Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 791 Female High School Students Need Assistance

Nan Yi acted as he said, standing next to the man with a small basket in his hand and watching him play. Sophie Marceau came to an idle machine, stuffed a coin with a ding-dong and tapped the run button.

If you miss, you swear at the machine, then put in a coin and start over.

After several times and still not winning the lottery, Sophie Marceau's feet began to be restless, and she kicked once she missed a lottery. Fortunately, it was only lightly, otherwise the security of the casino would come to greet her.

"Brother, the girlfriend is very beautiful."

The man who was playing the slot machine suddenly turned his head and said to Nan Yi.


"No need to wait, I've been guarding this machine for two days. I won't leave until the grand prize comes out, and I won't give others a chance to miss it."


Nan Yi responded, and looked up at the prize money of the Wired Awards. The 2.47 million francs were zero, which is indeed not a small prize.

"I wish you a big prize."

"Thank you, and bless you too."

Nan Yi left the man and walked to a machine next to Sophie Marceau and sat down.

"How did you come here?"

"Others have been guarding for two days, and they will continue to guard."

"Oh, take a breath."

Sophie Marceau picked up a coin and brought it to Nan Yi's mouth.

Nan Yi took a breath of luck, and Sophie Marceau stuffed the coins into the slot machine.

After the three vertical screens of the slot machine flickered and rotated for a while, the last forbidden screen had three different patterns. Obviously, none of the hairs were hit.

"Adam, you're out of luck."

"You can't blame me. Maybe it's because you're unlucky. Look at me."

Nanyi stuffed a coin into the machine, and after turning it around for a while, two of the three static patterns were the same.

"Look, my luck is much better."

"I'll blow the air, and you put the coins." Sophie Marceau stood up from her seat, walked to Nanyi, pouted, and waited for Nanyi to pick up the coins.

In this way, one of the two is in charge of blowing air, and the other is in charge of inserting coins. Sometimes the start button will rush to press.

When the two small baskets of coins were exhausted, the two of them didn't win a hundred times "777", but won several ten times and twenty times. As for the connection prize, they didn't think about it at all.

When the two of them lost everything, the man just now had already left. Sophie Marceau took Nanyi to pick up the leak, but when he walked closer, seeing that the power of the machine was turned off, Sophie Marceau said regretfully : "It seems that the man is a VIP of the casino. I don't know if he will win the online prize. Let's come and see tomorrow."


Walking out of the casino, the two played a small game, walked in one direction, and had dinner at any restaurant they encountered on the way if they had the urge to stop.

Quietness doesn’t seem to have anything to do with Monaco. The road they passed by in Nanyi has slightly uneven floor tiles, and the voices of people are relatively noisy. It is rare to pass a road section where there are no people. When the altitude drops and the location near the coast, the sound becomes louder. Even more noisy, the roar of various sports cars surrounds the ears.

The source of income here in Monaco is very simple, there are only two major items - casinos and tax havens.

Although there are no slogans posted anywhere, Monaco really and plainly tells outsiders that this is a country that is too poor to come to. In addition to business tycoons who want to avoid taxes, there are also racing drivers with high incomes who immigrate here. Football players who are slowly increasing also prefer this place.

Suddenly, Sophie Marceau pointed to a medieval-style building and said: "I have seen the house on the third floor here. I like the style, but the area is too small and the price is very expensive. It costs more than 100,000 yuan per square meter." franc."

"It's too cramped here. If you live here for a long time, you will be depressed. If you like the scenery here, you can buy a villa in Provence. You can buy it in the city or in the countryside. You can buy it in Nice. You can walk if you don't want to drive. You can't use it in Monaco. One hour."

"No, it's okay to come here for vacation once in a while. I don't like living here. Every time I come here, I live on a yacht. Adam, I'm tired of the Neuil Biancourt apartment and want to live somewhere else."

"Where do you want to live? Don't tell me it's the Viscount's Castle, it won't work there, it's already sold."

"No, I want to live in a more modern apartment, the one with more space for decoration. The apartment in Neuilbyancourt is too old, and I can't even renovate it."

"Or downtown?"

"Yes, I'd go crazy if I had to live in the country."

"Oh, you can decide where you live, as long as you tell me the address, don't let me find it."

Sophie Marceau tugged at Nanyi's hand, and said coquettishly, "I want you to accompany me to look at the house, and I want to pick a set that we both like."

"Is it okay next year?"

"Before June?"


"Okay, I'll wait for you."

After walking through half of Monaco, after coming out of the casino, it was equivalent to half a circle in the opposite direction. The two of Nanyi came to the yacht port not too far from the casino. Before an open-air booth, the two ordered some food.

There is Barbagiuan, the national dish of Monaco. The recipe is very simple. The filling is wrapped in flour and deep-fried. The filling is nothing special. There is only one Swiss chard, which is relatively rare in China.

Except for Barbagiuan, the others are not worth mentioning. All the dishes from neighboring countries have been passed down or have been improved by localization, so there is nothing special about them.

When eating, three tall beauties in white sat at the table next to Nanyi and the others. Nanyi's eyes dishonestly glanced at the upper three and the lower two, which aroused Sophie Marceau's concern Dissatisfied, the flat shoes stomped hard on Nanyi's toes.

"Does it look good?"


"Do you want me to ask for the room number for you?"

"No need." Nan Yi paused, then deliberately said, "I'll ask myself."


At this time, a beautiful woman actually greeted Nanyi.

"Ciao." Nan Yi responded, turned to Sophie Marceau and said, "Look, I still have charm."

"Xiao Jiasho, I have been with you since I was a teenager and I was still in middle school, how could you treat me like this?" Sophie Marceau slapped the table, stood up angrily and cursed.

"This line sounds familiar to me."

"Haha, of course you are familiar with it. I learned it from a Hong Kong movie." Sophie Marceau sat down with a strange smile on her face.

"No wonder, Yan Jiasho's pronunciation is good."

"Let me tell you one more thing, who will pay the rent to you? What do you eat?" Sophie Marceau first imitated a male voice, and then shouted in a female voice: "I've been kicked by you!"

"Haha, what kind of movies are you watching?"

"I don't know the characters in the title, it's different from what I saw in Beijing."

"Ha, it seems that you can recognize it if you change it to Simplified Chinese. Eat quickly, it's cold."

After dinner, the two of Nanyi boarded the yacht. Sophie Marceau drove by herself, carefully avoiding the yachts moored in the port. After sailing out, the yacht accelerated to the depths of the sea.

At this time, the setting sun is still there, the lights on the shore are dotted, the sea water is refracted into orange red, the sea breeze blows Sophie Marceau's hair, the setting sun and the lights shine on her left cheek intertwined, her immaturity has not faded, and she is sexy It has not yet been fully covered, and a touch of mystery is added to the contradictory beauty.

Nan Yi stepped forward, passed through Sophie Marceau's arms, and covered her navel with both hands. Sophie Marceau tilted her head back, scratched Nan Yi's hair twice with her small mouth, and rubbed Passing the ears, brushing the face, finding the right position, the shadow elongated, elongated...


Nanyi emerged from the water, wiped his hair back along his scalp, and then wiped the water stains on his face from his eyebrows down.

"Yongwei-kun, come up and let me rub your back."

Sayuri Hagiwara took a bath towel and draped it over Nan Yi's shoulders. When Nan Yi stood up, she took another bath towel and wrapped it around his waist. Nanyi lay down on the wooden floor on one side, and Sayuri Hagiwara stepped forward to rub him with a bath towel.

"Nagao-kun, you are Nagao Wanji, then do you want me to be Akana Rika or Sekiguchi Satomi?"

"Heh, have you read that novel by Chaimonwen?"

"Yes, Fuji TV will broadcast it soon. I saw the preview and went to buy a copy."

"Actually, I like Nagasaki Naoko more than the two of them."

"Really? There aren't many descriptions of her in the book."

"Well, maybe it's because there are few descriptions that I like it. How do you pass the time now?"

Swallowtail Butterfly Clothing has been transferred to Zheng Wenqi. Although the other party has not paid the full amount, but the handling of the hands and tails must be cleaned up, and the agency right of Sayuri Hagiwara has been withdrawn.

"Basically, bowling, izakaya, drinking tea, and occasionally going to Scarecrow Village. I want to find some new business. What do you think is good?"

"Your interest is the most important thing. You can do whatever business you like. You don't have to worry too much about whether you can make money. Wait a minute, don't worry, just look at the economic situation. Japan is about to enter a depression period, and no business will be too expensive." Easy to do."

At the beginning of December 1989, Nan's initial investment of 5 billion U.S. dollars, after less than three years, has turned five or six times, reaching more than 30 billion U.S. dollars. On December 3, Nan's funds began to withdraw one after another. It was not until the middle of the month that the funds were completely withdrawn from Japan.

In order to transfer the funds from Japan, Nanshi paid a price of more than 2 billion U.S. dollars. When the money was dispersed to the three banks under Nanshi, the total funds were only a little over 28.6 billion U.S. dollars.

Once the funds were withdrawn, the stock index options bought by Scarlett Fund and Goldman Sachs from the Japanese insurance industry were sold to the Kingdom of Denmark; the Kingdom of Denmark sold them to the purchasers of the warrants and promised to pay the proceeds to The owner of the "Nikkei Index Put Warrant".

On January 12, 1990, a new financial product called "Nikkei Index Put Warrants" appeared on the U.S. stock exchange. The warrants were sold in the U.S. immediately, and a large number of U.S. investment banks followed suit.

The Nikkei fell again and again. On August 2, the day when Iraq invaded Kuwait, Japan, which was completely dependent on oil imports, could no longer hold back, and the Nikkei began to plummet.

The sharp rise and fall brought Nan's profits of nearly 50 billion U.S. dollars. In addition to the previous real estate profits, as well as Shan の 味, Baoguo Mizhu, and other miscellaneous things, Nan's total profits in Japan exceeded 1,000. One hundred million U.S. dollars.

Japan is the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva to Nanyi. The Nanshi can develop, and Japan’s contribution is very large. In a list of spiritual shareholders of the Intelligence Policy Committee, Japan ranks first. In 1990, Japan was not the Nanshi The end of silent giving, Bodhisattva will continue to be.

"Although the stock price has fallen a little, it is still very high. Investors who entered the market early can still make a lot of money by selling it now." Sayuri Hagiwara said.

"It can't be calculated like this. If you bought it a few years ago and haven't changed hands repeatedly, you should be able to make a lot of money by selling it now. After 85 years, the Tokyo stock market has maintained an upward trend, but it is not without After falling, the most common mistake for stock investors is to sell low and buy high, and repeatedly, the profits are almost consumed in changing hands again and again.

Besides, in the past few years, you can also see how the Japanese consume. They buy and buy everywhere, and big groups buy buildings, companies, forests, and iron mines;

Personally, men fly to Thailand in groups to play golf. In Thailand, besides golf, there are many other items that can be consumed. Flying at least costs tens of millions of yen, and there are singing and dancing almost every day. Kicho;

Women buy all kinds of expensive clothes, bags and cosmetics.

Once the stock market fluctuates, the company's market price will not be able to keep the same as the previous two years, and it will definitely go down. The life of the company will be difficult, and the staff's treatment will not be able to maintain. The income will decrease, and life will not be the same as before.

Are there not as many customers in major department stores now? "

Sayuri Hagiwara thought for a while and said: "It seems to be true. In the past, everyone would carry several shopping bags in their hands, but now it seems that there are not as many as before. There are more people watching, but fewer people buying."

"Now the housing market is still holding on. When the housing market also starts to collapse, the hard times will really come."

"The housing market will also collapse?"

"Why can't it collapse? The land price in Shibuya District this year has risen nearly 6 times compared to 1983. At the beginning, it was rising at a rate of one million yen a year. In the past two years, the land price has been high enough, and the rate of appreciation has not been so large. .”

Nanyi picked up the teacup on the side, raised his head and poured it into his mouth awkwardly. When Sayuri Hagiwara saw it, she stepped forward and hugged Nanyi's shoulders, and lifted him up slightly.

After taking two sips, Nanyi put the cup back to its original position, "Lily sauce, you are still the most caring."

"I'm the oldest, too, right?"

"I don't care about your age, and you don't have to care about it too much. Go ahead, let's go shopping tomorrow."


Saiduri Hagiwara agreed, and continued to rub Nan Yi's back with a bath towel.

The next day, Nan Yi and his wife came to Roppongi, a more westernized neighborhood in Tokyo. They heard Sayuri Hagiwara say that there would be a lottery here.

Housing prices in Japan are still strong, and there are still many people and few houses here in Tokyo. If you want to buy a house, you must not only have money but also have qualifications. Unlike India a few decades later, the vacancy rate of houses is very high, but there is still a lottery to support the false real estate boom. There are really not so many houses here in Tokyo.

If calculated according to the current per capita income in Tokyo, and avoiding the sky-high prices in the city center, one square meter of house can be bought with five months’ salary; if calculated on the basis of a family, three months’ income can buy One square meter; if it takes six wallets for one person to buy a house like India, then it is not too difficult to buy a house in Tokyo.

Nanyi made a simple calculation. If the real estate bubble is not punctured actively, there is still a lot of room for appreciation of Japanese housing prices. It will not be a problem to survive at least two thousand years.

At ten o'clock sharp, the lottery will begin.

"Which house did you smoke?"

"Jiangdong District."

"Why are the houses in Jiangdong District placed here for lottery?"

"Not very clear, maybe it has something to do with that." Sayuri Hagiwara pointed to the camera next to the queue and said.


Nan Yi watched as a person stepped forward and took out a glued paper from the closed box. After tearing it open, he looked at the content written on the paper. In an instant, he jumped three feet high and shouted something in his mouth.

It seems that this is a lottery.

The next person stepped forward to draw lots, and when he saw the words on the paper, he immediately covered his face and cried bitterly.

One by one stepped forward to draw lots, some cheered, some fell to the ground and twitched due to excessive sadness, and most of them had long faces, as if they were mourning.

"Nagao-kun, it is very difficult for men in Tokyo to get married now. They must have a house and a car. Houses are divided into urban areas or suburban areas. Cars are divided into domestic or imported from Europe and the United States. Dates come here, or to Niseko ski resort."

"You mean that if a man wants to get married, he must have a house and a car, and he must be able to take his girlfriend on a date with a relatively expensive place?"

"Yes, if a woman marries a man without a house or a car, she will be laughed at by others."

"If I work in Minato, but live in Kanagawa, can I find a woman to marry me?"

"Of course you can, Mr. Yongwei. You don't need a house or a car. Naturally, a woman will marry you with a garage." Said Hagiwara Sayuri, covering her mouth with a sneer.

"Hehe, the house, the car, and the dating money need at least 60 million yen. According to the current exchange rate, it is almost 410,000 U.S. dollars. Most Americans will not be able to earn this money in their lifetime."

Nanyi glanced at the roll-up banner on the roadside just now. According to the price written above, it is almost 720,000 yen per square meter, which is a low value from the annual income of Tokyo’s current wages and bonuses. "3 million yen", you can buy a house of 60 square meters without eating or drinking for 14.4 years, the house price is really not that expensive.

It should be said that housing prices in Japan are very expensive for foreigners, but it is really not that expensive for Japanese themselves. The absolute value is high, but the relative value is not high.

"US$410,000 is not a small figure for office workers in Tokyo. Most people can't save US$10,000 a year."

"It's because their consumption is too high. As long as they don't travel and eat out less, I mean more expensive restaurants, buy less clothes and luxury goods, and the food level at home is slightly lower. It is no problem to save 20,000 US dollars a year." .”

"Yongwei-kun, living in the way you said, is it still life?"

"Forget it, just work harder."

"Why do you have to live so hard? Now Tokyo is popular with instant gratification [immediate pleasure], flattering that consumption is virtue."

"Always have some savings to resist possible risks. Let's go, I will accompany you to the old disco."

Nan Yi hugged Sayuri Hagiwara away from the crowd.

"It's too early, go bowling with me first, and I'm not dancing old age disco."

"Well, it's not old age, it's a young girl."

In the morning, Nanyi played bowling with Sayuri Hagiwara. At noon, after dinner, Sayuri Hagiwara took Nanyi to buy clothes suitable for dancing.

In the afternoon, a little later, the two came to a building in Kabukicho First Street, on the third floor, and the signboard said "Dacing".

Sayuri Hagiwara took Nanyi to the cramped changing room to change clothes, and then dragged him to the similarly cramped dance floor. Kabukicho is a place where every inch of land is expensive, and there is a venue for vegetarian dances here, even if it is small, Emotional support is also needed, and it is a bit difficult to make money.

As soon as a new dance song played, Sayuri Hagiwara dragged Nanyi to the dance floor. Nanyi heard the familiar tune of "Baby, I'm Sorry". When Sayuri Hagiwara told him that the song was very simple, let him follow along. When she was dancing, what came to her ears was the libretto of "Happy No Problem" in Thailand.

The dance is indeed not difficult. It consists of five movements to disassemble and repeat along with the music. Nanyi watched Sayuri Hagiwara dance once, and he followed suit. Saiduri Hagiwara corrected his mistakes, and Nanyi followed suit. I can follow Sayuri Hagiwara and swing to the melody of the music a little strangely.

"Lily sauce."


Along with the dance, a woman approached Sayuri Hagiwara.

The woman looked at Nanyi's face for a long time, then moved her eyes down and glanced, "Lily sauce, is this your boyfriend?"

Sayuri Hagiwara blushed, "Yes."

"Lily sauce, you are so lucky, you are a strong man, have a drink later?"

Hagiwara Sayuri glanced at Nan Yi, and after receiving a positive reply, she said to the woman, "Okay."

The woman's gaze stayed on Nanyi's face again for a while, before she said "I won't disturb you", and then twisted her body away from the two of them.

"Yongwei-kun, Takamiko Nakayama has taken a fancy to you."

"Mom-san is still a lonely housewife?"

"Housewife, the husband is the middle class of a club."

"Oh, old fritters... cheating habitually, or is cheating a habit?"

"There will be, not to mention habit."

Nan Yi chuckled, "Look at the hot eyes she had just now. It's the eyes of hunters looking at their prey. Usually it can only be seen in the eyes of men. She's not like what you said."

"Maybe it's Nagao-kun, you are too charming."

"The times have progressed. I remember that the punishment for cheating women in ancient Japan was very cruel, but now they are tolerated and understood."

"It has to be asked about men. They go to work during the day and sit in the izakaya until late at night after work. There is no communication with their wives. In the past, there were many such men in my izakaya, sitting from seven o'clock to the next morning. .”

"Ha, early in the morning is a bit too much, even if you pretend to be busy, you should go home at ten o'clock."

The dance music switched, it was a quiet pas de deux dance music, Nan Yi stepped forward to hug Sayuri Hagiwara and swayed to the rhythm.

After soaking in the dance floor for more than two hours, that Nakayama Takamiko just came over and invited Sayuri Hagiwara to the izakaya. Needless to say, Nanyi was also invited.

However, Nanyi did not accept the invitation, not to mention that Nakayama Takamiko did not meet his aesthetics, even if he did, he did not have the intention of hooking up with Sayuri Hagiwara in front of Sayuri.

Leaving Kabukicho 1st Street, Nanyi ran to Akihabara, turned around three times and five times, and soon came to the window of Ryoko's clothing store. Looking inside, Nanyi's heart was instantly broken .

His Athena was chatting and laughing with a man wearing Seiya's golden holy clothes.

Carve a boat and ask for a sword, the imprint on the boat is still there, but the sword is gone.

"I curse you adulterers and whores."

After casting a curse, Nan Yi walked away from the window with disappointment.

Walking on the streets of Akihabara, Nan Yi saw housewives or female high school students who were anxious to find their father, and also saw bald middle-aged men who liked to be their daughters as much as he did. All of them were well-dressed and meticulous.

It was also seen that female high school students bought a lot of things, and then took out their credit cards and swiped them to pay.

In the five years from the past to the present, it is very simple and convenient to apply for a credit card in Japan. As long as you have a legal identity and are over 14 years old, you can apply for a credit card, and the amount is often very high, although Japan does not allow you to apply for a credit card without income. high school students issue credit cards, but the banks just do it.

Without him, if there is too much money, if you don’t lend it out, the bank will lose interest on deposits. When the tasks of loan and credit card processing are on the salesmen, they will naturally find various ways to complete their tasks.

When the female high school student who paid just now put away her wallet, Nan Yi saw that there were five or six credit cards in her wallet, as well as several membership cards and point cards for unknown purposes.

Let the school flower drive, and turned around the streets of Tokyo. Nanyi found that the nightlife in Tokyo is still bustling, there are still people waving banknotes to take taxis, and you can still see many drunk men and women on the street corners. It seems that the stock market crash has not had an impact on the lives of most Tokyo citizens.

Hungry, Nanyi walked into a fancy-looking Chinese restaurant, the Tokyo Grand Hotel. He was led into the elevator and went up to the second floor. When he entered the hall, he saw a camera on a table in the middle pointing at him in different styles. Two men and two women in one sweater.

"It's weird, it's not clear when filming a TV series."

The reason why Nan Yi knew that he was filming a TV series was because he had already seen Yosuke Eguchi with long hair, and Arimi Mimi, who was sitting next to him and had a relationship at a retail store. The look looks familiar, if I'm not mistaken, this is the filming of "Tokyo Love Story".

Looking at Yosuke Eguchi who thought he was cool for a while in his previous life, Nan Yi found a seat on the side and sat down.

After dinner, the car turned to Roppongi. On the road, you can see many cars driving slowly. When you see girls walking on the street, the car will stop and strike up a conversation with the girls. Some girls will get in the car , and some don't. Generally speaking, there are more girls on the bus.

It seems that there is a culture of flirting here, men who drive here and women who come here on foot are aware of the unspoken rules here, just like speed dating in a blind date, the car is of sufficient grade, the people are not ugly, and a dewy marriage That's it.

It’s just that Nanyi doesn’t understand why the failure rate of the BMW E32 is particularly high. He has seen three E32s go away in disgrace. On the contrary, the success rate of the Toyota Soarer is quite high. The best is the Mercedes-Benz, no matter what model it is They are all hits.

Of course, there is no low-end Mercedes-Benz that appears here.

Around eleven o'clock, Sayuri Hagiwara called, saying that she had come out of the izakaya and picked up someone to return to Lake Kawaguchi. Early the next morning, Nanyi went to Nagoya Chukyo Industrial Zone.

Since the establishment of the computer room requires not only a relatively large site, but also the need to ensure power supply, the Tokyo South Office moved from the most prosperous center to the industrial area.

After going through the gate check and entering the gate, led by Uedo Masami, he came down to the door of the computer room, waved his hand at the camera above the door, waited for a while, and the door opened automatically.

Walking into the computer room, Nan Yi yelled "Yi Zai" into the air.

"There is no reason to retreat." On the wall, a speaker made a sound.

Nanyi: "Guess the riddle."

"Yo yo trouble Cech."

"A set of pancakes and fruits."

"Warning, warning, wrong answer, anthrax started, 5, 4, 3..."

Nanyi waited quietly for the countdown to end. There were several openings in the wall spraying white mist, and then the lights in the computer room turned on.

There is no doubt that the self-destruct program is just to fool people. The so-called artificial intelligence is a sound-activated light system with chip control. What is sprayed on the wall is only dry ice, which can scare a few people to death if it doesn't kill them.

Walking to a screen, and opening a cover on the side, a password input panel was revealed. Nan Yi slowly input the four numbers "1977". After waiting for a while, a keyboard popped out from the hidden compartment. .

The password input disk is also bluffing. The four-digit password is not important. The key is the strength of pressing the keys. As long as the pressure is wrong, another keyboard will pop up. It looks exactly the same, but it is actually a completely different keyboard.

The keyboard in front of Nanyi looks no different from an ordinary keyboard. In fact, it is specially made. The keyboard layout when entering the password is different from that when entering the password normally.

Crackling, Nanyi entered a long string of passwords on the keyboard and waited for a few seconds.

At this time, in the computer room of Scarlet Manor, the staff on duty saw Nanyi in front of the screen through the monitoring equipment, and pressed a confirmation button, and the screen in front of Nanyi displayed the picture.

In fact, the password is only one part of it. The most critical step is the confirmation from New York. As long as New York does not authorize it, Nagoya will never be able to connect to the server.

Of course, it’s not impossible to crack it by force. Then you have to ask the miniature bomb installed in the server to answer it. It can’t kill people, but it’s powerful enough to blow up the hard disk. After all, it’s not a terrorist organization, so you don’t need to blow people up easily. , as long as the Nan family's secrets are guarded.

In front of the screen, Nanyi checked the data and asked Uedo Masami from time to time.

"Is it easy to get a credit card in Tokyo now?"

"It's not easy. All banks have improved their review mechanisms, and generally only grant a credit line of up to one-sixth of their annual income to office workers."

"What about before?"

"It's very easy. You can easily get a quota of several million yen, and there are also many gifts to get, such as milk powder, toys, shopping mall gift certificates, high-end cosmetics, and golf clubs."

"Golf is still popular?"

"Yes, in August, a merchant launched a three-piece set of diamond-encrusted clubs, priced at 100 million yen, and 650 sets of clubs were sold out in three days."

"Wow, there are quite a lot of rich people in Tokyo." Nan Yi tapped on the keyboard, exited the program, and pushed the keyboard back to the secret compartment, "Go to your office."

Came to Masami Uedo's office, Masami Uedo offered Nan Yi a cup of barley tea, and then handed him a folder, "Report the business report for the third quarter of Inter Hub."

Nan Yi took the document and put it aside, "How is Ieyasu's life in college?"

"Everything is normal, and he has a girlfriend."

"I know, do you think he is serious, or just kidding?"

"More casual, less serious."

"Well, pay attention to his thoughts. After several years of training, I don't want to look for training objects again."

"President, Nan Jiakang is definitely qualified to be a puppet."

Nanyi nodded, took the document on the side, held it in his hand and started to read it.

"Where does the Southland Bank negotiating team live?"

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