Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 913 Sense of Accomplishment

Chen Yuxiu: "Eight days, no, nine days ago, Zhang Dongwei settled a payment from the dealer in Bincheng, which was 2.2 million. He was supposed to go back to work and pay the account two days later, but he never showed up. I'll go Zhang Dongwei looked for it at home, and his wife said he hasn't been home since he was away on business."

"Absconded with money?"

Chen Yuxiu: "It's not very likely. Zhang Dongwei's father and elder brother went to the United States in the 1970s. There is a Chinese restaurant and a clothing factory in San Francisco. In addition, last year his income was nearly 1.5 million, and 2.2 million is not enough. Let him take risks."

Nanyi walked into the room, and made a gesture of drinking water at Xianghe, "He is on a business trip, is he by plane?"

Chen Yuxiu: "Yes, I went to the airport to inquire. He has already returned to Shenzheng from Bincheng by plane."

"Shenzhen, it's been more than a week..." Nan Yi guessed that Zhang Dongwei was dead, "Did you call the police?"

Chen Yuxiu: "Not yet, Zhang Dongwei's wife has a bad heart, I'm afraid."

"Call the police and explain the situation to the police. Don't notify Zhang Dongwei's wife yet. Also, remember to inquire about the unnamed male corpse that was discovered recently. It's been too long, and there are many dangers."

Chen Yuxiu: "I see."

"To live you have to see people, to die you have to see corpses, people can't go missing, it's unclear, and, after this matter is settled, I'll settle the accounts with you, 2.2 million with cash, the financial system has been eaten by you ?”

Chen Yuxiu: "I..."

"There is no need to explain now, you have the opportunity to explain, now hurry up and call the police."

After speaking, Nan Yi hung up the phone.

"It's sad, I can get a commission of 1.7 million a year, this is a business elite, just one talent is gone." Nan Yi rubbed his temples, took a sip of Xianghe's poured water.

The next day, Nanyi received Huangfuming's email from the Emotional Policy Committee. After reading it, he asked someone to find the public information of Red Sun for him.

Red Sun Traditional Chinese Medicine Chain, formally known as Red Sun Pharmaceutical, was established in 1971 with the aim of "seeking truth from facts and authentic products". At the beginning of its opening, it was a retail store of ginseng antler and seafood; The pharmaceutical group operates natural and precious bird's nest, ginseng antler, and seafood products, and actively expands the modern health food business.

Red Sun’s business is doing well, and it is very trusted and loved by the citizens of Xiangtang. It is a well-known Chinese medicine chain brand in Xiangtang.

This is positive information. The negative information is that the founder and chairman of the group, Feng Jianxiang, is not in good health. His eldest son, Feng Zhengkai, is a surgeon and does not work in Red Sun; his younger son does work in the group, but the reputation is not good Jia, it is rumored that Red Sun's financial crisis is related to him.

Open the stock software, and look at the real-time stock price of Red Sun, which is 3.7 Hong Kong dollars. The total share capital is only 47 million shares, and the market value is less than 200 million. Nanyi called up the financial data of Fuji Pharmaceutical. After reading it, click After pondering on the table for a while, he copied the email to the finance team, the intelligence team, and Southland Bank, and wrote in the text of the email: "Leveraged buyout."

Fuji Pharmaceutical can't mobilize too much funds for acquisitions, and Nanyi has no plans to inject capital into Fuji Pharmaceutical for the time being. With a small business, a small ant moving an elephant-style leveraged buyout is just right for it.

Leveraged buyout, also known as financing mergers and acquisitions, is a corporate financial method, which refers to the strategy of companies or individuals using the assets of the acquisition target as debt collateral to acquire the company. As long as it operates properly, Fuji Pharmaceutical only needs to spend 1 million Hong Kong dollars to complete the acquisition of Red Sun.

Leveraged buyouts are simple to say, but the actual operation is very complicated. It will involve bridge loans, mortgage loans, junk bonds and other aspects, and requires extensive contacts.

However, for Fuji Pharmaceutical, it is not difficult to carry out a leveraged buyout. With Nanguo Bank behind it, it is very simple to obtain funds.

After Nanyi's email was sent, the eagle eyes of the intelligence team and the financial team immediately moved.

A small accountant who can only do simple bookkeeping can be called finance, and the chief financial officer is also finance. The finance team of the Emotional Policy Committee is not only responsible for managing the accounts and money transactions of the entire Nanshi, but also responsible for capital design, project advice, and execution of mergers and acquisitions. .

Generally speaking, the tasks initiated by the intelligence policy committee belong to their own work and should be done within the salary range, but the tasks initiated by the subsidiaries are not. It cannot be said that they are beyond the scope of their own work, but they need to be rewarded with additional bonuses.

For Hawkeye and the financial team, Fuji Pharmaceutical's leveraged buyout is their "bonus" task, and they will be more enthusiastic about their work.

After sending the email, Nanyi went to the Emotional Policy Committee to attend the "sense of accomplishment" building seminar of the mind control group.

For most migrant workers, working hard is to stop working one day. If there is a chance to choose again, many people will not choose the job they are currently engaged in. The reason is very simple. Passion, and no sense of accomplishment.

The purpose of work is to exchange for the money needed for survival, and the happiest thing is to receive wages. If you can skip the work process and enjoy the results of receiving wages every day, I believe most people will be very happy.

Nan Yi's position determines that he cannot agree with such an argument. He needs every Nan's people to work hard and create benefits for Nan's. He hopes that every Nan's people are full of passion and energy every day.

In order to achieve this goal, Nan's will establish a higher salary structure and salary level, and use salary increases to bring a sense of accomplishment to grassroots employees. With higher income, the living standards of employees and their families will become higher, bringing benefits to the family. Changes will fill them with a sense of accomplishment, which in turn inspires greater work motivation and passion.

Using money can basically solve the problem of sense of accomplishment of grassroots employees, but for middle and high-level employees, just increasing the salary is not enough, especially when their income level is in a "hopeless" state.

"Someone once did an experiment with a female turkey and a weasel specimen. The female turkey is a very competent mother, caring, highly vigilant, and often takes great care of the young turkey.

The female turkey's care for the young turkey comes from only one stimulus, that is, the squeaking sound of the young turkey. If the newly hatched young turkey makes this sound, the female turkey will respond to her request and rush over to take care of the young turkey; on the contrary, if this sound is not made, the female turkey will ignore the young turkey, or even kill it.

Weasels are natural enemies of turkeys, and whenever they come close, the female turkey will let out an angry growl and peck and scratch at the weasels.

When researchers pulled a weasel specimen on a rope to approach a female turkey, it was also violently attacked.

However, when the researchers put a small recorder capable of squeaking into the weasel specimen and slowly approached the female turkey, something surprising happened: the female turkey not only did not attack, but it also took the initiative to close the weasel Under me, care for it like a baby turkey.

However, once the recording is turned off, the weasel specimen will be violently attacked again immediately.

This kind of behavior in animals seems very absurd: how can they make judgments based on only one voice?

But in fact, this fixed behavior pattern has been confirmed to be present in many animals, including humans.

One of the basic characteristics of this pattern is that the behaviors that make up the pattern occur in the same way and in the same order every time, as if the behavior pattern were recorded on tape and placed in the body of an animal.

Whenever the button of the recorder is pressed and the sound squeaks, the female turkey's motherhood will be stimulated, and her brooding behavior for the young turkeys will follow. Just a simple action of pressing the recorder, a series of standard actions Behavior emerges..."

Sitting on the roof, enjoying the gentle breeze blowing, Nan Yi listened to the narration by Cialdini, a psychological expert in the heart control group, while thinking in his mind.

"If we hired the hen like a worker, and her job was to take care of the chicks that had just hatched. Would the hen be a good worker?


Because, as long as the young turkeys squeak, the female turkeys will run over, spread their wings, and care for them without any external stimulation.

We don't need to formulate complicated rules and regulations, and we don't need to formulate performance appraisal standards. As long as we make a noise, the next behavior will be completely instinctive.

At this time, this squeaking sound is the switch that triggers the female turkey's great maternal behavior.

Since there is such a switch in animals, is there a corresponding switch in us humans, as long as we press a certain switch, the corresponding behavior will automatically show?

If we are engaged in a certain job, and the job requirements of this job are completely automatic and spontaneous behaviors displayed after pressing a certain switch on our body, then, isn't such a job the most perfect state?

There is no doubt that such a switch exists.

I combined the data of multiple surveys and consulting companies for research, discovered this switch, and named it 'talent'. The precise definition of talent is a pattern of thinking, feeling, and behavior that runs through and can produce benefits .

The point is that Jia wears it all the time.

Everyone has a neural filter that makes us excited about certain stimuli and insensitive to others, both at work and in our lives.

To do any job well requires talent because doing any job well requires certain consistent patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting.

In order to understand more clearly what is the pattern of behavior throughout, I can illustrate it with a few examples.

For example, someone is engaged in sales work and needs to perform Mobai.

Some people will blush and get nervous when they see strangers. They don’t know what to say to break the deadlock, and they don’t know what to say to arouse the other’s interest. So they think hard to find topics, but the result is that the other party is not interested. can fail.

However, there is a kind of person who is born with the ability to communicate with strangers, and likes to meet strangers of all kinds and types, as many as possible.

Every time he meets a stranger, he is like discovering a new continent, one after another, he will continue to meet strangers, never tired of it.

For those who like to deal with strangers, they have the advantage of 'pleasing'. And sales positions that require unfamiliar visits provide a very good platform for them to give full play to their "pleasing" advantages.

When meeting strangers, their "please" switch will be automatically turned on, and they will naturally start thinking about how to gain the other's favor and trust in the shortest possible time.

For another example, some people are naturally fond of fantasy, and all kinds of weird ideas often appear in their minds.

I once chatted with a staff member of Lafeng Winery, and he described it like this: I like to fantasize. Whenever I fantasize, it is like playing a movie in my mind, and one picture after another appears very clearly. I love being in that state, it's very exciting.

This fanciful behavior pattern is completely instinctive and does not require deliberate practice.

In addition, there are many other examples. For example, some people naturally like to perform and be noticed by the public, and they will be excited when they stand on the stage; Drill into a seam.

Some people naturally like to observe others. They know what personality, what interests, what abilities different people have, and how to deal with people with different personalities in a targeted manner; way to face everyone.

Some people naturally like organization and coordination. They are like generalists who know how to achieve goals through efficient resource integration; while some people want to be more focused and only complete one goal at a time.

Some people naturally like to think about problems, and they think very deeply, with rigorous logic, and know where the best solution is hidden; while some people are unconstrained, and they were still discussing this matter just now, and suddenly their thinking turned to other things superior……

All these instinctive Jia Chuan's consistent behavior patterns are produced by the influence of talent advantages and will accompany him throughout his life. "

Nan Yi waited for Cialdini to finish speaking, and said: "Screening the right people and assigning them to the right positions is what the talent team has been doing. So far, they have done a good job.

Cialdini, what you just said is from the point of view of the individual. I hope you can explain your theory of "talent" from the perspective of our Nan family. The theory that you can work hard for a salary is all the better. "

"Aha, Adam, the theory you need doesn't exist in this world. If I don't get my salary by the end of this month, I'll quit immediately." Cialdini laughed.

"Hmm, Cialdini, let me use you as an example. Your current annual salary is 300,000 U.S. dollars. This income is already very considerable. It can ensure that you and your family live well, with high food standards and regular visits to Going to concerts, watching football games, traveling abroad a few times a year, things like that.

Assuming that your annual salary becomes $500,000, the standard of living you can enjoy is still similar to the current one. An increase of $200,000 will not bring much change to you and your family, nor will it increase your class .

There are many people in Nan’s current situation similar to yours. They have room for salary increase, but it is not enough to achieve class leap, and it is not enough to bring earth-shaking changes to their lives.

From Nan's point of view, it is also impossible to increase their salaries to the level of cross-class. The salary given by Nan's itself slightly exceeds the staff's contribution, and the staff themselves are clear about this.

Cialdini, we need to infuse a sense of accomplishment, a sense of accomplishment other than money, into the Nanshi people who have fallen into this confusion. Especially the mid-level and high-level Asians, the talents shown in them are often not turned on by the switch you mentioned.

Their switch is the right thing, or the best choice, choosing this position is the best for them, and they have the talent to do it well, but deep down, they may not like their current job , simply because it's the best option for them.

For them, we must instill a sense of accomplishment into them and let them feel the joy of work. "

Nanyi spread his hands, and then said: "Sorry, my expression may not be easy to understand, I don't know much about the professional terms of psychology."

"No, Adam, I already understand what you want to express. First of all, it is inappropriate for you to analyze me as a case. I like my current job very much. I can focus on the research of psychology. There are still many research specimens here. Coupled with a good salary, Perfect!

Secondly, you may not find a very simple and formulaic solution to the sense of accomplishment you mentioned. We need to conduct an independent analysis of each object to understand what can stimulate 'his' sense of accomplishment, and then target it An infusion of 'sense of accomplishment'. "

"OK, give me a report. In the report, you need to explain in detail how you will carry out this work, what resources you need to mobilize, and how much budget you will prepare."

"No problem, give me a few days." Cialdini said: "It's already lunch time, I'm going to the Taiping Pavilion, I like the dessert souffle there, Adam, do you want to go together?"

"I have an appointment at noon."

Cialdini spread his hands, "It's a pity, I can only enjoy it alone."


Nanyi does have a date, but it's not with a person, but with a chicken.

When he came to the first research institute of Fanshengzhi, Nanyi immediately found Yi Zhake, "Yi Zhake, what's the situation?"

Yitzhak pointed to a duck in the isolation box and said, "Adam, there is bad news. I found that the bird flu virus has mutated. Now, ducks and geese can also be infected with bird flu."

Nan Yi breathed a sigh of relief. What did he think? It turned out to be avian flu. It's so strange that ducks and geese can be infected. He also knew that people could be infected too.


"The research on anti-bird flu drugs needs to be accelerated. If bird flu breaks out, our losses will increase several times than previously estimated." Yitzhak beckoned, "Adam, come with me, I'll show you something. "

Yitzhak led Nanyi to a fence, pointed to a chicken in the fence and said: "Cr003, the result of an accidental discovery, has its own genetic gene for hatching three yolk eggs, and the eggs hatched by its offspring Most of them will be three-yolk eggs."

"Is the gene stable?"

"There is no guarantee at present, and it takes several generations to observe before drawing conclusions."

"It's good news." Nanyi said excitedly: "Yizhak, I look forward to your breeding chickens with four yolk eggs."

"It's hard, it's not a simple math problem of 1+1, it's a complicated gene."

"Hehe, I know that after the genetic stability is confirmed, we will work harder on the nutritional content. The three-yolk egg will be launched as a high-end product. In addition to novelty, we also need high-nutrition selling points, so as to drive up its price. "


After Nanyi stared at the "Golden Rooster" for a while, he said to Yitzhak, "Yizhak, how long have you been on vacation?"

Yitzhak thought for a moment and said, "A year, maybe a year and a half, I don't remember clearly."

"You should give yourself a long vacation, sunny beaches, river jungles, historical sites or bustling cities, as long as there are no chickens, ducks and geese, enjoy a leisurely life for a period of time."

"Adam, I can't live without chickens." Yitzhak pointed to the "golden rooster". "When it grows up, I want to go to various farms to see my little babies."

Nanyi shrugged, "As long as you are happy."

"One more thing, Adam, the place here is already too small, and the Institute needs to change to a new address."

"Okay, you can choose the place as you like."

Looking around, Nan Yi was full of emotion. Fan Shengzhi started his business here. This can also be said to be the starting point of Shennong Nanliang. He does not intend to think of ways to change the nature of the land here, but to continue to keep the agricultural land unchanged.

Yitzhak felt even more emotional than Nanyi, "Adam, I'm really sad to leave here. I've been here for more than ten years."

"Yes, it's been more than ten years, Yitzhak, Shennong Nanliang is very grateful for your efforts."

"No, I should thank you for bringing me into Fanshengzhi. I have lived happily every day for more than ten years." Yizhak said, stretched out his arms to hug Nanyi and said, "Adam, thank you."

Nanyi patted Yitzhak on the back, everything was in plain sight.


In the evening, Nanyi was at Zhao Shixian's villa, and the two were having dinner while watching the first unit of "Bao Qingtian".

This TV series has not been introduced to Xiangtang yet, but the videotapes can already be bought/rented outside, and what the two of them are watching now is the one Nanyi rented outside.

"There is an agricultural land in the New Territories. I plan to buy it and plant lavender to create a lavender paradise for my daughter."

"It's a long way to think, where is my daughter?" Zhao Shixian said resentfully.

"It will be very soon. Next year, I will be able to prepare for pregnancy, so that she will be born in the year after next."

"Well, it's better to be earlier. Next year, I'll adjust my work so that I won't be too busy. Hey, when my daughter is born, where do you plan to let her live?" Zhao Shixian tentatively asked.

"You go pick a piece of land and build her a new manor." Nan Yi pretended not to understand Zhao Shixian's temptation.

"Hmph, if I can't live in Fang's Manor, my daughter can't?"

"Does it mean that when your daughter moves in, you will miss her all the time, and you will accompany her to bask in the sun on Sunday?"

"Can't you?" Zhao Shixian said, poking his neck.

"The wind can enter, the rain can enter, but you, Queen Zhao, cannot enter." Nan Yi laughed.

"Hmph, I want to build a splendid manor for my daughter. You prepare... 300 million US dollars. I want to dig out more for my daughter."

Nan Yi shook his head, "300 million dollars is fine. The appearance of the manor should not be too luxurious, and the interior is casual. If you want to use diamonds to pave the bathroom, or gold to lay the sewers, you can do it. It is best not to choose the location in a high-end area, which is more remote."

"You are really willing to part with your daughter." Zhao Shixian said full of jealousy: "To this day, the total amount of gifts you gave me is less than 3 million."

"Of course, my daughter's surname is Nan."

"Zhao Jiatong, surnamed Zhao."

"In my heart, her surname will always be Nan. Well, what's so good about my daughter's vinegar? Don't scare her so much that she won't come."

Zhao Shixian pouted, "If my daughter doesn't come, I'll give birth to a son to fight for the family property. I'm so worried about you."

"Counting the 300 million you want, I am now negative 200 million, you can fight."

"Don't pretend to be stupid, I'm talking about the Nan family." As soon as Zhao Shixian said the words, he immediately retracted, "Forget it, we can't argue, where do you think the house should be built?"

"Look in the northwest direction. It's far away from the urban area and the air is better."

"It's too far away, and the traffic is inconvenient."

"Choose a place close to the sea, you can build a private pier, and find another piece of land on Hong Kong Island to build a helipad. You can travel in the sky, the ground and the sea without worrying about traffic problems."

Land is expensive here on Hong Kong Island. If you choose a remote place, you can buy everything with the money saved by buying land.

"When I was a child, I especially wanted to live in a mushroom house. The roof was pink with white spots, and there was a mushroom-shaped gazebo in the yard. The stone tables and benches were also in the shape of mushrooms. There was also a piece of mushrooms planted outside the yard. When it rains, go outside to pick mushrooms..."

"Hey, wake up, stop daydreaming." Nan Yi stretched out his hand and waved up and down in front of Zhao Shixian whose eyes became blurred, "It's okay to live in the mushroom house once in a while, but it doesn't take a few days to get tired of living here Yes. Build a traditional manor, find another piece of land to build a fantasy paradise, open it to the outside world, and strive to recover the cost."


"Let's forget about Disney, it's too difficult to negotiate, and we can't reach an agreement after a few years of negotiation. When I have time to think about it carefully, see if I can build a big park and recover the cost." Nan Yi Ruohua Said thoughtfully.

Zhao Shixian is very sensible, "Let's forget it. Disney is expanding globally. It is impossible for the park to compete with them. The influence that Disney has built over the past 70 years cannot be easily shaken."

"Maybe it's not impossible, forget it, let's not talk about this first."

Nanyi was thinking about the copyright of the comic characters he bought in the early years. It might be a good idea to use these comic characters to build a theme park. After all, he didn't think about making a profit. He just wanted to add a little bit to his daughter's childhood without spending money. sub-color.

"You plan slowly. I will go to Bangkok in a few days and take a close look at the Thai stock market. Over the years, international hot money has continued to flow into Thailand. The stock market has been rising since 1987, and it has risen almost five times now. .”

Nan Yi nodded, "Well, by the way, let's pay attention to the real estate market. There is a lot of hot money in the world and the economy is hot. Real estate will definitely rise accordingly. If you invest the money in the real estate dividends, your daughter will have the money to build a house. gone."

"Whether you can enjoy the dividend depends on how long Thailand's trade surplus lasts. The dollar cannot go down forever. When the dollar starts to rise, Thailand's economy will decline."

The reason why Zhao Shixian said this is because the Thai baht is closely pegged to the US dollar and adopts a fixed exchange rate. When the US dollar depreciates, the Thai baht also depreciates, which is beneficial to exports, and vice versa.

"I know."

Just now, Nan Yi thought of an evil plan.

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