Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 916 Information Channel

Perhaps it was because of watching two videotapes, one called "Furong Town" and the other called "The Man from the Wind Cabinet". Nan Yi and Gong Xue moved from the sofa to the piano, Gong Xue played the piano, and the two People hum along.

"That year we came to the top of a small mountain, where there was fine and thick rain, and you flew into spring, and we walked into the poems with deep images. You said that I was like poetic raindrops, gently floating on you The red dimple, ah~ I've been drunk several times, I've been drunk several times..."

"Visiting Spring", sung by Shi Xiaorong and covered by many people, is like a quiet and plain story narrated by the two of Nanyi.

"This year I came to your door again, and you just quietly said sorry with soft black eyes, there is no spring in this season."

Nan Yi and Gong Xue looked at each other, humming the last verse of the song.

"Ha ha."


It's beautiful to look at each other and smile.

"Walking Barefoot on the Ridge of the Field by Ye Jiaxiu?" Gong Xue asked.

""Country Dwelling Taste"."

"Sing the next song."

Gong Xue pressed down with both hands, and the piano sounded again.

Gong Xue: "On the country road at dusk."

Nanyi: "Scattered all over the ground, crushing the setting sun."

Chorus: "The straw is also covered with a soft golden silk shirt."

Gong Xue: "There are frogs singing melodiously in the distance."

Nanyi: "The branches are sung by cicadas."

Chorus: "The smoke from the kitchen is also curled up with the evening wind. Walking barefoot on the narrow field ridge, listening to the crackling of the footsteps, accompanied by the friendly call, took me back to my childhood."

"Hey, Chuck is making trouble."

Gong Xue said angrily, "Don't spoil the atmosphere."

"Okay, you continue."

At the end of a song, Gong Xue didn't play the accompaniment of "Countryside Stories", but directly played Yang Lin's "I'm Not a Bad Boy" while twisting her body.

"I'm not the bad boy you say, nor the hypocritical good boy you say, my thinking is beyond your time, please think for me that this is our time, a long time ago My temper is just so bad, my rebellion was like now a long time ago, please forgive me, don't worry about me, I have my reasons, I hope you can understand, I am not a bad boy..."

After singing "I'm Not a Bad Kid", Gong Xue didn't stop, and directly started talking about Qi Qin's "Meet Her Again", and gave Nan Yi a "it's your turn" look.

Nan Yi smiled slightly, and when the accompaniment reached the beat, he immediately began to sing: "You have never met me, I have never seen you, young friends meet, fall in love again, you don't need to introduce you, I don't need to introduce me , young friends are together, I am happier than anything else, she is yo, she is me, my heart is hehehe..."

"Do I sing better than Qi Qin?"

"It's far away, you can play another song "Polish Your Name" by Gao Mingjun." Gong Xue said softly.

Nan Yi shook his head and said, "No, I've only heard this song once or twice, so I can't remember the lyrics."

"Okay, think about what to sing, I'll sing Jiang Ling's "Boyfriend" first." Gong Xue said, and played the piano again, "I hate glib and hypocritical boys the most. My heart is hard to say, I like a down-to-earth and real boy the most, he knows how to love me with his heart..."

Gong Xue hummed, and suddenly looked at Nanyi with disgust, "I would like to advise that girl who is in love, if you are looking for a boyfriend, don't just look at him, whether he is handsome or not, you should pay attention to whether he is very frank In fact, if he is a boy who pays attention to appearance and hypocrisy, don't give him your feelings..."

Yang Qinghuang's "Young Warrior", "Qingqing Campus", Huang Minhua's "Challenge", Peng Jianxin's "Voice", Xu Xiaofeng's "City Footprint", Tai Chi Band's "All Humanity Singing"...

From campus folk songs to pop to rock, from Mandarin to Cantonese to English, when the time came, the melodious sounds dissipated, Nan Yi and Gong Xue stood side by side, with their hands in a posture, and their eyes were piercing. "1, 2, 3, ready to sing, sailing on the sea depends on the helmsman..."

Nan Yi followed Gong Xue's dancing posture, and also jumped up, "Fish cannot be separated from water, and melons cannot be separated from seedlings..."

Enough of the fuss, tired of the fuss, the two collapsed on the sofa together.

Gong Xue nestled in Nanyi's arms, rubbed her fingers on Nanyi's chest, circling in circles, and murmured: "Come and accompany me more in the future."

"After this year, I'll be free."

"Yeah." Gong Xue moved her body and changed into a more comfortable position, "Last year a director wanted me to play a role, but I rejected it."

"You can act if you want."

"I don't want to. My current job is very good. I'm not too busy every day. I have a lot of time to look after flowers and draw pictures, and I can often go back to Shanghai. But ah, I don't have much business this year, and I'm too free."

Nan Yi scratched Gongxue's nose, "Didn't I give you a new business just now?"

Gong Xue pushed Nanyi's hand away, "Not enough, I want to thoroughly introduce the concept of foreign CI (corporate visual image recognition system) and do CI planning for relatively large companies."

"The idea is very good. CI has been developed abroad for decades. We only started to become popular in Yangcheng a few years ago in China. The rumors are a bit out of shape. Some people give CI to Shinhwa. If you really want to do it, you'd better invite one or two A foreigner comes over, and the foreign monks like to chant scriptures."

Gong Xue: "Well, I know. After I build up the team, you have to help me bring a big company over. We need a customer case. Without a case, it is difficult to negotiate a list."

"Clients are easy to talk about, as long as you can do things well, let alone one, three or four are no problem..."

Nanyi's voice hadn't finished yet when the phone he put beside him rang, and when he picked it up, it was a gentle call.

"Nan Yi, where are you?"

"Near home."

"I'm at Jishuitan, shall we meet at Shanbu later?"

"I haven't been to Sanbu, where exactly is it?"

"You can see it as soon as you come here. It's a big signboard with red letters on a white background."

"Success, I'll be there now, and I'll be there in about forty minutes." Nan Yi hung up the phone, talked to Gong Xue and went out.

In less than three quarters of an hour, Nanyi was already in the Shanbu restaurant. The name sounds like a Korean barbecue restaurant, but I don’t know if it is opened by South Koreans.

After negotiating with Men Ying, Nan Yi was taken to a small private room, where Wen Wan was already sitting.

Nan Yi glanced at the table, and said in secret, what the heck, it's selling dog meat. It's called Shan Po. Looking at the lettuce and the stove on the table, it's obviously a Hong Kong-style side stove.

Sitting down opposite Wen Wan, Nan Yi said, "Why are you making an appointment at the restaurant? It's not time for dinner now."

Wen Wan picked up a few slices of mutton and put them in the pot, and said in her mouth: "I didn't eat lunch, I'm hungry, would you like some?"

"No, I ate late for lunch today, and I haven't digested it yet, so eat slowly by yourself."

Wen Wan dipped the mutton in the dipping sauce, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed, and said, "Lai Biao has already told me about Huayi, how much did you invest?"

"It's almost 140 million now."

"Give me 2.8 million in vain?" Wen Wan said with her head held high.

"It can't be said that it is free. My idea is this. You first go to Huayi as a sales manager, set up the sales department, and then start the business. You can talk to Yu Youcheng about the salary. I can only tell you the basic salary structure. It is basic salary plus sales commission plus bonus, and the share dividend will not be available until Huayi starts to make a profit."

"First? Then?"

"In the short term, you can only be promoted to an executive vice president who is more inclined to business. Semiconductors are very professional, and technology is your weakness. You should study hard for a few years before you talk."

"Understood." Wen Wan nodded, "How big do you think Huayi can grow?"

Nan Yi chuckled, "You reversed our seats, I should ask you this question a few years later."

"You're right, I got it wrong." Wen Wan chuckled lightly and said, "Boss Nan, I'll mess with you from now on."

Nan Yi stretched out his right hand to Wen Wan, and said sincerely, "You will definitely not regret today's decision."

Wen Wan put down her chopsticks, and also extended her right hand to shake Nanyi, "I will do things with my heart, and soon I will talk to you about the issue of share distribution again."

"That would be great."

After Nanyi and Wen Wan made an agreement, Qian Haohui quickly sent someone to sign a share transfer contract with Wen Wan. The shares were not directly transferred to Wen Wan's name, but she found someone to hold them on her behalf.

After getting the Huayi matter settled, Nanyi was not in a hurry to leave the capital. Besides accompanying Gong Xue, he also studied materials and newspapers, and paid attention to the development of leading companies in various industries.

First of all, the health care product industry is very lively. There are already more than 2,000 health care product companies across the country. This number is relatively conservative. They are all formally registered and have a certain scale. To double.

To say that the biggest one is Helios, it can be regarded as a good student in the health care product industry, and it will not over exaggerate the functions of its products when advertising.

Ranked second is Xian Weizhong, who has operated three brands and all of them are developing well. In 1992, his profit was nearly 80 million.

The third place is Fengtian Feilong, which does not have its own factory building or any assets. The money is collected and spent on advertising. Last year, it invested more than 10 million yuan in advertisements, and its profit was about 60 million yuan. Judging from the version of the advertisement, this year's advertisement will be even stronger.

I have to say that now is the golden age of advertising marketing, as long as you are willing to hit the advertisements, you can get good results. To some extent, the common people in China still maintain their innocence, and many people think that what the advertisements say is true talk.

In the newspaper, Nanyi also saw a report saying that a questionnaire survey was conducted among ten thousand young people in the top ten cities in China. When asked about "the young person you most admire", the number one was Microsoft's Bill Gates, the second place, is Shi Baijin.

Nanyi does not doubt the authenticity of the answers, but is very suspicious of "Wanming". It takes a lot of manpower and material resources to get real, massive and representative answers to the questionnaire.

Master Fan’s simple survey questionnaire does not count the investment in products. The travel expenses alone cost nearly 200,000 yuan. Nanyi doesn’t believe in the newspaper society. For a report, he really ran to ten cities to conduct a questionnaire survey. A show of hands from a certain class in a university would be nice.

On April 1st, Nanyi picked up a newspaper in the morning, and just glanced at it, his brows furrowed.

"New Policy of Rewarding Intellectuals: Doctors Can Have a Second Child", "In 2020, Go to the Moon and Speculate on Land", "The Ancients and the Moderns Coincidentally: A Can of "Slim Cream" Was Dig Out at the New Passenger Station in Beijing", "The Former Menlouzi is Sold", "Returning to Others in the Way of Others: You Don't Need Real Money to Buy Fakes", "Gaddafi Wants to Recruit Female Bodyguards in China", "The Seventeen-Arch Bridge Is Really a Nineteen-Arch Bridge hole"……

Looking at these headlines, Nanyi looked at the eyebrows of the newspaper again, and there was no mistake, it was a newspaper with a national prefix, and then looked at the date, April 1st, glanced to the side, and there were a few more words - it was true the same.

"Damn, what the hell." Nanyi scolded, crumpled up the newspaper and threw it into the trash can, "The style is more serious newspapers, and I'm smart on April Fool's Day, thinking I'm pretty lively."

Walking to the window, looking down at the open space outside the building, Nanyi re-sorted the list of newspapers that need to be paid attention to in the future, and erased the newspapers that had developed in the direction of writing reports by patting their heads from the list one by one.

With this wipe, 90% of the Chinese newspapers were wiped out, leaving only a few authoritative mouthpiece newspapers, and newspapers in other languages ​​were also wiped out. There are only a few newspapers that Nanyi needs to read in the future.

It's time for the portal website to be unbiased and create a news platform that only records real events and does not mix any personal opinions or public opinion orientation. Facts that are unfavorable to you do not need to be online, and every letter of any online article must be true.

"Be selective and tell the truth!" Nanyi said to himself: "keep it real online, the platform is called real online, real online." -

The eagle eyes, bats, and ghosts of the intelligence team are more targeted in collecting intelligence, and the coverage will not be too wide. Both Nanyi and Nanshi need a relatively broad source of information.

The newspapers played this role before, but now the newspapers have become unreliable. Nanyi can only let the portal website that was planned earlier but not ready to be implemented too soon be launched in advance. It is not for profit, but to be a stylish one. news platform.

After planning in his mind, Nan Yi went to Gong Xue's study and turned on the computer, and began to write an email to Nantianmen: "Based on the ECMA standard, we will develop a ECMAScript based on the previously developed scripting language.

In addition, develop a programming language that is mainly oriented to the Web. The grammar needs to be simple and easy to use, without anti-human design, and it needs to be friendly to non-English users; and develop a simple relational database. Same as above, it needs to be easy to master.

Note that both languages ​​and databases must be open sourced to the outside world. Refer to the model of the GNU Free Software Project to promote the establishment of an open source software organization. The naming rights of the above four projects belong to the actual developers. "

After writing the email, Nanyi immediately sent it out.

Note: The content of the newspaper in this chapter is purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental!

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