Xu Xiaofang's face is very thin, her skin is a bit dull, she has two braids, and she is holding a child in one hand. Her face is a little nervous and confused, and she can't see any shyness.

Rural girls in this era, once they have children, basically don't see shyness on their faces.

Shy, that is the unique right of girls.

The boy Xu Xiaofang is holding by his left hand is called Fan Qianye. He has a handsome appearance, dark skin, bright eyes with a hint of shrewdness, but Nanyi didn't see any symptoms of malnutrition from him.

The girl Xu Xiaofang is holding with her right hand is called Fan Hongdou. Her skin is abnormally fair, and her hairline is raised high by a ponytail.

Holding a handful of materials that looked like dirt in his hand, he stuffed them into his little mouth bit by bit.

Nanyi soon had a first impression of the three of them:

Xu Xiaofang, a typical rural woman; Fan Qianye, a clever child, but most of them are rebellious and useless;

"That's right, she should be my biological daughter who has been lost for ten years." Nan Yi secretly said.

Honest, honest, kind, and easy to talk, Nanyi hurriedly pasted four labels on his face, his smile blurred as much as possible, and he said, "Hello sister-in-law, my name is Nanyi, she is Hongdou, right?"

"You, hello, she is my daughter Hongdou."

There was no panic in Xu Xiaofang's words, just a trace of embarrassment when facing strangers.

This is an extroverted woman. With a little training, she can develop into a business-oriented talent. Nan Yi silently evaluates her.

"Sister-in-law, go in and sit down, Feiyang, help sister-in-law with luggage."

Nanyi sent Xu Feiyang to work as a coolie, and led Xu Xiaofang into the courtyard.

"Sister-in-law, sit down."

Asking Xu Xiaofang to sit down at a table in the yard, Nan Yi went into the room and brought out a kettle, some teacups, and a tin can.

Fan Qianye's eyes lit up when he saw the tin jar in Nanyi's hand, and his lips pursed subconsciously, probably saliva was already secreting in his mouth.

Nan Yi saw Fan Qianye's actions and remained calm.

Put the cup on the table, pour tea, then open the lid of the jar, and push the jar towards Fan Qianye, "Calcium milk biscuit, it tastes good, eat it."

When Fan Qianye heard it, his hands were dirty, and his nails were full of dirt, and he reached into the jar.

"Buy it or not?"

Xu Xiaofang patted Fan Qianye's small hand, and pushed the tin jar to the middle, "Comrade Nan, you better grab it and get it out."

"Oh, it's okay, I just bought it because I knew you were coming today. I don't eat biscuits, and I don't have any children at home. Chiba, eat."

Nanyi encouraged Fan Qianye with his eyes.

As soon as Fan Qianye saw the biscuits, he couldn't bear it. He didn't look at Xu Xiaofang's face before grabbing them just now.

"Aptitude is average, and ambition is probably greater than ability." Nan Yi updated his assessment of Fan Qianye in his mind.

Fan Qianye grabbed the biscuit and stuffed it into his mouth.

He stuffed two pieces into his mouth, and still had some in his hand, but before he could swallow, his little dirty hand grabbed another two pieces from the jar, keeping his little hands full.

Withdrawing his mind from Fan Qianye, Nan Yi looked at Xu Xiaofang and said, "Sister-in-law, is the soil she eats in Hongdou's hand?"

"Yes, it is this kind of soil."

"You must have brought it, show me."


Xu Xiaofang responded, grabbed a handful from her pocket and put it on the table.

Nan Yi took a closer look, and the soil looked no different from ordinary soil, except that the color was slightly darker, but it was not black soil.

Seeing nothing strange, Nanyi picked up a little soil with his fingers, stuffed it into his mouth, and licked it with his tongue to feel its taste.

He couldn't tell what the smell was, but he could roughly distinguish it. The taste was slightly different from ordinary mud, and the mud smell was not so strong. He didn't know which chemical element contained in it was quite high.

"Feiyang, last time I guessed about Hongdou's situation, did you tell my sister-in-law?"

Xu Feiyang said: "It's already been said."

"Well, sister-in-law, although I am not a medical student, I am basically sure that the red bean problem is physiological, that is, her body has an element...a kind of nutrition, and she needs to eat this kind of soil to get rid of it. Ingest."

"Then, is there any doctor?"

"I can't say that. I will ask for a day off the day after tomorrow and take her to the Rockefeller Hospital for a doctor's examination." Then, Nan Yi went back to the room and took a glass, and filled the glass with the soil on the table, "Here, I The day after tomorrow, I will also take it to the hospital for testing.”

"Nan Yi, Rockefeller, can you get a number?"

"Turning a corner, you can still find acquaintances to help, don't worry. Sister-in-law, you just arrived, you are full of travel and dust, first go to the bathhouse to take a bath to get rid of fatigue.

Feiyang, take your sister-in-law there, while you guys are taking a bath, I also happen to buy some food to cook, and there will be something to eat when you come back. "


After Xu Feiyang and the others left, Nan Yi also walked to the nearest non-staple food store with a vegetable basket on his shoulders.

Along the way, he was also thinking about Fan Hongdou.

Her pica can be treated best, and if it cannot be treated, it is harmless, as long as a specially ordered nutritious food similar to mud can be replaced, so that the side effects can be avoided.

Pica does not affect IQ and life, it is nothing more than getting strange eyes from others.

With alternative nutritious foods, even strange eyes can be ignored.

What's the matter, I like to eat this, can't I be addicted?

"For the time being, Fan Hongdou is worth throwing 500,000 yuan on her. Observe slowly. If it's worth the huge investment, you can set the investment limit to 10 million."

If Liu Zhen and Nan Ruobing were considered to be Nanyi's emotional components, then Fan Hongdou's was a relatively naked and pure investment behavior for the time being.

I invest in you, train you, and you will be loyal to me in the future, and I will give you a super high return that is beyond what you deserve.

To put it bluntly, it is a transaction that spans decades.

It is simple and simple, and it is complicated and complicated.

This kind of transaction, Nanyi will be based on the principles of fairness, justice, freedom and non-disclosure.

The object of the transaction, he will only find the kind of people who follow their original established trajectory and end up with a tragedy, or mediocrity.

Ask yourself, is Nanyi taking advantage of others?

Should be.

But ask the children who are about to be used, are they willing to be used by Nanyi?

Not to mention 100%, but ninety-nine times too long to see the end.

In this world, who is willing to be mediocre from birth?

Nanyi has never done statistics or sample surveys, but he dares to answer for anyone - no!

It is not people who are willing to be mediocre, but age.

Those who are willing to be mediocre are nothing more than scars covered by the whipping of the society, and they are left far behind in the competition. The reality has given themselves a big mouth, pointing their noses and calling themselves trash. Paying, did not get the return it deserved at all.

So, I was discouraged and comforted myself: it is true to be ordinary, and it will not be a lifetime no matter how you live!

I am a loser with no writing style, and I have a literary and youthful illness again. In the last paragraph, when I can count the words, don’t take it to heart. Open the windows and embrace the sunshine and fresh air outside.

In addition, the plot of Hongdou's dad will not be written in too much detail, so you can imagine the process. In the future, Hongdou's obedience to Nan Yiyan should never feel abrupt and unreasonable.

I'm afraid to write again, some people will say that I can't copy and paste the word count and plot.

My positioning of Fan Hongdou is originally a supporting actress, so I won't write too much. As for why it was a girl again and not a boy, think to yourself.

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