Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 857: The End of an Era

In the sky, the plane finally appeared. It was too high. Although Nanyi held a telescope in his hand, it was impossible to see the operation of the plane clearly. He just felt that the speed of the plane began to drop after it came into sight.

After nearly half a minute, a yellow dot and several blue dots appeared one after another on the side of the plane. The yellow dot seemed slightly larger than the blue dot.

Suddenly, the blue dot became smaller in an instant, and then began to grow bigger after a few seconds. Nanyi knew that the speed of landing of the blue dot was accelerating. The blue dot was slowly approaching, and after a while several dots were connected together, combining into a blue flower of freedom.

When the telescope couldn't fit the blue dot and the yellow dot at the same time, Nanyi's eyes began to focus on the yellow dot.

The yellow dot is getting bigger, and the speed of getting bigger is getting faster and faster. When Nan Yi can vaguely see the goggles on the faces of two people, one big and one small, the parachute is opened, and the opened parachute sends the yellow dot to the sky. It dragged for a certain distance in the sky, and then slowly fell down.

Gradually, Nanyi no longer needed the binoculars. Slowly, two yellow dots, one large and one small, fell to the ground, and a childish cheer reached Nanyi's ears.

Turning around, Nan Yi wiped the corners of his eyes, sniffed his nose, calmed his heart, put a smile on his face, adjusted the angle to make the smile brighter, turned around again, and walked in the direction of Nan Wuwei.

Nan Wuwei, whose umbrella bag was taken off, saw Nanyi getting closer and closer, and immediately shouted at Nanyi: "Dad, skydiving is fun."


Nan Yi nodded, walked to Nan Wuwei's side, subconsciously looked at the person from head to toe, and confirmed that there was no damage at all, then he hugged Nan Wuwei who was no longer suitable for holding in his arms, "If you want Don't go to the ranch and be a cowboy for two days?"

Nan Wuwei nodded quickly, "Yes, Dad, I also want to squeeze pustules on the cow."

"Squeeze the pustules, not necessarily some of them. The pastures are taking better care of the cows now than before. Fewer and fewer cows will fester. Let's repair the cow's hooves. There are a lot of cows' hooves waiting to be repaired."

As Nanyi said, he waved his hand at Superman, hugged Nan Wuwei and walked towards the direction of parking. Near noon, Nanyi and his party came to the Fair Play Ranch not far from Fox Town.

In the documents of Scarlett Food Group, for the convenience of recording, there is only one number for both the farm and the ranch, but often the workers of the farm and ranch will choose their own names, such as Lai Yifa, salary increase, vampire, 47, Washington , Silent Hill, all kinds of strange things, names with or without allusions.

Generally speaking, most of the inspirations for the name of the ranch are related to horse racing, because horses have a special status in the hearts of cowboys. For example, "Fair Play" is actually the name of a champion horse in the 1920s.

He drove to the residential area of ​​the ranch, and after a while, a middle-aged white man in his fifties approached Nanyi and his party from a distance on a horse.

The middle-aged white man named Strong, the director of the Fair Competition Ranch, came to Nanyi and the two. He got off his horse and greeted Nanyi: "Mr. Adam."

"Strong, did you interrupt your lunch?"

"No, Marco's ranch changed from fair competition today, and the cowboys have all gone to help, so lunch can't be eaten until later." Strong explained.

"Oh, what a coincidence, let's go and see later, Strong, which house is vacant?"

The fair competition ranch is quite special. In addition to normal cattle raising, it occasionally hosts some large companies to engage in group building activities here. Therefore, the ranch not only has more than a dozen wooden villas for guests to live in, but also has three or four. camping area.

"Every building is empty, but you can only live there for one day. A company from San Francisco is coming tomorrow afternoon, and there are a lot of people." Strong said with a little embarrassment.

"It's okay, we'll only stay for one night, and we'll make it up tomorrow."

With that said, Nan Yi took out a box from the trunk, and took Nan Wuwei into a villa.

As soon as he entered the villa, Nan Yi opened the box and took out two sets of denim clothing, one large and one small, from the hat to the shoes. The shoes were cowboy boots, and there was a small gear at the root of the boots, which was a spur. When riding a horse, use it to pierce the horse's ribs, and the horse will run faster.

The father and son changed their clothes and came outside the villa. Two motorcycles, one big and one small, were already parked there. The big one was of normal size, with a bag and a shotgun tied to the rear; the small one was less than fifty centimeters high. It is specially made, has no gears, and cannot run very fast.

Nan Yi put on all the protective gear for Nan Wuwei, then sat in the car side by side with Nan Wuwei's car, turned to look at Nan Wuwei and said, "Ready?"

Nan Wuwei twisted the accelerator and cast a provocative look at Nanyi.

Nanyi smiled badly, twisted the accelerator, let go of the clutch, and waited for the motorcycle to go several meters before turning around and shouting: "Go!"

"Dad, you are stupid."

Amidst the sound of complaints, Nan Wuwei turned the accelerator to the bottom and chased Nanyi at a speed of twenty yards.

Nan Yi controlled the speed, he was overtaken for a while, and drove far away for a while. The father and son chased Strong, who was the least in front, back and forth.

After driving for a while, two low-flying Robinson R22 helicopters appeared in Nanyi's sight. Below them was a herd of cattle being driven in the same direction.

Waving his hand, he motioned for Nan Wuwei to stop. The father and son turned off the engine together, parked the motorcycle on the side, walked to a raised spot on the grass, and looked in the direction of the cattle.

No matter what it is, as long as the number is large, it will become spectacular, and the same is true for the herd of cattle. Cattle of various colors gather together, their limbs gallop, and they gather into a deafening roar. Grass clippings and black soil are picked up by the hoofs In the middle of the sky, plowed by the cattle, the green pastures were trampled to reveal the black soil below.

Nanyi felt a little distressed, but there was nothing wrong with it. It was an old tradition among ranchers to provide other ranches with convenient transfers, and they all came over like this. It is obviously inappropriate to emphasize the castle law on this matter.

It's just that seeing his pasture being trampled, Nan Yi can't feel the profound artistic conception of "stepping on the flowers and returning to the fragrance of horseshoes", only the bleak feeling of "stepping on the grass and turning the field to cool down".

"Father, how many cows are there in our family?" Suddenly, Nan Wuwei asked.

"About 3.7 million this year."

Nan Wuwei exclaimed, "Wow, how much beef is that?"

"You do the math yourself. If you average the big and small cows, the net weight of a cow is about half a ton, and the net slaughter rate is 45%."

"832,500 tons." Nan Wuwei quickly calculated the figure, and he continued to mutter: "Beef costs 4 yuan a catty. Wow, Dad, our cattle can sell for 6.66 billion."

Nan Yi smiled lightly, "First of all, the retail price you mentioned is the profit added. Secondly, you are talking about the domestic price. The price of ordinary beef in the United States is about 5 times lower than that in China. The 6.66 billion must be divided by 5. Multiply it by 0.64, 852 million is the real value, there is not much profit, if we encounter rinderpest, our family will lose everything immediately."

"Hey, I'm full of fat cows. I'm not a cattle breeder. Dad, since you don't make money, why do you raise cattle?" Nan Wuwei said in confusion.

"Haha, Dad means that ordinary cattle are worthless. Our family not only raises ordinary cattle, but also raises a lot of high-value cattle, which can bring good profits. There are also cowhide and cow offal that can be sold for money. A little bit can bring a little income, and the cow dung can also be used as fertilizer."


Nan Wuwei responded, and turned his gaze to the cattle.

At this time, the herd has gradually drifted away, and two kilometers ahead will leave the scope of the fair competition pasture. According to the speed of the herd, it will take more than ten minutes.

When the herd of cattle was blocked by the mountain col and disappeared from sight, Nan Yi was looking back when he saw three wolves running fast one kilometer away, and a smaller animal was running away in front of them. I don't know what kind of animal it is, but it can be analyzed from the running shape that it should be a hare.

Nanyi quickly turned his head, unfastened the Remington R700 rifle at the rear of the car, pulled the bolt to check, and adjusted the scope in one go. When the preparations were completed, he pointed the muzzle in the direction of the three wolves. wait.

The hare ran towards Nanyi at four o'clock, and the wolves also chased in this direction. They got closer and closer to Nanyi, and soon entered the effective range of 800 meters. However, Nanyi was not ready to shoot. He was waiting, waiting for the wolf to throw the hare down.

Shooting a wolf moving at high speed more than 700 meters away, no one dares to say that there is more than 80% certainty. Even if the wolf keeps running in a straight line at a constant speed, it is very difficult to shoot. What's more, the three wolves under the scope have been running at variable speeds and running is not a straight line.

Waiting, waiting.

Finally, the wolf running in the front caught the hare, bit the hare's back neck and bit it. After the hare died, the other two wolves approached the hare, and one of them even glanced in the direction of Nanyi while walking .


Just because of the damn sight, Nan Yi pulled the trigger without being completely sure. As soon as the bullet flew out of the gun, Nan Yi knew it was over.

It takes a few seconds for the bullet to fly. When Nanyi pulled the trigger, the target wolf was picking up the hare and preparing to run. According to the speed of the wolf, even if it just increased the speed, it could run six or seven meters in one second.

Sure enough, when the bullet reached the target point, the three wolves were already seven or eight meters away. As soon as the gunfire came, the three wolves accelerated their running speed, and in the blink of an eye, they ran another ten meters away.

"Father, your marksmanship is really bad." Nan Wuwei taunted with a playful smile.

"Go, go, you don't understand. Dad is aiming at earthworms. If you don't believe me, go and have a look. There is an earthworm that has been beaten into two knots."

Nan Wuwei stretched out his finger to scratch his face, and let out a string of ridicule, "Hehehe..."

Nanyi raised the gun, quickly searched for the target, locked on a pile of cow dung 790 meters away, and pulled the trigger instantly. A second later, the cow dung exploded and the sky was full of stars.

Pulling the bolt, ejecting the cartridge, and leaning the gun on his shoulder, Nan Yi pouted and played the theme song of "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly".

Seeing the shy Nan Yi, Nan Wuwei said deliberately, "Dad, I'm hungry."

Nan Yi stopped whistling, turned to look at Nan Wuwei, "Hurry up and praise Dad, Dad is wonderful, Dad's marksmanship is amazing, hurry up, don't brag, you are not allowed to eat at noon."

"No, the marksmanship is terrible."

"Tough mouth, I will punish you not to eat lunch." Nan Yi said bitterly, walked to Nan Wuwei's motorcycle, pulled out the key, went back to his own car, started the car, and taunted Nan Wuwei: " Haha, leave you here to feed the wolves."

After speaking, as soon as he twisted the accelerator, the car rushed out.

"Oh, how childish." Nan Wuwei shook his head, sighed, and walked towards the parked car, "Auntie Xiaohua, let's go back."

Nanyi, who returned to the accommodation area first, was not idle. He changed to a pickup truck and came to the small river passing by the ranch. He boarded the boat tied to the bank, rowed the boat to the middle of the river, and drove The oars slapped the water a few times, and the fish under the water were disturbed and jumped out of the water one after another.

Nan Yi calmly covered his cheeks with his hands, quietly waiting for the fish to jump into the cabin by himself.

In 1972, in order to improve the ecology, the United States introduced Asian carps from China and put them in specific rivers. After nearly 20 years of reproduction, Asian carps have flooded and invaded various freshwater rivers, but Nanyi is not included. The river in front of me.

Rather than saying that it is a river, it is better to say that it is an irrigation canal. It is not formed naturally, but was dug a few years ago to solve the irrigation problem. The source of the river comes from the Rocky Mountains. There are dams to intercept, and during the wet season, the dams will fall.

The fish in the river may have undigested roe pulled by birds, but most of them are artificially placed fry, bream, which have been improved without intermuscular spines.

Wow, a bream jumped into the cabin, flapping, flapping its tail, trying to jump back into the water again.

Nan Yi glanced at the fish and saw that the fish was too small. He passed the oar forward and picked up the fish and threw it back into the water.

Continue to wait, and after a while, two more fish jumped into the cabin. Nanyi looked at the size, about seven or eight catties, and it should be the first generation of fish that can grow to such a big size. The oars were passed forward again, and they gave each fish a dull pat on the head, put down the oars, picked up two breads, broke them, crumbled them and threw them into the water.

In an instant, the group of fish lost their interest in leaping, and competed for the bread crumbs one after another.

Bringing the fish ashore and returning to the accommodation area, a clean Angus cow is lying on the chopping board. On the table next to the chopping board, a hexagonal washbasin emits white smoke, and a small hand controls a pair of chopsticks from the face. Pick up pieces of fresh and tender beef in the basin.

"Good boy, I have yours, let's start eating without waiting for Dad?" Nan Yi walked to the table, grabbed the chopsticks from Nan Wuwei's hand, picked up two slices of beef, rinsed them in the dipping sauce, and stuffed them into his mouth , "Well, it's not fresh enough. The beef was cut after 20 minutes of death. Try five minutes next time."

"Father, hello Mai Tai."

Nan Wuwei glanced at the chopsticks in Nanyi's hand in distaste, took a new pair from the chopstick holder and continued to eat his beef.

"Hehe." Nan Yi smiled and put the chopsticks back on the table, "Eat slowly, leave some space in your stomach, and there are grilled fish and grilled beef and lamb chops."

"Know it."

After a while, Strong came back with a group of cowboys, and everyone started working together. Fresh ingredients don't need to be cooked in a complicated way, just cut the meat and put it on the grill.

The steak and lamb chops sizzled on the grill, and the aroma floated in the low air and spread around. Not far away, members of the fair competition branch of the Yizai family who smelled the fragrance ran towards this side one after another, and behind them, there was a fat brown bear following step by step.

"Mr. Adam, that's Walker." Strong pointed to the brown bear, and introduced to Nanyi: "Three years ago, it was still a little bear. One night, it ran to the chicken coop in the pasture to steal eggs and was caught I caught it and sent it to the outskirts of the forest, but in the middle of the night the next day, it returned to the pasture again."

Strong shrugged, "Maybe its parents are gone, so I raised it in the pasture. Walker is very docile and won't hurt anyone. It's just..."

Nanyi looked at the brown bear Walker and asked, "What is it?"

Strong said with a strange expression: "We'll find out later."

Nanyi soon learned what Strong meant by "wait a moment". Walker, the brown bear, came to Strong's side, dismissed the beef and lamb chops on the grill, stood up straight, stretched Stretched a paw to Strong's pocket.

Slap, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter were pulled from Strong's pocket to the ground. Walker the brown bear bent down, and his front paws scratched on the cigarette case. The cigarette case was scratched, and the cigarette was exposed. The pile was drawn again, and the cigarettes were scattered even more.

Nanyi understood, this is a brown bear with a heavy cigarette addiction. Bully stepped forward, picked up a cigarette and lighter, lit it in his mouth, and handed it to Walker the brown bear's paw.

Brown bear Walker didn't stretch out his claws, but opened his mouth and waited.

"Can you?" Nanyi looked at Strong and asked.

"Walker isn't wild anymore."

Nanyi heard this, nodded, and carefully stuffed the cigarette butt into Brown Bear Walker's mouth. Sure enough, Brown Bear Walker didn't make any moves to attack Nanyi. He just held the cigarette butt with his upper and lower lips, took a sharp puff, One-fifth of the smoke becomes soot.

Nan Wuwei, who was eating, saw the behavior of the brown bear Walker, immediately put down his chopsticks and surrounded him, looking at the western scene, staring at the brown bear Walker to smoke.

One cigarette, five or six puffs, was sucked by the butt of the cigarette by the brown bear Walker, and he spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth. The fat bear paw did not forget to pat the cigarette butt out. When the sparks were no longer visible, the brown bear Walker stood up and rushed Strong growled.

Strong heard the sound, and the beer bottle he had prepared in his hand fell into the mouth of Brown Bear Walker.

Gulp, gulp, two sips, one bottle of beer down, Strong unplugged the bottle and replaced it with a new one, repeated three times, Brown Bear Walker drank three bottles of beer.

As soon as the three bottles were over, the brown bear Walker stood upright, walked to the grill where the bream was placed, and watched the fish on the grill dripping.

"Mr. Adam, did you add salt?"


Nan Yi understood Strong's meaning, walked to the grill, picked up two fishes that were six or seven mature, put them in a basin, and put the basin on the ground.

The brown bear Walker gave a low growl to Nan Yi to express his gratitude, then bent down, put his head in front of the basin, opened his bloody mouth, and blew in the direction of the basin.

"Tsk, this brown bear has become a spirit."

With a word of emotion, Nanyi took a few steps back and watched as Strong brought some honey to the brown bear Walker. The amount was not too much, and it seemed that he controlled the amount of brown bear Walker's food per meal.

Another cowboy came over with a pot of boiled corn in one hand and a pot of fruit in the other. Suddenly, there was a pot of fish, a pot of corn, a pot of honey, and a pot of four or five kinds of fruits in front of Walker the brown bear. Assortment of fruits.

With such a food standard, if Nanyi was replaced by the brown bear Walker, not to mention wildness, a bear paw could be paid for.

After watching for a while, the guilty Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei back to the table where he ate hot pot. He didn't eat bear paws. Who knows if he would smell a racial enemy if he stayed beside the brown bear Walker for a long time? The taste comes.

After eating and drinking enough, I want to repair the cow's hooves. Unexpectedly, Strong said that he had just repaired it two days ago, let alone squeeze the pustules. The environment is good, the cattle are not easy to be infected with various fungi and bacilli, and they are usually checked carefully, and if there is something wrong with the cattle, they will be dealt with.

Unable to repair the cow's hooves, Nan Yi had to take Nan Wuwei to clean the chicken coop.

There are four mobile chicken coops in the ranch, each of which can raise 2,000 chickens. The coops can be dragged by pickup trucks, and the place will be changed every two days. After the henhouses are removed, the original location Just needs a cleaning.

The chicken house does not belong to the pasture, but belongs to the poultry breeding company under Nuwa Animal Husbandry. It is fostered on the pasture, which can be regarded as a mutual benefit between the two brothers. The chicken can not only eat various insects in the pasture, but also keep the chicken manure for pasture, and at the same time, the poultry breeding company also pays the ranch a foster fee.

The chicken coop breeds semi-free range chickens. Apart from not being able to run around freely, they have to walk a long distance in their life and live on the road all the time. Moreover, their diet is mainly insects, supplemented by grains, and the taste of the meat will be improved. Better, it is not supplied to supermarkets, but only directly supplied to western restaurants with roasted whole chicken recipes in various places.

In this breeding method, high-tech is only applied on the surface. Poultry breeding companies also have assembly-line chicken farms. The high-tech utilization rate is not only reflected in the breeding environment, but also penetrates into the internal organs of chickens.

Assembly-line chicken farms are attached to Western-style fast food chain restaurants, such as Wonderful. Wherever the restaurant expands, the chicken farm will expand accordingly. There are at least 200 to 300 million people in the world who have eaten chicken raised by Nanyi.

In addition, chicken feet, chicken heads, chicken buttocks, chicken offal, chicken gizzards, chicken intestines, chicken racks, etc., can only be made into various animal feed additives before, and they may change from next year to the table of Chinese people. .

Especially the chicken rack, the price will be very affordable, and it is estimated that it will become a common dish when ordinary families improve their meals.

In her previous life, Nanyi liked to eat chicken racks. You can get a big pot for one yuan. Every time, she would tear and bite off the few meat on the chicken racks, then chew the bones and eat them into her stomach. If she ate cartilage , that is earned, it is chewy and the taste is not bad.

Pick up a little dried chicken manure from the ground, put it into a quick detection test tube, shake it a few times, wait for a while to check the color change of the test solution and the size of the precipitated particles, if the test solution does not turn red, the precipitated particles are not too much Large, indicating that the sulfur content in the chicken manure is not high, then there is no problem with the chicken's diet, and there is no need to adjust it.

Of course, Nanyi’s detection method is not universally feasible. Only chickens that spent time in the Shennong Nanliang breeding room during the egg stage can reflect a series of problems through this detection. The crystallization of Shennong Nanliang is a road that Shennong Nanliang has blazed.

After the inspection, Nan Yi and Nan Wuwei took a special rake to break up the chicken manure that had accumulated too much on the ground and distribute it to other grass roots.

The place is not very big, and the father and son finished their work in a short while, stepped on the motorcycle, and went to the nearest temperature detection shutter to check the current temperature.

The temperature data provided by the weather station is unlikely to be accurate due to slight differences in different regions and consideration of various factors, as well as the oppression of capital. If you want to obtain the most accurate data, you can only detect it yourself at the location that needs to be detected.

For example, the income level, Nanyi never looked at the average income data, he went to his own home for inventory and visits, which also allowed him to get first-hand accurate data - he is the poorest group in the world, But he also has 20 million in cash and hundreds of millions in assets.

"The temperature is okay, it won't freeze for a few hours."

With a mutter, Nanyi took out the communicator from the shutter box, pressed the call button, waited for a while, waited for the sound from the opposite side, and glanced at the number of the shutter box, "C1071 area, 35 degrees to 120 degrees water supply two Minutes, Over."


After hanging up the communicator, Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei away from the current position on a motorcycle, and stopped at a position very close to another shutter.

After a while, water droplets were sprayed from a nozzle on the grass. While spraying, it turned its direction. After spraying a fan-shaped area, the nozzle no longer rotated forward, but returned along the original road.

Fermentation of chicken manure requires a high temperature. Instead of letting the chicken manure surface, it is better to let the water sink into the mud with the beneficial ingredients in the chicken manure.

After two minutes passed, the nozzle immediately stopped spraying water. Nanyi and the others came to the location of the nozzle to check whether there was any problem with the power device of the nozzle. This is a normal inspection process. It needs to be inspected every time after spraying water. Only by paying attention to maintenance at ordinary times can the service life be delayed longer.

Regardless of the fact that the value of small things like sprinklers is not too high, there is a back and forth between spending more and saving. If things go on like this, it will only take ten years, at most fifteen years, enough to send a person to the Forbes rich list.

Cleaning chicken manure, repairing horse pens, and clearing up weeds on the side of the road are all trivial tasks that do not require a lot of effort. The father and son do it with a leisurely attitude. Not only will they not feel tired, but they will also create a sense of relaxation and joy. Emotions.

On the same acre of land, it will be a completely different mentality if you have to hang on it for eating and drinking, and plant it when you are idle.

Just like the joy of a bumper harvest, since the people born in the 1970s, they basically can’t feel it. In their minds, they can only linger all kinds of sufferings in the process of farming. To say sweetness, it has been monetized, and only the heavy currency is held in it. Hands, their joy will crawl to the face.

The same is true for Nanyi. It is a kind of enjoyment for him to plant a few ridges of vegetables by himself. If there is more, it will become labor. In fact, he does not have a deep love for the land. Foresaw the bright future of agriculture.

It is very strange that in industrially developed countries, it is rare to hear speeches that attach importance to agriculture, but their arable land will not be turned into factories, and their corn land will not be turned into houses.

Zhibulendeng can only grow into vertical weeds and trees. Through the hands of garden artists, the spine is broken, the skin is peeled off, and after binding and heavy pressure, it grows into pots of beautiful potted plants. Year", that pot is called "Guest Linmen", and some are called "Laissez-Faire".

Each pot is very beautiful, and each pot can be sold for a high price.

Holding the mowing knife in his hand, as the blade rotated to cut off the weeds that grew to the road, Nanyi's mind was full of thoughts.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, when it was close to five o'clock, the radio that had been broadcasting country music suddenly turned into a news break.

On December 25, 1991, Goethe signed his last presidential decree: resigning as supreme commander of the armed forces, handing over control of the armed forces and the "nuclear button" to Boris.

At 19:00 in the evening Moscow time, in the office of the President, facing the camera, he delivered a speech of resigning from the Soviet revisionist presidency to the whole country and the world: "In view of the situation formed after the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States, I stop myself as the Soviet revisionist president. activities of the presidency, this decision was made out of principle.

I firmly advocate the independence of the people of all nationalities, and the sovereignty of the Republic; at the same time, I advocate the preservation of the alliance countries and the integrity of the country. However, events have developed along a different path, and the policy of dismemberment and secession has prevailed, and I cannot agree with this.

I am also disturbed by the loss of the citizenship of a great nation by our people, with very heavy consequences for all. I believe that sooner or later our joint efforts will bear fruit and our people will live in a prosperous and democratic society. "

Amidst the cheers coming from all directions, Nan Yi said quietly: "An era has passed!"

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