"The paper is rubbish and worthless."

Nanyi's merciless words made Wu Xiaowei's face very ugly. He never expected that his paper, which he had worked so hard to complete, would get such an evaluation.

Ignoring Wu Xiaowei's ugly face, Nan Yi continued: "I won't talk about the arguments, most of them are just speculations, the citations of materials are in a mess, and you dare to quote words from tabloids and small magazines in the paper.

When it comes to numbers, let alone, I don’t need to investigate whether the original numbers are accurate. Just looking at your calculation steps, there are many mistakes and omissions. The simplest addition, subtraction, multiplication and division will be wrong. "

Nan Yi clapped the paper in his hand and snapped, "If I use your paper as a reference to invest, how much will I lose? Ten million? One hundred million? Or ten billion? I don't know what to say!"

Wu Xiaowei's face turned from black to red and then to black and blue, and he felt very uncomfortable with mixed feelings.

After taking a sip of tea, Nanyi slowly observed Wu Xiaowei's face, and after a while, he became amiable again, "The content of the thesis is not worth mentioning, but you can finish the thesis, which shows that you have used your brain and have a certain amount of time." Skills in doing things, this is worthy of recognition. Well, let me see what you remember. "

Wu Xiaowei got up and took a notebook from the room to Nanyi, and the two began to reconcile the accounts. Nanyi would inquire about any small expense records. By knowing where the money went, Nanyi could restore Wu Xiaowei's specific work process come out.

For example, he flattened the counselor and made the counselor turn a blind eye to what he did; another example was that he opened up the channel of the student union and initiated a work-study project through the student union; another example was that he gathered a group of seniors students to help him with his thesis.

After reconciling the account, Nan Yi commented a few words, and said to Wu Xiaowei: "You want to do business, right?"

Wu Xiaowei: "Yes, I want to be a businessman."

"Yeah." Nan Yi nodded, "Have you been to Fengtian?"

Wu Xiaowei: "I've been there."

"Have you ever visited the surrounding areas, such as Wugouying?"

Wu Xiaowei: "A classmate of mine doesn't have a ditch camp. During the summer vacation last year, I went there to play."

Nan Yi nodded again and said, "Since you have been to Wugouying, you should know that it is adjacent to the Bohai Sea, which is especially suitable for the growth of cotton stingers and sand stingers. It is the main production area of ​​jellyfish in my country, right?"

Wu Xiaowei: "I know."

"Shanghai people like a dish very much, called scallion oil jellyfish head. In Shanghai, jellyfish will be sold very well. The jellyfish fishing season in Wugouying is coming. You can get the difference in price if you bring jellyfish from Wugou to Shanghai. .

Of course, business can’t be so simple, and it actually contains a lot of knowledge. I’ll give you 20,000 yuan, and I’ll give you another month to start a jellyfish business that sells goods from the north to the south.

If you make a profit, you have to summarize why you made it; if you lost, you also have to make a summary of your failure, and, as a punishment for you, you have to go to the construction site to work as a small laborer for three months, eating and sleeping with other workers , Don't make small troubles for yourself.

Finally, I give you six tips:

1. Don’t talk to strangers lightly, don’t tell strangers about your situation easily, and keep your eyes open, don’t look at what you shouldn’t, especially girls;

Two, only keep a small amount of money on your body, and keep the rest of the huge sums out of sight, so as not to be watched by others;

3. Do not eat or drink tea or food from strangers, and do not smoke cigarettes from strangers;

Fourth, money is always on your body, even if you sleep at night, you have to tie it to your body. In addition, I would like to remind you again, don’t stay in a hotel room, and don’t stay in a train station or a long-distance station for a long time;

Fifth, no matter in a hotel or in a car, you should not sleep too much;

Sixth, if you encounter a robbery, cooperate obediently, take the money if you are told, kneel if you are told, run away when you have the opportunity, don't show off your bravery, don't think about resisting, life is gone, everything is over, life is still there, Everything is possible.

By the way, remember to tell your mother and ask her to help you get a passport to go abroad. Your next stop or next stop is abroad.

remember? "

Wu Xiaowei nodded solemnly, "I remember."

"Okay, play with me in Yangcheng for two days, and when I leave, you also leave, and you can also think about how to do your business these two days. Now, you are free to move around, and I will take you to see an uncle in the evening. "

After dismissing Wu Xiaowei, Nanyi changed his sitting position to squatting, looked up at the crown of the tree, looking for the figure of the pigeon.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Nanyi took Wu Xiaowei to the Xiangqun Restaurant. The name was a restaurant, but it was actually an ice room, and the consumption was not too high.

When the two arrived, there was already a tall man sitting at the innermost round table of the restaurant, wearing a plaid shirt, trousers, and a pair of leather sandals on his feet. He was very plainly dressed.

Nanyi stepped forward, clasped his fists and bowed: "Nanmen Jianzong Nanyi, meet Pancake Man."

Hearing Nanyi's words, the man stood up, and also clasped his fists at Nanyi, "Xu Feiyang, Yang's spear, meet Patchman."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"Yeah, long time no see, you boy, it's not time for me to get married, and now..." Xu Feiyang's face darkened, "You're here."

Nan Yi patted Xu Feiyang's arm, didn't say anything, just pushed him back to his seat. Then he waved to Wu Xiaowei, and when he came to his side, he grabbed the other person's shoulder and introduced, "Xiaowei, Wu Renpin's son."

Hearing this, Xu Feiyang looked at Wu Xiaowei and said with a smile, "Xiaowei, you've grown up so much. Last time I saw you, you were still half a kid."

"Hello, Uncle Xu." Wu Xiaowei said shyly.

"Xiaowei, your Uncle Xu is from the Political and Legal Committee. If you are bullied by gangsters in Yangcheng in the future, remember to find your Uncle Xu. If you encounter big gangsters..." At this point, Nanyi deliberately paused, looking at Xu Feiyang, "The big hooligan can handle it, right?"

"Nanyi, you haven't changed at all, you are still such a rascal." Xu Feiyang shook his head and said helplessly: "Xiaowei, don't listen to your uncle Nan's nonsense. The departments work hard, and the law and order in Yangcheng is quite good."

"Okay, classmate Xu Feiyang, next time I go to your unit, you can play this tone again, today I only talk about the feelings of classmates, order quickly, your grandson has eaten me for several years, and finally let me wait until I can eat you Meal."

"Hahaha, come here, order whatever you want, I've brought last month's salary, don't worry that I don't have money to pay the bill." Xu Feiyang laughed loudly.

"Xiaowei, come here." Nan Yi said something to Wu Xiaowei, moved the stool, and approached Xu Feiyang, "How are you all these years?"

"Work is going well."

"Jiang Biyun jumped in line at the same place as me and Liu Zhen..."

Xu Feiyang interrupted Nanyi, "I know, she mentioned it to me, and I can hear that your relationship is not very good."

"Yes, they are not very harmonious with each other. When you got married, I happened to be out of town. The two overlapped. I gave myself an excuse not to come here."

"It's okay, I didn't take it to heart. Over the years, every year and festival, you never forgot to give me a gift. In comparison, I was more rude." Xu Feiyang said, taking out a box of iron boxes He took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff, "Have you been doing well all these years?"

"Very good, except for a few established families, I can be regarded as the richest man in the world." Nan Yi said solemnly.

"I believe that you are rich. I could see that you know how to do business when you were in school. I don't believe that the richest man in the world is not a pancake. You can make a pancake just by putting it on the griddle." Xu Feiyang didn't think so, and dusted off the soot, " What business are you doing?"

"It's more complicated. The business is mainly abroad, and there are not many domestic ones. There is no business here in Yangcheng, but I bought a house, which is in Xinhepu."

"The old villa over there?"

"Well, I passed by once and saw a nice house, so I picked up a set. I'll get you a set of keys later, and you can go there when you want to hide away."

"Okay, I have a place to stay when I'm bored."

Waiting for the dishes to be served, the two of them ate while recalling bits and pieces of their college days. In their junior year, when there were classes, the two of them were almost inseparable, and there were too many fragments to recall.

In addition to university memories, Xu Feiyang also talked about some things about Yangcheng. For example, in April this year, Yangcheng began to implement the housing provident fund system. Housing savings and housing mortgage loans were launched at the same time. Come set.

Xu Feiyang also said that he estimated that housing prices would rise rapidly in the future, and taking advantage of this opportunity, he bought two unoccupied public housing. Nanyi can only sigh with emotion, after all, he studied economics. Although he has worked in politics and law for more than ten years, Xu Feiyang's economic sensitivity is still very good.

The next day, Nan Yi went to meet Chen Ruiwu alone, and took Wu Xiaowei and Chen Guangwei to meet at around three in the afternoon. After one night, Nan Yi took Wu Xiaowei to Chen Ji again. Enter.

In the afternoon, Nanyi sent Wu Xiaowei to the airport and went to Nanchen Village by himself.


In late June, Nanyi came to Yecheng.

In April, Coconut City held its first Coconut Festival.

The Coconut Festival is held in line with the theme of letting the world know about Qiongdao and bringing Qiongdao to the world, and to attract more businessmen to invest in Qiongdao.

The Coconut Festival was held very successfully. It has indeed attracted a lot of new investment to Qiongdao, and at the same time attracted more land speculators. All of a sudden, the people of Qiongdao have enjoyed a VIP-level service - every 300 people There is a real estate company serving them, and there is no lottery or queuing to buy a house.

Among the land speculators are the Central Army, a motley army composed of well-known enterprises from all over the country, and guerrillas composed of heroes from all walks of life. The three groups of people have a common characteristic, most of the money comes from the bank.

Nan Yi first met with Lai and heard from him about the current situation in Yecheng.

Since the Spring Festival this year, the real estate investment in Qiong Province has reached 4.9 billion yuan, and Yecheng has accounted for as much as 3.1 billion yuan. The real estate development area has reached 8 million square meters. All of a sudden it soared to around 5 million/mu, depending on the location, the land price is different; the house price soared from 1,400 yuan/square meter to 5,000 yuan/square meter.

It can only be said that it is crazy, completely crazy. After listening to Lai, Nanyi almost had the urge to pack up and sell the entire dream town. The price of 500 acres of land is even if there is a discount, it can be sold for 1.5 billion There should be no problem.

But it’s just a fantasy, there are quite a few companies that can eat Dream Town, just pick one out, and say that it’s a bit exaggerated to say that Nanyi is hammered on the ground, but it’s still easy to stumble. I will blame myself for being greedy, but I will definitely blame Nanyi for digging a hole for them.

"Boss, what should we do next?" After introducing the situation, Lai asked Nanyi.

Nan Yi woke up from distraction, thought for a while, and said: "A few days ago, I learned about the situation of bank loans, and also analyzed this year's monetary policy. According to the current situation, it is unlikely that the loan policy will change this year. There have been major changes. The land and house prices here in Qiongdao are supported by loans and will continue to rise.

In other words, the peak has not yet been reached.

Taking advantage of the current hot market and strong stamina, whether it is a crowd-creation space or a cornucopia, whether it is land, a house that has been built, or a half-story building, all can be sold.

If they make a move now, there is a high probability that the person who takes the offer will not be the last one. If they make a move quickly, not only will they not lose money, but they can also make a lot of money. In this way, our actions will not be too conspicuous and we can retreat calmly.

Do the math, how much money can we have left after we sell all of them? "

"Maker Space is still in the old situation. It used up 12 acres and left 18 acres. The land is in the golden zone. According to the current land price, it can be sold for 5.4 million yuan/mu, and the money is... 162 million yuan.

On the cornucopia, two tripods have been developed in Jindieyu Jiuding Community. According to the method you said, the house is sold out. The third tripod, I deliberately developed it very slowly. At present, the foundation has not been completed, and there are almost 23 acres of land left , it is no problem to sell the land for 5 million/mu, a total of 100 million 2.

In addition, after the previous two tripod funds were withdrawn, I won another 55 mu of land. The price of the land was about 4.6 million per mu, a total of 253 million, and all of them added up to 535 million. "

"Very good. Compared to this figure, our initial investment is almost negligible. Tomorrow, when you go to the Financial Building, you hand in a letter of resignation, which removes your position in Dream Town, and you concentrate on selling the land.

When the land is sold, you give yourself a vacation and take a good rest for a while. Then, in Shenzeng, we put up the shelf of the Makerspace again. Our speculative era is over. President Lai, the next step is to properly operate the Makerspace and create a real industrial incubation base.

As for the dividends this time, each of us will have 200 million yuan, and the rest will be used as operating funds for Makerspace. "

Lai waved his hand, "I don't want so much dividends, 20 million is enough, and I want to trouble the boss to help me invest the remaining funds and use them to make money."

"Yes, I dare not say too much. In a short period of time, a 15% annual return is still guaranteed, and the service fee is the same as your brother."

"Hey, thank you boss."

"Come on, let's do this today, and we'll talk about it in the Financial Building tomorrow."

After separating from Lai, Nanyi returned to Longkunxia Village. As soon as he sat down in the office of Green Nuclear Development, he immediately called Jiang Sheng from Fang's Business Consulting Company and informed him that he would come over in the evening. Call Xi Changhe, the president of Nanguo Bank's Yecheng branch.

Xi Changhe came here very quickly. The real estate market in Yecheng was booming. Nanguo Bank, which had been refusing to lend to real estate companies, became the laughing stock of the banking industry for a time. Pressure from the city.

Regardless of whether you can understand the crisis behind the real estate boom in Yecheng, the entire Yecheng, and even the entire Qiongdao, have been put on a fast-moving train without brakes. You can only add coal to the furnace to maintain the speed of the train. Force it to stop, as soon as it stops, the car will crash and people will die.

Although the outcome of waiting for the train is likely to be a car crash and death, how and when to stop are very skillful. It is impossible to take the initiative. If you take the initiative, it will be a man-made disaster. Not only will you have to take the blame, but you will also be fully responsible for the aftermath;

After Xi Changhe sat down opposite Nanyi, he immediately poured out his bitterness. Nanyi listened to the other party quietly, and waited for his mood to stabilize before he said: "A bank is a financial institution established in accordance with the law to operate money and credit business. The product of the development of the monetary economy to a certain stage.

Banks are one of the financial institutions. Banks are classified by type: central bank, policy bank, commercial bank, exclusive institution, investment bank, and the World Bank. Their responsibilities are different.

Nanguo Bank is an investment bank, which can also be regarded as a commercial bank or a specialized institution, but it is definitely not a policy bank, and naturally does not need to bear policy-related responsibilities.

Nanguo Bank operates business, not charity. Since it is a business, profit is its main purpose, and of course it will not do business that knows it will lose money.

We naturally have our own criteria for judging what kind of business will make money and what kind of business will lose money. The risk is borne by ourselves, and our judgment standard does not need others to dictate.

Nanguo Bank's presence in Yecheng will bring great benefits to both us and Yecheng. This is a win-win situation, not a unilateral profit.

Nanguo Bank Yecheng branch does not need to rely on anyone to survive. No outsider can issue orders to Nanguo Bank. No matter who wants to talk to Nanguo Bank, it must be based on the principle of equality and voluntariness.

President Xi, in the scope of your job, you only need to be responsible to President Ma Shimin and to your staff. Apart from that, you don’t need to be responsible to anyone else, understand? "

"Yes, I understand." Xi Changhe nodded.

"It's good to understand. In the past year, have there been any new small restaurants with special characteristics here in Yecheng?"

"A new one opened four months ago on Qilou Old Street. The storefront is small, but the food is delicious and clean. I usually go back to patronize it."

"Okay, you go back first, and we will have dinner there at six o'clock tomorrow night."

After Xi Changhe left, Nanyi went downstairs and walked around the office of Yiwan International. In the past two years, Yiwan International's business has expanded again and again, and the number of staff has increased a lot, but the office has not increased. The seats are relatively spacious, and it is a little cramped now, but it is not intolerable.

The business of Green Nuclear Development and Nanguo Bank Yecheng Branch overlaps. After a while, the office of Green Nuclear Development will be moved to Shanghai, and the vacated office will be used by Yiwan International.

"Boss." Dai Yinghong called out when she saw Nanyi.

"Okay, how is the child?"

"It's good, but it's too naughty. The nanny at home seems to be struggling."

"Kids, take care of yourself."

After Nan Yi and Dai Yinghong finished talking, they greeted several employees of Xiangxi and other new employees. Nan Yi knew every employee in the company, even if he hadn't met him, he had seen his resume.

After walking around the office, Nanyi came to the fan stall at the entrance of the village.

With the hot real estate market, the number of migrants in Lower Longkun Village is increasing, and a market has formed at the entrance of the village, with snack stalls and vegetable stalls.

After sitting down and ordering some noodles, Nanyi saw Ah Guang walking towards him empty-handed, his eyes fixed on the bowl of noodles in his hand.

"Don't look at it, I won't be able to eat if I let you look at it a few more times, come and sit down."

Hearing Nanyi's words, Ah Guang showed a little embarrassment, but he walked firmly to Nanyi's side, twisting his calves from left to right, and did not sit down.

"Okay, sit down quickly, don't let me invite you step by step." Seeing Ah Guang's swaying posture, Nan Yi called out again.

Ah Guang smiled shyly and sat down beside Nan Yi.

Nan Yi yelled at the stall owner, and ordered a portion of noodles for A Guang, as long as there was any meat on the stall, he would add it.

When the noodles were on the table, Nan Yi took a pair of chopsticks from the chopsticks holder and handed them to A Guang.

Ah Guang took the chopsticks, held them in his hand, picked up the bowl and drank the soup in one breath, and then launched a general attack on the bowl with the chopsticks. In less than twenty seconds, half of the food in the bowl disappeared.

"Eat slowly, order as many bowls as you can."

"Woo... um."

Ah Guang spit out two sounds from the crack in his mouth, and continued to deal with the powder in the bowl.

Nan Yi shook his head and smiled, and slowly ate his own noodles, very slowly, when he finished eating, Ah Guang was still eating, it was already the third bowl.

"I can't stay here for a few days this time, and I don't know how long it will be before I come back next time, maybe a year, maybe several years, I'm not from Yecheng, I'm just a passerby here, sooner or later I have to leave."

Hearing Nanyi's words, Ah Guang stopped the chopsticks that had been flying all the time, and a sense of sadness welled up in his throat, "You don't want your house in the village anymore?"

"The company is still here, and there will be other people watching, so I don't need to worry about it. Tell me about you, I think you haven't studied hard, what do you think in your heart, do you want to start a business?"

Ah Guang said: "My father and mother have gone to Shenzhen to do business, and I want to go and help them."

"What business are your parents doing?" Nan Yi asked.

"Killing cattle and selling cattle."

Nan Yi thought for a while and said, "Just go to the countryside to collect cattle, kill them yourself and sell them in the vegetable market?"


"Now I go to the countryside to collect cattle. A yellow cattle costs 800-1000 yuan and weighs about 500 kilograms. The meat yield of slaughtered cattle is 40%, which means that about 200 kilograms of beef can be killed. The price of deep-boiled beef is 4 yuan. A little more, almost the cost of buying cattle can be sold.

What your parents really earn is cowhide and offal, including tripe, large intestine, lung, heart, veil, joints, tendons, whip, etc. A cow can earn about 600-800 yuan. It is not a problem to sell a cow a day after word of mouth is established.

However, in order to ensure the freshness of the beef, your parents will wake up at two o'clock every day, kill the cattle, and clean them up. It will be almost five o'clock, and it is time to sell the stall. This sale lasts for a day, and you eat There is no time, and there is no time to do other things. Even if you watch TV, you can't watch it for long;

This is not over yet. If you want good cattle, you have to go to the countryside to buy them yourself. The distance is tens of miles, or it may be hundreds of miles. You can collect two to three cows at a time. If it is too much, even if your parents can afford it You can't afford the loss of fat, that is to say, your dad will go to the countryside for at most three days, and you won't be able to sleep well for one day in three days.

Let me calculate a little more, just as your parents can earn 500 yuan a day, 15,000 a month, and 180,000 a year. It seems a lot, but it can't be compared with me. The company I work in the village, not to mention more, can earn at least three months of your parents' money in a day.

You can also see how my life is. Do you want to live like your father and mother, or like me?

If you want to be like me, then don’t think about starting a business now, stay in school and study hard, get into a good university, and even if you don’t start a company after graduation, you can still find a job with a high salary Work……"

"How tall is it?" Ah Guang asked.

"100,000, 1 million, 10 million are possible in a year, everything depends on your own ability, here." Nan Yi poked Ah Guang's forehead and said: "Only with the brain can there be infinite possibilities."

As Nanyi said, he took out 20 yuan and put it on the table, "I will only tell you these words once, I am not sure if you can understand at your age, I hope you can understand, this bowl is almost eaten, Don't eat and hold on."

After finishing speaking, Nanyi got up and left the stall. When walking back, he took a look at the heavy makeup standing on the side of the road. As expected of one of the oldest industries, he has a keen sense of business.

A Guang, who stayed in his place, thought about Nanyi's words for a while, and had a vague longing for the job with an annual salary of tens of millions that Nanyi said. He was very curious about what kind of life it would be like, and started to think, What would happen if I lived that kind of life...

After thinking for a while, his attention returned to the fans in front of him. Compared with those things that are invisible and intangible and only left in imagination, the fans in front of him are more real and easier to grasp.

After eating two mouthfuls, he looked at the front of the table again, thinking that there would be a lot left after paying the fans, so that he could go to the video studio and buy soft drinks and popsicles.

Back at the residence, Nan Yi went to the kitchen to look. The cooker had obvious traces of being turned on recently. When he opened the refrigerator, there were meat and vegetables in it. He picked up the meat and smelled it and then poked it with his fingers. The meat was still fresh, and the time for refrigeration not long.

Downstairs, Su Meng parked the car, picked up a bag from the co-pilot, closed the door, walked forward along the familiar route, stepped on the stairs, walked through eleven steps, turned, walked seven more steps, and walked out five steps. Let's go, take out the key and prepare to open the door...

"How did the door open?"

"The door is open."

"He is back!"

A wave of excitement penetrated from the soles of the feet, went up along the legs, penetrated into the heart, and continued to go up, straight to the cheeks.

橐橐, 橐橐橐...

Su Meng's footsteps changed from fast to faster, and she slammed into the kitchen. When she looked up, she saw Nanyi took out a cucumber from the refrigerator, broke it into two pieces, and stuffed one piece into her mouth.

"You're back?"

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