind of innovation is sometimes even destructive creation.

Nan Yi said that Mounand had never made any money, which was actually biased. In fact, he had really made money.

A few years ago, in order to protect the domestic refrigerator industry, the higher authorities issued a document that explicitly prohibited the import of foreign refrigerators, and only allowed the import of spare parts for assembly.

There is a small detail in the document - the import of refrigerators is prohibited, but the import of refrigeration machinery is encouraged, and the difference between the two is the capacity, 360 liters and below are counted as refrigerators, and the above are counted as refrigeration machinery.

Nan saw this document when he was sitting as the general manager of Yaqing Company. He once had the idea of ​​importing a batch of refrigerators with a capacity of 360-420 liters, and put them in the name of "freezers". Asia Sales.

But after thinking about it carefully, I still gave up the idea, swaying my wit, playing tricks to take advantage of it for a while, but in the long run it will not be good at all.

Nanyi didn't take advantage of the loopholes, but Mounand took advantage of it, and the angle was very tricky and disgusting. He ordered a batch of 361-liter refrigerators from Busan, and it was rumored that he made about 15 million yuan. This figure appeared in the soft article, true or false Difficult to distinguish.

Nanyi is not very interested in the exact figures, but has had a lot of guesses about the source of the capital for this business. Needless to say, the ultimate source of the capital must be a bank loan, but how did the money get into the hands of Mounand? A lot of knowledge.

Don't be too clear about the bank's loan policy, Nanyi knows it. In the past two years, private loans have loosened, and the policy is a bit ambiguous. It can be regarded as crossing the river by feeling the stones. If it doesn't work, just plug the opening.

In the past few years, private individuals did not even think about obtaining loans in a reasonable and compliant manner. If they were able to obtain loans, there is no doubt that there must be illegal operations in the middle.

"Is it hard to make money?

I don't think it's difficult at all.

What is the nature of finance?

Its essence is the exchange of value across time.

The Karate Trust Group hopes to cooperate with all those who are eager to make contributions at home and abroad, and is willing to provide you with good development opportunities and conditions, as well as the most basic conditions for you to establish a new project company. When the conditions are ripe, the company's large I will give some of the shares to key members who have done their best.

I call this mode a smooth tiller, how can I do this?

Because I found that the economic laws of the past have become very ridiculous in the market economy, and the industrial civilization has fallen behind in the West, and it is even more unworkable in China.

We need to establish new rules of the game for a smart civilized economy, and we need to make a high degree of use of intangible assets, especially wisdom.

Where does wisdom come from?

Brains, my brains, your brains.

When doing things, ideas are very important. I can think of things that others can't think of, so I can make money.

There is a saying in our Wuchuan that three "cobblers" are the best Zhuge Liang, and the cobblers are not cobblers who make leather. Together they can beat a Zhuge Liang.

My Munande brain is easy to use, and yours is not bad. What you lack is ideas, and you can't grasp the correct angle of thinking about problems. As long as you come to karate and study with me for a while, you can also correctly grasp business thinking... "

Eating pork offal, Nanyi listened to Munande's provocative words with his ears open, thinking that Pan Wuju might ask him to resign soon.

Without prejudice, it is really an era of "ideas". Others can't think of it, but I think of it myself and dare to realize it. It is really hard to say how difficult it is to make some money. This era is also a beautiful era of karate. There are too many ways You can be a white wolf with empty gloves.

For example, in Wenzhou, farmers from several impoverished counties sat at the poker table all night long, racking their brains to set up a second-hand machinery and equipment trading market. One ring - the source of mechanical equipment.

The method is very simple, that is, to send letters to state-owned enterprises all over the country to order various second-hand machinery and equipment. Obituaries are published under the pseudonym of the person.

When those foreign companies came to ask for debts, they would show the obituary to the visitors with a sad face, "Everyone is dead, who will go to collect the debt?"

With this model, the trading market has a stable supply of goods, and this market has really come into being, booming, and once became the largest second-hand machinery and equipment trading market in southern Zhejiang.

This is an individual playing with a state-owned enterprise. In the Central Plains, there is also a popular "state-owned enterprise employee" teasing you with the boss of a private enterprise.

Some signboards are still there, but in fact, the employees of state-owned enterprises whose business is already in recession do not have a lot of money. They want to drink and smoke, but they have no money in their pockets. When someone is picking up cigarette butts on the side of the road, they come up with a good idea .

It is still better to write a letter to the private company that is the counterpart of their company and can provide the means of production, saying what their company needs, and ask the private company to send a supply and marketing personnel to negotiate.

At this time, few individuals who run businesses are very well-to-do. If they can start a business, they will inevitably sell everything they can. Spend blindly, money will be spent wisely.

The outside is glamorous, with a BP machine, a mobile phone, and a brand-name suit, but the inside is hard to say. I went to another place on a business trip, slept in a Datong shop, ate bibimbap with soy sauce, and had to save travel expenses to invite the "key people" of the business to eat. Big meal, singing K.

In this day and age, business is easy but hard to do. It is not a terminal consumer product for the common people. Sales have never been easy. There are potential customers who take the initiative to contact. Eleven out of ten private business owners will go to see what is going on. Failure to achieve is a loss. Travel expenses, but if it is done, who knows how big the bill will be.

Once a person passes by, he will see the "little ghost" first. To pass the level of the little ghost, he should eat and drink, right? Should I take a few more cigarettes?

When you want to do something, you can't always say with red lips and white teeth, "When the thing is done, I will thank you very much." What are you, who knows you? I don't even know what it means, but can I still count on "thank you so much"?

I'm not familiar with the place, so if you want to prove the reliability of Chong Xie, don't you have to think about it first?

After eating, drinking, smoking and singing, I still can't see the key people. After eating a few times, the shrewd ones will figure it out: "I came here to improve their food."

People are in a different place, it's hard to get angry, so let's admit it and leave.

In this way, a set of "playing with you" mode is over, and when there is no more oil in the belly, you can look for sheep again and do it again. Of course, if you encounter someone who is foolish, you can also play the Plus version to tease you. Not only can you eat and drink, but you can also earn a little money to spend.

Compared with the obituary, the small fights in the teasing you mode are not on the table at all, but it is a little better. Strictly speaking, there is no sufferer in it at all, and there is no rule. As long as you eat, drink and drink, you can make a business.

There are several sets of derivative versions of the teasing mode. For example, to get samples, it is not difficult to find a few samples from manufacturers or distributors at this time. As long as you have a business card of a trading company or a trading company, you can easily get the value for free. Samples that are not too high or get high-priced samples at a discount.

Some people can earn a little money a month by reselling samples, which is better than going to work; some people just want to get a certain sample for free, so they act as employees of their trading company.

Just because there are too many people taking samples, the manufacturers and dealers have suffered too much. Later, there are no free samples to get [strangers, not customers who have cooperated], and they have to pay first. If there is a list, Then return the money, if the list is lucrative, there will be wine to make amends by the way.

After listening to it for a while, a large portion of pig offal left half of it that hadn’t been touched with chopsticks before. No matter whether the stall owner would recycle it and sell it, or eat it himself or feed it to the dog, Nanyi didn’t want to see others eat his saliva. Putting down his chopsticks, Nanyi went to the noodle stall next door to eat a bowl of noodle after paying the bill.

April 3rd.

Nanyi was working in the office when the glass behind him slapped.

When he came to the window, opened the window, and leaned down, he saw his little brother A Guang in the village. He was eleven years old. The two met because of smashing cannons years ago. After smashing the cannon, I came to him to ask for bullets a few times. After going back and forth, the two became acquainted.

"Ah Guang, what's the matter?"

"Our volleyball is broken, we need to buy a new one," said Ah Guang from downstairs.

As soon as Nanyi heard it, he understood that it was almost money.

Almost, not at all, the children in the village usually find ways to earn some pocket money by themselves, catch fish, touch snails and sell them in the vegetable market.

"How much difference?"

"3 yuan, 6 cents and 5 cents."

Nanyi took out a five-yuan bill from his pocket, folded it repeatedly and threw it down, "Here are five dollars for you, and if you have more, please everyone eat popsicles."

A Guang picked up the money from the ground and smiled, "You also play volleyball, play with us, do you want Pyracantha fruit?"

"I know where I am growing up, so go back to school quickly."

After sending Ah Guang away for a while, Lai came to Nanyi's office.

"All the workstations are rented out."

"They're all trading companies, right?"

"Almost, almost all of them are engaged in trade. There are also two or three real estate companies with a larger scale. They have rented a few areas and are planning to make glass partitions. There are monthly and quarterly payments. The rent will be in the tens of thousands. Three and a half years to recover the cost."

"The auxiliary services I mentioned before can be done. Whether it's recruitment, legal services, car leasing, or short-term financing, you can make more money. Short-term financing should be more cautious, and don't let people abduct money."

"How much profit?"

Nan Yi thought for a while and said: "You look at the next article, you're stuck with the red line of the definition of usury, don't do medium and long-term, the longest quarter, don't give too much credit, support is the main priority, supplemented by making money, if there is For those you are particularly optimistic about, the quota can be larger and the time can be longer, and the taste of industrial incubation will come out.”

"What can a trading company hatch?" Lai asked.

"Hatch money, hehe, don't worry, learn how to hatch from the trading company first, and there will be opportunities to hatch serious eggs in the future, so I can show you something."

Nanyi opened the drawer, took out a few pieces of paper and handed it to Lai, "Quantum, an American company that provides online information services, can transmit data to customers' computers through telephone lines, such as games, pictures, files, etc. , also known as the Internet.

A few years ago, I met a man in London. He and another man were working on a hypertext transfer protocol, which is a very useful protocol. Through the protocol, computers can be easily transmitted, Browse text. "

"The phone line is connected, can you talk?" Lai asked, looking at the content on the paper.

"Yes, this is just one of the functions that the Internet can achieve. Most importantly, the Internet can increase the rate of information transmission. Maybe one day, you can see what is happening in other countries in real time.

In the 1960s, some scholars in Japan proposed a new theory reflecting the stage of social development from the perspective of social industrial structure evolution, which included the concept of informatization.

After the Cuban nuclear missile crisis, the U.S. had a sense of crisis that its homeland was being attacked by nuclear weapons. The U.S. Department of Defense believed that if there was only one centralized military command center, if the center was destroyed by Soviet revisionist nuclear weapons, the country’s military command would be in a state of crisis. Paralyzed, the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, it is necessary to design a decentralized command system: it is composed of scattered command points. When some command points are destroyed, other points can still work normally, and these scattered points can be contacted through some form of communication network.

This command system is called ARPA, and the command system network built is called ARPANET, and the word Internet came into being because of ARPANET.

Just a few days ago, the U.S. Department of Defense handed over Arpanet to NSF, which is the National Science Foundation of the United States. Arpanet has changed from military use to civilian use. Scientific institutions and universities have connected to Arpanet. Now, they can write love letters to each other by email. "

"I know the email. The first email in China was sent from the capital three years ago, and it was sent somewhere in Germany."

"University of Karlsruhe, to be precise, this is the second letter. A little earlier, there was one sent to Switzerland, but it seems that it was not sent successfully." Nan Yi waved his hand, "All in all, I think the Internet will do a lot in the future , will also be commercialized, and there are many business models around it.

The reason why Maker Space appears is because we bet that the land in Qiongdao has a lot of room for appreciation. It is a tool to hide its shame. After the speculative attributes fade away, I hope it can continue to go on. Earn money and invest in it to create a real industrial incubation base model.

As far as incubating computer-related industries, we can't incubate chips, but we can still do it at the application level. If the Internet is truly on the road to commercialization within four to five years, we can focus on this field. "

"Boss, even if the Internet is as you expected, it will be several years later. Before that, what did you incubate?"

"Software, industry incubation and real estate are combined. By building a software incubation base and laying out the surrounding commercial and residential areas, what we want to do is industry incubation, and the real estate will make money.

In 1987, our country implemented a large contract of finance and taxation. In terms of enterprises, state-owned and collective enterprises signed tax and profit contracting contracts with their subordinate departments in various forms, contracting income tax and payable profits.

[Rectified a large paragraph. ]

Last year, the total national fiscal revenue was 291.92 billion yuan, and the total fiscal expenditure was 301.455 billion yuan. Among the total fiscal revenue, the central fiscal revenue accounted for 52.63%, totaling 153.638 billion yuan.

But among this revenue, the central government received 108.938 billion yuan at its own level, and the local government contributed 44.7 billion yuan to the central government, accounting for 15.31% of the total fiscal revenue.

After liberation, in line with the planned economic system, our country generally implemented a highly centralized financial system with unified revenue and expenditure, and has undergone many times of collection and decentralization.

Under the background of the comprehensive contract system that was implemented in 1987, the fiscal contract system was also introduced. The central government and the local government implemented a large financial contract, and the total income was increased by the contract, the total amount was shared, the total amount was added to the growth share, the amount was increased by the contract, and the quota was increased. 37 provinces, cities, districts and cities under separate state planning have adopted different methods.

From an economic point of view, financial contracting is an arrangement with incompatible incentives. Under the contracting system, local interests conflict with overall interests.

Due to the complexity and asymmetry of information, it is necessary to combine centralized and decentralized decision-making. The result of each decision-making maximizes the overall benefit and minimizes the information cost paid by the whole society. Such a system is an incentive-compatible arrangement.

Under the contract system, the interests of local governments and enterprises are linked to the price of goods to a certain extent. The lower the local price, the higher the price of goods will flow to other places to sell at a higher price. .

Driven by interests, various localities compete to raise product prices, and even help companies raise prices in a disguised form, forming a pro-cyclical mechanism. It is also because of interests that local protectionism has also formed. "

Nan Yi drank some tea, moistened his throat, and then said: "Fiscal revenue is divided into budgetary and extrabudgetary. Under the contract system, if fiscal revenue is included in the budget, it means that it has to be shared with the central government. All localities are doing everything possible to put fiscal revenues under extra-budgetary management.

I won't say much about the adverse consequences caused by this.

The Soviet revisionists maintained the unified revenue and expenditure system. The central government accounted for more than 80% of the revenue, about 60% in the United States and Japan, 70% in Germany, 75% in Australia, and about 90% in the United Kingdom and France. In comparison, our central government revenue The proportion is too small. This situation definitely needs to change, and it will definitely change.

I believe that in the not-too-distant future, the central government will definitely take the majority of fiscal revenue, and the local fiscal revenue will decrease, but there must be a lot of work to be done, and money will be spent to do things. Where does the money come from? "

After thinking for a while, Lai said, "Land finance is an extra-budgetary revenue. It doesn't need to be shared with the central government, and the land is easier to realize. Boss, are you betting that the local government will greatly increase land sales?"

Nan Yi smiled and said: "Is this still a bet? The per capita housing area in the city is only so much now. Improving housing conditions is one of the main tasks of the local government. It's just that after the tax reform, the subjective momentum of the local government will be improved. If strengthened, the real estate industry will prosper.

The establishment of a software industry incubation base can increase the land fiscal revenue of the local government. Talents are needed for the establishment of enterprises. This can not only solve the employment problem in some localities, but also attract outstanding talents from other places to settle down.

Houses are needed to settle down, and land is needed to build a house. This will increase the local fiscal revenue from land for the second time. As the number of migrants increases, the related living facilities and commercial places will also increase. This is the third increase in fiscal revenue from land. As for the increase in enterprises, income tax The increase in income is obvious.

First, you can speculate in the Coconut City with peace of mind, accumulate original capital, and practice the skills of hatching eggs. When you get out of the Coconut City, Maker Space will definitely become a guest of honor in various places.

When doing business, first consider what the country needs and what we need to do, and then consider what the local needs, follow the general trend of the country, follow the party, and you will not suffer. "

Lai gave a thumbs up and said, "Nan Daxie is Bakuan, and he can fry land for the country and the people."

"If you're so weird, I'll kill you."


Just kidding, Lai listened to Nanyi's analysis.

After leaving Nanyi, he called Lai Biao and relayed some words to Lai Biao.

"It was Nanyi who took the initiative to go to Wenchangwei. He and Liu Zhen didn't know each other at that time. Don't think it's because of Liu Zhen. Think about why he took the initiative to go to Bao'an, and then think about what he did in Wenchangwei .

There is no need to discuss Nanyi's strength. He can get to where he is today because of his keen eyesight and friendly attitude. Maybe the Fang family still has some wealth overseas. cause of one step.

When I first met him, he was barefoot, with his head tied to his belt, ready to fight for his life, now?

Calm and calm, the thorns all over the body are not exposed.

I have known him for twelve years, and I have never seen him do anything without purpose. This person is very purposeful and doesn’t like to owe others. Letting you go to Yecheng is not only to repay your favor, but also for a certain layout in the future , otherwise he wouldn't have run there himself.

Nanyi City Mansion is very deep, and he lacks sincerity in dealing with people, so it is difficult to make friends, but he pays attention to equal exchange and does not count against his own people. "

With Lai Biao's words, Lai felt relieved.

If Makerspace wants to continue going, then it is not his business to depend on one person, his family and everyone will be involved, so he cannot be careless.

"Leaving home, going to the end of the world, chasing the footsteps of the special zone, the coconut trees whirling in the wind, eating a piece of noodles; triangular pool, looking up, searching for the place to stay, with little work, washing dishes, and the deposit has not changed;

Baodao weaves my dream, the sea is boundless, 3,000 yuan will accompany me to Nanya, irritating but not irritating, Yecheng keeps my dream, Wanghai Tower cares about my heart, a little money in the bag, what is the dawn meet? "

It was the day when the Band of Trespassers got together again. There was no expert arranger, so they could only use doctrine to rewrite the lyrics with the tune of "Xintianyou" and compose "Song of the Trespassers". The temporary female lead singer who was not in the band Excellent, pretending to be a soprano by singing loudly.

Xiaoyou's voice is very good, but she sings only with emotion, without any skills at all, and she is good at tricks and out of tune.

After singing a song, everyone put down their instruments and came to a table under the stage.

After chatting for a while, Nanyi's pager rang, and Fan Hongdou came looking for him, not knowing what it was.

"Red bean, what's the matter?"

Nanyi called Fan Hongdou back.

"Godfather, that Guo Fuxi called."

"Did you tell me why you wanted me?"

"I didn't say anything, I just said I wanted to find you, and I sounded a little anxious."

"Oh, you call him back and tell him that I am in Yecheng. If you are in a hurry, let him come to Yecheng to find me."


Guo Fuxi came in a hurry, and on the third day after Nanyi talked with Fan Hongdou, he was already sitting in Nanyi's office.

Nanyi poured Guo Fuxi a glass of water and sat opposite him.

"Boss Guo, do you want money?"

"Yes, I'm in a hurry." Guo Fuxi took the water glass and nodded.

"Short-term financing or investment?"

"It will be all right."

It seems that Guo Fuxi is really in a hurry, probably because he encountered a hurdle or an opportunity.

"How many?"

"One million, in rubles or dollars."

"There is not much money, short-term financing requires mortgage, and the value is at least 120% of the amount you borrowed. Investment needs to be evaluated. I want to evaluate the development potential of your company. We are working on the value of the project. We also need to negotiate the shareholding Share, Boss Guo, are you sure your company is worth more than $1 million, or 8 million RMB?"

"I can't afford $1.2 million in collateral, and my company isn't worth $1 million, but the value of the project I'm going to do is definitely more than that." Guo Fuxi said affirmatively.

"Okay, then let me introduce the project. I have to evaluate whether the project you mentioned is worth my time to investigate."

Hearing what Nan Yi said, Guo Fuxi had a look of embarrassment on his face, "Boss Nan, from the time you start investigating to how long it will take for me to get the money, I really need money urgently."

"It's as short as one month, but it's hard to say how long it is. Some projects may have to be tracked for one or two years."

"No, I can't wait for a month, at most a week, I will go to Manchuria, and then go to Suxiu, Boss Nan, there is no faster way?" Guo Fuxi said eagerly.

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