"Huo Tian, ​​I may disappoint you. I can reply you directly on behalf of my mother. Duanjinlou will not set foot in the real estate industry."

"Why?" Huo Tian said in surprise: "Boss Nan, I just saw in the newspaper yesterday that there was a Hongtu Real Estate in Yecheng that distributed dividends to shareholders. The general manager mentioned above is you, right?"

"Yes, the Nanyi you mentioned is me. I understand what you want to say. When it comes to real estate, you just glanced outside the door. As for me, I have already been in it. I must know this business better than you.

With the current strength of Duanjinlou, if you want to make a difference in the real estate industry, you must not bypass the bank. I believe you have already told your female neighbor what my wife does. Be sure to factor in my wife.

As for the deeper calculations, I will not speculate maliciously. It is a kind of fate that you and my family can come together and become partners. I prefer to treat partners with the greatest goodwill.

That's why I told you directly that Duanjinlou will not enter the real estate industry. For my family, the reasons for not entering are very good, but for you, my family's reasons are not your reasons. "

Nanyi raised his foot and crushed the cigarette butt Huo Tian threw on the ground, "To compensate you, I have two options. You can choose one of the two options. The first one is that Xiaonan's family will buy the shares in Duanjinlou from you at a premium of 20%. You use the money from selling shares to go to real estate.

You can rest assured that the valuation of the shares will be done by outside professional institutions, as much as it should be, and you will not be cheated by a single point.

Second, mortgage your shares to me, and I will lend you a sum of money for two years without interest, but once the two-year period expires, I can give you a grace period of three months at most. Once the time passes, the shares will belong to me up.

Regardless of whether you choose No. 1 or No. 2, your general manager position will be resigned, which also means that your future management dividends will be gone, only share dividends. "

Huo Tian is a capable person, and he is also a very methodical person. Since he proposed to do real estate, he must have already made a good deal in his heart. Not to mention that it was not easy to persuade him, even if he did everything possible to persuade him, it would be impossible for him to continue to manage Duanjinlou steadily.

From the moment Huo Tian got up his mind, he became an unstable factor in Duanjinlou, and activated the "good gathering and good separation" program set by Nanyi. Different ways do not seek each other. Since the ideas can no longer be consistent, it is better to separate in a friendly atmosphere.

In addition, from a more selfish point of view, if the Nan family wants to enter the real estate industry, they don't need to enter the real estate industry with Duanjin Building as the main body. Yi Jinru registers a real estate company, and Nan Yi can transfer a few people to set up the stall. There is no need to partner with others from the beginning, and it is more in the interests of Nanjia to absorb shareholders after the rising period.

What's more, Huo Tian didn't show any talent in the real estate field. Whether it's recruiting people from Creative Real Estate, or finding a few real estate agents from Nan Ruofing's GA service, there is a high probability that Huo Tian will do a better job than Huo Tian , but the treatment to be paid is worlds apart.

I have to admit that the development of the real estate industry in Hong Kong is one step ahead. 80% of what is happening in the real estate field in the mainland has already happened in Hong Kong a few years ago. VS interns just entering the industry.

As Nan Yi expected, Huo Tian had indeed made up his mind to enter the real estate industry. He weighed it in his heart for a while and said, "Boss Nan, how much can you lend me?"

"What is the value of the shares, I will lend you 120% of the amount. Apart from the relationship with the bank, if you need help with other things, you can just say a word, and I will definitely help you if I can."

Huo Tian nodded, "Okay, that's it, Boss Nan, thank you."

"Need not."


There is a saying in the practice stall circle in Beijing, "Haidian Qinghe City, Chaoyang Xiushui Street", which refers to Qinghe International Wholesale Market and Xiushui Street.

Qinghe International Wholesale Market is dealing with local and surrounding clothing stall owners in the capital. In the past two years, it has also started to deal with foreigners' wholesale business. However, no matter whether it is domestic or foreign, it is facing big customers. In order to ensure the interests of customers, In a well-divided area, Qinghe International will only develop one client to help the client form a relative monopoly and guarantee the client's interests.

Therefore, in the past two years, Qinghe International Wholesale Market has become more and more deserted, but in fact, the turnover has been rising steadily. The function of selling goods in the wholesale market has become weaker and weaker, and the attributes of window displays have become stronger and stronger. The positioning of Qinghe International has slightly changed. , from a mere middleman to a clothing supply solution provider.

It is no longer a business model of procurement and wholesale, but has stepped into the garment production process with one foot, kidnapped many garment factories with orders, and made them the production base of Qinghe International. Qinghe International is no longer the discovery trend of the past. Then follow the trend of purchasing, but start to lead the trend.

For example, men's suits are popular this spring. The fabrics are mainly made of pure and blended creamy white, crab blue, and turquoise fabrics, especially blended woolen fabrics such as polyester, silk, linen, and wool. Popular; such as ties, jackets, trousers, and women's suits, round flat or low-necked cropped jackets with tunic culottes or tight trousers.

These, Qinghe International had already predicted last year, not only hoarded a batch of goods, but also has a strong production capacity, can drive out a large number of goods in a short period of time, this year's Spring Festival, Qinghe International Take your own customers to spend a good year.

All in all, Qinghe International has taken a relatively high-end route, not because of how high-end the products are, but because of the high threshold. Being able to become a customer of Qinghe International means that it is one of the best figures in the local clothing industry.

Li Chengyu's clothing store in Xidan has a turnover of 400,000 to 500,000 yuan a day, and he is just a not too prominent customer of Qinghe International, and his business volume is almost only at the upper-middle level.

Yang Kaiyan integrated the idea of ​​"common prosperity" into the blood of Yaqing Company, and took customers along the road of prosperity.

"Boss He, the business is getting bigger."

Before going to Nan's house in the morning, Nan Yi took Nan Wuwei around Asia. When he saw a Qunfang Ji next door to Wangdefu and He Qunfang standing in the store, Nanyi went up to say hello.

He Qunfang, who was lifting the steamer to look at the steamed buns, raised her head when she heard the voice, and saw that it was Nan Yi, she immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Nan, it's you. I haven't seen you for many years."

"Yeah, long time no see, why did you have breakfast, isn't it a chain? The Sichuan restaurant is closed?"

"It's open, why not, I'm married, my guy looks at the Sichuan restaurant, I cook breakfast myself." He Qunfang pointed to the steamer, "Have you eaten breakfast? If you haven't eaten, I'll get you some buns. "

"I'm full. I'll try your steamed buns next time." Nan Yi patted his stomach lightly and said, "Selling steamed stuffed buns here is mainly for the merchants in the building, right?"

"In the morning, I do business for merchants. At noon, I do business for individual customers. Four buns and a cup of soy milk. Many people just deal with it for lunch. In the middle of the day alone, I can sell a dozen drawers of buns," said He Qunfang. When he was in business, his face was filled with joy from the inside out, which showed that the business was really not bad.

"It's quite a lot." Nan Yi said in surprise: "Hearing what you said, the glutton has been hooked, so you still give me one to taste."


He Qunfang skillfully picked up a bun from the steamer, put it in a special oiled paper bag and handed it to Nanyi.

Nan Yi took it, and took a closer look at the oil paper bag. Not only did it have the logo of "Quan Fang Ji" on it, but also a franchise phone number. After reading the oiled paper bag, Nanyi broke the bun from the middle, a stream of soup sprayed out from the inside of the bun, and in an instant, a strong smell of meat penetrated into Nanyi's nose.

He put it under his nose and sniffed it carefully, then broke off a piece of bun skin that was not sticking to the filling, put it in his mouth, chewed it carefully, and then tasted the stuffing of the bun carefully.

"The noodles are good noodles, and the fillings are made of top-quality buttock meat. I can only taste a few of the seasonings. Do you have a secret recipe?"

He Qunfang chuckled, "No wonder the dumplings made by mom are so delicious. It turns out that Nan is always an expert. If I don't have the secret recipe in my hand, I wouldn't dare to open a bun shop."

"How much does the meat bun sell for?"

"One for thirty cents, four for one yuan."

Nanyi calculated in his mind and said, "The profit is less than half."

He Qunfang shook his head, "I can't get there, I use good ingredients, and the cost can't be kept down, so I can only rely on the quantity. The price of flour and meat has been rising, and in a few days, I have to follow suit. no."

"Yeah, it won't work if it doesn't go up."

For the understanding of the prices of agricultural, animal husbandry and fishery products, in the world, Nanyi is the second, and few people dare to say that it is the first, and the country is not good. Long-term statistics of vegetable prices in wholesalers and vegetable markets in other countries.

Shennong Nanliang is different. It has been counting the wholesale and retail prices of various agricultural products in several major countries for a long time. So far, this work has continued for eight years. Accurate egg prices, just query the database.

Counting these, it is not enough to support the food. In addition to inflation, there are also supply and demand factors that affect prices. For example, citizens in a certain city suddenly find that the price of beef has increased by two yuan, or dropped by two yuan. For Shennong Nanliang In other words, there must be no "suddenness". It not only needs to grasp the price changes in time, but Shennong Nanliang, which is deeply involved in the agricultural product market, is "one of the factors" of price changes.

In short, Shennong Nanliang is attacking everywhere, quietly promoting changes in the relationship between supply and demand behind the scenes, and waiting for opportunities to make profits.

Rumors of a shortage suddenly popping up in a certain place, experts recommending what to eat more, etc., in the eyes of ordinary people, these are just ordinary things, but in fact, there is capital behind it, and Shennong Nanliang is behind it. one of the capitals.

In 1986, Shennong Nanliang became a shareholder of many condiment companies, including companies that produced chicken essence, so Shennong Nanliang took part in finding out the "complications of Chinese restaurants" from people's forgotten memories, and criticized MSG. Clear the barriers to popularization of chicken essence.

Just because Shennong Nanliang is very sensitive to the price of agricultural products, it is now planning to change the technology of semi-finished food. own profits and profit margins; 2. Keep products cheap and beautiful, and constantly reduce costs through high technology.

For example, the "Mom is good" dumpling now uses good noodles, good meat, good vegetables, and good craftsmanship, and the profit is not bad, but this "all good" state can't last long, and the soaring price makes "Mom is good" "The cost of the company continues to rise, and the profit and profit margin have approached the bottom line that Yaqing Company can tolerate.

Mama Hao Factory is already facing an unchanging situation. It is relatively simple to choose the first path, which is to increase the price and raise the brand to force the brand, and then separate from the masses and screen out a group of customers who can afford it.

If you choose the second way, you will face a long and continuous process of improving the process. Pork stuffed dumplings will start from the current high-quality pork belly, step by step to reduce the quality, and finally use lymphatic meat and minced meat (not minced meat, but chopped meat) Meat slag that falls during the meat process).

When the rising cost cannot be suppressed by rotten meat, the freshness of the ingredients cannot be guaranteed, and frozen goods have to be used; With the freezing technology we have mastered, a piece of pork frozen for 30 years can maintain the same appearance and taste as it has been frozen for three days.

If Nanyi had a dark heart, he is fully capable of allowing the ninety-year-old birthday man to eat "fresh" pork that has been frozen for a hundred years on his birthday. The birthday man will give a thumbs up and praise the freshness of the pork again and again .

Of course, this is just nonsense. Freezing requires cost. If it really takes up the freezer for a hundred years, Nanyi has already lost money to grandma's house. The function of the freezer is for short-term storage, to avoid the period when the market is bad, and to ship during the period when the market is good.

If the cost cannot be suppressed when the frozen goods arrive, then there is nothing to do but work hard.

The Strange Ninth Research Institute in New York has been immersed in the research and development of alternative foods for many years. A few years ago, it mastered the technology of making steamed fish with tofu and braised pork with winter melon. The appearance and taste are exactly the same.

As for making pork, beef, and mutton stuffing from chicken intestines and duck intestines, the intern researchers at the Strange Ninth Research Institute can do it with their eyes closed, and with a little effort, they can also make steaks with chicken skeletons.

Chicken farming is a good business. From head to toe, to eggs and excrement, every pore of a chicken can flow profits to Shennong Nanliang.

Xianglu First Research Institute is improving chicken breeds by "extending intestines". Under normal circumstances, the length of a chicken's intestines is between 1 and 2 meters. Perhaps in the near future, chicken intestines will grow to 3 meters or even longer.

Science and technology and hard work, or more officially, the rise of food additives is an inevitability in economic development. From a certain point of view, cheap and beautiful products are false propositions. There are no cheap and good products in this world. There are only people with low wages, and the truth is that you get what you pay for, and there is a problem with conscience if there is a price but no quality.

In order to ensure a relatively pure heart, Nanyi can make the business of Shennong Nanliang and Reclamation Group go up or down. To go up is to provide high-quality goods, but to screen out low-income customers; to go down is to avoid the terminal market and only be active in the supply of materials. business link.

What the customer buys the material for is not controlled by Nanyi. Just like the kitchen knife is intended to cut vegetables for people, not to kill people. His chicken intestines are used as feed, and the customer has to use them for cooking. Stir-fried chicken intestines, why, he can still stop it, even if he is pretentious and shamelessly in charge of the world, can he still control other people's shit and fart?

The food additive market is expected to grow into a large market with a scale of more than 100 billion US dollars per year, and food additive is not a derogatory term. Its quality depends only on the people who use it.

A kitchen knife cuts off the fuse of a bomb capable of blowing up the earth. It is an artifact to save the world. If it is used to kill innocent people, it is a murder weapon. The same is true for food additives. If you use it well, it is righteous, and if you abuse it, it is evil. evil.

Facing a potential market of hundreds of billions, and holding advanced technology in hand, it is unrealistic for Nanyi to ignore this great source of income. It is certain that Shennong Nanliang will enter food additives.

Actually, already in.

He Qunfang's words caused Nanyi to have a chain of daydreams. In an instant, his mind circled dozens of times around the earth and then came back to pick up his own words.

"Taste is the most important thing in catering. As long as it tastes good, you won't have to worry about business. Although it's the first time I have eaten your buns, I can be sure that I won't get tired of eating them for a month. On the premise of ensuring quality, you must To reduce costs, you can try to reduce the fillings, or simply reduce the size of the buns.

People who buy it may not be able to accept it for a while, but as long as you explain it well, they will still be able to accept it after a long time. Everyone can feel that vegetables and meat have become more expensive. "

"It's not enough to shrink the size. If the price of meat keeps rising, the buns will shrink to nothing." He Qunfang said without thinking.

Nanyi took the bun out of the oil-paper bag and gestured in his hand, "Reducing the size is only a temporary solution. I think your bun is not small. You can shrink it twice, as long as the bun can't fit in one bite. You Didn't you see that everyone's appetite is getting smaller now."

"Let's take it one step at a time. The current cost can still be supported, and we will find a way when we can't support it someday." He Qunfang said a little helplessly.

"That's right, don't be in a hurry. You keep busy, I still have something to do, so I'll go first." Nan Yi raised the bun in his hand, "I won't give you the money for the bun, so I'll treat it as if you invited me."

He Qunfang giggled and didn't respond. She just watched Nanyi leave. She was grateful to Nanyi. If it wasn't for Nanyi, her road would not have gone so smoothly. Not to mention that she was willing to go through fire and water for Nanyi. She is willing to pay for a store, but a steamed stuffed bun is nothing.

Holding the buns, Nan Yi and Nan Wuwei, who was standing tens of meters away, met and handed half of the buns to each other, "Taste it."

Nan Wuwei took a bite and nodded repeatedly, "Father, it's delicious. It smells like meat and mushrooms, um...it seems to have the smell of corned beef jerky, no, it seems to be dried mushrooms."

"You, I have to take you to find out the price of precious ingredients. Dried mushrooms are very expensive. The price exported to Japan this year is about 8,000 yen. The purchase price at the purchasing station is tens of dollars per kilogram, and only one steamed bun can be sold. How much does it cost, do you think it's affordable?" Nan Yi touched the back of Nan Wuwei's head and said.

"Isn't it?" Nan Wuwei said suspiciously, "But it smells like dried mushrooms when I eat it."

"I don't know either." Nanyi shook his head, "This is someone's secret recipe. If it is so easy for you to eat it, it can still be called a secret recipe."

Nan Wuwei held up the leftover steamed stuffed bun in his hand and said, "Dad, I still have some left over. Take it to test it. If you know what ingredients are used, you can make it for me at home."

"You debt collector, I owed you in my previous life, tell me." Nan Yi patted Nan Wuwei on the back of the head lightly, walked forward with half hugging and half pushing, and circled around the periphery of Asia Mall After a circle, I walked to Qinghe International and circled around.

Picked up Yi Jinru at Nan's house, and the group arrived at Xiushui Street around 9:30.

Silk Street is along Chang'an Avenue, between embassies and diplomatic apartments. In 1978, Silk Street Market was established here. At that time, there were not many residents nearby, and the consumer market was not optimistic.

When a large number of educated youth returned to the city, they couldn't find a job, and when they wanted to practice stalls, they found that all the good places were occupied. Only Xiushui Street was empty, and many educated youths who returned to the city gathered here to set up stalls. The golden land covered by sand is haunted by foreigners with a lot of money. If you dare to ask for hundreds of dollars for something that costs less than ten yuan, let alone foreigners really buy it.

From 1980 to August 1985, Xiushui Market was established. This was the most golden five years of Xiushui Street. There were many people who earned hundreds of dollars a day. Now I am familiar with the situation in the capital, and I am not as easy to fool as before. Street vendors can neither slaughter nor ruthlessly. The profits are not as good as before, but they are still very impressive. business materials.

Some street vendors are smarter. They not only do retail, but also do wholesale. They manage with heart. They will always meet foreigners who want to approve hundreds of dollars and thousands of pieces. After a single order, they can earn at least tens of thousands of dollars. It is not impossible to earn more than 100,000 to 200,000 yuan.

Those who can take root in Xiushui Street and do wholesale business are all good people. Yi Jinru is also a good person, but he doesn't know how to do business. He will be in hell mode at the beginning. You can let Yi Jinru get started quickly.

"Mom, it's going to get cold in Russia soon. At this time, I almost forgot that you grew up in the Northeast. Anyway, in this season, down jackets, leather jackets, and sweaters are the best sellers in Russia. , scarves, leather gloves, etc., as long as the cost and quality are well controlled, there is no need to worry about selling the things there.

Our Lei Feng caps are called square velvet caps in Russia. This Russian countryman also likes them. The profit will not be too high. But I didn’t see anyone selling them in Moscow last year. I’ll check the market when I return to Moscow. No one is selling it yet, pull two containers over and try. "

After getting off the car, Nanyi popularized the knowledge points for Yi Jinru, and by the way, let's talk about it first.

"Mom, look at this, the European standard color card." Nanyi said, took out a book, opened a page and pointed to the book, "Look, the colors on Maozi are divided in this way. For the order, you pair it according to this. I will send you a sample card another day, and you can identify the fabric."

Yi Jinru took the color card and flipped through it, "You have so much knowledge about clothes."

"You have a lot of knowledge, Mom, don't look at it yet, let's go to the stall first, and you can watch how I talk to the vendor in a while, don't interrupt." Nan Yi greeted, pressing Nan Wuwei's shoulder with one hand , step forward.

For many foreigners, there are three major sights in Beijing, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and Silk Street.

Xiushui Street can be said to be a window for foreigners to understand the capital, and even Huaguo. Chinese people can win the title of "Oriental Jew", and the vendors here in Xiushui Street should also be credited.

The vendors stood in their stalls, and when they saw foreigners passing by, they immediately yelled "Hello".

Compared with foreigners, the enthusiasm for Chinese people is slightly lower.

This is not to blame for the street vendors. After all, foreigners are likely to pay foreign exchange or foreign exchange certificates.

Nanyi led a group of people to look at the stalls. It was summer, and the stalls were mainly summer clothes. There were not many autumn and winter clothes. The few clothes I saw were not suitable for sending to Russia.

When he came to the seventh booth, Nanyi stopped, looked up at the clothes hanging on the clothing rack, and then looked down at the five or six cardboard boxes on the floor of the stall—the English letters on the surface, the size It is a standard corrugated cardboard box that is convenient for storing containers, and a glance at the street vendor's face shows a picture of bitterness and hatred.

When several factors were combined, a picture appeared in Nanyi's mind: a chick encountered a big deal, and sent the goods back without confiscating the deposit, but the buyer did not show up.

Walking into the stall, Nan Yi picked up a woolen sweater on the rack, first rubbed it to try the feel, and then used his hands to pad the weight of the clothes. Through the difference in feel and weight, you can roughly estimate the content of cashmere. It is not very accurate, but it is enough for bargaining.

Nanyi learned this method from his six sons and grandsons, Long Zheng, and the six sons learned it from a poor man who was always pouring woolen sweaters on the train going south to Yangcheng to buy goods.

"Boss, how do you sell it?"

Nanyi took the sweater off the rack and waved it in front of the vendor.

The vendor looked up and said, "Eighty."

"How many pieces?"

"I can't understand what a few things are one by one." The vendor looked confused.

One item of clothing is generally 100 pieces (sets) of clothes. The popularity rate of this standard is not too high at the moment, and each has its own standard. But if you don’t understand what “one piece” means, you can be 100% sure that it is a baby who engages in wholesale. .

Nan Yi pointed to the box on the ground and said, "I'm asking how many sweaters are there in a box."

"50 pieces."

As soon as the vendor answered, Nanyi immediately knew that the goods in the other party's hands were woolen sweaters.

"Can you open it and have a look?"

The vendor raised his hips from the woven bag, looked at Nanyi with burning eyes, and asked, "How much do you want?"

"Don't rush to ask me how much you want, I'll take a look at the goods first."

"Okay, I'll open it for you."

Hearing this, the vendor guessed that there was a door, so he quickly opened the box and took out a few woolen sweaters from inside.

"Good luck."

Seeing that the style of the woolen sweater in the vendor's hand was the same as the one he was looking at just now, Nan Yi felt a little happy. A few woolen sweaters are considered large sizes in China, and few people have that size, but they can only be considered large in Europe. One size fits all, needless to say, the street vendor in front of me must have been scolded.

Taking the woolen sweater from the vendor, he opened one and looked at it carefully. Nan Yi asked casually, "How many colors are there?"

"Three colors."

"What color is it?"

Nanyi has seen alizarin crimson and blue-gray.


"Take one and have a look."

The vendor heard the words and took out one from another cardboard box.

When Nanyi was looking at the black sweater, he began to guess how many goods the vendor had in his mind. If the other party had 3,000 pieces, he would quote 5,000 pieces. In any case, it must be more than the other party’s hand, but Can't be too much.

"The asking price is 80 yuan. If you remove 20 yuan from the words Xiushui Street, the profit will be 30 yuan in half. The booth fee, management fee, public stall, freight and other miscellaneous things will be 7 yuan. The cashmere content is about 40%. For woolen sweaters, the purchase price of 23 yuan is more than enough, so if you force it around 25 yuan, the other party can almost protect your capital. If you press the goods in your hand, you can still save your capital. I am really a bodhisattva, alas, I am not a business material."

After making up his mind, Nan Yi asked, "The three colors are uniform, and I want 5,000 pieces. What price can you give me?"

"5000 pieces?" The vendor was dumbfounded.

"No?" Nanyi's face suddenly drooped, and he waved his hands, "You should have said earlier, it won't waste my time."

After finishing speaking, Nan Yi raised his steps and wanted to leave.

Seeing this, the vendor immediately grabbed Nanyi's arm, "Boss, don't go, don't go, talk again, talk again."

Nan Yi turned his head and said with a cold face: "You are out of stock, so what is there to talk about."

"Yes, yes, in stock." With a smile on his face, the vendor hurriedly took out a cigarette from his pocket, "Boss, you smoke."

"No, I'm very busy, and I have to buy a lot of goods. Since you have the goods, don't waste time. Let's talk about the price." Nanyi blocked the cigarette back, "Tell me, what can I get at least 5000 pieces Before the price comes out, let's go through it in my stomach, let's act quickly, and don't start bargaining from the sky."

The vendor lit a cigarette, frowned and thought for a while, then tentatively made a "six" sign with his hand.

Nan Yi shook his head.

"Boss, then make an offer."

"I'll listen to you again. I said buddy, think it over before asking the price. We are talking about 5,000 pieces, not 1 piece." Nanyi said calmly. Wearing a woolen sweater in units of thousands, otherwise the frown just now would not be so deep.

It has been a few years since the reform and opening up, and there is a threshold for doing business. In the past, when I went south to Yangcheng to buy goods, I could get the wholesale price for one or two hundred yuan. Now it doesn’t work. If you want to get a good price, you need to have a lot of money, and the travel expenses are also rising. , It’s not worthwhile to make a trip without buying more goods.

The speed of shipment here on Xiushui Street is not bad. If you want to set up a stall here, you must have at least tens of thousands of dollars in your hands. If the number of stalls in front of you exceeds 2,000, the money in your hand may be in the goods. No matter how large the number is, there may still be some foreign debts.

As long as the capital is preserved, the other party will definitely make a move. If you are open-minded, you will make a loss even if you lose a little. The right way is to make a move as soon as possible.

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