Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 877 Trampled to Death

Lin Yan left.

Soon, she will go to Xiangtang to verify Nanyi's strength.

In the future, the glove group will connect with her. Nan's will invest funds and resources in her to support her growth. At the same time, Nan's will take away some of the wealth she created—starting with half, and gradually reducing the share depending on the situation. , there is no possibility of increase, if Nan's due share exceeds half, it can only show that the choice of investment object has failed.

After meeting Lin Yan, Nan Yi met Chen Yicai and Li Jin successively, and had dinner with Biehe and the two.

On Cheng Hainan's side, Meng Qi easily completed Xiang Yunming's work and learned the truth about Xiang Yunming's willingness to advance funds. In fact, Xiang Yunming did not advance much funds at all. Most of the building materials on the construction site were paid on credit. Yes, but Xiang Yunming's engineering team has not paid wages at all since the start of work, and it is very difficult for construction workers to get an advance payment.

At this time, there were almost no construction sites that paid wages on a monthly basis. Construction workers had to pay in advance if they wanted to use the money. Often, after a project was completed, the construction workers would not be paid until the contractor paid the project payment.

If you are unlucky, and the higher-level contractor runs away or the contractor runs away, the mistress and accountant flees privately with money, or loses everything in gambling, the construction workers will not get a dime, even if the contractor’s house is taken away. Even if you smash it, you can't get it.

Therefore, on the current construction site, the contractor and the construction workers are generally fellow villagers, and knowing the basics will make both parties feel at ease.

Just because he only needs to bear a little advance payment and food expenses, Xiang Yunming's pressure to advance funds is not too great, and there is a drawer agreement between him and Cheng Hainan - after the Haimeng Building is completed, 30% of the property rights will belong to Yunming.

It has to be said that Cheng Hainan drew a big cake for Xiang Yunming.

Meng Qi discussed with Xiang Yunming that after she took over the Haimeng Building, she would not accept the previous drawer agreement, but she would bear the project payment, and Xiang Yunming would continue to work on the project, and the project payment would be changed to Progress settlement, as long as a "stage project" is completed, a sum of money can be settled immediately, and Xiang Yunming let go of the fantasy of property rights and readily agrees.

At this point, the project of Haimeng Building has been controlled by Nanyi, and the only link that has not been completed is the mortgage loan of "Half Building" from the Universal Bank.

Liu Zhen was dispatched from the headquarters of the Universal Bank, and there are many acquaintances in the headquarters. If Nanyi dared to let Liu Zhen get in touch, if Liu Zhen was curious and asked a little bit, Su Meng would definitely be dug out by her.

Perhaps, no, it should be said that Liu Zhen can definitely guess that Nanyi has a lover in Yecheng. In terms of feelings, a woman's sixth sense cannot be underestimated. However, it is one thing to guess, but it is another thing to know clearly—oh, to take revenge on a rival in love and dare to ask her for help, this is simply too much deception, which is tolerable or unbearable.

Out of respect for Liu Zhen, Nanyi can only let the plan go forward with imperfections.

One day at noon, Jiang Sheng arrived at Cheng Hainan's company after lunch. He originally came in the morning, but there are too many businessmen who pay attention to "no money" in the morning, that is, they don't take money out in the morning. To be able to collect money in, although Jiang Sheng is clearly asking for debts, but in terms of face, he still has to take care of him.

Needless to say, as soon as Jiang Sheng appeared, Cheng Hainan knew what he was here for. Liu Xueyou had already settled the matter, and the final payment of 500,000 yuan should be settled.

However, from the very beginning, Cheng Hainan made up his mind that the final payment would be delayed every day until it was overdue. Otherwise, when he asked Pan Wuju to borrow money, he would not only borrow 500,000.

"I don't have any money right now, tell Manager Liu to wait, and I'll send it to you as soon as I have more money." After pouring Jiang Sheng a cup of tea, Cheng Hainan said this.

"It's okay to wait a little longer. There should be a time. The contract is signed. Although it can't be torn up, it can make things difficult. Mr. Cheng, don't make mistakes." Jiang Sheng said in a tone-deaf way.

Cheng Hainan patted his chest and said: "I, Cheng Hainan, am a trustworthy person. I will give it if I say it, but I really don't have any money at hand. As I said, as soon as I recover, I will send the money over immediately."

Jiang Sheng smiled coldly, "Okay, I understand Mr. Cheng's attitude, and I will take my leave."

As soon as Jiang Sheng left, Xiang Yunming came again, not alone, but also brought a lawyer with him.

Without waiting for Cheng Hainan to say hello, the lawyer immediately took out a lawyer's letter, "Mr. Cheng, I am Mr. Xiang Yunming's representative lawyer. You have mortgaged the unfinished construction of Haimeng Building to Universal Bank without Mr. Xiang Yunming's permission. , this behavior has violated the rights of my client, Mr. Xiang Yunming, and we will file a lawsuit against Mr. Cheng in accordance with the law."

The drawer agreement is also an agreement, and the agreement signed by Cheng Hainan and Xiang Yunming is not really a shady agreement, it can only be said to be hidden, not too formal, but basically legal.

"Xiang Yunming, what do you mean? Didn't we agree a long time ago that when the building is completed, 30% of the property rights will be given to you." Upon hearing the lawyer's words, Cheng Hainan immediately said furiously.

"We made an agreement, but you didn't tell me that you took the building as a mortgage. It stands to reason that 30% of it is mine. Did you tell me before the mortgage? Did you give me the loan? Lawyer Sun told me Yes, if you do this, I can sue you, I am protecting my legal rights."


Cheng Hainan spat out a long series of foul words, and at the same time he rushed forward, wanting to beat Yunming.

"Mr. Xiang, I am not only proficient in economic lawsuits, but also good at criminal lawsuits." The lawyer is a wonderful person. Seeing that Cheng Hainan wanted to be violent, he clearly told Xiang Yunming, but his eyes kept looking at Cheng Hainan. Not only did he say it with his mouth, but he also took out a camera in his hand, as if he was ready to take pictures at any time.

Seeing this, Cheng Hainan could only use a mouthful of old blood to suppress his anger, and pressed the Rainstorm Pear Blossom needles into his eyes, and with sharp, cannibalistic eyes, the needles shot to Xiang Yunming's face one by one.

Xiang Yunming didn't lie to Cheng Hainan at all, if he really wanted to fight, he could let the opponent, who had worked as a lumberjack and a quarry, with one hand, be able to pick up Cheng Hainan and turn him into a spinning top with one hand.

If you are really serious, you don't panic, how can you be afraid of such a look.

Xiang Yunming was also anxious, he was played by Cheng Hainan as a monkey before, 30% of the property rights, bah.

This time, Xiang Yunming and the lawyer just came over to show their faces, they didn't intend to do anything, put down the lawyer's letter, and left after a while.

When only Cheng Hainan was left in the office, he smoked cigarettes one after another. He was in deep trouble now, and he couldn't think of a way to break the situation.

"What should I do? What should I do?"

Cheng Hainan, who was in a state of desperation, didn't even notice that there was one person missing in the office today, and Meng Qi hadn't shown up since morning.

Now Meng Qi is on the construction site of Haimeng Building, and Xiang Yunming, who left from Cheng Hainan's place, will accompany Du Tiangong and his wife to inspect the construction site.

Although Xiang Yunming's engineering team is reliable in their work, it is a grassroots team in the end. The building is not a residential building, and reckless work will not do. If Nanyi hadn't intervened in the Haimeng Building, and Cheng Hainan and Hong Fu Qitian had worked the building to the top, perhaps a bigger disaster would have happened.

Longkun Lower Village.

Nan Yi and Su Meng wore boat hats folded from newspapers and painted the walls in the empty room.

The house has been moved, and Nanyi’s sundries have been moved to Su Meng’s house. The two of them will be completing the last rites as tenants—restoring the room, painting the walls, repairing what needs to be repaired, and repairing the ground. clean up.

As the evening approached, the two of them finished what they had to do. They asked the landlord to come over and take a look, and handed over the keys. The story of Nanyi living in Longkunxia Village came to an end.

In the architectural planning of the dream town, an area will be drawn near the sea, surrounded by trees, and a LOFT with Su's factory structure will be built in the middle, which will be the foothold of Nanyi in the future.

Nanyi stayed in Yecheng for another night. Early the next morning, at dawn, he boarded the fox that came to pick him up.

A white ashtray, filled with cigarette butts, roughly counted, it is almost two and a half packs, under the table, there are many cigarette butts scattered in a mess, and there are three or four pinched cigarettes among them box.

This is Cheng Hainan's company, and this is Cheng Hainan's executive desk. Cheng Hainan has been sitting here since yesterday afternoon and has never left. Worry, he is really sad, and he has racked his brains but can't think of a way out.

The only way to make him feel hopeful is Su Meng, but... Haimeng Mansion is a gift he intends to give to Su Meng. The last time he came to borrow money has already made him very embarrassed. If he goes again, he really can’t do it , his pride couldn't take it.


The door of the office was opened, and Meng Qi, who was wearing a white OL uniform, was holding a glass cylindrical vase in her hand, in which was a bouquet of hibiscus flowers of the season. She walked slowly, with a beam of light behind her, Beat her into Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Cheng Hainan raised his head, eyes full of gum were facing Shengmen, stung by the sun, couldn't help squinting, his eyelids hurt with gum.

Grinning his chapped lips, he threw out a question: "Where did you go yesterday, I haven't seen you all day."

Meng Qi gently placed the vase on her desk, and cleaned up the debris on the desk, ignoring Cheng Hainan.

"Ask you something, dumb!"

When there was no response, Cheng Hainan, who was like a powder barrel, suddenly became angry.

"Oh, Brother Hai, don't be so angry early in the morning, it will hurt your body." The words are good words, but Meng Qi's tone sounds irritating.

"Shut up, let me ask you, where did you go yesterday?"

Meng Qi swayed her waist and walked two meters away from Cheng Hainan, "Boss Cheng, I don't seem to need to report to you wherever I go. Say that I am your secretary. There is no formal employment procedure between us, and I have never been given any formal employment procedures." Pay a penny of wages; say I am your girlfriend, when you were with me, you called Su Meng's name, what do you think we are related to?"

Hearing this, Cheng Hainan laughed angrily, "Okay, okay, I'm about to fall, so you have to run too, right? Not only do you want to run, but you also want to step on me, you bitch, listen to me, I No matter how downcast Cheng Hainan is, it's not something you can step on."

"Hehehe..." Meng Qi laughed out loud, her flowers trembling from her laughter, "Really? What a cow, come in."

As Meng Qi's voice fell, a person walked in from outside the office, it was Jiang Sheng's subordinate Mo Niu in Yecheng, who was responsible for following to protect Meng Qi.

When planning the plan, Nanyi didn't choose the best one. In fact, he can change the script. For example, at this moment, let Meng Qi humiliate Cheng Hainan. According to Cheng Hainan's character, as long as the words of humiliation are in place, There is a high probability that Meng Qi will be killed or seriously injured.

It's just to make Cheng Hainan lose his mind, and the words "Su Meng" must be inseparable from the word "Su Meng". Partners, not to mention our own people.

"Well, take a piece of my business card and show it to Boss Cheng."

Hearing this, Mo Niu took out a business card holder, pulled out a business card, and handed it to Cheng Hainan.

"Rachel's non-performing asset management company... Meng Qi, the general manager." Cheng Hainan took the business card and glanced up, then glanced at the name and position in the center, and his whole body suddenly became ill, "You, you..."

"Boss Cheng, don't be surprised. That's right. I have the land certificate of Haimeng Building, and I have your loan contract. In 25 days, Boss Cheng should pay the first installment. Remember to pay it on time." Pay back the money."

"You he……"

Cheng Hainan, who was about to rush towards Meng Qi, was pushed back by Mo Niu.

"Boss Cheng, don't be so impulsive, it's wrong to hit someone." Meng Qi said happily: "I haven't finished my words yet, I bought your IOU from Boss Pan, yes, your IOU The house book is also in my hands. Now, I am the biggest creditor of Boss Cheng, Boss Cheng, don't even think about running away.

Okay, Boss Cheng, you haven't slept all night, go back and wash your face and get a good night's sleep. I'm going to your hometown to ask your aunt to invite all your relatives out to make a joint guarantee for you.

Boss Cheng, you know that your reputation is very bad. The necklace you promised to buy for me has been in the past for a long time, but you didn't buy it for me. I'm so disappointed. "

"You..." Cheng Hainan, who was about to pounce on Meng Qi again, was stopped by Mo Niu, he could only stand on the spot and shout loudly: "What do you want to do? You want to tear your face apart?"

As Cheng Hainan, who has a lot of self-esteem, how could he bear the "scandalous things" about him going out to his hometown? If Meng Qi were to move his mother and relatives out, he would really lose face.

"No, you, Cheng Hainan, are just a small person. No one wants to see your jokes. I just want to protect my interests. I have already done the calculation for you. You transfer the company to me, and I will help you bear the loan from the Universal Bank, and then Then sign a 10 million loan contract with me, and if there are any problems with Haimeng Building in the future, it will have nothing to do with you.

By the way, I will take the loan contract to the notary office in your hometown for notarization. In the future, all your income, except for living needs, will be used to repay the debt owed to me in time. "

In the end, Cheng Hainan obediently was led by the nose by Meng Qi, and signed a loan contract. If he didn't sign it, he couldn't do it. The arrears were about to blow up, and once it exploded, there was no chance of turning over. After signing, there was still a glimmer of hope .

Cheng Hainan's company was transferred to Meng Qi, the loan from Universal Bank was in Nanyi's hands, and Haimeng Building was also in Nanyi's hands, and it will be renamed "Nanhaimeng Building" soon.

As soon as the property rights were in hand, Meng Qi went to the Universal Bank to change the previous mortgage loan contract to a guaranteed loan, with Yiwan International as the guarantor.

The non-compliance of the loan procedures is a small problem or a big problem. No matter how big or small, Nanyi does not want to see that there is a loophole and does not make up for it. Now that the contract is changed, the loophole will no longer exist. No, it's none of Meng Qi's business.

The construction of Nanhaimeng Building continued, and Zhou Jina became a supervisor, running between the two construction sites; Meng Qi knotted the previous construction funds to Xiang Yunming, and the construction workers on the construction site received their first wages, and their motivation suddenly changed. Get more.

They have to wait a few months for the next salary, and it is impossible to pay them a monthly payment. If the monthly payment is made, the workers on other construction sites will know what the boss will do.

To be a person, you need to have a big picture. You can't just think about your own one-acre three-point land, but you must have the world in mind. Don’t think that it’s a good thing to give your employees high-standard treatment. You don’t have to worry about inequalities.

South China Sports Club.

Nan Yi sat on the edge of the court, watching the third game of the 1992 South Country Cup, which was also the semi-final.

There are a total of three teams participating in the Southland Cup, namely the Southland team, the Weir team, and the Jardine team. Hong Kong, London, and New York are held in turn. This year is just Hong Kong's turn.

At this time, the Southland team VS Weir team was playing on the field. The two sides were in a stalemate. The football was constantly flowing between the two teams in the midfield. No one could rush into the opponent's half. Cheer on the players on the sidelines.

The South Country Cup is an entertainment game. There are no professional football players, and even the team does not have fixed players. The employees of the three banking systems sign up to participate every year. They may not have undergone intensive training before the game. It is conceivable that the game How much hip kicking.

However, both the players on the field and the audience on the side were very happy.

The two teams stalemate in the midfield for a long time, and the football was kicked into the half of Weir Bank by a big foot. The players of the Southland team instantly pressed forward regardless of the front or position. The Southland cheerleaders in short skirts were on the side of the field Waving the cheer flower in his hand, he also pressed up to Weir's half.

At this pressure, in an instant, the two cheerleaders collided.

"Hem home shovel!"


The scolding war started in an instant, and soon escalated into tearing.

The security team on the side saw that something was wrong, and immediately two female security guards went up to separate the cheerleaders on both sides.

Nan Yi smacked his lips, and secretly said it was a pity, seeing that a piece of clothing was about to be torn off, the security team moved too fast.

Before the game was over, Nanyi and Ma Shimin left first. The game was a carnival for the staff. It was enough for the two of them to show up and show their concern. Staying here would only make the staff unable to let go.

"Adam, the inflation rate in Hong Kong this year is still very high, it will be close to 10%." On the way back, Ma Shimin, who was sitting next to Nanyi, asked, "Does the salary increase in 1993 need to be adjusted?"

Nanyi didn't think about it, and said directly: "It's only July. This issue will be decided at the end of the year, and this year's performance will be determined according to the process."

The whole Nanshi will adjust the salary of the old staff every year, which is divided into three parts: inflation compensation, long-term service payment, and KPI. The basic principle is to keep the living standard of the staff without considering other factors. .

In the past two or three years, Hong Kong has maintained relatively high inflation. In May last year, in order to curb inflation, the Hong Kong government introduced anti-inflation measures. One of them was salary increases, covering private companies. Mid-level employees will get a 12.4% salary increase, while low-level employees will get a 12.9% salary increase.

Therefore, the salary increase rate of the Southland banking system this year is unprecedented, surpassing Weir Bank and Jardine Bank. Appropriate control must be carried out next year, otherwise the salary increase rate is too fast, and the burden on the banks will be too heavy.

In this situation, Ma Shimin knew in his heart that he raised this question just as an opening remark, not what he wanted to talk about.

"OK, by December, I will submit an application report to the Intelligence Policy Committee." Ma Shimin responded and changed the subject, "Adam, many countries have now abandoned the original financial management model and turned to banking, securities, A comprehensive financial model in which insurances integrate and promote each other will become the mainstream in the future.

With the fierce competition in the financial market day by day, interest rate liberalization, and financial disintermediation (financial disintermediation, which can be understood as capital and financing parties kicking off direct contact with banks) will accelerate, and the traditional business space of commercial banks will be squeezed Although our Nanguo Bank Group is mainly engaged in investment, our business will definitely be affected.

Therefore, I propose that Nanguo Bank Group expand its business and increase its insurance and securities business. The first step can start with the merger of PY Securities. "

Nan Yi thought about it for a while, and said: "Simon, your proposal is very good, but the matter is a bit big. You should discuss it in the Nanguo Bank first, come up with a preliminary plan and submit it to the Intelligence Policy Committee, and we will discuss it carefully."

Business adjustment is not a simple matter. It involves all aspects. The Nanguo Bank Group is not big or small. It is not an aircraft carrier, but it is not a small sampan.

Although Nanyi has been planning to enter the insurance industry, in his previous conception, the insurance business would be relatively independent, and he never thought of putting the insurance business under the Nanguo Bank Group. No matter what, he got off the car halfway and went back to the bank, leaving only Nanyi in the car thinking deeply.

Thinking was brought back to Fang's Manor by Nanyi until he answered a phone call.

Xian Weimin called.

"Nanyi, Ding Liuyi asked me to borrow money."

"Oh, how much to borrow?"

After birth, Xian Weimin was called Man San'er.

"10 billion yen."

"Not a lot, it's not difficult for you to take it out, don't you want to borrow it?"

"I don't really want to borrow. His side is a bottomless pit, and 10 billion won't do much."

"Tell me."

Xian Weimin said simply: "Last year he acquired a lot of land, worth 100 billion yen at the peak, and took a lot of loans."

"How much is a lot?"

"At least 85 billion with principal and interest."

Nanyi rubbed his temples, "I'm capable, once the business is done, it will be hundreds of billions, this grandson deserves it, bastard, I haven't given a penny to the billionaires in these years, oh, forget it, don't worry about him, When he is penniless and living on the street, just find him a place to eat."

"Okay, I politely refuse him."

Hanging up the phone, Nanyi fell into complicated emotions. Men San'er was his earliest close partner, and he had been flying with him. Who knew that he would not be willing to follow him on the way. Hearing that the other party was about to fall down, Nanyi had both Hearing the sadness of a friend's misfortune, there is a tinge of joy.

Feeling sad for a while, Nan Yi put aside the matter of Men San'er and went out to Zhao Shixian's villa.

Nanyi came at an inopportune time, Zhao Shixian was lying on a deck chair by the swimming pool, reading a stack of documents in his hand. Nanyi didn't bother her, took off his clothes, and plunged into the swimming pool.

After swimming back and forth a few times, Nan Yi crawled out of the water, lay down by the pool, closed his eyes and took a nap.

At some point, Zhao Shixian came to him, pressed his bare feet against his waist, pushed him into the water with all his strength, and then let out a series of laughter like silver bells.

Before falling into the water, Nan Yi was prepared. If he was unwilling, Zhao Shixian's strength would not be enough to push him. It's just that he feels sorry for Zhao Shixian and is happy to satisfy the other party's naughty.

Crawling out of the water, Nanyi jumped a few times on the spot, shaking out the accumulated water in his ears.

Seeing Nanyi bouncing around, Zhao Shixian sang resentfully, "In the north there is Wangfu Cliff, which tells the sorrow of the ages. There is a girl in the legend, whose sweetheart is drifting overseas. In the legend, she stands in the wilderness. Waiting foolishly..."

"Are you exaggerating a bit?"

"Exaggerated?" Zhao Shixian stared at Nanyi's male dog's waist, and said with resentment: "If you don't come again, you will have a chance to find out that I am stealing people here."

"It's okay to steal people, just don't steal money." Nanyi stopped jumping and laughed.

"I, people steal, and money too." Zhao Shixian said, and then asked: "Do you eat here?"

Nan Yi walked up to Zhao Shixian and hugged her from behind, "I can stay here until noon tomorrow."

"You ask Mrs. Zheng to cook. I'll go to the company and come back at 8:30."


"No, Lira, Pounds have to wait." Zhao Shixian turned around and kissed Nan Yi, "Wait here for me obediently, don't run away."

"Well, don't run."

After Zhao Shixian left, Nanyi washed it, changed into home clothes, and told Mrs. Zheng to watch the time to cook, and then went to the balcony to stay. Zhao Shixian's villa is in a very good location, where you can see the most beautiful sunset in Repulse Bay .

Drunk for a while in the sunset, Nan Yi began to recollect the word "Lira" that Zhao Shixian dropped just now, and put it down after thinking for a while, financial speculation, it's not his turn to worry about it, the only point in his mind about finance in his previous life Memory can only be used as an assistant.

In terms of actual combat ability in the financial market, he is neither comparable to Scarlett, Zhao Shixian, or even Catherine. When chatting with Catherine two years ago, she had foreseen that Britain would join the European exchange rate system. Caused the exchange rate crisis of the British pound.

Especially in February this year, 12 member states of the European Union signed the "Maastricht Treaty", which made some European currencies such as the pound sterling and the Italian lira obviously overvalued, and the central banks of these countries will face huge interest rate cuts Or depreciation pressure, it is difficult for them to maintain coordination with Germany, which has a strong economy, in terms of economic policies.

The lira is a soft currency. The exchange rate has been unstable. It is a very unstable link in the chain of the European exchange rate system. If you attack this point, you can break the system. Bad British pound.

Nan Yi estimated that the Quantum Fund had already collected enough chips and was waiting for a good time to launch it.

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