"It's very simple, whether it's our place or your country, more often than not, it's mother who cooks, isn't it?

It's just that there are too many semi-finished products in your diet in China, and the taste similarity between different families is too high, so you can't feel the unique taste of your mother. "


"Not only, in addition to happiness, but also a sense of security. According to our words, home is a harbor, a wanderer who returns from afar, and a harbor where lonely souls anchor."

"I don't have much experience of what you said. I don't have much time to spend with my family."


"It's OK!" Scarlett shrugged.

I don't get together with my family very often. There are many possibilities. It may be due to the nature of the parents' work, or it may be due to emotional discord.

However, Nanyi saw the Art Deco diamond-encrusted ladies' watch from the 1920s on Scarlett's left hand. Thinking about it, the possibility of emotional discord is even greater.

This watch is not cheap, and most people can’t afford it if they don’t eat or drink with the money they earn in their entire lives.

"By the way, I don't have red wine here, but I have soda, do you want it?" Nan Yi asked in order to relieve the embarrassment.

"No, I don't drink carbonated drinks, I want to keep fit."

"Your figure is very good, you really need to maintain it."

Back and forth, Nanyi and Scarlett didn't talk about too in-depth topics, but more on the surface.

It can be said that this is the first official contact between the two, and such things as exchanging shallow words and deep words can only be seen in idol dramas that deliberately lower their intelligence to give the audience a sense of superiority.

After dinner, the two had another cup of after-dinner coffee before Nan Yi sent Scarlett to make a phone call and waited with her for the hotel to pick up her car.

After she got in the car, he returned to the old bungalow alone.

During the evening self-study time, Nan Yi is generally not in school now. He has already mastered what he wants to master in the things taught in school, and he needs to spend more time learning what he wants to learn.

I walked back to the old bungalow and checked the warning device, but found nothing wrong.

Nan Yi moved a stool, sat in the yard, took advantage of the yellow light from the hanging incandescent lamp on the prefabricated rain-shielding platform at the top of the gate, smoked a cigarette, and read the book page by page .

On June 17, the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, the Dragon Boat Festival.

It was drizzling in the sky, Nan Yi stood outside the courtyard wall of the small western building with an umbrella, his eyes looked at the vehicles passing by the road opposite him from time to time.

In twenty-two minutes, five cars drove past, three jeeps and two Ladas.

At 20:05, another Lada drove towards him. This car did not slowly move away like the previous five cars, but stopped not far from Nanyi.

The car door opened, and a woman got out from the back seat. She was wearing a thin business suit on her upper body, and a skirt on her lower body, which could barely cover her knees. She was wearing a pair of black low-heeled leather shoes, which splashed a little when she stepped on the ground.

The woman didn't bring an umbrella, so she covered her head with her briefcase, looked towards Nanyi, and then looked behind Nanyi.

According to her gaze, it is the house number of the old western-style building.

It was raining heavily, and the woman was drenched in the rain, but Nan Yi stood there unmoved until the woman walked up to him and asked, "President Nan?"

"you are late."

"Hay, Simmasai."

The woman bowed slightly to Nanyi and said apologetically.

"follow me."

Nan Yi turned around and walked in front. The woman looked at his back and quickly followed.


Walking into the living room, Nan Yi pointed to the sofa in the living room, then walked into his room, found an unworn white shirt, and found a pair of also unworn slacks.

"There is a bathroom on the second floor, but there is no hot water. Take two hot water bottles up there. You can wash up. Use the blue towel. That one is new and no one has used it before."


The woman stood up and bowed again, took the underwear in Nanyi's hand, found the hot water bottle in the direction Nanyi pointed, and walked to the second floor with small steps.

Seeing the woman's back disappearing at the corner of the stairs, Nan Yi shook his head, wondering if it was Grandma Fang Mengyin's bad taste that actually found him such a beautiful secretary.

The secretary is too beautiful, which will cause unnecessary troubles. Nanyi has always hated this kind of troubles that he shouldn't have to face.

But the resume of this woman, Masami Ueto, and Fang Mengyin's evaluation of her were too excellent, and Nanyi was in the midst of employing people, so he was really reluctant to say no.

You can only use it first, and if it doesn't fit, consider changing it.

Da da da, the sound of going downstairs sounded, Nan Yi looked at his watch, ten minutes, not bad.

"Masami Uedo."




Facing Nanyi, Masami Ueto felt a little uneasy, her mind was filled with pictures of various unspoken rules in the workplace, what should she do if the man in front of her was ^beastly?

"According to our oriental standards, you are very beautiful. In Tokyo, with your looks, you are good enough to debut as a singer or actress."

"Arigato, Gozaimas [thank you very much], thank you President for your compliment." Masami Ueto bowed for the third time.

"Wait, I'm not complimenting you. I'm not Japanese, and I'm not interested in the unspoken rules of the workplace. Your appearance is worthless to me.

I originally wanted to adjust your salary to 400,000 yen per month, but because you are too beautiful, I temporarily adjusted your salary to 300,000 yen.

After three months, I will re-evaluate you. If your working ability meets my requirements, your salary can be changed to 400,000 or even more. "

Masami Uedo heard the first half of Nanyi's words, and felt a little bit of shit in her heart. When she heard the middle part, it was even more like MAX. At the end, she finally dropped to a safe value.

3.6 million yen a year. If Masami Uedo is an ordinary employee with certain work experience in Japan, this salary level is relatively high; but if she is treated as a high-end secretary, this salary is extremely low.

However, Uedo Masami is a newcomer who has just started working, even if she is treated as a high-end talent, the salary is not too low.

Therefore, Uedo Masami is quite satisfied with this salary.

"Thank you, President, I will definitely work hard." Another bow at almost ninety degrees.

"I don't like to talk, but like to do, as long as you work hard, I will give you what you deserve.

Annual paid annual leave, generous bonuses, a house in Shibuya, Tokyo, please listen clearly, it is not a single-family building, nor an apartment, but a house, a Japanese-style classical house.

All of the above, as long as you work hard and dedicate your loyalty, you will have it in the future. "


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