Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 86 Love and Past Life

Xu Qian pointed to her nose and asked incredulously, "You said I'm not good enough for you?"


"My family has a rubber plantation, a sugar company, and a big estate. You think I'm not good enough for you?"

"My roots are red and I am handsome."

"Ha, I have to correct my understanding of you. Nanyi, how did you manage to be so thick-skinned?"

"I have a part-time job in a military factory."

"Oh? What job?"

Nanyi was mysterious, and moved his head towards Xu Qian, "I tell you, don't tell others. I test the penetration of bullets in a military factory. The work is very easy. Just sit there and let the tester hold the bullet. The gun hit me in the face.

Hey, every time I go there, I get a subsidy of tens of dollars.

Otherwise, do you think, where do I get the money to go out for extra meals. "

"Your joke is not funny at all."

Xu Qian pretended to be serious and gave Nan Yi a serious look, her face tensed.

"Stop jumping around, laugh when you want to."

"Hahaha, hahaha..." Xu Qian laughed exaggeratedly, tears came out of her eyes.

"Hi, Guys, if you have something happy, tell it and share it."

A series of voices accompanied by a strong smell of perfume, the soldiers were divided into three groups, the left and right vanguards blocked Nanyi's back, and the Chinese army went straight to Nanyi's Huanglong from their nostrils.

What kind of perfume is it? Nanyi can't smell it. He has never done much research on perfume.

Looking up, she is a western woman with a good figure. If she wants more meat, she will get more meat. If she wants to lose fat, she will lose fat. If she wants to be tall, she will be tall. If she looks up, her neck and invisible collarbone are also perfect. , Nice!

A head of thick blond hair, slender cheeks, not very three-dimensional facial features, leaning toward an oriental appearance. From the face shape, it looks like Grace Kelly, with a bit of Audrey Hepburn's shadow.

Looking at her appearance, Nan Yi Chulue judged that her blood should be quite mixed, and the characteristics of two or three ethnic groups can be found on her face.

With her looks, there is no need for unspoken rules to get a role as the heroine of a horror movie in Hollywood; as for the heroine of any blockbuster movie, you have to dare to ask where the bed is!

"Breathtaking[You took my soul away]!"

"Aha, Thanks, can I sit down?" the beautiful reporter asked with a polite smile.


Nan Yi made an inviting gesture.

"I'm NBC reporter Scarlett Taylor, can I interview you?"

"Why not?"

"May I ask your names?" Scarlett asked.


"Xu Qian."

"OK, Nan Yi, Xu Qian, are you guys and girls?"

Nanyi said: "The past tense and the present tense are neither, but the future tense may be."

"That means you have a crush on each other?"

"It can only be said that we are pure friends of the opposite sex at present, and the future is left to the future."

"Leave it to the future", Nanyi originally wanted to say "Leave it to God", but at this time, it is too sensitive to say words about faith.

"Girl, this man is not very brave. If you have a crush on him, I suggest you be cautious." Scarlett said to Xu Qian after listening to Nanyi's words.

When a journalist talks like this during an interview, he either doesn’t want to do it anymore, or the backstage is too hard, and his family must at least be a shareholder of NBC.

"Thank you for your suggestion, I will consider it."

Scarlett shrugged, and suddenly turned the interview serious, "What do you think of your country's reform and opening up?"

"We can see that people in our country and other countries are strengthening exchanges. We are all working for the same goal and contributing our own strength to it. This goal is the four modernizations."

Nan Yi, even when standing, wished to stand in a dark place where others could not see; he preferred and was used to calculating behind his back, like a secret agent, wishing that no one would know him.

How can such a person say something too outrageous, such as "our economy will become the number one in the world one day", and so on, it is impossible for him to say something with strong self-confidence, he prefers to be silent To work hard, to achieve.

He doesn't like the stage, nor does he like to accept the applause of others under the eyes of everyone.

It is his current principle of life not to reveal his wealth and talent.

Xu Qian's answer was similar to Nanyi's, and it didn't make people's eyes shine. Scarlett quickly let them go and ran to other students instead.

After Scarlett left, Xu Qian was a little displeased, and said a little jealously: "Breathtaking?"

"Is there a problem? Western women like straightforward compliments from others, and I just accommodate their habits." Nan Yi didn't take it seriously, and continued to eat the food that had turned cold.

"You are acquainted."

Nan Yi shrugged, "I'm very sensible, but you are a little bit uncertain about your position."

"I want you to take care of it."

Nan Yi slandered: "This is a woman, give me a little face, and then start pushing my nose on my face."

Xu Qian liked him very early on, and of course Nan Yi could feel it.

If you want to ask him if he has a crush on Xu Qian, he probably has a little bit of it.

But Nanyi in his previous life, from a person with no education, no skills, and no relationship, worked hard step by step. After years of hard work, there were nine zeros in front of the decimal point.

In the process of climbing from the bottom to the top, he is often accompanied by blood and tears. He constantly discards his fantasies and useless things, especially feelings.

At the age of 40, his assets have approached 3 billion, and he can be regarded as a successful person.

But he has no wife, no fixed girlfriend, only intoxicated music, shaking red wine glasses, only the residual warmth of different women on the pillow.

During the climb, Nanyi has faced too many temptations and defeated too many enemies. During this long process, he has gradually become numb and mature.

A person's experience, a person's maturity, is constantly superimposed.

The process of superimposition is also the process of feelings being hurt again and again. In the end, only a little bit of feeling is left, and Nan Yi hides it very well, and does not easily release it to the outside world.

Therefore, whether it is Man San'er, Xian Weimin, or other people in Wenchangwei, the relationship between Nanyi and them is his own position as a partner who uses each other.

Nanyi used them to achieve his own goals, and he gave them extra rewards beyond what they deserved.

Without going through the long span of mutual understanding and communication from the impulsive period of youth to the real period of middle age, brother or brother is still a no-brainer.

It's not that Nanyi has no loyalty, it's just that his loyalty is so heavy that few people can bear it.

It's not that he doesn't have feelings. Similarly, his feelings are very deep. Not every woman can match her.

Nanyi's current goal in life is very simple, to build a Nan's consortium with assets exceeding one trillion US dollars.

This goal, he is very firm.

In order to achieve this seemingly impossible goal, he is willing to continue to throw away fantasies and unnecessary things like in his previous life.

So, what if Xu Qian likes him?

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