Today's trains do not prohibit passengers from bringing pets on board, but if you let your Pekingese run around in such a crowded carriage, it is obvious that you don't want to take it off the train.

The owner of Jingba is sitting in the back seat of Nanyi. She is a woman, dressed very fashionable, holding a bowl of instant noodles from Master Fan in her hand, and a piece of Chundu ham sausage in her hand. With a can of Lehaha eight-treasure porridge.

Instant noodles with ham sausage and a can of eight-treasure porridge. It is a very luxurious thing to enjoy this standard of food on the train. This woman is naked, and her side will not be clean from now on.

The woman glanced up at Nanyi with disdain, put down the spoon in her hand, stood up and clapped her hands together a few times, and shouted at Jingba with a smile on her face: "Yiyi, come to Mommy. "

"Yi Yi? Yi Yi?"

When Nanyi heard the dog's name, he felt a little bored. He wanted to remind the woman to keep the instant noodle bowl, which might be useful in the future, but now, let it go.

He raised his head and glanced at Wu Xiaowei who was sitting across from him. He was holding a 1969 edition of "Russian" middle school textbook in his hand. The whole text was full of quotations and top instructions. For Russian beginners, it is a good series of books for learning. It was an enlightenment book for Nanyi to learn Russian.

After watching for a while, Nanyi lowered his head and continued reading.

As time passed, the train drove out, and the wind poured into the compartment through the window, taking away the fine sweat on Nan Yi's body.

As Nanyi expected, the toilet was occupied by someone. From the departure in the morning until noon, Nanyi and Wu Xiaowei, who was sitting opposite each other, took turns stretching their feet. One stretched and the other sat cross-legged. Personally, the only gap left is just enough for one person to straighten their legs.

At noon, Nanyi and his party were hungry. They only took a few mouthfuls of the wind blowing from the northwest direction, and sat and watched the other passengers eating rich or simple food. , the flight attendant could only stand there and howl a few times, hoping to sell a few more in this carriage.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, besides the sound is no longer lonely, there is a lot of movement of shaking legs in the carriage, and there are also a lot of anxious eyes looking in the direction of the toilet. How happy I was eating and drinking just now, how hard it is to hold back my urine now.

Nan Yi was leaning against the back of the chair, and there were regular vibrations, and the sound of hands beating his thighs could be heard behind his back, which was obviously reaching a critical point. Nan Yi chuckled secretly, thinking full of mischief, if he whistled, it might rain heavily in an instant.

The train has already stopped at two small stations. Not only is there no shortage of people, but another group of people has been squeezed in. The carriage just now can still be tossed from one end to the other. Now, it is very difficult, very difficult. If you want to move around, you have to be with It's like playing Huarong Road, with a grid shift.

At about two o'clock, the train stopped at a dispatching station, and a notice sounded on the radio, and the train stopped temporarily for 20 minutes. Hearing the news, passengers who couldn't hold back or were more courageous rushed to the windows on both sides. There were also people here in Nanyi He rushed over, ignored it, stuck his head out of the car window and climbed out.

Nan Yi took a hand, grabbed the opponent's hand, and put it down slowly.

One, two, a total of three people climbed out of the window here in Nanyi, and the table wiped by their pants left a faint smell of urine.

Many people climbed out, the gap in the compartment became larger, and they were ready to move to the door of the toilet. The woman behind Nanyi clamped her thighs, her calves were slightly opened, and squeezed to the door of the toilet like a penguin, begging to get inside. The person came out with a cry in his voice.

The people in the toilet were moved with compassion. A man, a woman and a child came out, and the woman squeezed in instantly.

There are five people in Nanyi's party. Xiaohua's stomach is not very good. Although she has been treated and maintained, her stomach function is still worse than others. She also climbed out of the car window. Minutes later, he climbed back into the carriage.

Looking at the petite school girl, Nan Yi thought, although she is used to having her by his side, it is time for her to retire, and if she runs around with him, she will suffer from illnesses when she gets older.

Schoolgirls and the others’ abilities are based on the overdraft of vitality and future health. As they get older, knife wounds, gunshot wounds, and bone injuries will come out to torture people. A few years, to welcome the hurdle of forty years old.

The ability of Xiaohua is fully qualified to take up an ordinary position in the South Office. After retirement, he recuperates and studies at the same time. If his ability catches up, he will be promoted step by step.

It's okay to retire directly, anyway, the wealth she owns now and the defense team pension that the defense fund will give her are enough for her to spend extravagantly until the end of her life.

After looking at the school beauty with pity for a while, Nanyi lowered his head and continued reading.

After the temporary stop was over, the train continued to run, and after another three stations, a total of thirty-four or five passengers went down in the carriage, and a family of three stuck in the toilet came out, and the carriage regained the freedom to go to the toilet in an instant.

Probably the situation is similar in other carriages. After 4:30 in the afternoon, Nanyi found that many passengers from other carriages came to visit, some were looking for companions who were forced to separate, and some were wandering around bags and individuals with sharp eyes.

Free and liberated, the woman behind Nanyi is enjoying all kinds of expensive food, some can smell the smell and guess what it is, and some are biting in the mouth, there is a table for eating The well-groomed Jingba lying on the bed told Lao Rong, who was eating the flywheel, that she was a big fat sheep.

After the eyes looking for Fat Sheep left, Nanyi and the others welcomed a group of new guests in their carriage. There were four people in total, separated and not crowded together. One of them, the thinner Lao Rong, pretended to look at the carriage, and then walked directly behind Nanyi. , regardless of the cursing of the passengers in the car seat, forced a space to sit down, took a cigarette, lit a fire, smoked, and whistled.

Listen carefully, it is "Thank you for your love".

Smoke and whistles intertwined, arousing dissatisfaction from a passenger, who complained loudly, and Lao Rong, who was originally here to attract attention, followed the stick and quarreled with the other party.

Just when the two had the tendency to escalate their quarrel into a fight, the enthusiastic melon-eating crowd "Lao Rong's accomplices" stood up to speak out righteously and criticized Lao Rong who smoked together.

Not to be outdone, Lao Rong fought many against one, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Then, the inexplicable Lao Rong gave up and left, and the enthusiastic crowd stayed for a while and left.

Nan Yi glanced at his watch. If the train is on time, it will arrive at a new station in two minutes. The timing is just right. The stolen goods are either thrown out of the car window, or have been transferred between Lao Rong. Catch it, don't try to get it back.

The woman may be a bit of a tiger, and she still didn't scream when the train arrived at the terminal.

Get off the train, step over two railway tracks, stand on the concrete floor, look up and look ahead, and vaguely see two tall chimneys, Nanyi and his party walk towards the chimneys.

After walking for a while, turn right, and walk for a while until you come to a road.

On the side of the road, three Ladas were parked.

Nanyi took Wu Xiaowei to the middle one, and as soon as he sat down, the car started and drove away.

Lishu Street, Cossack Hotel, a restaurant that operates both Chinese food and Russian food, the car stopped at the back door of the hotel, and the Virgin led Nanyi and his party straight up to the second floor of the hotel.

In an empty private room, the table is already filled with sumptuous food, such as stewed pork vermicelli, freshly fried hazel mushrooms, pork blood sausage, Russian skewers, etc. After washing their hands, Nanyi and his group went to After eating at the table, the Holy Mother led people to take over the security work.

The Cossack Hotel is a restaurant under the Haitang Trading Group. It integrates food and lodging. It not only solves the problem of accommodation for its own people, but also operates externally, earning a fairly good profit.

After drinking and eating, and taking a shower, Nanyi went to the roof to enjoy the cool air, while listening to Wu Xiaowei's story about his journey of selling jellyfish.

It is said that after Wu Xiaowei got off the car, he went to his classmate's house, but what was waiting for him was an iron general. There was no one in his classmate's house. Wu Xiaowei only found out that his classmate's family went to visit relatives after asking the neighbors. The neighbors didn't know when return.

Wu Xiaowei, who couldn’t find his classmates, was at a loss. He didn’t know where to go. When he was on the train, there happened to be three men and a woman sitting next to him. They also came to Gaiping to sell jellyfish. One of them was named Wu Xiaowei. The dress was very shabby, but according to what he heard in the chat, this Wu Xiaowei was from Wenzhou, specializing in selling jellyfish, and his business seemed to be very big. The woman accidentally mentioned that Wu Xiaowei was a millionaire.

When they got off the bus, the four of them seemed to mention that they would sleep in the square at night. As for which square it was, Wu Xiaowei was not very clear, and the square they mentioned seemed to be in Gaiping County. That's too late.

Wu Xiaowei walked blindly on the street for a while, passing several hotels, and every time he passed by a hotel, he would casually poke his head in and take a look inside. There would always be gorgeous or plump women standing at the front desk of each hotel. Or sitting, Wu Xiaowei always had the words "immortal dance" floating in his mind, which made him afraid to go into this kind of hotel.

The further you go, the more sideways the road becomes, but there are still pedestrians on the road, and you can also see tricycles carrying passengers. Passing by a brightly lit house, Wu Xiaowei took a few extra glances curiously, "Here is a cannon shooter." place."

Knowing what it was, Wu Xiaowei took a few more glances, until a woman in a pink skirt tried to pull him into the house, and then he threw the woman away and fled in a hurry. The needle pierced his buttocks, making him run faster and faster.

He kept running, kept running, until he came to a dim light, he finally couldn't run anymore, holding on to the firewood stack by the roadside, panting heavily.

After breathing well, Wu Xiaowei was in the mood to look around. When he looked up, he saw a simple wooden sign with the words "Xiuzhen Hotel" written on it. Turning his head and looking to the right, a small courtyard appeared in front of his eyes. With a short fence, Wu Xiaowei saw a white-painted police tricycle parked in the yard.

Seeing the three rounds used by the police, Wu Xiaowei felt a sense of security.

Walking to a dilapidated iron courtyard door, Wu Xiaowei knocked the chain on the door, "Is anyone there? Is anyone there?"

The big yellow dog inside the door barked angrily.

A plump old lady from Northeast China quickly walked out of the house, came to open the door, saw Wu Xiaowei, greeted with a smile: "The guests are here, sit in the room, sit in the room."

Wu Xiaowei followed the old lady from Northeast China into a room. A large kang took up half of the room. The kang was covered with mats woven with colored plastic strips, semi-old light yellow modular furniture, a large Toshiba color TV, and a pair of single sofas.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl was still lying on the kang, her face turned inward.

"Xiuzhen, get up soon, get up soon!" The aunt shouted happily, pushing the girl hard, "A guest is here."

Xiuzhen sat up straight away, and when she saw Wu Xiaowei on the sofa, she immediately let out ecstatic gazes and slid down the kang.

With a sleeveless top in a large pattern and a pair of floral pants, he quickly came to Wu Xiaowei with bare feet, "Are you alone? Are you here to buy jellyfish?"

Xiuzhen asked urgently, her watery eyes were hooked on Wu Xiaowei's body, and the barbs penetrated into the skin.

Facing such an enthusiastic Xiuzhen, Wu Xiaowei felt a little scared for a moment. He wondered if he had entered a black hotel, right?

Xiuzhen could see the fear and vigilance on Wu Xiaowei's face. She put away her aggressive gaze and said, "Where did the guests come from?"


"Isn't it from the south?" Xiuzhen was a little disappointed.

On the map of China, Qingsongling is on the northeast coast of Liaodong Bay. The quality of jellyfish in this area is the best in the country. Therefore, during the jellyfish fishing period, people from Guangdong Province, Hujian Province, Shandong Province, Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, etc. come from all over the country. Merchants from all over the world gather here, almost all of them are big losers.

Most of the jellyfish in Shiliupu, the largest aquatic product wholesale market in Shanghai, come from Qingsongling, but those who come to Qingsongling to buy jellyfish are from Wenzhou, and the jellyfish wholesale market in Shanghai is almost monopolized by Wenzhouese.

Before the jellyfish fishing season came, there would always be southerners staying at Xiuzhen's Hotel, and there would also be a poor man who left a snakeskin bag containing money in Xiuzhen's hands. Usually, the starting price was 200,000 yuan, and some could be as much as 600,000 to 700,000 yuan.

At the age of the beginning of love, I have seen too many "rich people", some are dressed in tatters, but they are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and some are well-dressed and generous.

This kind of experience has raised Xiuzhen's expectations for the other half. She has always wanted to find someone who sells jellyfish from the south, and who is handsome and younger. She has seen a lot of rich people, but handsome and young. It was the first time she saw her, and Xiuzhen couldn't help herself when she saw the "other half" who met her conditions.

As for why Wu Xiaowei showed a disappointed expression when she heard that Wu Xiaowei did not come from the south, it is very simple. The reason is that she is far fragrant and near stinky. She has met and contacted all the representatives of successful businessmen among the southerners. One-sided cognition, in my mind, the southerners are more perfectly outlined.

Wu Xiaowei felt strange and asked, "Do you have to come from the south?"

"No, no, I'll show you the room." Xiuzhen said, leading Wu Xiaowei to the south side of the courtyard.

On the south side, there is a room with asphalt felt and mud walls. The mud floor has been trampled black and shiny, but it is still uneven; a large kang blackened by smoke occupies three quarters of the room, and only the front of the kang is left. A walkway of less than half a meter.

The reed mats on the kang were torn apart like fishing nets, revealing gaps like maps.

In the gaps are pieces of kang bricks that have been burned for a long time and turned dark red in color. Although it is a scorching hot day, dirty quilts are still piled up in a mess on the broken reed mat.

There are no windows, or more than one meter to the eaves are all windows, sealed with dull old film, replacing glass windows.

There is a bamboo door on the other side of the room. When you open it, you can see the latrine. A dung tank is buried deep in the ground, half inside the rotten wall and half outside the wall, which is convenient for scooping up dung water.

There are two boards used for stepping on the dung tank, and beside the tank, white worms are swarming there and piled up there, green-headed and black-headed flies are densely filled like a dense fog, and the air is filled with a disgusting stench and the buzzing of flies.

The flies seem to be a little stupid and slow, and they often bump into Wu Xiaowei's face in a daze, and get into his neckline. Wu Xiaowei, who knows where they were originally staying, feels sick and frantically drives them away. Maybe the lives of the flies here are too comfortable, and they are actually pinched by Wu Xiaowei. When I saw a few of them, I looked carefully and found that they were all big blowflies bred in the cesspit, fat and shiny.

Wu Xiaowei shuddered for no reason, let go quickly, took a breath, and took a few steps back.

"Such a dirty room..." Wu Xiaowei stammered.

"Boss, the price here is cheap. A room of this size only costs eight yuan. Where can I find it?" Xiuzhen heard Wu Xiaowei's complaint and said, "Besides the cheap accommodation, my yard is quite big. The seaman purchased from the seaside can be stored in the yard, and then shipped to the station with wagons.

You can watch your own goods, and I can also help guard them for you. Other hotels don’t have big yards for storing jellyfish.

More importantly, there are many gangsters in Qingsongling. It is not safe for you to go out and carry hundreds of thousands of money to other hotels. If you live in my house, the gangsters dare not come to the door. My brother is the head of the Qingsongling police station and often comes back with a gun. Here The ruffians all know it. "

Wu Xiaowei listened to Nanyi's instructions, and he must suffer a little bit when going out, enjoy it later, safety is the most important thing.

After standing for a long time, Wu Xiaowei stopped with a sigh.

However, when Xiuzhen left, he looked at the dirty quilt, looking at a loss, and sat down on the edge of the bed, a little frustrated.

The first night in Qingsongling, Wu Xiaowei was very difficult. He always suspected that the watch was broken, the hour hand had lost the function of turning circles, and time seemed to stop and not go forward.

boil, boil!

I stayed up until two o'clock in the morning. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep holding my bag.

The next day, he was awakened by a noise. He opened his eyes and looked at the bag. It was still there. He pricked up his ears and listened for a while. Then he glanced at the door. When there was no movement, he opened the bag and took out 20,000 yuan from it. , and found the bag that Wu Meifeng sewed for him, stuffed the money into the bag, and tied it tightly around his waist.

After getting dressed, Wu Xiaowei walked into the yard, and found that the four people who made a commotion just now were Wang Rongsen and the others. After checking the time, it was only before seven o'clock in the morning. Wu Xiaowei was surprised why they arrived at Qingsongling so early, and it seemed that Wang Rongsen and Xiuzhen is very familiar.

With doubts, Wu Xiaowei, under the guidance of the old lady from the Northeast yesterday, came to the pressurized well and washed with pressurized water.

After washing up, Wu Xiaowei asked the old lady where they could sell breakfast, and the old lady told him that the hotel can provide breakfast, which is not expensive, and it only costs one yuan. For safety reasons, Wu Xiaowei readily agreed.

In less than ten minutes, the old lady came to Wu Xiaowei's room with a low table. There was an aluminum washbasin and a large flower bowl on the low table.

Sitting cross-legged on the kang, Wu Xiaowei looked at the washbasin. In the basin were green beans, garlic, yams, radishes and other miscellaneous vegetables mixed together. They didn't know what to call the dishes. They were half soup and half fried; The flower bowl is neither dry nor thin or even thick porridge.

Wu Xiaowei actually suffered, but that was when he was a child, and his memory has become blurred. Since his memory became deeper, his family's life has been getting better every day, and he can eat meat every day. Occasionally, his mother still eats meat. I will take him to a restaurant for a tooth-beating festival.

Looking at the vegetables in the washbasin, his appetite was gone, but he was a little hungry, so he could only take a sip from the big flower bowl, the porridge was very fragrant.

He flicked his chopsticks to drive away the flies that surrounded him, and picked up a small lump of vegetables to try the taste.

Not bad!

Just as he was about to stutter, Nanyi's words came to mind again. He put down the bowl and waited for a quarter of an hour. His mind didn't get dizzy and his stomach didn't respond. Then he picked up the bowl again and ate Hesai.

"Uncle Nan, when I was filling my stomach, I heard the noise from the yard again. I went to the yard and saw two more people came. One was a bit older. Later I learned that his name was Duke Zhou, and the other was younger than me. How old is the girl? Coincidentally, her surname is also Nan, and her name is Nan..."

"Nan Ruoqiong, my daughter."

Nan Yi already knew most of Wu Xiaowei's next story, because Nan Ruoqiong was involved in many things, and Wu Xiaowei was mentioned in the email that Nan Ruoqiong sent him that was similar to a travel note.

"Uncle Nan, is Nan Ruoqiong your woman?" Wu Xiaowei asked in astonishment when he heard Nan Yi's words.

Nanyi waved his hand, "Let's not talk about this first, you continue to talk about it."

"Okay, okay."

Wu Xiaowei's story continued. At that time, he came to the yard and saw an old man and a young man. The old one, that is, Zhou Gong was talking to Wang Rongsen. Zhou Gong was going to take the four of them to the beach to see jellyfish.

After listening to a few words, Wu Xiaowei felt that Duke Zhou was a local snake in Qingsongling, so he stepped forward and begged to take him to take a look. Duke Zhou was a little hesitant, but Nan Ruoqiong helped to say a word, and Duke Zhou agreed.

It is not the first time for Wu Xiaowei to come to Qingsongling, he has been here once before, but the last time he came, his classmates only took him around the town for a while, and then took him to Gaiping County. In fact, he didn't know much about it. It can be said that this was the first time he witnessed the true appearance of Qingsongling.

It is like Xiuzhen Hotel, which can be summed up in eight words: dirty, messy and disorganized.

There are piles of rotting garbage along the road, and flies are a specialty of Qingsongling. A relatively wide river on the east side of the road has been filled with domestic garbage, only a black and smelly ditch in the garbage is flowing with stinky water.

There are many stalls along the avenue, pedestrians are bustling, the sound of car horns and people's yelling can be heard endlessly. At the same time, the density of various commercial stalls and the busyness of merchants also present its vibrant and prosperous scene.

Crossing the avenue, there are countless motorcycles, jeeps, cars, trucks, horse-drawn carriages, motorized or human-powered tricycles, and even bicycles parked on the side of the road. The drivers are trying their best to attract customers.

As soon as Zhou Gong led a few people to arrive, they were immediately surrounded by car owners, and they simply bargained. Zhou Gong led and recognized several three-wheeled motor vehicles.

The car sped away toward the estuary.

There are countless jellyfish processing sites along the coast of Qingsongling, the largest processing site is the sea estuary, where the processing sites are concentrated, unlike other sites scattered in the homes of fishermen.

The road in front of me turned into a dirt road, with unevenness and unevenness. There was a strong smell of the sea and a faint smell of blood in the air. There were many tricycles passing by.

The road is getting narrower and narrower, but the field of vision is gradually widening.

This is the famous sea estuary of Qingsongling. Every year when the new jellyfish fishing season approaches, merchants from all over the country flock here.

Some people start here and become hundreds of thousands or even millions of upstarts in just a few years; some people, with lifelong regrets, fall here and become worthless paupers.

This is the dream land that the bosses are looking for. However, no one can predict the vagaries of the dream, and the only way to try your own destiny is to boldly try it.

This is a casino, where you bet on your future, rich or poor, ecstatic or heartbroken, the outcome will soon be known.

This is the maniac pursuit of money, and because of this, he is troubled by money.

Wu Xiaowei was intoxicated by the magnificent scenery in front of him. Inadvertently, he looked at the girl named Nan Ruoqiong. She didn't look at the sea, but circled among the fishing boats. From time to time, she would point to the fishing boats and exchange a few words with Zhou Gong.

At the seaside, the group only stayed for a while. It was because Zhou Gong knew that Wu Xiaowei and Wang Rongsen, the woman Axin, were here for the first time.

Mr. Zhou is only willing to serve big customers who can bring him great benefits, but big customers have grown from small customers. Customers who come here for the first time need an observation period. He will release a little goodwill first, lay a good foundation, and wait for the other party Become a big customer, and he can increase his income.

After the release, Duke Zhou led a group of people to the cement pool where jellyfish was processed.

The cement pools are right by the sea, lined up and extending far away, like a road by the sea. On one side of the road is the endless beach, which is lightly painted with a layer of rose red, showing the warmth of a woman, like a piece of light red smoke in the sun, hazy and erratic.

At the end of the beach is a piece of white that connects the water and the sky, the sky is a light blue, shiny, red, white and blue under the sun, beautiful and wonderful.

"Duke Zhou, what's the name of the rose-colored grass?" Wu Xiaowei couldn't help asking.

"The local fishermen call it seaweed. In fact, there are many kinds of seaweed. Such a sloppy name is very unscientific." Zhou Gong said with a smile: "The reason why it is beautiful may be because it has absorbed too much salt."

The woman named Ah Xin asked, "How far can this beach extend?"

"Tens of miles." Zhou Gonglue thought for a while and said, "The tide will come around four o'clock this afternoon. At that time, the beach will become a vast ocean."

With that said, Duke Zhou took everyone to the cement pool.

Wu Xiaowei stood there and saw that the pool was about one meter deep and about four meters long and wide. The wall of the pool is about ten centimeters thick, just enough to place a shoe horizontally. Zhou Gong said that this sea road is more than ten miles long, and there are already processed primary and secondary alum jellyfish in many pools.

These ponds were built by local fishermen with personal funds raised. Each family has a few. During the jellyfish fishing season, they stay on the ponds day and night and build a shed like watching watermelons in a watermelon field.

Walking on the wall of the pool is as unstable as walking on a balance beam, for fear of accidentally falling into the pool and being covered with jellyfish mixture. Fortunately, the pool is often covered with sporadic wooden boards used for processing jellyfish.

When encountering fishermen on the road, they would greet Duke Zhou and pass cigarettes, and if they were enthusiastic, they would force Zhou Gong into the shed for a chat. Wu Xiaowei already knew the identity and deeds of Duke Zhou, and understood the enthusiasm of the fishermen, but why would Nan Ruoqiong also receive warm hospitality?

Wu Xiaowei expressed that he couldn't understand it. In addition to the scorching sun, the sun scorched his face, neck, and arms. When he touched the back of his neck, his fingers were immediately stained with white particles, which were evaporated from his body. out of the salt.

Hot, innocently hot!

Enduring the harsh sunshine, when Zhou Gong and Nan Ruoqiong came out of the shed, Zhou Gong led everyone to continue walking. Wu Xiaowei, who had been paying attention to Nan Ruoqiong, smelled the refreshing smell of watermelon from her.

"I was exposed to the sun, but the two of them ate watermelon. Is it iced? I really want to take a bite of cold watermelon!" Wu Xiaowei couldn't help but feel sorry for himself, "Why did I run to Here to suffer?"

The road was still stretching, and they walked for more than half an hour. Except for Zhou Gong and Nan Ruoqiong, everyone else couldn't bear it anymore, panting heavily, and smoke came out of their throats.

Speaking of "smoke", Wu Xiaowei stopped talking, and stared at Nan Ruoqiong who was walking towards him in a daze.

Nan Ruoqiong came behind Nan Yi and leaned on his back, "Father, why are you here so late, I'm leaving tomorrow morning."

"I came early enough, but you have stayed in the Northeast for so long, where are you going next?"


"Here, I heard in Moscow that there is a custom of snatching marriages there. Be careful, don't be snatched home by others and become the wife of the village."

"Hee hee, I'm not afraid, I'm going to visit the daughter's country and Li Bai's birthplace."

"Tsk, I'll take a look when I have time."

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