In a restaurant, Bian Shangmei was carefully shaving the bone of a pollack. After the shave was clean, he trimmed the corners before putting it in Nan Jiajun's pot, "Ouba, eat this."

"Eat by yourself, don't worry about me."

As Nan Jiajun said, his eyes never left the document in his hand, and he just mechanically held the spoon and stuffed it into his mouth when he ate. He had no time to pick up vegetables, and it was Bian Shangmei who put the vegetables into his mouth.

Although Nan Jiajun said so, Bian Shangmei still waited on him to eat carefully, ignoring her own food.

Bian Shangmei is obviously serving others, but she never gets tired of it, and she is very satisfied in her heart. This is her lover, and no matter what she does for him, it will make people happy.

"Ouba, Seo Taiji and the kids have a performance the day after tomorrow, can you go with me?"


"Seven o'clock in the evening."


"Really?" Bian Shangmei said excitedly.

Nan Jiajun nodded, "Well, buy another sixteen tickets, and two guests will go with us."

"Uh... tickets are sold out."

"Brother Yongmin."

"Yes." Zheng Yongmin who was standing in the corner responded.

When Bian Shangmei heard what the two said, her face drooped instantly. The tickets were indeed sold out, but it was not impossible for her to buy them. There was no shortage of scalpers here in Seoul. She just didn't want anyone to disturb her two-person world.

Nan Jiajun continued to read his documents, the spoon in his hand was still stuffed into his mouth mechanically, after two spoonfuls, he felt something was wrong, the chewing head in his mouth was too pure, only rice grains, no kimchi torn, garlic clove-shaped fish segmentation.

Glancing at his own face, and then at the sulking Bian Shangmei, Nan Jiajun put down the documents in his hand, and picked up the vegetables with his chopsticks.

"I will be very busy in the future, and I don't have much time to accompany you, Shangmei, you can focus more on your work. The promotion mechanism of New Miracle will only promote talented employees. The relationship between you and me will not Bring any help to your promotion."

"Really?" Bian Shangmei questioned: "Why did Cui Huijing get promoted, and the promotion speed is so fast?"

"Because he worked very hard when he was reincarnated twenty-six years ago. In order to commend his hard work, his promotion will naturally enter the fast lane." Nan Jiajun said of course.

"Isn't it because his father, Cui Zhonglie, is a member of Parliament?"

"You and I said the same thing. New Miracle will not be ashamed of the contribution of any employee. The more contributions you make, the more you can get. Because of Cui Zhongyeol's help, Cui Huijing has made great contributions to New Miracle. Significant contribution, that's why he's been promoted so quickly."

"Ouba, your rhetoric is too ruthless, and it is unfair to other colleagues who work hard and work overtime every day."

Nan Jiajun wiped his lips with a napkin, folded it and put it back on the table, "New Miracle has accurately measured and calculated the workload of each position, and if you work hard, you can definitely complete it within six and a half hours.

At least 70% of the staff's overtime hours a year are due to inefficient working hours and to get more overtime pay.

Smoking areas, rooftops, tea rooms, and toilets in the corridors of the office. On average, each employee spends at least one and a half hours a day in these places. Others include breakfast, private phone calls, and extended lunch breaks, etc. During normal working hours, the average working time per employee is less than four and a half hours.

New Miracle has no need to work overtime at all, except for a few limited positions that need to work overtime in order to meet the client's time.

We in the Republic of Korea have to compare everything with Japan, and we want to surpass Japan, but at the same time, we are learning from Japan. The working methods of corporate clubs and overtime culture are all influenced by Japan.

I don't like this kind of overtime culture, so I don't pay attention to the working hours of employees. The more overtime hours an employee has, his score will be lower than others in the face of competition for promotion.

It is also because of this overtime culture that New Miracle spent 700 million won more than the normal plan on salary last year. "

Bian Shangmei said: "In this case, why doesn't the club change the system and restrict the behavior of working overtime?"

Nan Jiajun lit a cigarette, took a puff, exhaled the smoke slowly, and asked, "Why are you restrained?"

"Reduce club expenses."

Nan Jiajun flicked the cigarette ash, then patted the floating ash on the collar of his suit, "The work in the office is different from the assembly line. It is a mechanical work that does not need to use the brain. The more efficient the staff is in a unit time The higher the rate, the more benefits the club will have. On the premise of maintaining a certain efficiency, the longer the working hours of the staff, the more benefits the club will have.

Because of this theory, the company's factories will adopt the salary model of basic task amount plus piece rate. Employees only need to complete the specified task amount, and their basic salary can be fully paid, and the excess part adopts the form of step-by-step piece rate. The more you do, the higher the unit price will be.

This is a disguised form to encourage employees to maintain high efficiency. If the efficiency is too low, the cost of the club will increase, and the operation of the machine will require electricity, as well as wear and tear depreciation.

This salary model is very suitable when the sales volume of the company's products has been increasing. The profit margin of the company is maintained at a high figure. The employees are also very satisfied with their salaries and have high enthusiasm for work. "

"If the profit margin cannot maintain the current figure, what should the club do?"

Nan Jiajun glared at Bian Shangmei, "The society will start laying off staff from your brand business department. The meaning of brand is the added value of the brand to ensure the high profit margin of the club. If the high profit margin cannot be maintained, it can only mean that there is something wrong with the brand. Or maybe the whole industry goes wrong.

What the club can do is to lower the requirement on the profit rate and ensure the income of the assembly line employees. When the profit rate drops to an unacceptable figure, the society will move the assembly line to a country with a lower salary level to prolong the recession period. possible profit.

My dad said a few times that we should be kind to our own people. It is a shameful thing to lay off employees because of poor management due to incompetent management. "

"Who can guarantee that there will be no problems in the operation of the club. Layoffs and shrinking business lines are what many clubs have to go through." Bian Shangmei said.

"You are right, that's why New Miracle carefully chooses the field to enter, and is also particularly keen on entering the food industry. As long as people live, they must eat, and the price of food rises relatively stable, so the company can always maintain the most reasonable profit margin. Up and down."

Bian Shangmei: "Huh? How can the price of food be stable? The price of international supplementary food has fluctuated greatly in the past six months."

"Heh." Nan Jiajun smiled lightly, "New Miracle is just a small branch of the big consortium. When calculating the profit margin, we should not only limit ourselves to New Miracle, but also look at the revenue, expenditure and profit of the entire consortium's related business lines. .

Sometimes New Miracle will become a victim of speculative operations by other business lines. Whenever this happens, part of the loss of New Miracle will be included in the cost and can be compensated.

Closer to home, the work of the office needs to be used here. "

Nan Jiajun pointed to his temple, "Each employee thinks in a different way, the external environment that needs to trigger inspiration, time and space are also different, so the office system of New Miracle will be relatively loose, and only require employees to complete their work on time. There is no big requirement for the specific responsible work, which time nodes are working within the specified time.

Overtime pay will be included in an employee's cost considerations. When an employee's cost expenditure is higher than the benefits he creates for two consecutive months, the club will consider optimizing him.

In New Miracle, no extra points will be added for working overtime, and no points will be deducted for not working overtime. I only look at the results.

As I said earlier, the tasks given by New Miracle to each employee will be within a reasonable range, and New Miracle will not squeeze employees like cattle and horses.

If an employee suffers from neurasthenia due to work, or even dies from overwork, it only means that there is a problem with the work of the personnel department, and employees whose talents do not meet the requirements of the new miracle are mixed into the club. work beyond his competence.

Using mathematics as an analogy, new miracles need talents who can understand a mathematical formula at a glance, rather than mediocre talents who need to study repeatedly and spend a few days to master it.

Hard work in New Miracle cannot be said to be worthless, but hard work can get very few bonus points. "

"You said it too ideally. In the club, seniors bully juniors, and old employees bully newcomers. The work that newcomers need to complete cannot be completed during normal working hours. They have to work overtime.

When I first joined the club, I had to work overtime every day until ten o’clock in the evening to finish the work. I had to arrive at the club half an hour earlier the next day to buy coffee and breakfast for the old staff and clean the office area. I could only sleep every day. four hours. "

"As far as I know, it only takes 20 minutes to travel from where you live to the club under normal circumstances, and it only takes about 40 minutes even if there is a traffic jam. I get off work at ten o'clock and arrive at eleven o'clock where you live. The time for washing is extra. One o'clock, two hours should be enough, go to bed at one o'clock in the morning, get up at 7:30 the next morning to wash, you can sleep for six and a half hours."

Nan Jiajun looked at Bian Shangmei's face with a half-smile, "Excuse me, where did you lose the two and a half hours?"

"Ouba, in addition to work and sleep, there is also life and entertainment in life. I want to eat supper, I want to watch TV dramas, I want..."

Nan Jiajun spread his hands, "The club only needs employees to be in the club for eight hours and work hard for five hours. The club has no right to interfere with how to spend the remaining sixteen hours. Sixteen hours, you can't get enough sleep Time, is this caused by the club?"

Bian Shangmei: "It's not eight hours, it's from 8:30 in the morning to 10:00 in the evening, 13.5 hours."

"The club does not give the old staff the power to control the new staff. Seniors can dictate to juniors, and it is not stipulated by the club. This is the general environment of South Korean society. Every staff has to go through the period of new staff.

If a new employee thinks it is unreasonable, he can stand up to resist and change the unreasonable environment, or the goal is smaller, change his work status, and stop doing unreasonable work.

Shangmi, you are my girlfriend, and I am the president of New Miracle, why didn't you stand up and resist when you were a new employee? "

"I..." Bian Shangmei was speechless.

Without waiting for Bian Shangmei to answer, Nan Jiajun continued: "Because you are a smart person, because you can analyze the pros and cons, and you know that standing up and resisting will not lead to good results. So you also defaulted to being oppressed by the old staff, only thinking about Go through the period of new employees as soon as possible, and when you become an old employee, squeeze the new employees in a more harsh way.

I am also a talent, and I can also analyze the pros and cons. I also know that the system of the predecessors is not so easy to overthrow. The work of turning a blind eye to hearing but not listening.

The group that creates benefits for the club is the old staff, not the new recruits. Strictly speaking, the new recruits are not counted as one of our own. Why should I treat them differently? "

Bian Shangmei murmured, "Shouldn't you be kind to someone who isn't your own?"

"Why do you have to be kind? Because we are human beings too?" Nan Jiajun raised his voice and roared, "Because of hunger, I snatched food from the dog bowl, and was bitten by the dog and hurt all over. When the Daoli did not reach my stomach, I was punished again. Two ribs were broken, and my leg bones were also broken.

At that time, who pity me? Who can help me? "

Nan Jiajun lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, and calmed down his emotions, "What I have experienced is something you can't even imagine. In this world, there were two people who were sincere to me. , Unfortunately, God did not treat them well.

Another person said to me who was a mess and worthless: boy, I will let you eat and drink well, how about doing things for me when you grow up?

This person is Abba. He never said that he loves me. Instead, he has always emphasized that raising me is so that I can help him in the future. I don’t need to be grateful to him. I eat, drink, play, and get a good education. It's all his upfront investment in me, and he treats me as a tool he can use.

The words were very ruthless, but at that time I had only a small amount of childhood left, and my complete teenage years were very happy. I had friends and toys that I could get if I wanted them. "

Nan Jiajun frowned, "I'm not satisfied with the only food, I don't eat whatever I want, I have to eat according to a nutritious recipe, at that time I hope every day is Friday, because the food on this day can be matched according to my own wishes , every time I want a lot of fried chicken...

You have also seen that what Dad asked me to do for him is to be the president of New Miracle, and let New Miracle grow into a chaebol in South Korea. Half of the benefits obtained in this process belong to me. The half that is taken away is shared with many people.

My dad didn’t say he loved me, but he sent me to a starting point that most people couldn’t reach. To be used by such a person and in this way, I believe few people would be unwilling.

Especially for people like me, according to the normal trajectory, I will die in some garbage dump or bridge hole, with hatred for this world, and die silently.

Abba almost made me understand that the world does not need hypocritical love, as long as everyone follows the principle of equal value exchange, the world will be harmonious. The same is true for love. When someone boasts that he enjoys the infinite happiness of love, it means that he has a vested interest, and his partner pays more and gets less. "

Nan Jiajun held Bian Shangmei's palm and murmured softly: "Shangmei, I don't know love, and I don't know how to love others, but I won't let your efforts go unrewarded, thank you for your love to me, wait I've been busy all this time, and I'll take good care of you."


Bian Shangmei's body softened, and she fell into Nan Jiajun's arms.

After the charming, Nan Jiajun got into the car and went to Daehan to make flour. Halfway through the journey, he suddenly asked Zheng Yongmin, "Brother Yongmin, did Dad give you a task to monitor me?"

"No, the old president once told me that once the president asks this question one day, report to him, and the salary of our team will be paid by the president from today onwards."

Nan Jiajun was slightly taken aback, and laughed wildly, "Hahaha, Brother Yongmin, call and report to Dad now."


"Hey, Dad, you can't do it, you still have to watch me."

Nan Wuwei taunted Nanyi, set up a slingshot, and shot a projectile directly at the long-armed scorpion (Pearl River long-armed abalone) in the water. , the belly of the fish is facing upwards.

Nan Yi dipped his hand into the water and picked up the three-pound long-armed scorpion, "Fartless, you forgot to consider the refraction of light, otherwise you won't miss it."

"Hey, I don't believe it, you taught me how to judge the correct position of the fish."

Nan Yi threw the fish to Nan Wuwei, and became angry from embarrassment: "Copy my letter a thousand times for me when I get home."

Nan Wuwei took the fish in his hand, hehe hehe he laughed.

Nan Yi has nothing to do with his son, he can only turn the harpoon upside down and observe whether each fork is straight, "Obviously aimed, how could the fork miss?"

Just when Nanyi was depressed, Xiaohua came to him with the phone.

"Haha, he still asked. Give Jiajun the phone."

The other end of the phone was quiet for a while, and Nan Jiajun's voice came out, "Abba."

"That's right, you will be responsible for Yongmin's salary from now on."

Nan Jiajun: "Yes."

"Don't think about it, no one is watching you. If someone is more trustworthy than you, you will not be sitting in your current seat. However, continue to be cautious and suspicious. Although it is a bit tiring, it is not easy to stumble."

Nan Jiajun: "Yes, how about it, Dad?"

"Hang up, I haven't eaten yet."

Nan Jiajun: "Wait, Dad, the actress you mentioned earlier, I have already signed her to So.Hot Entertainment, an entertainment company affiliated to the club."

"Ha, I just said it casually at the time, and I forgot her existence long ago. I think she is a good actress. Now South Korea's film and television production is not good, so the president of the entertainment company pushed her to Hong Kong to star in one or two works. , By the way, it's best to act opposite Leslie Cheung, so we can get some heat."

Nan Jiajun: "Yes."

"Is the girl group preparing?"

Nan Jiajun: "It's already in progress. Xinsheng Plastic Surgery Hospital has used the best technology to transform them. I believe they will definitely cause a sensation after their debut."

"Very well, we must push them all the way and let them be role models and convince our potential clients that just undergoing plastic surgery can change their lives."

Nan Jiajun: "Yes."


"Father, goodbye."

"Hmph, Ao Tian, ​​look at my lack of marksmanship." As soon as Nan Yi hung up the phone, Nan Wuwei threw a clod of dirt towards Nan Yi.

Nanyi dodged the clods of dirt and begged for mercy, "Hero Yin, spare me, as long as you spare my life, I will marry my daughter Xiaoming to you."

"Hmph, your daughter is already mine, die, Ao Tian." Nan Wuwei grabbed another clod of dirt and aimed at Nanyi.

"Yin Pingan, don't be ashamed of your face. Your brother Yin Mingyang didn't know how to live or die. He died under my gun. I think you are tired of living too. Take the trick, one shot and three bullets." Nan Yi grabbed a clod of dirt and lightly Lightly pinched it into three or four pieces, turned the body around, and threw out the dirt in his hand, "My bullet rubbed sparks, hit the wall and rebounded, and five shots hit one point."

"Oh, Dad, you're serious. I won't pretend anymore. I'll let you see who is the gun master." Nan Wuwei, who was hit several times, took out his slingshot, loaded it with a clay pellet, and straightened the rubber band. Zhun Nanyi.

"Okay, okay, you're a gun god, cut up the fish quickly." Seeing that Nan Wuwei sacrificed a magic weapon and wanted to make a real move, Nan Yi hurriedly stopped.

"No, Dad, you can't be foolish, you have to let me beat you."

"It hurts me, who will cook for you?"

"I do."

As soon as Nan Wuwei spoke, he let go of his hand, and the clay bullet flew straight towards Nan Yi.

Looking at the flying mud bullets, Nanyi didn't dodge, his body tensed, and he took a hard hit with his stomach. Patting the dirt on the T-shirt, he said to Nan Wuwei: "Hurry up, let's cook."

Nan Wuwei was about to put away his slingshot, when he suddenly saw a field mouse emerging from a hole in the field ridge, and quickly aimed at it, "Dad, do you want to shoot some deer to eat?"

Nan Yi glanced at the field mouse and said, "Calm down, who knows if there are any germs, and, where is the Tianlu, why doesn't Dad know."

"The name in the restaurant, Grandpa Ruiwu told me."

"Oh, don't eat blindly outside, I'm going to make a fire."

Nan Yi came to the side of a dead branch of a tree, kicked it a few times, and the dead branch broke into pieces. He broke off the twigs on the branch, removed the dead leaves on it, piled them up on the ground, and lit them. Put the twigs on, and put the thick branches on top, and a bonfire is quickly lit.

He took out a dagger and sorted out a few branches, and strung the August oranges he had obtained before on the branches, and put the branches on the ground 20 centimeters away from the bonfire, so that the oranges would be roasted by the fire.

In the same way, Nanyi skewered a few giant giant prawns ranging from seven to eight pounds to a pound on the branches, and also inserted them on the ground 20 centimeters away from the campfire.

It can be regarded as luck. It is very rare for wild Macrobrachium rosenbergii to grow to such a large size. I did not expect to bump into a nest.

But it will be difficult to meet in China in the future. Just less than two hours ago, Nan Yi and Nan Wuwei ran into a fishing friend. He was very fashionable and used a new energy fishing rod. If there is a sound, there will be fish lying on their backs on the water surface immediately, just copy the net and catch a hundred catties of fish in a day is not a dream.

Such an easy-to-use fishing rod, I believe it won't take long for it to spread.

After preparing the shrimps, Nan Yi went into a barren field, turned into a frog and hopped around in the field a few times, he held a few grasshoppers and locusts in his hand and inspected them carefully, and threw them into the fire to burn those parasitized by wireworms. Skewered cleanly and grilled over the fire.

After finishing these, Nanyi took two German military kettles to the stream, took off his T-shirt and covered the mouth of the kettles, and then soaked the kettles in the water to fill them.

When the water is full, tighten the lid and throw the kettle directly into the fire.

After a while, Nan Wuwei, who had gone to catch fish, came back with not only fish in his hand, but also a water snake.

"Dad, there are fish roe, what should I do?"

"It's easy, you grill the fish, and I'll find some accessories."


Nanyi came to the stream again, fished some duckweed from the water, squeezed it into a handful, and broke a willow branch from the willow tree by the stream. Back by the campfire, tie the duckweed with willow branches, hang it on a thick branch, and roast it on the fire.

[Willow trees were rare in Guangdong Province in the 1980s and 1990s, but not without them. The reason for the lack is said to be related to Fengshui. Willows gather shade. It is easy to grow into crooked melons and cracked dates. ]

After the moisture of the duckweed was dried, Nanyi collected the duckweed, skimmed off the scorched part, put the rest in the lunch box, and crushed the duckweed with a stainless steel spoon.

Then fill half a box of water with the filtration and osmosis method, hang the lunch box on the fire and burn it, wait for the water to boil, soak the lunch box in the stream for a while, wait for the water temperature to drop, put the fish roe into the lunch box, and continue to put it on the fire burn.

In a blink of an eye, the locusts, grasshoppers and shrimps have been roasted. Nanyi picked up a bunch of grasshoppers, removed the burnt shell, picked up an August orange, and squeezed it with his hands. The orange juice was poured on the grasshopper meat to make a bunch Pass it to Nan Wuwei first.

"Take it."

"Yeah, delicious." After taking a bite, Nan Wuwei was full of praise.

Nanyi made a bunch for himself, bit into his mouth and tasted carefully. While eating, the tiger cub came over with a ball of small dried shrimps in his hand.

"Exactly, a little light."

The small shrimps in the stream are clean and can be eaten raw. They have a salty, umami, and fishy smell, and the meat is very tender.

With the small shrimps, the five people cleaned up the grasshopper, locust, shrimp, snake, fish, and caviar soup. After filling their stomachs, the tiger cub went to pick up some dandelion and dogtail grass, and Nanyi boiled them into soup , drink a few sips each.

Putting out the bonfire, looking for a green shade, Nanyi sat on the ground, and Nan Wuwei lay down on the ground with Nanyi's thigh as a pillow.

Nan Wuwei closed his eyes and adjusted his posture, "Dad, I'll squint for a while, don't let the bugs crawl on me."

"Go to sleep and watch for you."

Nan Yi responded, fiddled with Nan Wuwei's messy hair, straightened it out, reached out his hand and took out the willow leaf that was placed just now, stroked it with his fingers, smoothed the willow leaf on his lips and squeezed it, Let the willow leaves become moist with some saliva, try to blow it, and if it can make a sound, Nanyi joins in the tune.

A song "Ode to Joy" sang in Nanyi's mouth.

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