Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 859 Columbia, Blood Debt

In the next few days, Nan Yi first went to Ruan Mei's house for dinner, and then bought a few newspapers at the airport before boarding the flight to Shanghai. The jokingly called the "big heavenly kings", the original "four heavenly kings" came from here.

Boarding the plane, there was a little girl sitting in the seat in front of Nanyi, with earplugs on her ears, humming in her mouth: "A thousand words can't be worth a sentence, and I can't hold a grain of sand over and over again. Others are different..."

""Not Every Love Song Has Good Memories", has Asian Little Cyclone already made his debut?" Nan Yi muttered, watching the millions drifting away from his eyes with blurred eyes, "It's a pity, it's not me who printed the star poster What to do, otherwise, the Four Heavenly Kings and Little Xuanfeng will sell millions of copies with ease.

If I design another notebook with numbered notation format and a blank space for celebrity photos, it costs two yuan and three yuan a copy, as long as the distribution is fast enough, it will not be a problem to sell tens of millions of copies.

It is also possible to publish a few books such as "300 Popular Songs" and "100 Hong Kong and Taiwan Songs". If it is less, it will be easy to sell one or two million.

Let’s spread our thoughts, the same clothes and belts of the stars, the way the four heavenly kings like girls to dress up...

Forget it, I can’t think about it, and if I think about it further, I can add up tens of millions. "

Continuing to read the newspaper, when he returned to the Fang Mansion, Nan Wuwei was skateboarding in the garden, humming while skating, "The world is long, people pass by in a hurry, the tide rises and falls..."

"Sing it every day after school, haven't you gotten tired of it?"

At this time, many elementary schools would play a song with the whole team when school was over, and "Walking in a Cool Way" was the song with the most frequent appearances, perhaps because the title of the song was more suitable.

"No." Nan Wuwei slid the skateboard in front of Nanyi, and turned to brake quickly, "Dad, the final grades are out. I have two 100 points, and I also have a certificate of honor for the three good students."

"What about the prize?"


Nan Yi smacked his mouth, "Your school is really stingy, and the book doesn't even award one."

"Yes." Nan Wuwei echoed and said, "Dad, the family hasn't bought fireworks yet."

"Don't worry, we will buy it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and you can continue to play."


Nan Wuwei responded, kicked his foot on the ground, and slid away on the skateboard.

Inviting Spring Festival couplets, buying fireworks and firecrackers, and cooking ingredients in advance, Nanyi was still busy with various preparations for the New Year for a few days.

And in remote South America, deep in the Amazon rainforest between Brazil and Colombia, a group of people cleared out the wreckage of a plane that had been entangled in vines and nested with many small animals.

After cleaning up, a big hole was dug on the ground. The plane was disassembled and buried in the hole. After burying, someone sawed a tree, cut out a tombstone, and sprayed red juice on the tombstone. Write down a line of words "Sangue por Sangue", blood debt.

After the tombstone was erected, one of them was fully armed, and a woman with dreadlocks made a forward gesture in the direction of Columbia. A group of people quietly and silently spread out in a guard formation.

Colombia, City of Cali.

The captain of the Arctic Fox, AB, was searched and all the weapons on his body were searched before he was brought to the head of the Cali Group, Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela (Big).

The Cali Group originated from a well-known drug cartel in the city of Cali in southern Colombia. It was established by brothers Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela and Joe Santacruz Lundeno.

In 1989, the group absorbed Helmer Herrera (known as Paci) from the Medellin Group founded by Pablo, forming a partnership model of the Big Four, second only to the Medellin Group in strength , similar to the Medellin Group, also mainly exports drugs to the United States.

However, unlike the Medellin Group, which is frequently assassinated and kidnapped, the Cali Group’s behavior is relatively low-key. The Rodriguez brothers use legal enterprises to cover their illegal business. Both Colombia and the United States know that the Cali Group is engaged in drug trafficking, but neither country has actually Reliable and correct proof that the head of the Cali Cartel was involved in drug trafficking.

In addition, Pablo, who is too outrageous, has attracted most of the attention of the two countries. The Cali Group has not been targeted too much for the time being, and its life is quite nourishing.

Orejuela looks gentle and gentle. If you don't know his details, anyone who sees him will think he is a businessman with a sense of social responsibility, or he will regard him as a learned and talented cultural person.

Orejuela invited AB to sit across from him, poured AB a glass of whiskey, and asked in a friendly manner, "Mr. Mysterious, what can I do for you?"

"I want to make a deal with you."

AB picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in one gulp. He didn't have to worry about whether the wine was poisonous. Opportunity to fight back against the Jedi, can only be a man's sword and me as a fish.


"I want to kill someone in Medellin and leave Colombia with a sum of money. Other things have been arranged, and there is only one link...I need someone to help me send the money from downtown Medellin to the Amazon rainforest. peripheral."

"Pablo?" Orejuela asked indifferently.

"Yes, people from the Medellin Group killed a person from 'us' for no reason during a drug delivery, my boss's boss's person, a very ordinary worker, it was several years before.

The big boss behind me is a relatively stingy and vengeful person. It is impossible for him to have any grievances with Pablo or the Medellin Group. There is no grievance or hatred, but Pablo killed our people. , the big boss will naturally want revenge. "

AB said, pointing to the wine bottle, Orejuela poured him another glass.

After taking another sip of wine, AB continued: "As I said before, although the big boss is more vengeful, he is also a stingy person. The Medellin Group has a lot of power, and it will cost a lot to seek revenge from Pablo. This is what the big boss doesn't want to see.

Therefore, a group of people and I were sent to Medellin to conduct a follow-up investigation for several years until we found out where Pablo hid the money. Now is the best time for revenge. recent action.

The big boss once said that you need to be polite when you are a guest at someone’s home. Today I came to visit Mr. Orejuela to offer a generous gift. We only intend to take away 700 million US dollars, not an integer, and it may be a little bit more , the rest of the site, I intend to give Mr. Orejuela. "

After AB's voice fell, Orejuela, who had always maintained a calm demeanor, changed his face. He roughly knows how much cash the Medellin Group or Pablo has. If Pablo is really dead, the Cali Group Totally can swallow some of your cash.

Yes, partly, Orejuela didn't dare to think about it alone, he also knew the stakes very well.

"When will you act?"

"February 4, from 7 am to 9 am, the exact time depends on when Mr. Pablo goes out to bask in the sun."

A few years ago, Pablo did too much. Not only did he earn tens of billions of dollars from drug trafficking, he also dreamed of entering politics, and even eyed the Colombian president's throne.

Entering politics in 1976, Pablo participated in and supported the formation of the Colombian Liberal Party; in 1982, he successfully entered the Colombian Congress. Although he was only an alternate member, according to Colombian law, he automatically obtained parliamentary immunity and the right to a diplomatic passport.

At the same time, Pablo gradually became a public figure, and because of his charitable work, he became known as "Robin Hood Paisa", the Robin Hood of northeastern Colombia. He himself said in an interview that his wealth comes from the bicycle rental company he founded when he was 16 years old.

Also in 1976, Colombia's new attorney general, Rodrigo Leila Bonilla, became Pablo's opponent, accusing Pablo of criminal activity from the very first day Congress opened.

Pablo's arrest in late 1976 was investigated by Bonilla's subordinates, a few months after Liberal Party leader Luis Carlos Garán expelled Pablo from the party. Although Pablo fought back, he announced his retirement from politics in January 1984.

Three months later, Bonilla was murdered.

The Colombian judiciary was targeted by Pablo throughout the mid-eighties, and while several judges were being bribed and murdered, the wanted Pablo made a demand to the Colombian government in the fall of 1985 that if the government did not Extradite him to the United States and he will surrender.

The proposal was initially answered in the negative, and Pablo then founded and implicitly supported the Los Can Extradition Organization, which aims to fight extradition policy, and was even accused of preventing the Colombian Supreme Court from studying the constitutionality of the Colombia-US extradition treaty. Participated in support of the extreme left guerrilla April 19 Movement on November 6, 1985, which attacked the Colombian Judiciary Building and resulted in the killing of half of the Supreme Court judges.

In late 1986, Colombia's Supreme Court declared the previous extradition treaty illegal for reasons of war because it was signed by a presidential delegation, not the president, though Pablo's victory over the judiciary was short-lived, with new president Billjillo Barco · Vargas quickly renewed the agreement with the United States.

Pablo had always held a grudge against Luis Garland, who kicked him out of politics, and at Pablo's instigation, Garland was assassinated on August 18, 1989.

Next Pablo planted a bomb on Colombian Airlines Flight 203, intending to assassinate Garland's successor, Cesar Gaviria Trujillo, who missed the plane and survived, but all 107 people on board killed in the explosion. Because two Americans were also killed in the bombing, the United States became directly involved.

In the 1990s, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration became more and more determined to deal with Pablo, and the Colombian government was under great pressure for extradition. Knowing this situation, Pablo managed to reach an agreement with the Colombian government.

The Colombian government persuaded him to surrender and cease all criminal activity in exchange for a reduced sentence and preferential treatment during his captivity, allowing him to build his own prison without being extradited to the United States, where he will surrender and serve five years.

A few months ago, Pablo reached an agreement with the government, and he will serve his sentence in the self-built luxury prison "Cathedral". Rather than saying that he is serving a sentence, it is better to say that he is grounded. In the cathedral, everything is available. Pablo can eat a big meal and have various pastimes. Every once in a while, the supply truck will drop by Send some women to the cathedral.

Apart from not being able to get out of the cathedral, nothing will be delayed, and Pablo can still remotely command people outside to carry out drug transactions.

However, the cathedral is too eye-catching. In order to take care of the face of those who signed the agreement with him, it is impossible for Pablo to transfer tens of thousands of private soldiers from the Medellin Group to protect the cathedral. He can only arrange dozens of people on the periphery. And set up secret posts on the way to the cathedral.

Although the protection is still very tight, and the cathedral is located on a high ground, there is no suitable sniper point nearby, but the arctic fox has been given an opportunity.

"Have you heard of the singer of the Girls Team?"

In the Fang mansion, Nanyi's family of three sits in front of the TV watching the Spring Festival Gala. At this time, the song "Happy New Year" selected by China Television is playing on the TV.

"No, I've seen the photobook." Facing Liu Zhen's question, Nan Yi replied subconsciously.


"The one with short hair." Nan Yi pointed to the TV screen.

"Hey, she is the ugliest of the three, what's so good about it." Liu Zhen said with disgust.

"The soul is beautiful, the mind is open, and you don't hide it. There are good things that you are willing to share with you, which brings you a lot of happiness." Nan Yi said with a glow of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Tch, it's so good, why don't you go after her?"

"I like generous people, but it doesn't mean I like to bring generous people home, especially women." Nan Yi said, looked at his watch, then raised his head and said to Nan Wuwei: "You are here to watch TV with your mother , I'll go play your game console for a while, where is the "Thunderbolt" game card placed?"

"The top floor, the third grid."


Nan Yi came to Nan Wuwei's game room. According to the other party's instructions, he found out the game card of "Thunderbolt God Soldiers". He quickly made preparations and sat in front of the TV to play.

Near the cathedral, not far from the government army checkpoint, PM hid in the woods beside the road, quietly observing a van driving towards the checkpoint on the road, in the grass on the side of the road, A model car that looked a little weird lay there.

The van was getting closer and closer. When the car rolled over a puddle of water, the headset in PM's ear gave a warning sound. He immediately pressed the remote control in his hand, and the car model drew a straight line under the control. Get under the car.

PM then pressed a button, the electromagnet on the car model was energized, and the magnetic force was directed upwards, and with a snap, the car model was attached to the chassis of the van.

This morning happened to be another day to deliver supplies to the cathedral. The people responsible for delivering the supplies were people trusted by Pablo. Although the Colombian government had set up checkpoints, in a drug-trafficking country like Colombia, it would be nice to have soldiers with meager salaries. But, needless to say, the people at the checkpoint have been bribed long ago, otherwise it would not be so easy to send the woman to the cathedral.

Watching the van stop at the checkpoint, PM pressed the intercom, "DA, DA, the package has been delivered, Over."


In the woods outside the cathedral, DA and AK hid in the grass, holding binoculars, and looked up at the cathedral on the high ground. The line of sight was very bad, and they could only see a circle of barbed wire.

After observing for a while, DA picked up the sniper rifle beside him, observed the gate of the prison for a while, and reminded AK to get ready.

Hearing this, AK opened the backpack next to him, took out two cylinders from the backpack, took out the accessories from the cylinders, and assembled two drones, one for reconnaissance fulmar, and the other code-named blackbird, also The name of the bird, this bird also has a more famous name "explosive bird", no matter what provokes it, cats, dogs, other birds or people, it will launch a "pooping" attack.

Ready, AK put a remote control in DA's handy place, and then quietly waited for DA's next instruction.


When DA saw the figure of the van appearing at the door of the cathedral, his Adam's apple twitched twice.

AK fiddled with the fulmar for a while, then raised his hand, and the fulmar flew into the air with a whoosh sound. It first lifted up, and when the flying height reached about 150 meters, the fulmar made a big circle. Facing the direction of the sun, it flew towards the airspace of the cathedral.

Through the lens, AK saw the door of the van was opened, and two people came to the van carrying a wooden staircase. After a while, AK saw a woman in red clothes coming down from the van. Open your hands and walk in one direction.

Seeing this situation, AK immediately turned the camera and swept in the direction of the woman.

"DA, VIP appears."

As soon as the words fell, AK grabbed the blackbird and raised it into the sky. DA's right thumb hovered over a button on the remote control, waiting for AK to speak.

Immediately after AK sent the blackbird to the sky, he pressed a button on the remote control. The fulmar in the sky received the command, changed from a large circle to a small circle, and circled in a circle. Then, AK controlled the remote control again. The controller controls the blackbird to fly to the cathedral airspace.

After a while, the blackbird flew to a favorable attack position, and AK immediately said: "Now!"

DA's right thumb pressed down, and the car model attached to the van floor fell to the ground, making a slight noise, and then DA controlled the car model to hit Pablo.

The car model got out from under the van, which immediately aroused the vigilance of Pablo's bodyguards. They were stunned for a while, and immediately two bodyguards with baseball bats rushed towards the car model, and the other bodyguard said loudly. Shouted: "Danger!"

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. Pablo, who was happy to see his lover, hadn't realized that the car model had come to him less than one meter away.

DA pressed another button, and the car model received the command with a delay of 0.05 seconds. There was a bang in the car body, and a weak explosion occurred. At a height of 1.5 meters, it exploded instantly, and hundreds of steel balls exploded in all directions with the impact.

Puff puff puff, circle around the car model at 360 degrees, all standing living creatures without cover in front are all hit, and the bodyguard with cover in front is glad that he escaped, and the car model explodes immediately , and hundreds of steel balls form a large ring-shaped net from 30 degrees to 65 degrees and fly around.

"Job done, repeat, Job done!"

After AK's Adam's apple vibrated a few times, he immediately controlled the fulmar to retract and let the blackbird fly to the designated direction. Not far away, PM would take over the control and carefully put the fulmar full of explosives into the air. The blackbird was taken back.

The blackbird is a backup for the car model. In case the car model fails to function, the blackbird will replace it.

Medellin was scattered outside the six villas. The arctic fox team members who received the notification immediately formed an attack formation to attack the villas. A team member raised his gun and fired at the target quickly.

Puff puff puff, the bullets that flew out killed the guards one by one, without fail.

All the members of the Arctic Fox are originally the best of the elite, but for this moment, they have been preparing for a long time, and they have simulated countless times. Before entering the villa, they are familiar with where to step every step of the way. .

Three minutes, in just three minutes, the three of AB wiped out all the guards in the villa. Then, AB was in charge of guarding, and a team member pulled out the engineering shovel hanging from his belt, and quickly assembled it. Knock on the wall.

Another member of the team exited the villa, walked vigilantly all the way to the parking place, pulled out a trolley from the compartment, and quickly returned to the villa.

In the villa, a wall has been knocked open. Through the wall skin and wooden stalls, you can see the densely packed US dollars in the wall. They are all old bills, all of which are 100 denominations of Franklin, without consecutive numbers.

The three couldn't help cheering, and then immediately suppressed the excitement in their hearts. AB was still in charge of vigilance, and the other two team members quickly loaded the trolley with money, quickly and methodically.

They also simulated the action of loading money for an unknown number of times.

In the wilderness of Medellin, members of the Arctic Fox quickly waved their shovels, and shovel after shovel of mud was brought out and thrown aside.

Suddenly, the team members stopped swinging their shovels, jumped into the hole they had dug, and took out packs of US dollars wrapped in plastic bags, exuding a musty smell.

From the moment AK issued the notice, only forty-five minutes had passed, and all the arctic fox members stopped their actions of loading money or digging holes. Although there was still a lot of money to be filled, they did not miss it. They all returned to their cars, started the cars, and drove to the agreed meeting point.

in the jungle.

The people brought by Dewin are already ready. Gatling, MGL40mm grenade launcher, two big killers have been set up. As long as there are no tanks or armored vehicles, no matter who comes over, they will be killed.

Although they have already cooperated with the Cali Group, the safety of the arctic fox is guaranteed to a certain extent, but Nan's style is to doubt everything and always be on guard against outsiders. Dewen is an insurance, a two-way insurance.

Orejuela is a smart man. When he received the notice of Pablo's death, he didn't make any unfavorable orders against the arctic fox. He just took people to the place agreed with AB.

Another half an hour passed, and Orejuela and AB met within the striking range of Dewin and his group.

AB put the weapon in the car, walked towards Orejuela with a map in his hand, and handed the map to the other party: "Mr. Orejuela, the red is the place we have been, and the red border Crossed out, time is too tight, we haven't cleaned it up, if you are interested, you can go there."

Orejuela stretched out his right hand to AB, "Have a nice cooperation."

"Pleasant cooperation."

The two sides shook hands, and Orejuela waved his hand immediately, directing his men to help AB unload them. Bundles and sacks of dollar bills were unloaded from vans and sent into the jungle.

During this process, Dewin never showed up.

The weight of 730 million US dollars of old banknotes is about 7.7 tons. If you want to rely on manpower to move it to the farm of the indigenous brothers, it will take at least two or three months if you don’t want to die from exhaustion. However, it is not so troublesome to install it by helicopter.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of helicopters on the farm.

The entry of U.S. dollars into the rainforest means that it is completely safe, and there is no need to pay attention to the rest of the physical work.

When Nanyi was tortured by the game and was about to be autistic, Dewen's call came.


"well done."

Nan Yi replied, hung up the phone, put down the handle, and went downstairs to find Nan Wuwei to inquire about the cheat code.


The fifth day of the first lunar month.

At the fishing spot near the Heitoujiao Lighthouse on Liao Island, the weather is a bit cold and the wind is a bit strong. Except for Nanyi, no one else is fishing here.

"730 million U.S. dollars, if you want to turn it into spendable money, you need to pay 100 million, and there are 630 million left. You and your team members will get 30% of it, 189 million. On average, each team member can get 5.25 million U.S. dollars. If you know how to control , this money is enough for you to retire comfortably."

Nan Yi shook his head, flung the hair that was blown by the sea wind to the back, brushed it with his hands, and looked at AB, "Tell me, how many people plan to retire?"


"It's less than I expected." Nanyi turned his head to look at the sea, "Explain to them that your service period is relatively short. Now that you are retired, the money you can receive from the defense fund in the future is very limited. $5.25 million seems like a lot , If you really want to spend it, maybe you can spend it in one or two years, it is best to entrust most of the money to the defense fund to make money, and your future life will be more secure."

"Understood, I'll tell them."

"Hmm." Nan Yi responded, raised his hand and waved his fingers, "You guys have two months of vacation, so relax."

AB nodded slightly, lifted the collar of the windbreaker, shrunk his neck, looked around, and walked north, and he disappeared after a while.

Light rock fishing in the winter is not good at all. Nanyi stood on the reef for a long time, and waited until the tide was high before a black bream bit the hook. He picked it up and saw that the fish was not big. Nanyi threw it back In the sea, I only went home with a fishy smell.

In Colombia, Pablo's death did not cause much ripples. Both the Colombian President and the US Drug Enforcement Administration wished for Pablo's early death. Even within the Medellin Group, they were happy with Pablo's death. See what happens.

The Medellin Group is originally a form of alliance. The overly authoritarian Pablo has long caused dissatisfaction among other group members, but his power is so powerful that no one dared to challenge his authority when he was still alive. Now that he is dead, A struggle for power immediately began within Medellin.

In addition, no matter which forces are eyeing Pablo's money, tens of billions of dollars, a large amount of cash and deposits, no one wants to keep it for themselves.

Orejuela is really not a greedy person. Although he has obtained the "treasure map", he did not dig out every money hiding spot. Also on February 4, the Cali Group After the people hurriedly dug a few burial spots that they were sure of, they stopped their actions immediately.

However, at three o'clock in the morning on February 7th in Colombia, that is, now in Hong Kong, Orejuela hid several points that had been excavated, remade the treasure hunt map of Pablo's treasure, and made people in Medellin Sway on the street.

It has to be said that Orejuela's method is a bit cruel and vicious. At 3:30 in the morning, gunshots rang out in many places in Medellin, and a big scuffle will soon begin.

When Nanyi received the news, it was already the next morning. Nanshi's internal news portal was put into trial operation, and news about Colombia was available on the website.

Originally, Nanyi had little interest in running a portal website, but in the past two years, he found that the news in the newspaper had become unreliable, and he had to consider establishing an information source channel that did not rise to the intelligence level. .

To establish such a channel, operating a news portal is a good choice as the Internet is becoming more and more developed. It can not only solve the problem of information sources, but also save costs and obtain good returns.

Nantianmen is about to be split into two parts, one part will continue to explore in the field of big data, and the other part will form a normal Internet company.

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