If one calculation fails, in the short term, Nanyi will not arrange any plans against Zhou Maode.

He will wait for the next opportunity, a chance to completely checkmate Zhou Maode.

"The poor are rich and attractive, but they are confused when they first take power." Nan Yi wrote a crooked poem in his belly, putting aside Zhou Maode's affairs first.

"Red bean, are you full?"

"I'm full." Fan Hongdou nodded.

"Men San'er, order another bottle of soda and let Hongdou take it with you on the way."


May 18.

Yesterday's gloom and sadness had just passed, Han Hanren came to the capital under the shining light of the launch vehicle over the Pacific Ocean.

"Nan Sheng, I just went to Shanghai, and the costumes for Director Xie's new movie "Legend of Tianyun Mountain" were also provided by our Wenchangwei Garment Factory.

"Love on Lushan Mountain" has been filmed and is in the post-production process. The specific release time has not yet been determined.

However, Shanghai Film Studio has promised me that it will definitely add the subtitle of "Thanks to Wenchangwei Garment Factory for sponsoring the heroine's costume" in the opening title. "

"Well, "Romance on Lushan Mountain" is based on love. Once such a movie is released, it will definitely cause a sensation. In addition, the heroine is also a famous actress, which is even more beneficial.

Did you see the news that Xu Wenqiang's windbreaker was on sale and the supply was in short supply? Did you see it in the Hong Kong newspaper? "

"I see, Nan Sheng, is this also your handwriting?"

"Well, I have arranged dark threads at both TVB and Li's. I can get information about what fashion drama they are going to shoot. I knew last year that "Shanghai Beach" was going to be filmed. I also saw the actor's makeup photos. See After that, I bet this drama will be popular.

But I never expected that it would become so popular. "

Han Guoren said with emotion: "Yeah, when this drama was broadcast, there was really no one on the street, and everyone rushed home to watch the drama. In Temple Street, there was no business at all during the one-hour broadcast of the drama." .”

"So, this kind of success can be replicated. The mainland has a larger population base. Once a movie becomes popular, think about how many women are envious of the heroine's beautiful clothes?

How many women would want to have?

If supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores sell some, and they only need one and a half months' wages for one piece, will they bite their teeth and buy one? "

"Yes, definitely. Women's pursuit of beauty is very sharp. They are willing to buy even half a year's salary, let alone a month and a half." Han Hanren said affirmatively.

"Since you have this understanding, then you should continue to deal with film studios and don't miss any one. I hope that Wenchangwei Garment Factory will be the only costume sponsor for all fashion films in China.

After occupying the mainland, you will go to develop the Southeast Asian market, then Japan, South Korea, Bollywood, and then Europe and Hollywood. Where there are fashion movies, there is Wenchangwei Garment Factory, and there is Paris.

In the future, I hope that Paris will appear in fashion weeks in Milan and Paris, and I hope that everyone will be proud to wear Paris.

Keriya, the road is tortuous and the future is bright. As long as we keep going down the road unswervingly, one day, what I said will definitely come true.

Imagine that you appear gracefully in the high-class banquet of European nobles, and all the major fashion designers compete to get to know you and regard you as the honored guest.

At that time, you will definitely be proud of your hard work and struggle today! "

"Nansheng, I will definitely work hard."

"Well." Nan Yi nodded and said, "You can rest assured that the current environment is not good enough to sign a share agreement with you. However, if Paris wants to go abroad, she must go through a company for transit. .

This company will be registered soon, and the company's shares will give you 5% at the beginning.

We will also sign a performance increase agreement. How much performance you achieve and how much your shares can increase will be clearly stated in the agreement.

As long as you make achievements, what should be cashed in will be cashed in immediately, and I will definitely not treat my own people badly. "

"Thank you Nansheng."

"You're welcome, I'm a very fair person, and I deserve what I give."

Han Guoren quickly chewed on the big cake that Nanyi drew for him, and went to Jingying to do public relations.

To paint a big cake, you can’t just paint it, you have to fulfill it step by step, and give others hope bit by bit; otherwise, it’s not called painting a big cake, but a fraud.

After Han Hanren left, Nanyi bought a copy of "XX Youth", which published a long letter signed by "Ordinary Female Worker Pan Xiao" "The road of life, how is it getting narrower and narrower...".

Pan Xiao said in the letter: "The times are advancing, but I can't touch its powerful wings; some people say that there is a broad and great cause in the world, but I don't know where it is.

How can the road of life become narrower and narrower...

Really, I secretly went to church services, I had the idea of ​​shaving my hair and becoming a nun, even, I thought of dying...

My heart was really chaotic and contradictory. "

On the third day after Nanyi read this article, this article aroused great resonance in the society and in the ivory tower, and at the same time caused fierce criticism.

On the issue of the way of life, a large-scale discussion has been launched across the country.

Not only did articles discussing this appear in the newspapers, but even Nanyi and his class were discussing this issue.

When writing or writing, the inevitable topic will naturally become distorted, so there are various voices of criticism and reflection, and a new literary genre also sprouts at this time.

Nanyi has never been interested in such discussions. He does not have the indescribable sense of historical mission that other students have. He always feels that he is the savior, who wants to save this and awaken that.

To be impassioned, to talk nonsense, will not change anything except cause damage.

In Nan Yi's eyes, among the students who were discussing, few of them understood themselves. It was extremely ridiculous to pretend to save others even if they wanted to save themselves.

Taking classes, learning languages, cultivating relationships with Fan Hongdou, and remote control, Nanyi's life has become more and more busy, and the time available for sleep is decreasing every day.

He is racing against time, and he knows very well that when he gets out of the ivory tower, it will be very difficult for him to find time to study in the first few years.

The next few years will be the time for him to lay the foundation for his career. Whether the foundation is stable will directly affect the height of his career. He must devote himself wholeheartedly.

"Hey, Boy."

"Hello, Scarlett, have you never left the capital, or have you returned?"

Nanyi had just walked out of the gate of Peking University and was walking towards the old bungalow when she met NBC female reporter Scarlett Taylor last time.

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