Nan Yi didn't take Lilia to a serious restaurant, but to a bar he had seen just now, a bar that was not very serious in operation and not only sold wine but also food.

A very small bar, even including the bar counter, is only about 30 square meters, but although the place is small, the decoration is very special. The wall is covered with a cross-section of wood that has not been repaired with bark, and the tree knots are clear. It can be seen that the original taste is preserved.

On the roof, there are many log sections hanging, and the wooden sections are connected by iron chains in a patchwork manner, which has a special flavor. On both sides of the bar, small solid wood tables for four people are densely filled, and a few people are sitting sparsely, drinking or eating, chatting and laughing loudly, and the atmosphere is very warm.

Nanyi picked a table and walked over with Lilia, sat down, ordered something to eat, and ordered two glasses of draft beer, white beer, with a degree of 40 degrees, talking and laughing while drinking, maybe Both of them had a very clear purpose to get each other drunk, one shot after another, and one after another, so that when the two left the bar, their bodies were already shaking, and they were both slightly drunk.

At the door of the bar, Lilia snuggled up to Nanyi naturally. Nanyi stopped and was about to speak, but Lilia urged, "Go, go!"

"Let's go, where are we going?" Nan Yi put away his playfulness.

Lilia shook Nanyi's arm, buried her head on Nanyi's chest, and said shyly, "Of course I went to my place."

Lilia's meaning couldn't be more obvious. Anyone who is not mentally handicapped can understand the hidden meaning behind this sentence.

After hearing this, Nan Yi sneered, and said to himself: "This girl is really drunk."

Turning around, Nanyi hugged Lilia with one hand, put his mouth close to her ear and said, "It's boring in the room, let's go to the birch forest, white doves fly in the sky, and two people turn over on the ground..."

Speaking of which, Nan Yi raised the hand on Lilia's waist, stuck to the left side of the opponent's head and pushed it to the right. His left hand instantly pinched into a knife, and hit the carotid sinus of the neck hard. Soft, powerless hanging on Nan Yi's shoulder.

Holding Lilia's waist and dragging him, Nanyi led the people forward for about twenty meters, a car stopped beside him, the door was pushed open, and a pair of hands stretched out from inside, Lily Ya was picked up.

"Clean the left side of the head, neck, and waist, and torture her. If she just came out to catch bait, let her go."

Immortal dances can be found everywhere, but the techniques vary according to local conditions.


The Holy Mother in the car replied.

After handing over the people, Nan Yi went back to the hotel. He had already missed the departure time, and he couldn't leave today. Fortunately, the room was not due until tomorrow.

The hotel is nine stories high and there is no elevator.

There is an elevator, but it never opens, and the reason is not clear.

As soon as he reached the eighth floor, Nanyi heard the noise from the corridor on the ninth floor, followed by the angry scolding of a Russian man and the wailing of a Chinese woman.

Going up to the ninth floor and appearing in the corridor, Nan Yi saw a tall woman hitting a petite woman on the head with her fist, cursing while beating, the petite woman cried and begged.

The two were surrounded by a group of flirtatiously dressed Russian women. Not only did they not persuade the fight, but they also encouraged the tall and slender women to work harder. You could tell who they were with at a glance.

Nanyi stopped and listened for a while. From the cursing of the tall slender woman, he heard some clues. The Russian man on one side was a groom. He contacted the tall slender woman with a good business, but who knew that the business was pried away by the petite woman , No, the petite woman was blocked as soon as she came out of the room after finishing her business.



Tianxian stepped forward, came to the side of the tall slender woman, grabbed the fist that the other party was about to swing down again, stuffed two hundred dollars between his fingers, and pointed to the petite woman on the ground under the astonished eyes of the other party.

There are so many people, and they are willing to give money. Whether it is the tall slender woman or the groom on one side, they all know how to make a choice. The tall slender woman collected the money and walked to the stairs together with the others.

When the footsteps reached the eighth floor, Nan Yi walked up to the petite woman and asked condescendingly, "You came to Ussuriysk voluntarily?"

The woman wiped the nosebleed, and replied Xiao Suo: "Yes."

After hearing the woman's answer, Nan Yi stopped asking and walked to his room.

Looking at Nan Yi who passed by her, the woman yelled bitterly: "I came here voluntarily, I didn't come out voluntarily to sell."

"Clean it up and bring it here later."

Nan Yi kept walking, opened the door, and entered his room.

After ten minutes, the washed woman was brought to Nanyi's room, and without Nanyi asking, the woman poured out her bitterness.

The woman's name is Wang Mengmeng, she is 20 years old this year, and she used to work as an escort in her hometown, but at that time she only sold her smile and not her body. When Wang Mengmeng said so, Nanyi listened and did not question it.

At the end of May this year, a fellow of Wang Mengmeng who was doing business in Russia went back to patronize the entertainment place where Wang Mengmeng worked, acted like a local tyrant, and bragged to Wang Mengmeng and her colleagues how much money was made here in Russia, and It is said that in the Russian venue, you can receive hundreds of dollars in tips a day, and earn more than 10,000 dollars in a month, easily.

Wang Mengmeng and a group of little sisters were said to be attracted to each other, and they agreed with each other to work wherever they were, to try and earn more while they were young, and this was going abroad, who didn't want to see the outside world.

Just like that, a group of Wang Mengmeng came to Ussuriysk with the warm-hearted fellow villagers.

When they arrived here, the warm-hearted fellow took them around first, and then tasted "Russian food" on the side of the road. Just as Wang Mengmeng and the others had a little longing for Russia's work and life, the warm-hearted fellow took them to a family in a blink of an eye. Huaguocheng, then, the camouflage on the warm-hearted fellow's face was torn off, and he performed a good show to Wang Mengmeng and the others about what it means to make money in Russia.

Wang Mengmeng and the others, a total of 12 people, were sold to the boss of Huaguo City at a price of 2,000 US dollars each by an enthusiastic fellow. In a blink of an eye, they made 24,000 US dollars.

They were bought at a high price of 2,000 US dollars. One can imagine how the boss of Huaguo City will treat them. The first step is to destroy their psychological defense. Clean up a few meals, and then don't give them food until they give in.

As a human being, it is easy to be cultivated into the belief that "it is better to die than to live". It used to be beating, scolding and starvation, but now as long as you start working, you will have a certain freedom, you will have enough food, and there is a bright goal that is not far away, etc. Let them realize - as long as they earn enough money, they can redeem their passports.

Of course, this is just an illusory pie. The boss of Huaguo City just wants them to work hard and help them make money. For the more desperate "excellent employees", there is a second pie. As soon as the visa expires, they Even if the money is paid off.

The longest tourist visa is three months, and it passed after gritting your teeth. The "excellent employee" was fooled for the second time and entered a more difficult life.

It's a lie, it's biased, the boss of Huaguo City is really telling the truth, as long as the visa expires, they will be let go, but it doesn't matter, there is a word called "extension", three months Once it lasts for another three months, I will not let myself lose my trust, and I can continue to let "excellent employees" make profits for me, which is the best of both worlds.

Wang Mengmeng's earliest visa was only one month, but she has been in Ussuriysk for almost three months. She became an excellent employee first actively and then passively, and had to actively seek customers every day, including prying It can be said that it is a last resort.

The boss of Huaguocheng may have worked in a certain business-oriented company before, and may have been a small leader, and transplanted a very effective trick in the business field. After returning home, they have to be cleaned up, which is very ruthless. Once cleaned up, it will affect the order received the next day. If one is not good, it will be last for several days, causing a vicious circle.

Therefore, Wang Mengmeng and his group of excellent employees are very introverted. Not only do they want to pry the "sister unit" list, but they also pry each other. Wang Mengmeng pries others, and others will pry her. This is not the first time for her He was beaten because he was caught prying the bill, but this time he was beaten harder than usual.

After listening to Wang Mengmeng's story, Nan Yi thought for a while, and said to her: "Since your case happened to me, I should help you for the sake of my compatriots. You have two Choice, one is that I will help you find a smuggling channel, and you smuggle back to China by yourself;

Second, I will go back to Moscow after a while, and I can take you with me. When you arrive in Moscow, you can do it yourself, or I can help you find a place to call. You can negotiate the cost with the other party yourself.

Work hard here for a while, save some money, go back and open a clothing store, and then find an honest person who will treat you well, forget everything here, and live a good life. "

Before Wang Mengmeng could answer, Xiaohua handed the phone to Nanyi.

Holy Mother: "Sir, I have already asked. Lilia has something to do with the Vietnamese I mentioned yesterday. She is responsible for luring rich people in Huaguo and Vietnamese for extortion."

Nanyi: "How to knock?"

The Holy Mother: "Torture and torture, forcing the other party to spit out the money."

Nanyi: "No ransom?"

Our Lady: "Generally not, unless you can't knock out money."

"Okay, I see, you can handle the rest yourself."

Since it was related to the Vietnamese people yesterday, the right to dispose of them must naturally be handed over to the Holy Mother, and Nanyi's previous talk of releasing people directly is uncountable.

After the phone call, Wang Mengmeng was still hesitating.

Nanyi didn't bother to wait, so she asked Xiaohua to vacate a room, and drove people to the room, letting her think about it slowly.

I don't know why, that night, the boss of Huaguo City who should have appeared did not appear. It was very quiet outside the street, but there were often sounds of opening and closing doors in the corridor, as well as the sound of men and women talking.

The next day, Nanyi counted the time and went to the train station, and got on the train to Novosibirsk, Wang Mengmeng followed.

Clang, clang, Nanyi arrived in Novosibirsk after five days on the road. Fortunately, there are luxurious compartments on the train, which are very spacious, similar to the standard rooms of ordinary business hotels, and the journey is not difficult.

The third branch factory of Yunxiao Tobacco Group is located in the southern part of the West Siberia Plain. It is located in an industrial area dominated by coal, oil and natural gas, which seems a bit abrupt.

The third branch factory mainly produces "Entropy" brand cigarettes. The production task is not heavy, but its status is very important. "Entropy" is not mainly for selling profit, but for making friends, whether it is tobacco, flavor, cigarette The paper and filter tips are all refined, and the average cost of a pack of cigarettes is equivalent to about RMB 25.

If you treat entropy as a luxury, the cost is not high at all, but if you treat it as a cigarette, the cost is sky-high.

Let's put it this way, nowadays the salary of an ordinary worker is about 300 yuan at most. In other words, the monthly salary is less than 100,000 yuan. this level.

Nanyi just came to take a look at the factory, and he had to know what his industry looked like. He didn't intervene in production and management matters at all, and he couldn't intervene. He only stopped at smoking cigarettes, and knew nothing else.

After staying in Novosibirsk for two days for a short rest, Nanyi boarded the train to St. Petersburg again.


San Francisco.

Chen Yuxiu came out of Milu Company full of ambitions. Just now, he signed an exclusive agency contract with Milu Company to represent Milu Company's M-TIK chip. This is a video decoding chip that adopts the MPEG-1 standard. To put it bluntly, it is a VCD Core.

VCD is equal to CD storage, playback sound plus MPEG video presentation. M-TIK chip is used to decode the combination of the two into images that can be heard and watched on TV.

A few years ago, when the Superman computer was not yet available, Erdong Electronics was laying out VCDs. Over the years, the technology and patents of codecs and laser heads, research and development, acquisitions that should be acquired, and authorized acquisitions Authorization, plus today's last link M-TIK, Erdong Electronics has held all the patents of VCD.

A chip is different from a chip. The Chinese card is a chip, and the CPU is also a chip. Designing and producing a CPU is extremely difficult, but no one is embarrassed to say how difficult it is to develop a decoding chip. The specific quantification of the difficulty is at most two Hanka.

The most critical thing is the idea. After the establishment of the MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group, Elk was the first company to engage in the development of decoding chips based on the MPEG standard. For a long time, it was also the only company doing so.

Now there is another company called C-CUBE, but its action is too late. The patent certificate of M-TIK has been issued for a while, but it is kept secret from the outside world, and no one inquires about the patent in this area.

In the field of VCD, Erdong Electronics has been in an invincible position. Although there is no VCD yet, and there is no money in the money, Erdong Electronics has already made preparations for the layout of "digital multi-purpose discs". Maybe this kind of disc will be called DVD in the future.

In the 1980s, there was a standard war in the video tape industry. VHS and BETAMAX fought against each other, and the fight was fierce. Although VHS won in the end, it was also a miserable victory. Companies from both camps have also been implicated.

Now in the field of high-capacity optical discs, there are two more standard multimedia discs (MMCD) and super discs (Super Disc) confronting each other in the Chuhehan field, and they may go off at any time.

Although only Philips and Sony support multimedia discs, and Toshiba, Time Warner, Panasonic, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Electric, Pioneer Electric, Thomson and JVC support super discs, but Philips occupies the key technology of disc decoding, regardless of You can't get around Philips if you want to read any standard CD, so the two sides are evenly matched.

Therefore, IBM, the big brother in the computer industry, stepped forward and let the two sides exercise restraint, sit down to negotiate, talk about conditions, and merge the two standards. The big brother's words were released, and it had a certain effect. The two sides did maintain restraint and did not really go into action, but they didn't like the big brother's proposal for the merger, and felt that the big brother's words were not enough.

For companies in the computer industry, it is very important for them to have one and only one standard optical disc. If the two standards are evenly matched and the customer base is divided into two, they will have to sit on the wax. Set standards, is this a fucking human thing?

But if you only follow one standard, the potential customers don't make a choice, but you screen out half of the potential customers first, which is even more fucking annoying. Are you kidding us?

The current situation is that there are computer manufacturers standing behind IBM to support, but the two standards are still in the research and development stage, and the merger of the standards is not too urgent. Most computer manufacturers are still struggling. (IBM's brand color is blue, nicknamed Blue Giant), you still need face, not imminent, you have to be reserved.

Nanyi, who has used DVD discs and has some understanding of its market and vitality, has not allowed Nan's companies to participate in the competition for optical disc standards. Although Nan's can actually have a lot of say, Pan American Holdings invested Many computer-related companies, a thing that is beneficial to everyone, it is not difficult for Nan's to promote it to be realized quickly. It is easy for Nan's to get it.

Nan's has already bet on flash memory. Not only Yinhou, who is engaged in the research and development of mobile phone accessories, personally participated in the research and development of flash memory, but also distributed money to external companies engaged in research and development of flash memory. Aren't they developing flash memory? Share the profits, only to get the right to use the patent at a discount.

Regardless of whether it is called a TF card or an SD card, a U disk or a flash disk, MP3 or MP4, these products cannot escape the word "flash memory". After the technology matures, these products are just a matter of piercing a layer of window paper.

[Author's note: After carefully understanding the technical principles of these products, it is really not too difficult to make them, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can make them. In addition, popular science, the research and development cost of the world's first VCD is less than 600,000 yuan, and it is estimated that most of the money is spent on purchasing components and paying wages.

Strictly speaking, this thing is not really research and development, it is a combination of various mature products and technologies, and the process of buying aircraft model accessories and putting them together according to the manual is similar, except that the VCD does not have an assembly manual, so you have to fumble to assemble it. ]

These products together represent a large market with an annual sales scale of tens of billions of dollars, and it is a lucrative market. Nan's does not insist on getting the profit of the end product. The finished product will only test the waters and make it the best. It will not be an accessory supplier and patent licensor honestly.

Silver Throat may launch a mobile phone brand in the future, which is mainly used to digest unsalable accessories models with poor sales, and flagship phones assembled with top-level accessories to tell consumers the correct knowledge of excellent accessories. The screen is good, The camera is that great, and so on, so that consumers force mobile phone manufacturers to purchase specific models of accessories.

Chen Yuxiu made a phone call to the airline and booked the earliest flight to Hong Kong. The experimental finished product of VCD has already come out, and the design of the production line is also under intense production. Whether VCD can eat fat is still two steps away.

With the machine, there must be discs, and Chen Yuxiu has to encourage a group of people to produce discs, promote healthy competition in the industry, and bring down the price of discs as soon as possible, so that consumers can benefit.

In addition, we need to develop a group of people to add content to the disc. He doesn't care how to add content. He only needs the price to be as low as possible, so that consumers can get a second benefit, and a group of jobs will be sent to the society-disc rental and sales shopkeepers.

Under the influence of Nanyi, Chen Yuxiu's first consideration in doing business now is whether he can create social benefits. If he can't, he will not enter even if he makes huge profits. This is Chen Yuxiu's responsibility, and this is the general structure of Nanchen Village.

However, there is a fly in the ointment. Nanyi is an exquisite egoist. He deliberately neglects to give his employees too generous treatment, which will affect the enterprises in the same industry and make it difficult for them to deal with themselves. It will affect the comprehensive competitiveness of the industry and plant a crisis of destruction for the entire industry.

Before Chen Yuxiu boarded the plane, the glass door of the Gunman Company was smashed again. I don't know how many times this has happened. Anyway, the Gunman Company spends a lot on repairing the door every year.

The Gunslinger Company has a bunch of parasite-like screenwriters, scripts for movies and TV shows, scripts for variety shows, and all seemingly normal or abnormal ideas have been written over and over. A crew started filming a new film, and the shooter would jump out after not much filming, "No, you can't shoot, the content and creative copyright of this and that scene is in our hands, you have infringed, and we will sue you."

In fact, tell me, it’s nothing more than to extort money. As long as compensation and copyright fees are paid, a whole load of scripts will be unloaded, and you can use whichever you like, sir.

If the film and television company wants to be serious, the gunman company may not be able to win the lawsuit. The copyright of the film and television content is very easy to bypass, and the infringement is also difficult to define, but the beauty of this matter is that the film and television company dare not be tough.

The Gunners Company doesn’t need to slander the film and television company, it just needs to wait until the first day of the film’s release and complain in the newspaper with the evidence—this part of a certain film is exactly the same as our A script, and that part is exactly the same as our B script.

Don’t accuse plagiarism, just throw away the evidence, and let the readers make up the rest, just say whether this kind of operation can pull down the box office a bit, whether it can or not, do the film and television companies dare to bet?

The Gunners Company is quite a thief. Big media groups never touch it, and they only focus on small film and television companies and independent producers. An existence of this level, as long as a film fails, it will be severely damaged, and even go bankrupt or disappear. , They can't afford to gamble at all, and the best solution is to directly buy the script from the Gunners company or ask to let it go.

Gunner Company has now become the largest content provider in Hollywood. Screenwriters who are not qualified to negotiate terms with film and television companies like to cooperate with Gunner Company, or join, or entrust their scripts to Gunner Company.

The Gunners Company has a very good reputation and never digs holes for the screenwriters. They will strictly implement the division of money they have agreed, and they will never cheat a dime.

Not to mention other film and television companies, Hollywood is famous for making fake accounts. A movie with a box office of more than one billion dollars can completely make a loss-making account. .

All in all, Gunslinger Company has played script copyright clearly, and now it is planning to extend its hand to film and television copyright. To be precise, Gunslinger Company is preparing to enter the online copyright of film and television dramas. Before the power of the Internet explodes, everyone is still vague about the current state of the Internet, and even more ignorant of the future, let's buy a large number of online copyrights of film and television dramas at low prices.

Of course, in order to avoid being a defendant in lawsuits all year round in the future, a sharing clause must be arranged in the contract. To say that the price is low is actually to pay less cash, but to use future money to share. Jealousy said the shooter was a liar.

As Chen Yuxiu got on the plane, there was still half an hour before the lottery form for the subscription of new shares was going to be sold at Shenzheng. At a certain point of sale, a man from Jiangxi Province stood in front of the long queue and cried loudly.

Just now, he was squeezed out of the team, and it was impossible to get in again. He was not the only one who was squeezed out, there were many unlucky ghosts like him, who queued for two days and two nights. The team, when they got to the door, they were finished, and everyone would cry if they changed.

Therefore, the current team arrangement has changed. In the scorching heat, men and women, old and young, hug their shoulders and hug their waists. There is no shyness, no embarrassment, no gentleness, courtesy and thrift. Not even room for flies to stand.

On August 7, Shenzhen Stock Exchange released the 1992 IPO Subscription Lottery Announcement, announcing that 500 million domestic public shares would be issued that year, 5 million lottery sheets would be sold, and the winning rate was 10%. Each lottery sheet could subscribe for 1,000 shares.

The more subscriptions, the greater the winning ratio, which means greater profit opportunities. According to the most simple principle, as long as you buy ten watches, you will be able to draw one of them, and you will earn if you buy it.

As early as a month ago, wave after wave of people who had heard the news had come to Shenzheng. Once the announcement was made, the last wave of people came over in a belated manner, from Yangcheng to Shenzheng. You can’t buy any hard seat tickets, and there are no seats without seats, only 30 yuan per ticket, but now you can get a few soft seat tickets that have been sold by scalpers to more than 200 yuan.

There are a total of 303 sales outlets in Shenzhen. As soon as the news of the distribution of IPO subscription lottery forms appeared in the newspapers, people lined up at some sales outlets. By August 8, there were long queues at all sales outlets.

Most of the people who lined up were hired, and the real backstage bosses were watching in the shade.

Standing in the shade, Zhao Tianyang is very satisfied with his partner Tang Delong, who is so powerful that he even organized 1,500 people from Dihua to line up and brought thousands of ID cards (one ID card buys a lottery form), Now there are several sales outlets with their people queuing up, and the queues are relatively high. They will definitely be able to buy a lot of lottery sheets.

It can only be said that Zhao Tianyang's thinking was too naive. At 8:00 am on August 9th, all outlets began selling lottery forms at the same time, but the strange thing is that some sales outlets only opened for two or three hours before announcing that the lottery forms were sold out; In the long snake formation of thousands of people, only thirty or so people bought the lottery sheets; as soon as some sales outlets announced that they were sold out, there were "scalpers" who appeared in the hall holding hundreds of lottery sheets. The high price of Zhang 500-800 is sold around.

At four o'clock in the afternoon that day, there was a thunderstorm in the sky, but none of the people in the queue left. They all held the firm belief that thunder would never leave, and they were still queuing. At nine o'clock in the evening, the sale of new shares ended, and all All subscription application forms have been returned to their respective owners, and the sales outlets have been closed.

However, many people discovered the fraudulent and secretly arbitrage purchase of subscription forms, and speculation of subscription forms was rampant before the sale outlets. At this time, the bank issued an announcement to extend the collection period of purchase forms to August 11.

Many people think that there is a fraud here, because a large number of subscription watches slipped through the back door, and the buyers did not have time to find so many ID cards, or did not have time to sell them. It can be seen that there are huge loopholes in the sales of subscription watches.

Xian Yaodong is very busy, at this time he is taking people around to collect ID cards.

This kind of good thing that can make a lot of money happened under his nose, of course he had to take Wen Changwei to participate, and of course, Zhang Yu's instigation was also involved.

Xian Yaodong is old, almost sixty, Zhang Yu is thirty-four this year, just the tail of a woman's golden age, like a wolf like a tiger, full of energy, one can imagine what Xian Yaodong has been grinded into, the back begins He was rickety, his brain began to slow down, and he couldn't keep his word and respond to everything in the village.

Since the contracting in the village, at the beginning, the contracting fee could be paid to the village committee on time, but as time went on, the contracting fee became more and more difficult to collect, and everyone was unable to part with good fortune, and took it out of their own pockets Money, how can it be so easy.

Besides, apart from Wenchang Garment Factory, several other enterprises in Wenchangwei are going downhill. The days are called Wang Xiaoer's Chinese New Year. Every year is not as good as every year.

The contracting fee could not be paid, and the welfare system established in Nanyi completely collapsed. The old and the young had nothing to support, and they all went home to eat themselves. The situation was so bad that Wenchang Weiwan Elementary School had to provide three meals a day for the students.

The village committee is unreliable, but the enthusiasm of the villagers for doing business has not dissipated. Most of the villagers in foreign countries and provinces are doing business in various places. Those who stay in the village are just because their business is deep and they don’t need to go out. There are only a few in the village.

The benefits are gone, the dividends are gone, and the Wenchangwei people have not made them poor, but they have lost the money they can get while lying down, and they have lost a very solid confidence.

If you bravely go outside, it’s okay even if you lose. The village will give you the bottom line, and there will be a share of dividends there, so you don’t have to worry about being hungry.

Now, it's gone, everything can only depend on oneself, the village committee has become no longer holy, if there is no ancestral hall there, everyone is the descendant of the Xian family, loves so and so, and lives behind closed doors.

Under the influence of Zhang Yu, Xian Yaodong also became less concerned about the affairs of the village, and only cared about his own small family. The original Jiang Xiaodong, now Xian Xiaodong has been pampered into a young master, only sixteen years old, and his girlfriend is about to It's changed, and he's carrying a lot of money in his pocket every day, causing trouble outside.

This time coincided with a major stock event, Xian Yaodong and Zhang Yu also participated in it, and it was not a trivial matter. Early in the morning, Xian Yaodong prepared 2,000 ID cards, and this time he got 2,000 lottery forms.

Not only that, Xian Yaodong also went through the back door and got a box (5,000) of lottery forms from the sales point in advance, which has not yet been registered, so he needs to rush to collect his ID card.

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