"Masami Uedo, how is the situation?"

"President, the entire sixth floor is still empty. The first floor has 1,360 square meters. I asked the staff of the Foreign Affairs Office, and they said that the lowest price is 310 dollars per square."

"310 US dollars, 1360 square meters, that is 2.06 million Hong Kong dollars, is it rough?"

"No, after simple decoration, if you don't have high requirements for office conditions, you can go to work directly with a little office supplies."

"What about the phone? Is there a digital program-controlled switchboard in the office building?"

"Yes, I asked about this, you can install a phone with a number."

"Then do you think it's worth buying the next floor of an office building at a price of nearly 100 million yen?"

"Chairman, I think this investment is cost-effective in the long run. Your country has a large population and there is a huge housing gap. I believe that the real estate industry must be liberalized in the future, otherwise the housing problems of hundreds of millions of people will not be solved.

Once the real estate industry is marketized, given the current population status of the capital, the expected population growth, and the special political status here, I believe that housing prices here will increase rapidly.

Perhaps the housing prices in Beijing may catch up with Tokyo, although I think this process will be very long. "

"Well, that's very good, then according to your judgment, buy the next floor. After you return to the hotel, contact Ms. Fang and ask her to come over as soon as possible."


If it only valued the future appreciation of the office building, Nanyi would not consider buying an office building at all, let alone a floor, not a building. Without a land certificate, the future appreciation space is limited.

Besides, what if it appreciates 1000 times?

630,000 RMB, a 1,000-fold appreciation, that is, 630 million. The current 630,000 is used to roll money. After 40 years, there is a high probability that it will exceed 630 million. Maybe the decimal point can be erased.

In fact, the reason why Nanyi made up his mind to buy it was that this office building could be equipped with a program-controlled telephone, which was his favorite telephone.

Shenzheng is already working on telephone upgrades, and the program-controlled telephone will be laid soon. Through Shenzheng relay, Nanyi can directly make calls to Xiangtang in the future.

With a telephone, it will be much easier for him to do things.

The wall clock on the wall ran three times.

Fang Mengyin flew to the capital by plane, and there were several people with her.

Her secretary Zheng Wenqi, her personal servant Xianghe, and three South Vietnamese Chinese Ruan Zhiping, Ruan Zhiling, and Le Wentai she selected from the refugee camp were all from the South Vietnamese special forces during Ruan Shaowen's period.

"Grandma, your card is big enough, how about it, have you regained the feeling of the past?"

"It's still not that interesting." Fang Mengyin nodded proudly, and said to her three bodyguards: "You go outside."

"Yes, ma'am."

The three of Ruan Zhiping agreed, and walked out of the living room to wait outside the courtyard.

"Wen Qi, Xianghe, you two also go out first, there is a coal stove outside, Xianghe comes here to boil some water."

"Yes, ma'am."

When only Nan Yi and Fang Mengyin were left in the living room, Nan Yi lowered his voice and said, "Can the four of them be trusted?"

Xianghe was not included in Nanyi's question. She is a self-combed girl, and Fang Mengyin and her have already established mutual trust.

"There should be no problem for the time being. I'm sure of that. As for the future, it's not easy to judge now. People's hearts will change."

Nan Yi nodded, "It's enough to be trustworthy for the time being. In the name of protecting Liu Zhen, send Ruan Zhiling to the country of Yi, so that the two brothers and sisters can be separated. Another security personnel from EO company will be sent to the country with Ruan Zhiling."

"To blackmail Zhiling?"

"Coercion is out of the question, let's just keep an eye on it, people's hearts are hard to figure out, they may change overnight.

EO Company is a big company after all, so it has to take care of its own reputation so that it won't ruin its reputation. For the time being, we don't have any powerful enemies, so we don't have to worry about their schemes.

It just so happened that they borrowed their people to help us remove the rust.

I read the information of the three of them, and there is no one at home, and they have nothing to worry about. Ruan Zhiping and Ruan Zhiling's separation can still make them scruples, this Li Wentai..."

Nanyi tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and said, "He can't be placed by your side, grandma, let him do other things, and I will talk to him later."

"My dear grandson, just watch the arrangement." Fang Mengyin rubbed her temples as she said, "I'm really old, and now when I take a plane, my mind is buzzing. When Ala was young, he took the Boeing 247 , the voice is too loud, it’s not like this.”

"Grandma, are you sitting in Douglas?"

"Grandma isn't too confused yet. When she says it's Boeing, it's Boeing. Nong Youfa knows that. Back then, Chennault built two planes in Shanghai, and Ala went to sit on them."

"Okay, okay, you say Boeing is Boeing."

Nan Yi didn't argue with Fang Mengyin either, mainly because he felt that he couldn't argue with him either. He knew that the events of the Republic of China were all based on consulting information, so he couldn't compare with Fang Mengyin, who was a well-informed witness.

Besides, he didn't have the energy to worry about these issues.

Nanyi finished talking with Fang Mengyin, called Ruan Zhiling, and the two went to the balcony on the second floor together.

"How is your English?"

"It's okay. When I was in the army, the instructors were Chinese, so basic daily conversations were fine." Ruan Zhiling replied.

"That's good. I'm going to send you to the country to protect this person." Nan Yi took out a photo of Liu Zhen and handed it to Ruan Zhiling, "Liu Zhen, female, was born on May 4, 1963, and is now in Cambridge. Study abroad at Harvard University.

In addition to being responsible for protecting her, you also have to assist this person. Nanyi took out another photo of Xian Weile, "He's in Flushing, New York, where it's too chaotic, and black ghosts from Queens often come to harass him."

You go over there every now and then, and if he needs help with anything, give him a hand.

You go there with a tourist visa first, and my grandma will help you apply for a green card. After you get the green card, you can buy a car and a house in Manhattan as a safe house and a foothold. "


"That's it, you go down first and call Li Wentai up for me."

Ruan Zhiling left, and Li Wentai came up soon.


"You don't need to call me young master, just call me by my name." Nanyi smiled warmly, like a spring breeze, "My grandma doesn't go out often in Xiangtang, so I don't need so many people to protect me, so I plan to send you out to replace me Do something, a big thing."

"Young Master, please order."

"Hey, I said it, just call me by my name."

"Uh Nanyi, please tell me."

"very good."

Nanyi nodded in satisfaction, took out a map of Southeast Asia, and pointed to a point at the junction of the lower reaches of the old Mekong River and Myanmar.

"I hope you go here, build a stronghold, first form a security team, and then get in touch with the emerald mine owners in Myanmar..."

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