Yelena responded with a smile, and the two sides walked around the construction site together to learn about the progress of the project.

There is absolutely no problem with the progress of the project, and the quality of the project is guaranteed. There is no suspicion of scumbag construction. Yelena is still looking forward to the early completion of the project so that she can settle the final payment as soon as possible.

The quality of the project is also what Nanyi is quite satisfied with. Although it costs a little more money, at least what you get is a good thing.

Several people walked around the construction site, and the two sides did not discuss any substantive topics. Nanyi talked about the development concept of an ant market after it was completely completed in a very procedural manner, especially talking about solving employment. Yelena listened and asked questions, and Nanyi talked and answered. In less than an hour, the process was over, and the two parties left in two ways.

Yelena's reason for coming today, Nanyi is not very clear, but the purpose is very clear, it is nothing more than to make a stop and send a signal, I believe it will not take long, maybe a few days, maybe three to five months, Mikhailovy Qi will ask him to meet.

No matter what Mikhailovich wants to do, there is no doubt that Nanyi’s money must be on his mind. He wants Nanyi to pay for one of his ideas. As for how much and what the return is, we can only wait and see .

Back at the Modan Barracks, Nanyi still continued his normal work and temporarily put aside Mikhailovich's affairs.

Back at the consulate at night, Nanyi turned on his laptop to receive emails, and dealt with the emails that should be dealt with. The plan to save Doctor Laurian was also lying in the emails. Nanyi did not comment, but only replied that he agreed to implement it. An email was sent, asking her to check to see if Xian Hailan was on the list of doctors.

After Xian Hailan graduated and became a real doctor, she still followed her personal wish and became a doctor without borders. It was too noble, and Nan Yi in the gutter of the holy light could not breathe. After that, he I haven't paid attention to Xian Hailan's news anymore, so I don't know where she is at the moment.

In the next few days, Nanyi was busy with the exhibition. During the busy time, Wu Xiaowei flew over from China. Nanyi didn't ask him what he did this month. No need to ask. Nanyi knew very well that Wu Xiaowei was in Shanghai. Hai made a wave of securities lending transactions.

From February 12, the Shanghai stock market released the price of Yanzhong Industrial and Feilo shares, to May 21, the price limit of all stocks was fully released. The Shanghai stock market has experienced a thorough baptism. Due to the change of the trading system, the stock market has such a huge ups and downs.

Although the management was prepared to let go of the stock price, it did not expect the market to be so fast and so frenzied.

what to do?

Just said to let go of the stock price, but it cannot be withdrawn immediately. But seeing that the stock market is so crazy, it is impossible to let go completely. Therefore, they repeated the same old tune, using dual means of public opinion regulation and administrative expansion to cool down the stock market.

Then, with the issuance of stock subscription certificates, the issuance of new shares proceeded in a geometric progression. There were 7 in the first batch, as many as 34 in the second batch, and the third and fourth batches were launched one after another. The primary market absorbed billions of funds in a short period of time, and it went public within a few days after the issuance.

The large-scale expansion like a cannonball has given the market a warning. After a period of time after Nanyi emptied its stocks, many institutions and large investors also began to sell their stocks. They also understood that the management did not want to see stocks skyrocketing. The benefits are about to disappear.

August is a month of sharp decline in Shanghai stock market. From August 10, the Shanghai Composite Index fell below the 1,000-point psychological threshold, kicking off the prelude to the plunge; on the 12th, the Shanghai stock market crashed, falling as low as 590 points. It rose to 781 points, but the three-day plunge has reached 22.30%. The market has suffered a lot and is full of bearishness.

Wu Xiaowei took advantage of the opportunity of the stock market to find his Aunt Liu Zhen. With the help of Lin Tiao's relationship, he borrowed stocks from some people who didn't care about stock prices, sold them at high prices and bought them back at low prices. If the stock price is lowered by a few points, there are still investors who will buy the bottom. Wu Xiaowei earned more than 200,000 yuan just like this.

Nan Yi is quite satisfied with Wu Xiaowei's good use of relationships, but this kid really saves time and effort. He didn't take a few steps to find Wu Renpin's other relationships, and directly hit her on her head, which made him very upset .


During afternoon tea time, Nanyi, who took a short break, sat drinking tea at the entrance of the convenience store, while Wu Xiaowei acted as the main force, helping the paging station move office supplies and various equipment there.

The paging station needs to be expanded, the number of personnel needs to be increased, and the workstations and office equipment must be prepared in advance. For the female employees of the paging station, the work of moving and lifting must be done by men. It happens that Wu Xiaowei is a big guy with plenty of strength. Send him over to help.

While Nanyi was drinking afternoon tea and enjoying the warm sunshine, a BTR-80 armored personnel carrier belonging to the Special Purpose Mobile Unit (OMOH) smashed through the iron gate of a courtyard wall of a villa in the east of Moscow, and broke into the courtyard After that, the auxiliary weapon PKT7.62mm parallel machine gun on the turret immediately rotated left and right, searching for all living targets.

Behind the armored personnel carrier, a minibus drove into the yard. Before the car stopped, the door was pulled open, and a team of special forces members wearing anti-terrorist hoods came out of the car, trotting for a while. Came to the back of the armored personnel carrier, borrowed the cover of the body, took small steps, and rushed forward following the armored personnel carrier.

Their task was to come and wipe out a drug lord, and they received an order to fight back immediately when encountering resistance. However, some of the special forces also received special orders: search for the target, Li Zhengping, and shoot him directly.

The position is different, and the way of thinking about the problem is also different. Yepisov does not need to look forward and backward like Nanyi. He first confirmed that Li Zhengping had violated his interests, and then confirmed that there was shit in Li Zhengping's crotch. Call people to action.

There is feces in the crotch, and then put the feces basin on the head one by one.

It is undeniable that not everything that bad guys do will be bad, and there may be one or two good things. But in the simple thinking of the public, it is not very difficult for a robber to molest a woman or kill a person while robbing, and it may even be taken for granted.

Li Zhengping already had a few "bad guy" labels on his forehead, adding another identity as a drug lord was nothing more than adding a stroke of ink, an easy task. Since he is a drug lord, he is worthy of the battle in front of him.

Coincidentally, Li Zhengping's bodyguards were quite responsible. They saw that the armored personnel carrier did not immediately raise their hands to surrender, but instead raised their guns in a defensive posture. This action was finished as soon as it was put out. The special forces team members holding RPKS-74 in their hands Immediately pulled the trigger, and fired at the bodyguard.

When the light machine gun fired, the AK-74, AKS-74U, and AS were not to be outdone, and fired bullets at the bodyguards.

Fighting hand to hand, with no cover, one side set fire first, and the other side was only passively beaten. From the shooting to the ceasefire, it lasted less than two seconds, and five bodyguards had already collapsed on the ground and died.

Now that the fire has been exchanged, the special warfare team changed the previously established search and capture tactics. The armored personnel carrier rushed all the way to the gate of the villa. After the team members dispersed and took precautions, two snipers entered the favorable terrain. After taking cover with the VSS sniper rifle, he immediately increased the horsepower, and with a bang, the door was directly knocked into the air, and a big hole appeared in the wall.

The smoke from being knocked out has not yet cleared. Two team members are carrying AKS-74U and one is carrying RG-051 (a test gun that has not been finalized, modified on the basis of AS, and the name after the official installation is SR- 3) The team members broke into the villa, and after a few gunshots, they all reported to the security.

Afterwards, the team members outside the door began to enter the villa, alternately covering each other with the previous three team members, and broke into the depths of the villa.

Soviet-style CQB tactics are different from Western mainstream tactics. Western CQB will use many auxiliary tools and weapons. It is like throwing flash bombs or shock bombs first when you just break into the gate. In special cases, you will choose to throw them. For gas bombs, the Soviet style is more straightforward, and the whole process is a word of recklessness.

By listening to the intensity of the gunshots, you can hear their attack tactics. It is too dense, with less bursts and more strafing. Even RPKS-74 is roaring in the villa, and the idea of ​​fire suppression has been integrated into CQB.

Muren, who was watching with a telescope in the distance, complained, "Fortunately, there are no hostages in the room, so it's okay to kill them all."

In less than twenty minutes, Muren saw corpses carried out from the villa. Among the corpses, he saw Li Zhengping, who was already somewhat unrecognizable, and also saw Li Zhengping, who was being supported or escorted out vertically. Lin Nan.

Seeing that the target was dead, Muren packed up his things, moved a few times from the roof to the ground, walked quickly, turned into a street, and blended into the pedestrians on the street.

At this time, the finance ministers and central bank officials of the twelve countries of the European Monetary System gathered in Bath, a beautiful town in the east of Avon, England, to discuss the implementation of future economic policies.

Desperate to make room for Britain to cut interest rates, Britain's chancellor of the exchequer, Norman Lamont, has frequently asked Germany to ease its monetary policy, as have his counterparts in Italy and France.

At the meeting, Lamont slapped the president of the Bundesbank, Helmut Schlesinger, on the table, "The finance ministers of twelve countries are all asking you to lower interest rates. Why don't you lower your interest rates in Germany?"

Schlesinger was annoyed, but he couldn't slap the table the way Lamont did, and he was a target. He can only carefully give an answer that is not an answer: "Although we do not plan to cut interest rates, we will not raise interest rates at the same time."

After the meeting, Lamont quickly took Schlesinger's words to the media as a signal that Germany was about to make concessions. Although it was not very prudent to do so, he had nothing to do. news.

However, this slightly comical statement did not dispel the doubts of the market, and the pressure on the British cabinet still exists.

Over the ensuing days of meetings, Lamont and his peers continued to fire at the Bundesbank, irritating Schlesinger, who has spent his life maintaining the Bundesbank's policy independence from the German government. Too much restraint, let alone a foreigner?

So on September 8, he held a press conference. At the conference, he vaguely pointed out that he could not guarantee the direction of future interest rates. The German government will not easily change it to benefit other countries; It may be beyond the normal range of the market. From this, it can be seen that the European exchange rate system is not as imagined. He personally remains "cautiously" optimistic.

In the venue of the press conference, there were a group of business leaders, bank presidents and fund managers. They were particularly concerned about the meeting held in Bath these days. a definite conclusion.

Among a group of middle-aged and elderly men, two graceful ladies attracted special attention. After whispering to each other, it was easy to find out that one of them was Catherine Boleyn, Duchess of England, but the other The names of Oriental women are unknown.

In this group of mainly western faces, Nanyi's slightly youthful oriental face is particularly noticeable, but several reporters present whispered to each other for a long time, but they did not find out the details of this oriental man.

"Zhao, what do you think?" Catherine turned her head and asked Zhao Shixian.

"Hush, listen carefully first." Zhao Shixian hissed and interrupted Catherine's questioning. She could hear some clues that the words of the president of the Bundesbank showed that he was unwilling to lower interest rates.

This is not a formal statement. After all, the negotiations between the finance ministers and governors of various countries participating in the meeting have not yet been completed, but such a meaning can be read between the lines.

"Mr. Schlesinger, please stay." When the meeting came to an end, Schlesinger was about to leave when two people suddenly stood up from the crowd below and shouted in unison.

One of the voices was Zhao Shixian, and the other voice was an old man in his sixties. He had gray hair, wrinkled face, and was not tall, but he was in good spirits. Radiate the light of wisdom.

"May I ask you..."

Schlesinger was taken aback for a moment, he had never been stopped by such a strange pair before, first he glanced at the old man, nodded politely, then looked at the youthful Zhao Shixian, There was a smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm Zhao Shixian from Xiangcheng, Mr. Schlesinger." Zhao Shixian took two quick steps, rushed to Schlesinger, and stretched out his right hand.

"I don't know if Ms. Zhao has any advice?" Schlesinger's face was full of smiles, which was in stark contrast to his toughness on the stage just now, maybe it was the privilege of women, or it was because he just finished talking about business and was relaxed .

"Hello, Mr. Soros!"

While Zhao Shixian was exchanging greetings with Schlesinger, the gray-haired old man also came over. As soon as he came over, he saw Zhao Shixian's outstretched right hand.

"do we know each other?"

Soros was taken aback, and mechanically shook hands with Zhao Shixian, his face full of doubts.

"PY, Zhao Shixian." Zhao Shixian nodded slightly.

Zhao Shixian never thought that he would meet Soros here. Today's Quantum Fund is not very well-known, and Soros is not famous all over the world. His popularity is only limited to Wall Street and some investors who invest in Quantum Fund. , but the relatively independent PY Securities has a sum of money in the Quantum Fund and is one of its customers.

When Zhao Shixian reminded him, Soros quickly remembered that two or three years ago, a large amount of funds did come from Hong Kong, a company called PY Securities. Since the money entered the fund, I have basically never met the representative of PY Securities, and the other party has no intention of redeeming the funds.

"Hello, Ms. Zhao."

Soros is all smiles and respectful of his loyal clients.

After Soros exchanged pleasantries with Schlesinger, the smile on Schlesinger's face grew stronger. He looked at the old and the beautiful in front of him with interest: "I wonder what's the matter with you two?"

With an identity like Schlesinger, every word and deed will be carefully analyzed and interpreted by others, and his one sentence means tens of millions of dollars in monetary benefits, so he must be careful when speaking in public , try to avoid leakage of important information.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I just want Mr. Schlesinger to talk about his views on the European Currency Unit (ECU)." Zhao Shixian smiled slightly, with a relaxed and comfortable expression on his face, without showing any attitude of inquiring about the news .

Schlesinger does not resist talking about the European Currency Unit. He is the head of the Bundesbank, which occupies a major position in the European Monetary System, so he can naturally talk about this kind of issue with eloquence.

Schlesinger looked at Soros and saw that he had no other opinions, so he began to spout a lot of official rhetoric. These diplomatic rhetoric sounds quite rich on the surface, but upon careful analysis, they are actually It's like saying nothing, and the words are rolling around.

"In fact, I personally like the concept of European currency very much, but I don't like the name ECU. In my personal opinion, I prefer to call it Mark."

After talking a lot of nonsense, Schlesinger added another meaningful sentence. After speaking, he nodded slightly to Zhao Shixian and the two, and then left the venue.

"Ms. Zhao, do you understand what he is doing?"

Soros heard a lot of voiceovers from Schlesinger's words. He was very interested in Zhao Shixian who could ask the question just now, and wanted to hear whether the other party's question was targeted.

Zhao Shixian's question just now seems grand, but in essence, he is testing Germany's determination to maintain European harmony. The questioning and speaking, as well as the obedient people, are well aware of this, and Schlesinger's answer is also very interesting. It seems to be an official statement, but at the end it clearly stated its position-the Bundesbank will still take the German economy as the first consideration for some time to come.

Since this information can be disclosed in private, Schlesinger will definitely express this position to the media in the next few days.

"Germany will not cut interest rates." This is what Zhao Shixian and Soros thought.

"Mr. Soros, what you are thinking now is what I am thinking, are you right?" Zhao Shixian laughed at Soros's temptation and dropped the topic.

"Ms. Zhao, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first. I reiterate that our fund will operate on the basis of maximizing clients' profits, and this will never change."

Seeing that he couldn't find anything, Soros gave Zhao Shixian a meaningful look, deeply imprinted this face in his heart, said a few more high-sounding words, and then left.

Watching Soros leave, Zhao Sixian returned to Catherine's side.

"Zhao, what did you say to Soros?"

For some reason, Catherine knew Zhao Shixian's English name, but she liked to call her Zhao.

"I didn't say anything, but he left in a hurry, probably because he was busy making money for his clients." Zhao Sixian said something perfunctory, and then said with a smile: "Catherine, let's go back to London, I want to hurry up." When I saw little girl Ruojin, I, the little mother, brought her a gift."

Speaking of the word "little mother", Zhao Sixian felt sour in her heart. She wanted to be a child herself, and her daughter who was not pregnant should also be a child.

"Stanley, it's time."

When Soros rushed out of the venue at the first time, he immediately dialed the transoceanic satellite phone and said affirmatively to Druckenmiller who was waiting for news at the other end.

Druckenmiller on the other end of the microphone understood, silently put down the phone, and shouted to the traders who had already been waiting outside: "Everyone, move!"

The traders were silent for a few seconds, and then shouted crazily almost at the same time, with frenzied expressions on their faces. After a short period of excitement, each of them immediately rushed to their work stations and began to implement the strategies they had already formulated.

These strategies are to do related transactions in the stock market, foreign exchange market, bond market and other markets, so as to obtain the maximum benefit from the knock-on effect brought about by the fall of the pound as much as possible.

For a while, the trading room was in chaos.

Why is the Quantum Foundation known all over the world? Why is Soros famous all over the world?

In fact, this has little to do with what Soros has done and what he will do in the future. At the same time, it is also very important. Soros is not famous for doing these things, but for doing them well. In the final analysis, Or because he is too poor, his own funds are not enough to enable him to do what he wants to do.

Whether it is the Finnish mark, the Italian lira, or the British pound he is eyeing now, the strength of Quantum Fund alone is not enough to shake it. Quantum Fund needs followers and needs to be a banner of international hot money. Quantum Fund Bing Feng pointed out, All the heroes echoed.

It is not easy to be a banner, but you need to have a record. Therefore, the achievements of the Quantum Fund must be publicized, and the name of Soros must be publicized. This has also caused people to talk about the Quantum Fund. The operation is also familiar.

In fact, there are quite a few hedge funds like Quantum Fund on Wall Street, and there are a few that are stronger than him, such as Jones Hedge Fund and Tiger Fund. The strength of funds such as Lion and Tiger Cat are comparable to Quantum Fund.

As for what the Jones hedge fund is doing, there is almost no news from the outside world, and Tiger Fund is also very low-key. The more important news has to be traced back to the Plaza Accord. Tiger Fund launched a speculation on the Japanese yen. In the following seven years, The name of "Tiger Fund" is hardly seen in newspapers.

Another example is Scarlett Fund, a rising star. In the past five years, there has been little news about it. It is almost always mentioned because of Scarlett. The information disclosed to customers is only the profit rate of this year. The client's capital growth, etc., and what they are doing, have never been disclosed to the outside world.

The headquarters of Scarlett Fund only conducts normal operations on the stock market and futures market, and the actions are not large. The real big actions are completed through shadow funds, and the transfer of funds is through the system of Nanguo Bank. All actions can be done very well. secret.

There are advantages and disadvantages in doing so. The advantage is that it is not easy for hostile funds to grab the scarlet fund’s braids, and it is very difficult to target them. The disadvantage is that it cannot be like Quantum Fund, which can be achieved with a small amount of funds Make earth-shattering big moves, and use small things to make big gains.

The stud type is small and big, and it is not in line with Nan's current positioning. The most basic strategy of Nan's current strategy is to focus on stability and not to pursue rapid wealth growth. It only needs an annual net income of more than tens of billions of dollars. , Accumulate slowly, embrace a good opportunity for speculation, and make the financial report of the year better.

Scarlett Fund also sent people to this meeting, but who they sent, not to mention that Catherine and Zhao Shixian didn't know each other, even Scarlett and Nanyi had to go through the roster, they only knew There is such a thing, and it is known which high-level is in charge, but further down, the specific executor, they can only see who is in the report.

Like Soros, Zhao Sixian also gave PY Securities an order to act after leaving the venue.

Three days later, the "Wall Street Journal" published an exclusive interview with Schlesinger. In the interview, Schlesinger described the current situation of the European currency: "The instability of the European monetary system can only be solved by the devaluation of some national currencies. Settle... Germany will not lower interest rates..."

Although the words are very vague, and it is not clear who the "some countries" are, but for financial speculators who have long been eyeing the lira and the British pound, the objects of the hint are almost ready to come out.

As early as August, the value of the pound sterling fluctuated unusually. Chancellor of the Exchequer Lamont even delivered the most severe speech in front of the Treasury building at the end of August, which was generally regarded by the outside world as an ultimatum to financial speculators : "In order to clarify the UK's position, I don't think it is possible for the pound to depreciate, and the UK will not withdraw from the exchange rate mechanism. We have an absolute obligation to the exchange rate mechanism. This is the core of our policy."

In addition to Lamont, Prime Minister Major has repeatedly advocated similar views in public.

In addition to these encouraging speeches, the UK has indeed taken corresponding measures in the market, such as buying 3 billion pounds to intervene in the market, and borrowing huge amounts of funds from the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and other institutions to continue intervening in foreign exchange market.

These moves stand in stark contrast to Schlesinger's views today. Now, everyone involved knows that Germany will not save the UK, leaving only the Bank of England itself, no, or it should be said that the Bank of England and the Bank of Italy, which is also under the fire of international hot money, remain.

In fact, on September 8, the day Schlesinger held a press conference, the Finnish mark announced that it would be decoupled from the German mark and allowed to float freely.

Although Finland is not a country of the European monetary system, the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs. Such a country is basically helpless in the frenzy of the Finnish mark being sold, which makes Britain, France, Italy and other countries feel chilling.

The pound is fine, but the lira's decline is imminent.

As early as September 7, the Italian government announced to increase the bank’s discount rate. As a result, the market’s reaction was not satisfactory. As a result, on the 9th a day later, Italy was forced to announce another increase in the bank’s discount rate from 12%. At the same time, buying the lira in the foreign exchange market and selling currencies such as the franc and the mark resulted in keeping the lira within the European exchange rate system.

Discounting is a thing that when individuals, enterprises or institutions need short-term liquidity, they mortgage securities, real estate, capital and other valuable items from the bank, and then borrow money from the bank at a certain interest rate, which is equivalent to short-term liquidity. loan.

International hot money wants to attack the lira, and it is impossible for them to hold the lira, because in their view, the currency that is about to depreciate is not worth holding. Therefore, they mortgaged the US dollar and mark assets to Italian banks, exchanged them for the corresponding amount of lira at the discount rate in the short term, and then sold them in the foreign exchange market. After the lira depreciated to a certain stage, they bought them from the market Return the lira to the Italian bank.

Someone has $10,000 in assets and can exchange for 6 million liras. When the lira depreciates, the 6 million liras may only cost $9,000. Then this person has earned $1,000 during the depreciation of the lira.

What the Italian central bank must do: first, the lira cannot be allowed to depreciate so drastically, which requires buying lira in the foreign exchange market to maintain the exchange rate at a specific position; second, raise the cost of speculators, It makes it difficult for them to borrow a large amount of lira. The specific operation is to increase the discount rate.

This creates two problems: first, whether the central bank has enough foreign exchange reserves to stabilize the currency value; second, the discount rate cannot increase indefinitely.

If the currency value can be stabilized and the discount rate is increased, then the cost of international hot money will be greater than the income, and they will collapse without a fight. However, if the currency value cannot be maintained, the income will exceed the cost, and they will chase after it until one side completely falls At present, the advantage lies in the international hot money side.

On September 12, when Schlesinger's words were published in Italian newspapers, the lira plummeted all the way, and there was a large number of selling orders in the foreign exchange market, with prices getting lower and lower.

Under such circumstances, the Bank of Italy urgently mobilized funds to buy lira in the market, but it still could not withstand the menacing selling orders. By the end of the day, the exchange rate had approached the lower limit stipulated by the European Monetary System.

The foreign exchange market is an all-weather market with 24-hour fluctuations. Compared with other currencies, the biggest market for the Italian lira is itself, and the biggest buyer can only be the Bank of Italy.

The Roman cabinet and the Italian central bank conducted emergency consultations. After obtaining the consent of the finance ministers and central bank governors of other countries in the European Monetary System, on the morning of September 13, the Italian government announced the depreciation of the lira.

The depreciation is to reduce the exchange rate of the lira by 3.5%, and at the same time to appreciate several other currencies in the European monetary system by 3.5%, so that the lira barely stays in the European monetary system, and the goal of international hot money is initially completed.

This is the first adjustment of the European Monetary System since 1987. The seemingly huge European Monetary System has exposed its fragile side in front of international hot money, and the lira temporarily escaped disaster through automatic devaluation.

But soon, international hot money moved to the British pound market with the huge profits it grabbed from Italy, and started a new round of attacks.

The funds that PY mobilized from Securities to Italy appreciated by 7.32% within one day, that is to say, within one day, Zhao Shixian didn’t need to do anything, whether it was part of Nan’s wealth in PY Securities or her personal wealth. A certain value-added, of course, these wealth should be calculated in lira.

Not all of this wealth was transferred away. The current value of 300 million US dollars in lira was replaced by other brothers of the Nan family. Zhao Shixian had no idea what the money was going to be used for.

Some people's wealth increases, and some people naturally depreciate. Italian businessmen who use the lira as their main trading currency have suffered heavy losses from this exchange rate turmoil of the lira. Of course, from the perspective of the Italian government, the depreciation of the lira is not a very bad thing , at least the price of domestic goods will fall, which is more conducive to export.

At this time, the ratio of the British pound to the Mark is 2.796, which is less than a percentage point away from the lower limit of 2.778 stipulated in the European exchange rate system.

After Schlesinger's public statement, in just one day, the lira was attacked and almost left the European monetary system, which made the finance ministers and central bankers of various countries feel the seriousness of the crisis.

Although Italy is not considered a traditional industrial power, it is also one of the developed countries. It is so vulnerable to international hot money, which makes them feel ominous.

They held an emergency conference call again to urge the Bundesbank to cut interest rates.

The London side is in dire straits, and the Moscow side, the Modan Barracks is bustling with activity. The business of the chat bar is very good these days. Many merchants are standing by the phone, ready to make and receive calls from China at any time.

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