The next day, Han Zhenhe, who came back from the Tijuana City Government, said to Nan Yi: "President, Mesia welcomed us, and the conditions given are the same as other industrial areas. The land belonging to the state capital can be sold to us, but the land belonging to Private land needs to be expropriated by us.”

"Has Messia given any indication or hint?"

"Tijuana Group."

"Sure enough."

Nan Yi vaguely guessed yesterday that the small farms on the map might be related to drug dealers. It is very suitable as a bridgehead on the drug transportation line, and the drug dealers in Tijuana are likely to be inseparable from the Tijuana Group.

"Zhenhe, buy the land in the state capital first, and put the private land away later. This time we may poke a hornet's nest. If you move, the Tijuana Group may also make moves. Be careful in the future, and enter and exit Use my car."


"Also keep an eye on the training of Eddie Gonzalez, and Zavala, the director of the Baja California Economic Development Agency, should pay more attention to it."


Nan Yi explained the Mexico matter to Han Zhenhe, and then flew from San Diego to New York.

Stay in New York for half a day, then fly to Hong Kong.

Arriving at the entrance of the villa in Xinhepu, Nan Wuwei was already waiting at the entrance of the courtyard. When he saw Nanyi, he rushed forward, "Old Comrade Nan, I miss you so much."

"Little bastard, put your nose on your face. This time I'm called Lao Nan. Next time, are you going to call me Xiao Nan?" Nan Yi patted the back of Nan Wuwei's head and said with a smile.

Nan Wuwei: "Hey, it's not Xiao Nan, it's Xiao Yi."

"Brat, how's the research going?"

Nan Wuwei: "It's a little bit worse. I'm too young to ask the worker about the relationship between husband and wife."

"Hey, not bad, you've noticed the issue of temporary couples. Let me tell you, you don't need to investigate this issue."

Nan Wuwei: "Why?"

"Because you are still too young and your body has not yet developed. Your physical structure determines that some problems cannot be understood by you now, even though your little head is very smart." Nan Yi embraced Nan Wuwei and walked into the yard "It's like the taste of pork. Even if you have seen pigs running, fed and killed pigs, as long as you have never eaten them, you will never know that pork belly tastes fat but not greasy.

Because of this, I won't stop you from doing whatever you want. There are too many things that I haven't tried, and it's impossible to understand its inner meaning just by imagination. "

Nan Wuwei: "So, Dad, you are not like other people's dads who stop me from playing games?"

"What you said is not exactly the same as what I said. Other parents don't let their children play games because they are afraid that their children will be addicted to it and delay their studies, and then they will not be able to get into a good university, have no good job, and have no security in the future. .

Your father is different from me. Even if you become a waste, I can make you live comfortably for the rest of your life. Even if you spend 10 million a day and can live to be 120 years old, it is only 438 billion. If I work hard, I still have the ability to stay Down enough inheritance to let you spoil it.

So, Dad is very courageous, he will not let you receive assembly line education step by step, but let you herd sheep, do whatever you want, learn whatever you want, if you lose practice, it doesn’t matter, I’m with you Mom can still give birth, let's continue practicing with another one. "

Nan Wuwei grinned, "I'm a test subject?"

"Not everyone can be a test product. The significance of the country's promotion of education is not to let you fly into the sky, but to make you a good part of the country's machine. The early batch assembly line production pays attention to the yield rate and defective products. rate; the later stage is the secondary processing of small batches of assembly lines, screening and identifying which part you are suitable for, and then pushing you in that direction.

If you weren't my son, you would have to be polished on the assembly line. Like you, you have broad interests and dabble in everything, but you don't delve into anything. Speaking of it, you know this and that, don't know too much , but no matter what field, you are a piece of dog meat, and you can't even go to the banquet.

If you don't go to the banquet, you can only hang around on the ground floor, and you will be wasted in the house, children, parents... Well, your mother and I don't need you to support, it should be said to support your mother-in-law's family.

Today pork is cheaper and cut more pork; tomorrow rotten bean sprouts are processed at a low price, and you can eat bean sprouts for three days; if you are unlucky, your child will get seriously ill, and the whole family will have to play. I slapped myself and scolded myself for being incompetent. "

Nan Wuwei: "Dad, that's not right, I'm in trouble, why don't you help me?"

"Didn't you hear my premise? I said, 'If you're not my son', you're not my son. Why should I help you?" Nan Yi said naturally.

Nan Wuwei: "Then I must be someone's son, right? Why can't that father help me?"

"Your father, facing the loess and back to the sky, planted the land all his life, sold everything to send you to college, and owed a huge amount of debt to let you settle down in the city and marry a wife. He sold all his backbone, how can he help you.

Seeing that you are in trouble, he would like to sell blood, but the blood bank won't accept it. There is no way. can still be distinguished. "

"Father, you are so ruthless. If it's not your son, you just wish all the bad things happened to me."

"Assumptions, assumptions, just assumptions." Nanyi said angrily: "The reality is that you are indeed my son, even though you were picked up in the trash can. Alas, I really regret that there was a boy in the trash can. You, and a girl, I found you with your mother and another couple, we agreed to choose one, your mother insisted on a boy, no, I brought you back, you little bastard.

Alas, I'm not caring at all, and I'm making trouble every day. At that time, I would just pick up the girl. "

"Hmph, you still use this to lie to me, and next time you change it, just say that I paid the monthly rent of the BP machine, or that I paid the phone bill."

Nan Yi's eyes lit up, and he patted Nan Wuwei on the shoulder, "This is good, this is good, creative, I'll tell your sister like that next time."

Hearing this, Nan Wuwei made a grimace, announcing the end of the interrupting time between the father and son.

Nan Wuwei served Gongfu tea, the father and son sat in the yard, and started a normal conversation between father and son, "The craft of making Gongfu tea is quite authentic, who did you learn from?"

"I learned from Master Yin at He Xiangu's vegetable planting base last year." Nan Wuwei held up the tea cup in a dignified manner, and took a sip of the tea.

"Oh, they taught you the technique of sprouting bean sprouts, and also taught you how to make Gongfu tea. Remember to visit them often." Nanyi put the drained teacup back on the other side.

"I've been there, and I ate at Master Yin's house." Nan Wuwei refilled Nanyi's empty cup with tea, "Father, Auntie Ou was very anxious about Uncle Li's matter, and she even called Mom."

"It's useless for your mother to know. She will only instruct me to deal with it. Your Uncle Li's matter is not too complicated. You follow me to deal with it, just to see how serious the consequences of not acting according to the law are."

As Nanyi said, he beckoned to take the phone from Xiaohua.

"Guangwei, I'm at home."

"Pujie, you still use the notification at Yangcheng?"


"What's the matter?" Lin Guangwei asked tentatively.

"Are you and Ou Jing not in touch anymore?"

As soon as Lin Guangwei heard it, he understood that Nanyi's coming to Yangcheng had something to do with Ou Jing, "Did something happen to Ou Jing?"

"Li Hai."

"I have a client. I'll come to your place in two hours. I'll have a side stove in the evening. I'll bring the vegetables, and you'll prepare the wine."

"Well, wait for you."

After Nanyi hung up the phone, Nan Wuwei talked about "going to Nanchen Village for a few days".

"Go, stay for a few days, and accompany you, Grandpa Zong Qing. Dad seldom goes to Nanchen Village to live. There is no need to add large items in the house. You can add a computer if you want, and repair the house. Terrazzo The ground has been reground, the walls have been repainted, and the roof has been checked to see if there is any need for leaks.”

"Is it okay to paint it all white? The white and blue stitching color is not good-looking."

The upper part of the wall is scratched white, and it is painted blue at a height of 1-2 meters close to the ground. It is a popular color scheme for home decoration (if you have no idea in your mind, you can recall the old hospital wall, that is the style), very fashionable.

"Don't move my room, you can do whatever else you want."

"Oh." Nan Wuwei hesitated and said, "I bought a motorcycle."

"I know, your account can be moved, and you will pay for what you want to buy in the future. Don't be like a little beggar, looking for grandparents, brothers and sisters everywhere."

Nan Wuwei stuck out his tongue and argued, "I don't have one."

"Do you know it in your own heart, little ghost spirit, taking advantage of everything."

"Hey hey hey!"

"I ordered a riding protective suit for you, which is ten times more expensive than the motorcycle you bought. You, you like to play with expensive things, why don't you like playing with mud?" Nanyi shook his head helplessly Said: "Also, the motorcycle helped you transport it to Montana. In your own land, you can't hit the car with your eyes closed. Be safe."

"Oh." Nan Wuwei snapped up his fingers and said, "There are not many days in the summer vacation. I'm going to Nanchen Village, Wuchuan Village, Xiangtang to accompany my grandma, to the United States, and to the Cultural Palace to take abacus and mental arithmetic classes. Alas, Dad, I'm so busy."

"It's too cheap to be a good boy, you are a scorpion shit—the only one, there is no other like you in the world, at the age of nine, you can play whatever you want, just have fun secretly. "

"I don't believe it, there must be others." Nan Wuwei pouted.

Nan Yi glanced at Nan Wuwei, "Then go find him and show me."

"I have so many things to do, I don't have time."

"Little bastard, I haven't pretended yet. You put it upside down. From now on, don't pretend to be aggressive in front of me. If you pretend, what should I pretend?" Nan Yi patted Funan Wuwei's head and scolded with a smile.

"It's better to dress alone than to dress together, let's do it together."

"Give you three points of color, and you dare to open a dyeing workshop. Will you treat me as a buddy in the future?"

"Father, people are equal. Let us break away from the decadent feudal ethics and sublimate our proletarian revolutionary friendship."

"Well, from now on I will call you father, and you will call me son."

"It's not impossible... Dad, a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands!" Looking at Nan Yi's raised left hand, Nan Wuwei said quickly.

"Stinky boy, just leave it to me, go, turn on the side stove at night, wash the casserole, move the stove out, put the porridge on the hot pot first."

"The light will call me."

Nan Wuwei muttered something, stood up and walked into the house.

Nanyi moved the stool, leaned his back against the tree, closed his eyes, and began to doze off.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Nanyi has a strong smell of cigarettes in his nose, before opening his eyes, he yells: "Lin Guangwei, are you sick?"

"Crazy line, if you scold someone without looking, you are not afraid of scolding wrong?"

Nanyi opened his eyes and wiped the thick wet eyeballs from the corners of his eyes, "Whether it's you or not, I can't be wrong to scold you."

"That's right, you Bakuan, what happened to Li Hai?"

Lin Guangwei and Ou Jing could be regarded as prospective boyfriend and girlfriend at the beginning. Li Hai intervened, and Lin Guangwei was kicked out. It was a bit difficult for him to be in love with Ou Jing again. These years, the two sides have kept each other safe and did not disturb each other. In the same city, news about each other is also deliberately avoided.

How should I put it, for Lin Guangwei, if something small happened to Ou Jing and Li Hai, he would gloat over it, but if something big happened, he simply couldn't stand by and watch.

"Let's eat the whole thing first, and the lawyer will come over later to hear what they have to say."


Lin Guangwei asked his servants to carry the ingredients into the yard, and he and Nan Yi gathered next to the sink, cooking and chatting.

"I've been to Denmark and Germany. On my return trip, I visited Creative in Lijiapo. I've decided to focus on the field of sound." Lin Guangwei said with a bullwhip in his hand.

"Where do you plan to start?"

"Creative released a 'Sound Blaster' 16-bit sound card last year, which supports stereo output. The product is very good. I think the future will be in the digital age. I will make sound cards. I will start with ordinary sound cards for computers, and then make them when the technology is mature. Professional grade sound processing chip."

Nanyi grabbed the asparagus in his hand and shook the water, "The idea is good. I don't know sound cards, so I won't give you any ideas. As long as the sound cards you make are reliable, I will give you two big customers. A million pieces is not a problem."

Lin Guangwei's heart warmed up. The order has been settled before the things are made, and he is full of confidence.

"Okay, I'll give you a rebate of 1 yuan for one slice."

"Go, send the beggar." Nan Yi spat, grabbed the chicken skin in the plastic bag and smelled it, "Where did you buy it? It smells."

Lin Guangwei also picked up a pinch and smelled it, and immediately frowned and cursed, "Go to the street, smash his stall next time."

"Throw it in the trash, and go to the kitchen to get the cutting board."

After an hour or so, all the ingredients were prepared, the stove was ignited, the two big and one small sat around, and the whole thing started.

Just after eating a few mouthfuls, the lawyer Li Shufan sent by Jin Daosheng arrived.

Add a stool and continue eating.

After Li Shufan sat down, he said, "Mr. Nan, the matter is a bit troublesome. The other party's evidence is solid, and the lawsuit cannot be fought."

"Well, how many years?"

"More than three years, less than ten years."

"Be precise."

Li Shufan paused and said, "According to the materials I have read, the maximum possibility is seven years."

"If you want Li Hai to come out, the only way is to let the other party withdraw the lawsuit?"

"Yes, if the other party does not withdraw the case, there is no room for change in this case." Li Shufan nodded.

Lin Guangwei, who was sitting on the side, yelled: "Hey, hey, what three or seven years, tell me what's going on first."

Nan Yi pointed to Lin Guangwei, "Lin Guangwei, boss Lin, is not a quiet person. Tell him about the case and flatter him by the way. In the future, a lot of business will be easy to do."

Li Shufan heard the words and introduced to Lin Guangwei: "Boss Lin, the thing is like this, Mr. Li Hai and Mr. Ji Changlin did business together seven years ago. The two of them partnered to open a Changye company, but the legal person of this company is Ji Changlin. Sir, and it is a one-person limited company, which means that Mr. Li Hai is not a shareholder of Changye Company.

Before, the relationship between the two may have been relatively good. The company's operating and financial systems were not too formal. Whether it was signed by Mr. Li Hai or Mr. Ji Changlin, they could receive money from the finance department.

Now, the relationship between the two has deteriorated because of a business, and there may be reasons unknown to me. Mr. Ji Changlin found a lawyer to sue Mr. Li Hai for forging signatures and illegally embezzling company property. "

"What did Li Hai occupy? Aren't they two partners in business?" Lin Guangwei asked in confusion.

"I think you're too embarrassed, but I still don't understand it." Nanyi complained, and said, "It's said to be a partnership business, but Changye Company belongs to Ji Changlin, and Li Hai has no share. This is a trap. Lawyer Li , Whose name did Li Hai take the money from the accountant before?"

"Mr. Li Hai signed the name of Mr. Ji Changlin, which constitutes a forged signature."

"Fart, if Ji Changlin doesn't acquiesce, can Li Hai offer the money?" Lin Guangwei said without hesitation.

"Nonsense, verbal acquiescence, it is possible to acquiesce in private with the financial three people, this works, and people will deny it in court. Lawyer Li, is the money raised by Li Hai used for the company's business purposes?"

"I asked Mr. Li Hai, and it's very complicated. There are business purposes, entertainment purposes, personal purposes, and...unexplainable purposes. There are more than 30 accounts that are not clear, and at least 20 of them can be judged. Mr. Li Hai’s illegal embezzlement amounted to as much as 7.53 million, which is very unfavorable to him.”

Nan Yi thought for a while, "Lawyer Li, go to the detention center again tomorrow and ask why the relationship between Li Hai and Ji Changlin has deteriorated. If it is because of the shares, ask Li Hai what share he wants; if it is because of For a certain business, ask clearly what business it is, and ask the name of everyone involved in it."

"Okay." Li Shufan nodded.

"What if it's because of a woman?" Lin Guangwei asked.

"Let him die." Nan Yi spat, and said, "Lawyer Li, is Li Hai bald?"

"Not yet, people are still in the recruit cage, and their hair will be cut in a few days."

"Bring him a pack of cigarettes, and deposit 100 yuan in his account, forget it, don't deposit the money, let him suffer."

[When the suspect is sent to the detention center, he will first be locked in the recruit cage (the cage of the prison cage), and he will not have to work. After waiting for a few days for news, he may go out after the incident is not serious (some people in the detention center will shave their heads as soon as they enter, and some will Wait a few days, the mystery is here);

It is also possible that there is no room for change in the case, and it will definitely be sent to the procuratorate, and the suspect will be transferred to the veteran cage, working while waiting to go to court;

(Both recruits and veterans have cages with bridles. On the bright side, they are responsible for managing the work of suspects in the cage, and in secret, they are also responsible for maintaining the rules of the cage. This is designated, and whoever designated it does not know^_^.

When it’s not raining, the suspect has time to let the wind out every day. There will be a pack of poor cigarettes to share among them. Those who know how to smoke will have one each, and the rest will be in the hands of the bridle... I can’t go on and understand the rest by myself , It’s not convenient to say more, I understand everything. )

When the sentence is pronounced, he will serve his sentence in the detention center after a short time, and will be transferred to prison after a long time.

Well, there are paid dishes in the detention center, and there may also be afternoon tea (steamed buns, steamed buns). Each suspect will have an "account". If you don't want to, if you don't have a good relationship with the bridle, it will be miserable. Milk, beer, pumpkin cakes, random inspections of prison regulations, and some methods can be used to concoct people. ]

Li Shufan said: "Ms. Ou Jing has saved 1,000 yuan for Mr. Li Hai."

"Let's keep it." Nan Yi looked at Lin Guangwei and said, "Do you want to be interested?"

"No money."

"Oh, tell Li Hai, out of the 100 yuan, I have 99.5 yuan, and Lin Guangwei 5 cents."

"Well, I can't save it, 50 cents, who is disgusting." Lin Guangwei muttered, took his bag, took out a wad of money from it, and took out two photos on the table, "I also save 100 cents. , buy him a pair of red underpants for the remaining 100 to cover his head."

"You are more disgusting than me. Go to the night market to buy a pair to wear by yourself. Seeing that your fingers are shiny, you play mahjong a lot, don't you?"

"Boss Nanda, how do you know the suffering of our small businessmen? Can you accompany the client if he wants to play mahjong?" Lin Guangwei picked up the wine glass and poured the bitter water, "Washing in the sauna four or five times a day, my belly It's rusty."

"Stop talking nonsense, this is your territory, go and get rid of the wind, find out the details of Ji Changlin, the family shovel, really think there is no one in Wenchangwei educated youth."

"Okay, okay, listen to the boss's orders." Lin Guangwei said with a little reluctance: "Hanju, you will step into this kind of pit."

"Li Hai is not stupid, he just used his loyalty in the wrong place. Ding is Ding, Mao is Mao, friends are doing business together, and the rules for the division of interests should be established early. Li Hai has no shares so far, so he can only It shows that Ji Changlin has always used his loyalty to slander Li Hai, so he has no intention of giving him shares."

"The money is not divided?"

"Probably so."

Nan Yi held up his wine glass to signal Li Shufan, and touched Lin Guangwei again. When it was over, he still toasted Nan Wuwei's soda, "I'll do it, you can do whatever you want."

Nan Wuwei saw that there was only one-third of the soda left, and said with a smile: "I did it too."

"Okay, cheers."


After two bottles of beer, Nanyi stopped drinking, scooped up some porridge, let it cool for a while, and put down his chopsticks after finishing the porridge.

After the dinner was over, when Li Shufan was sent away, the two, one, one, and three went to the street for a walk to digest food.

Walking to Guigang Main Road, passing by a store, I bought three ice creams, and the three of them chewed and walked on.

"I found a new horse, and I will bring it out for you to meet next time."

"Is it singing or dancing this time?"


"You boy, don't grab a pot and make trouble, change the pot next time." Nan Yi laughed and scolded.

Lin Guangwei said seriously: "This time is different, I have the idea of ​​marrying her."

"Didn't you say you don't plan to get married?"

"Boss, your mind will change from time to time."

"Fart, I didn't believe it until the day you actually got married. The ghost knows when your mind will change again." Nanyi said disdainfully.

"You wait to receive the wedding invitation."

"Really?" Nan Yi asked in surprise.

"I really have the idea of ​​getting married, and I plan to propose to her if we stay together for a while."

"Then you take care of it yourself, let Wuwei piss for you, Lishi remember to seal it thicker." Nan Yi said, then turned to Nan Wuwei and said: "When the time comes, go to your Uncle Lin's bed for a lot of foam, go Pee on the pillow."

"Yeah." Nan Wuwei nodded hastily.

"Go, go, do you understand the rules? You have to use a washbasin to pick it up. It's fine to do nothing. It's too old. Four or five-year-old children are the best."

Nan Yi said disdainfully: "Hey, I've given you a face, and dare to dislike my Qilin'er, Wuwei, remember, when I go to your Uncle Lin's wedding, I wish him every year today, and every year he has this day."

"Haha, it's not bad to be a groom every year, Wuwei, you just say that, Uncle Lin will give you a letter of great profit." Lin Guangwei slapped a haha, and then said: "Tomorrow is the horse racing day, and my horse has a race. , do you want to go to Tan Village together?"

Nan Yi waved his hand, "Forget it, I'm not interested in this, you should take it easy, it doesn't matter if you raise a horse, it's okay to have a small gamble, don't play too much."

"No, I raise horses to entertain clients. Some clients come to take them to the racetrack and sit in the front row to watch my horse race. Everyone thinks that my strength is not a problem, and it is easier to negotiate business."

"That's why you bought your Fleetwood?"

"Face and comfort are both considered. The car is comfortable to sit on. The armrest box in the middle can be removed and turned into a seat, and the car can be driven to a place where no one is around..." Lin Guangwei skipped the words that are not suitable for children. , "The main thing is to save face, the car is big, it looks stylish, and it can calm customers down."

"The client looks imposing, and the one who wants to blackmail you and kidnap you also looks imposing. Take it easy on yourself. If you are tied up next time, ask the kidnapper to send your finger to me so that I can keep it for you. You can do it too." Leave a whole body."

"Keep the whole body? Are you going to pay me to redeem me?"

"Redemption, you deserve to be tied up." Nan Yi spat, and then said earnestly: "Bring two people by your side, it will be too late if you really want to be tied up."

"I know."

While chatting and walking, we walked to the edge of the Pearl River without knowing it, sat down and ate some shelled shells, and the father and son returned home in the early ten o'clock.

Taking the time to wash up, Nanyi spread straw mats and mosquito nets in the yard, one big and one small lay in the yard, looking at the stars in the sky through the whirling leaves, and chatting about their father and son.


the next day.

After eating breakfast, Nan Wuwei was asked to finish his summer homework. Nan Yi called Liu Zhen, and then went to Ou Jing's house.

Seeing Nanyi, Ou Jing's anxious mood relaxed a little.

"Nan Yi, Li Hai has been inside for the fourth day."

"Don't worry, I'm here."

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