Originally, it was good that there was no such testimonial, but who made me poor. The money is not earned, but the water is very high, and there is no way to stop.

Set a rule for yourself first: Never write a five million testimonial!

The meaning is very clear, there is not much water left, five million is a hurdle, I don’t plan to cross it, the main text will definitely be finished before then, maybe I will write something extra.

I already have several ideas for the new book. One is to continue the city, and the start time will be later. I plan to start writing from the end of the 1990s. At this point, the most worthwhile writing is the Internet. It just so happens that my understanding of the Internet is not bad. Two or three million words can be produced without looking up information.

And because of my personal working experience, I have a relatively clear understanding of the general development of the Internet and the growth process of a large company, including the black material under the glamor.

Some people criticized me for passing my career development in one stroke and not writing in details, saying that I lack experience and can't write well, so I can only vaguely describe it. I am a little bit unconvinced about this. Book friends who say so don't leave, the next one Read on for the public chapter, anyway, it doesn’t cost money, believe it or not, I’ll write the details until you get bored?

How do I run away from customers, how do I give kickbacks, how to eat dinners, wash my feet and take a bath to call my sister, flatter my customers' wives/husbands, how to deal with old women customers who are stuck with gas, how to deal with fire protection, industry and commerce, taxation, etc. How Shang Cheng Yin Cheng does it, intermediaries, blending, domestic guarantees and foreign loans, painting big cakes, VIE company structure, etc., how the boss holds meetings, how the employees go out of their minds, and how the villain colleagues bully them are all written in detail. If you put the real workplace in front of your eyes, will more people see it?

Heh, it's getting too far, I'm pulling it back.

The second is to write history. I have accumulated materials in the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty, and I can start writing with a little more.

Three, continue to write chronological essays, you can write about educated youth, if you don’t write about business, just write about that era, there is no such a beautiful content, and the book friends who can persist in reading the present probably know it well, at least the chronological essays, I am unlikely to write too great. On the one hand, I may write about the disgraceful side of the educated youth, and then add some bright spots to embellish it.

(It’s unlikely to write at a deeper level, I’ll take it easy, I’m afraid.)

Four, forget it, let’s not four, I have to restrain the problem of being too greedy, this book is too greedy, I have to write too much, no matter how I stroke it, it will not be smooth, messy will become inevitable, and I am timid and afraid of getting into trouble , and some dare not write too thoroughly, guessing that most book lovers can't grasp the coolness of certain passages.

By the way, a book friend once suggested that I read "Year after Year". I am answering this book friend (I don't know if I am still there), in fact, I am writing year after year, from 77 From 1993 to 1993, except for what I couldn't write, what do you think I missed?

Okay, I’m writing this, still no typesetting and no logic, write whatever comes to mind, next time it will appear again, it’s the end of this testimonial, thanks to the book friends who can catch up here (I won’t thank you for the others, thank you for reading less than).

2022 is coming to an end, I miss it very much!

PS: By the way, I usually keep updating, and I will notify you in advance if I want to stop updating. If I don’t see a new chapter at the point of my update, it will be reviewed.

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