On the grassland outside of Ulaanbaatar, by a bonfire, several people were chatting and drinking, when suddenly, one of the big men pulled out a gun and pressed it against the temple of another without warning.

The big man was Petrovsky, the leader of the Cossack action team. He clubbed the temple he was pointing at with the end of a gun, "Sun Ling, I only ask once, have you ever been to a casino?"

Sun Ling, who was pointed at by the gun, was stunned for a moment, then stammered back: "Yes."

As soon as the big man heard Sun Ling's answer, the muzzle of the gun moved away from Sun Ling's temple, and he pushed Sun Ling down again, bang, bang, bang, four consecutive shots, crippling Sun Ling's hands and feet.

"Stop the bleeding."

After Petrovsky gave an order, Qing Getai, a medical soldier from the team, stepped forward to stop Sun Ling's bleeding.

When Sun Ling's bleeding stopped, Petrovsky asked again: "How many times have you been there? How much have you lost? Did you say anything you should not say? You should know our rules. Whether you can die happily or not Look at your own answer."

Sun Ling naturally knew the rules, his hands and feet were disabled, he was destined to die, but death can be divided into good death and hard death, a shot between the eyebrows or torture to extract a confession and then die, the feeling is different.

"I can't remember how many times, I lost 500,000 rubles, and I didn't say anything I shouldn't have said." Sun Ling said simply: "Cossack, give me a good time."

Bang, bang, two shots in the chest, one shot between the eyebrows, the shooting ended, Petrovsky tested Sun Ling's neck pulse again, and turned off the safety of the pistol after confirming that he was dead.

Wang Hu, another team member at the side, silently took out a military dagger, stepped forward, leaned over and took off Sun Ling's clothes, then dug out the bullet head from the meat and mud, counted, and confirmed It was seven, and he put away the bullets.

"Wang Hu, Sun Ling was brought by you. He didn't tell the truth. You are responsible for the aftermath."


Wang Hu was a little depressed. He met a compatriot who was doing badly. He had a kind heart and pointed out a way to make money. He didn't expect to dig a hole for himself in the end. Gambling ghosts and poisonous ghosts really can't be trusted.

"Qing Geertai, you are in charge of going to Manzhouli, and take good care of the money."


In the morning, just after Nanyi and Gong Xue left Wanwanzhuang by car, Su Meng called.

"Boss, Pan Wuju just submitted his resignation letter."

"I see. Talk to Song Jia and settle the salary with him."

Pan Wuju would leave, Nanyi had a premonition, and Munande's eloquence was good, so it was normal for Pan Wuju to be persuaded.

"Just let him go?" Su Meng said hesitantly.

"I can't keep what I should leave. Is there anything else?"

"No more." Su Meng hesitated for a moment and asked again, "When will you come back?"

"It will take a few more days, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Nanyi replaced the phone with a new electric board.

When they arrived at the foreign-related office building, Gong Xue was busy with her work, and Nan Yi sat opposite her to read the newspaper.

After reading it for a while, he saw a report in the "Blowing News": "The false collective phenomenon is the behavior of private enterprises seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. It is not surprising, but because this phenomenon damages the interests of the country , it cannot but arouse our attention.

The existence of a large number of such enterprises seems to have strengthened the collective economy on the surface, but it is actually quite wrong.

The preferential taxation and credit policies enjoyed by these enterprises have damaged the national finances. In some places, false collective enterprises account for 80% of the registered collective enterprises. If they are cleaned up, the national tax revenue will undoubtedly increase considerably. "

After reading the report, Nan Yi looked at the name of the reporter in the article, and then stroked his chin.

"Blowing News" is a very serious newspaper. The reports on it will not be published randomly. The blowing is to blow the wind in advance. Since the issue of "red hat enterprises" is mentioned on it, the action of removing the hats will definitely start in the not-too-distant future.

In 1988, there seemed to be a small enterprise of Qiaodunmen Brewery in Wenzhou City who conducted a pilot project and designed the "Articles of Association for Joint-stock Cooperative Enterprises".

The Articles of Association stipulates that 15% of the enterprise's property is the indivisible public accumulated funds collectively owned by all the employees of the enterprise. Its independent existence is one of the important signs that the joint-stock cooperative enterprise is different from the partnership private enterprise and is an integral part of the collective economy.

It is because of a part of public accumulation that joint-stock cooperative enterprises are naturally included in the category of collective economy.

This design of corporate equity is unique in the world, and it can be said to be a bold innovation by domestic grassroots reformers in the face of the forbidden zone of ownership. It is considered to be a non-donkey and non-horse economy, but it can be justified in theory.

It is also very convenient for a private enterprise to transform into a joint-stock cooperative enterprise—just declare that 15% of the assets of the enterprise are the public accumulation of all workers.

In February, the Ministry of Agriculture also issued a "Order No. 14", promulgating the "Tentative Regulations on Farmers' Joint-Stock Cooperative Enterprises", and attached the "Model Articles of Association for Farmers' Joint-Stock Cooperative Enterprises", which is based on the articles of association of Qiaodunmen Brewery .

"Hehe, the number of private companies will increase dramatically."

As soon as the removal of hats begins, the private enterprises previously affiliated with collective enterprises will find ways to decouple. "Order No. 14" just pointed out a clear way for them. From public to private, the loss of collective assets is predictable.

Nanyi picked up the phone and called Ge Cuizhu, "Auntie, give me a word to Uncle Yaodong. I gave up on the contracting matter, but a collective enterprise is a collective enterprise, and its nature will not change now and will not change in the future." , whoever wants to change, you can come and tell me, I will definitely reason with him."

"Nanyi, are you because of Order No. 14?"

"Auntie, not bad, always pay attention to the policy trend."

"Nanyi, don't worry about the affairs of the village. If you are free, why not take care of the group's affairs."

"What new ideas do you have?"

"Someone has already opened a grain and oil store outside, shall we also enter this field?"

Nanyi was silent for a while, and said: "Auntie, it is said that the network of grain and oil stores is a good supplement to our business, but food stamps are still in use, and food is more sensitive. It is okay to make small troubles, but to make it bigger The political risk is too great. Besides, without clear policy support, the state-run grain store can kill us.”

"I have thought about these issues. We can use other people's names to open a few in Guangdong Province to see the direction of the wind. If the situation is not right, we will close it."

Nanyi thought for a while and said, "Since Auntie has already made up her mind, let's try."


After hanging up the phone, Nan Yi said to Gong Xue: "I'll invite Zheng Xiaolong here later, and you can negotiate with him according to what I told you last night."

"Aren't you together?"

"No, I won't be involved in the specific affairs of Wangbei Media in the future. You are its head. Comrade Gong, go ahead and do it. You will be evaluated at the end of the year. If the score is high enough, I will give you a Back door, I can give you management shares earlier."

Gong Xue walked behind Nan Yi, leaned on his back and said, "What if I can't do well?"

"It's not easy. If you can't do it well, you will come down and replace it with a capable person. It is not easy to find young, beautiful and capable women, but there are many capable old women."

"Just make me angry on purpose." Gong Xue poked the back of Nan Yi's head and said angrily, "Am I getting old?"

Nan Yi looked up at Gong Xue, "I don't think so, don't think about it."



"Then shall we have a baby?"

Gong Xue's words made Nanyi's brows tangle together, and he prevaricated: "Talk about work matters during working hours, and discuss personal matters after work."

"Go to my place at night?"


"Then I'll get off work early and go back to cook."

Gong Xue said, and returned to her seat to continue reading the documents.

Putting away the newspaper, Nan Yi glanced at Gong Xue, feeling a bit tangled in his heart. He couldn't decide whether to tell Gong Xue a white lie, or tell her his true thoughts directly.

Children can't be born if they want to. Gong Xue's age has passed the best childbearing age. In addition, she does not meet the basic conditions of Nanyi's "prenatal and postnatal care".

The world is not worth it, if you are here to be an ox or a horse, why bother to go through it.

Nanyi can set up a ladder for his children, but they have to climb up by themselves. It seems that Fan Hongdou and Nan Ruofing persuaded him to quit smoking, but in fact he also has the idea of ​​quitting smoking in order to prepare for pregnancy. In the best state, combine with a woman with excellent quality, especially in terms of IQ, to produce offspring.

Most of the innateness of the child comes from the parents, and the IQ comes from the mother more. For Nanyi, he hopes to give the child the best possible genetically. After that, he also needs to establish a good foundation for life and education for the child. His The child must not only be born in Rome, but also be a dragon and a phoenix.

Otherwise, it doesn't matter if this world doesn't come.

A mother suffering from congenital heart disease desperately gave birth to the child. From the perspective of love, she is a good wife, but from the perspective of inheritance, she is a trash. Who gave her the right to make her own? The probability that the child will not inherit it?

This is Nanyi's subjective thinking. He thinks so and does the same thing, but he never thought of passing this idea on to others. He doesn't need like-minded people in this regard.

At a quarter past ten, Zheng Xiaolong came to Gong Xue's office, Nan Yi exchanged pleasantries with him, and then gave up the space to him and Gong Xue, Nan Yi went out to buy some fruit and some canned fruit, and carried it with him. Go to the family courtyard of Erhua.

The Gu family, only Gu Wen was at home.

"I heard that you have a cold, so I brought you some special cold medicine." After entering Gu's house, Nan Yi patted the canned yellow peaches in his hand.

Canned yellow peaches are very popular across the Northeast. They are especially popular with children. Whenever a child catches a cold, drink some canned water and add a piece of yellow peach. Immediately, it will change from sick to lively. .

Saw blades seal sugar bags, and iron nails open holes in can lids. This is the basic skill that countless children rely on to steal food, and it is also the fuse that ushers in the strategic nuclear strike of their parents.

"When did you see that I was short of canned food since I was a child?" Gu Wen took the things in Nanyi's hand and complained.

"There will be no shortage. In the past, I always saw someone delivering canned food to your house. You boy, we have been the object of our envy since childhood. Fortunately, you are a nerd, otherwise the mother would have cleaned you up."

When there is no festival, no one is sick, and no gifts are given, few households will buy canned food for the sake of understanding gluttony. Being able to free canned food will definitely attract envious and jealous eyes from friends.

"Stop talking, why didn't you come over yesterday, my dad still wants to toast you."

Gu Wen let Nan Yi sit down in the living room.

"You must have a group of relatives to deal with when you came back, so I didn't bother you." Nan Yi said, and directly introduced the topic, "Since you are back, you must plan to obey the assignment, right?"

Gu Wen nodded, "Yes, the destination has been decided, the Computer Institute."

"It's the same as I guessed, then I wish you great success in the Institute of Computer Science and a bright future."

Now that Gu Wen has returned to China, he has naturally made a decision to obey the assignment, and the most suitable unit is the computer institute, willing to come back, this makes Nan Yi look up to him, and is also happy to see Gu Wen spend two years in the computer institute.

In the past, people had no choice, so they were naturally willing to keep their feet and work through their qualifications step by step, and then make achievements. Now they have choices, and there are a few golden ages who are willing to make achievements, cleaning the table, serving tea and water, and acting as a role model for others. coolie?

Facing chaebols, you can also choose to enter the field that the other party has never dabbled in. Facing academics, there is no room for resistance at all. The circle is so narrow. If the east is not bright, the west is not bright. Either be obedient or jump out of the circle. According to Gu Wen's urgency, he may not be able to accept a signature issue, and it will be a matter of time before he escapes.

"I brought back from the United States a lot of ideas that I wanted to put into practice. I really wanted to go to work quickly. I felt uncomfortable when I couldn't touch the computer. I brought back a portable computer. I bought it second-hand. The configuration was too poor and I couldn't play it.

Nanyi, do you know that artificial intelligence in various countries is making great strides forward, and the field of artificial intelligence is also greatly supported. Whether it is the United States, the United Kingdom or Japan, they are investing heavily in this field.

After the expert system, the emergence of the Hopfield network heralds the rebirth of connectionism. I believe that the fifth generation of engineering will be realized soon, and we humans will soon be able to talk to machines..."

With fanaticism on his face, Gu Wen chattered endlessly to popularize the latest achievements in artificial intelligence to Nanyi.

In fact, Nanyi should be more aware of the current development of artificial intelligence than Gu Wen. MCC [Microelectronics and Computer Technology Group], a group in the United States that provides funding for large-scale projects in AI and information technology, includes Pan American Holdings Funds are one of the shareholders.

In 1987, the demand for AI hardware market dropped suddenly, and the performance of desktop computers produced by Apple and IBM continued to improve, and its performance has surpassed the expensive Lisp machines produced by Symbolics and other manufacturers. The billion-dollar industry collapsed.

Initially successful expert systems such as XCON have high maintenance costs, are difficult to upgrade, are difficult to use, and inexplicable errors occur when input is abnormal, and have become victims of various problems that have been exposed before, such as qualification problems. , the practicability of expert systems has been proven to be limited to certain specific scenarios.

In the past two years, the capital behind artificial intelligence is no longer optimistic about the realization of the "fifth generation project". They have reduced or cut off investment in this field, and invested funds in fields that are easier to produce results. Various artificial intelligence laboratories and research Institutions have or will face funding depletion.

At present, in the field of artificial intelligence, only Japanese research institutions and the artificial intelligence research team of Elk Company are left with a fairly good life. One is supported by government funds, and the other is supported by Nanyi's unswerving resources.

With patience, Nanyi listened to Gu Wen and told him what he knew. After Gu Wen had said enough, he said to the other party: "If you are not happy in the computer room, call me."

In the afternoon, Nanyi and Yang Kaiyan had afternoon tea together. Yang Kaiyan arrived first, and there were still candles on the table.

As soon as Nan Yifu sat down, he said to Yang Kaiyan who was opposite him: "Is this candle prepared for me, or was it a couple meal with someone else just now?"

"I ate lunch here, but it's not a couple's meal, it's a royal treat."

"Oh..." Nan Yi said with a long voice, "That Comrade Wang is so resilient, it's been so many years, and he's still chasing you."

"I don't understand either. I have clearly rejected him, but he still perseveres."

Yang Kaiyan's tone was indifferent, but Nan Yi could clearly feel that she was complacent about her charm.

"Ha, for the sake of Comrade Wang's sincerity, I think you should give him some sweetness, a kiss or spend the spring night together." Nan Yi said with a ruffian face.

"I grew up in the United States, but I am not an American, so I am not so casual." Yang Kaiyan said with a cold face: "If you talk nonsense again, I will pour coffee on you. The freshly brewed coffee is still very hot."

"Okay, no kidding." Nan Yi said with a straight face, "Miss Yang, report to work."

The physical condition is not very good, less and more today.

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