Chong Sheng 1977Nian Cong Zhi Qing Kai Shi

Chapter 953 The House of Glory

"Our bank is going to cooperate with American Express to develop instant payment business. I am the negotiator and I want to participate in the negotiation between the two parties."

"A year ago?"

"The Yankees don't celebrate Chinese New Year."

"Well, is the madman back?"

Lai Biao: "Did you contact him in Moscow?"

"Don't dare to contact. Who knows if he is now a comrade on the hidden front. The last time I pulled dozens of cars of instant noodles from me, I didn't make it clear whether it was his or the country. If it was his own, I You have to ask him for money."

In fact, Nan Yi vaguely knew that the instant noodles that Chen Feng took away from him were used to make up for Su 27, but if he knew about this kind of thing, he had to pretend not to know.

"Stop pretending to be stupid, what's the use of a lunatic wanting your instant noodles." Lai Biao spat.

"Hehe, let's not talk about this, do you want to go back during the Chinese New Year?"

Lai Biao: "It depends on the situation. If the trip to the United States goes well, you can fly directly to Yangcheng from New York. If it doesn't go well, you can only spend the Spring Festival in the United States. How about you, where will you celebrate the New Year?"

"It depends on Liu Zhen. If you are busy in Shanghai, you are not busy in Beijing."

Lai Biao asked abruptly, "Has Liu Zhen not moved for more than six years?"

"Well, I'm still the vice president, and I have a lot of part-time jobs. Half of the time I have to deal with securities."

Lai Biao said thoughtfully: "Regardless of academic qualifications or resume, Liu Zhen is considered beautiful in the financial system. I guess he is about to move."

"I don't know. I rarely care about her work." Nan Yi said, changing the subject, "Last year I applied for a Ph.D. in economics from Peking University."

Lai Biao: "Working?"


Lai Biao: "Very good. When I have enough time, I will also take one of the exams. It will be difficult to get along without a diploma in the future."

"In what year did you get your master's degree?"

Lai Biao: "Less than three years."

"That's coming soon."

Lai Biao: "Lao Nan, why are you so obsessed with diplomas when you're not in the work unit? Do you really want to learn something?"

"It's used to decorate the front, it's good to say it."

Lai Biao spat: "Nonsense, when have you ever cared about face? If face could be sold by weight, you would have sold it long ago."

"Hehe, to be honest, it is for the purpose of becoming an expert in the future. Nan Yi, a famous domestic economic expert, suggested: Don't deposit money in the industrial bank. Lai Biao, an internal employee of the bank, has dirty hands and feet, and it is easy to guard and steal."

"Haha, I suggest you not to make blind suggestions."

"Little comrade, I suggest that you don't put two words in your mouth. This suggestion can only be made by experts. If you really want to make a suggestion, I suggest you become an expert first. Once you become an expert, you can make suggestions at any time, but I It is recommended that you do not publish suggestions on one, three, five, two, four, and six suggest that you publish suggestions cautiously, and suggest that you publish more suggestions on weekends, and my suggestions suggest that you adopt and absorb them, and become the suggestions you refer to when you publish your suggestions.”

"Suggestion, you have fallen into the nest of suggestions, Lao Nan, why are you still so virtuous?" Lai Biao scolded with a smile.

"Oh, it's okay, I'm used to it, and I can't change it in this life."

The two of Nanyi were chatting, and Wen Wan, who was cooking, came over and asked the two of them to eat, "Why are you two chatting so energetically, wash your hands and eat."

"I said Wen Wan, you will be the one who cooks when you go back to your house, why don't you get up and let Lai Biao cook next time?"

"He, I can't count on him." Wen Wan said with disgust: "Cooking rice can burn half of the pan, frying an egg can break the shell of the pan, and the egg white and yolk can be thrown into the trash can."

"Wen Wan, you have been hired by Lai Biao. In the past, he always boasted that his great-grandfather was an imperial cook. Because of his good cooking skills, he was named General Yangcheng in his later years. It's a pity that his great-grandfather didn't want to make progress. Go to the martial arts exam..."

"Old Nan, you can really make it up. You have made Su Qi'er's story on my head again. My family has no tradition of cooking. My grandfather can't cook, and neither can my father. It's even worse when I come here." No way, no matter how you learn, you won’t be able to learn.”

"Come on, only if you don't want to learn, there is no one who can't learn..."

The three of them came to the dinner table with hi-hats, chatting and eating, it was very lively.

Wen Wan: "Nan Yi, shall we go swimming tomorrow?"

"Just the two of us, without Lai Biao?"

"What are you thinking?" Wen Wan said angrily.

"Hehe, winter swimming, or find a place with hot water?"

Wen Wan: "There is an ocean swimming pool opened in Haidian, and there is hot water there."

"Okay, eat glutinous rice balls at my place tomorrow. I'll wrap them up in the afternoon, and we can eat them after swimming."


the next day.

At 3:30, Nan Yi arrived at the ghost market, skipped other stalls, and only visited the stalls selling ancient coins.

In the antique business, ancient coins are unpopular, and Yuan Datou is even more unpopular among the unpopular. This thing is not as profound as porcelain and ancient paintings. Relatively speaking, it is not very difficult to identify the authenticity. If you want to immerse yourself in it, It’s hard to get an eye out if you put a little thought into it. The fakes that are popular on the market are mostly used to fool you who don’t know how to do it, but want to pick up the wrong ones.

At present, the price of ordinary Yuan Datou on the market is between 30 and 40 yuan depending on the quality. The price is very stable. Other than copper coins, there are very few people who only deal in Yuan Datou's category.

Nan Yi came to the first stall, and saw a small pile of Yuan Datou beside a large pile of copper coins, among which there were several Sun Xiaotou mixed in. At the position closest to the vendor, a Yuan Datou was displayed alone. There is also a flannelette under it.

A very good commemorative coin for the founding of the People's Republic of China, commonly known as "Big Beard". The one Nanyi saw was copper. Well, just after learning about Yuan Datou, he immediately saw the top-notch coin.

"Can you get started?"

The street vendor in Nan Yichong pointed to the bearded man.

The vendor looked at Nanyi from head to toe, and said lazily: "Open the door, you know what to do before you start."

Nanyi chuckled, "I want to change a few suites, let me tell you."

"Yes, understandable person, please." The vendor raised his hand and said politely.

Nan Yi picked up his beard and looked at it in his hand, slandering in his heart, "Others picked up "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" for three yuan, and picked up a jade seal for five yuan. How could I meet sensible people when I come here?"

The big beard belongs to Yuan Datou's treasure. Zhang Weiquan explained it to Nanyi in detail. The big beard in Nanyi's hand is a big open door. The craftsmanship is extremely exquisite. The characters are vivid and lifelike. Pleasing to the eye, the condition and condition are perfect, and the possibility of mistaking is very small.

Even so, Nanyi was still careful, and used all the identification methods of Professor Zhang Weiquan, and the final result was still true.

"Make an offer."

Nanyi held the copper coin in his hand, not intending to put it back at all.

The vendor didn't speak, he raised his index finger and shook it, then stood up and dug the beard back from Nanyi's hand.

Nan Yi shook his hand and said with a smile, "Ten yuan?"

"Ten dollars."

"Leave a little seam, I can't sell it at your price."

"I can't let you." The vendor shook his head, "If you really want it, I can give you a little support. You can grab as many Yuan Datou as you want from the stall, and you can grab as much as you want."

"Don't pay, don't talk about getting caught, even if you round up your stall, you don't have much money, give me a little, how about eight yuan?"

"I can't give up any points, so I will give you everything on the stall as you said."

"Really not allowed?"


"I'll turn around and leave, will you stay or not?"

"If you don't keep it, it's only ten yuan, no matter what tricks you play." The vendor said firmly.

"There are two elderly people in the family, and there are still children to raise. My son is a very good student. He will be in a prestigious university in the future. I have to save some money for him to go to school. For the sake of the children, I will give 20 cents."

"Your excuse for bargaining is fresh, but that is your son, not my son. Count me as a face for the future flowers of the motherland." The vendor said.

"What do you mean, my son's face is only worth a dime? Either let me give you 20 cents, or I won't finish with you today, who is so poor."

"It's said that rich people pick it up. I didn't think so before, but now I've seen it. You can see that it's a big wrist. Is it interesting to bargain with me for ten cents?" Don't spare Nanyi.

Nan Yi chuckled, "You also know that I'm a wrist. I carried my son out. Will you give up these two hairs?"

The vendor waved his hand and said helplessly, "It's all right, I'll let it go, and it's a deal for nine yuan and eighty."

Nan Yi laughed, "Let's go, find a bright place, spit on a nail, don't work hard with your hands, I will lose my face."

While cleaning up the stall, the vendor replied, "Money is not worth much now, a dozen or so can only be spent for a while, and I still have to hang around here, so you can do it."

Nanyi waited for the vendor to put away the stall, brought someone to his car, opened the trunk and took out a bag, counted twenty bills out of a wad of money, and handed the rest to the vendor, "Order. "

The vendor took the money, counted it twice, and raised his hand to take the money 1960 times. It took three quarters of an hour to hand the bearded man to Nanyi.

Nan Yi checked it again, confirmed that it was the one he had just seen, and then asked the vendor for a package to lighten the vendor's load, allowing him to leave easily with only one bag.

After the vendors left, Nanyi didn't go back to the ghost market, and there was only a dime note left in his pocket, so it didn't make much sense to go back. He asked the school beauty to drive home, and Nanyi sat in the car admiring the beard that already belonged to him.

If this big beard is not picked up by a street vendor, it will not make much money. Zhang Weiquan told Nanyi that someone sold a silver beard for 60,000 yuan last year. Copper ones are relatively rare. One hundred thousand yuan is almost the market price, and Nanyi bought it at the market price, so he didn't take advantage of it, and there was no leaking.

In the morning, Nanyi went to Xinrongzhai again, and showed Li Xiangrong the big beard. After receiving Li Xiangrong's evaluation, Nanyi put down the copper beard and continued to touch other exquisite products.

It is more suitable for the bottom of the press box to be made of silver, and this copper one is still waiting for appreciation.

After visiting Panjiayuan for a long time, Nanyi bought another T-edged coin with a very good quality. The trial coin of Tianlong Mint General Mint in the third year of the Republic of China has never been put into circulation. It is relatively rare. It starts with 3,000 yuan. As far as Nanyi is concerned, it is a small leak.

I also bought a Hongxian Flying Dragon, but I don't know which ignorant ticket office put a hard stamp on it, with the word "Joe" on it. The appearance was damaged, and the value was greatly reduced.

If it can be proved that the word "Qiao" on the silver coin is from Qiao Zhiyong's Qiao family, perhaps the value can be increased.

Thinking of Qiao Zhiyong, Nan Yi inquired among the vendors, and found that if he didn't make it in time, Qiao Zhiyong died before Hong Xian Feilong appeared, and the Hong Xian Feilong in his hand was related to Qiao's bank account, and Qiao Zhiyong also had something to do with it. It doesn't matter.

I started with 500 yuan, and I don’t know if I can sell it for hundreds of thousands in the future. If I can’t sell it, Nanyi can be regarded as an eye-catcher. If the team loses with 500 yuan, maybe it will snowball into hundreds of millions. Come.


Ocean swimming pool.

A ticket was thirty-five, which was worth three days' wages of an ordinary worker, and the average person would not be willing to spend this money at all. There was no scene of dumplings, and there were only two or three kittens.

Nan Yi, who intentionally didn't bring his swimming trunks, suddenly regretted it. Originally, there must be a place selling swimsuits in the swimming pool. Nan Yi planned to supervise the female compatriots not to buy too revealing swimsuits with clear, appreciative, and innocent eyes. Now...feed the dog with enthusiasm.

After splashing a few times into the water, Nan Yi and Lai Biao each ordered a glass of watermelon juice worth 37 yuan, lay down on the deck chair, and did the other two things that can be done in the swimming pool besides swimming ——Show off your figure and look at beautiful women.

In the pond and by the side, there were three girls in total, one was five or eight years old, the other was Sai Likui, and the only one worth seeing was a friend's wife. One could imagine how depressed Nanyi was.

Lai Biao pinched the straw to poke the cup a few times, bit the straw and took a couple more sips, hiccupped, turned to look at the depressed Nan Yi and said, "Are you feeling sorry for the ticket money now?"

"It was two seconds ago, but not now. Look, there is a long leg. I was afraid of spoiling the good impression in my heart, so I didn't look up. Biaozi, take a look, is it a pretty girl?"

Hearing this, Lai Biao glanced at the entrance of the swimming pool, and then, with a smirk on his face, "Pretty girl, absolutely pretty girl, be brave enough to look up."

"Biaozi, look at you, there is thunder." Nan Yi spat, and looked up, "Why is this girl here?"

"Hahaha, isn't my cousin pretty?"

"Biaozi, you have to be kind." Nan Yi complained, raising his hand and waving at Yi Qianxi.

Seeing Nanyi waving, Yi Qianxi happily ran to Nanyi's side, "Cousin, why are you here?"

"This is a shopping place for rich people. Why can't I be here as a rich person, but you girl, your monthly salary is enough to go here three or five times, why come here?"

"I don't just live on dead wages, cousin, I'm a famous actor." Yi Qianxi pouted.

"Come on, girl Yi Qianxi, the famous actress, are you going to be okay for a while?"

Yi Qianxi widened her eyes and said, "It's okay, where are we going, shall we have a big meal?"

"I don't have a big meal. I'll have some at home later. I just want to tell you something."

"Oh, I'll go to the swimming pool first, order a drink for me, and come up to drink later." Yi Qianxi said, turned around and walked to the pool, and jumped into the water with a plop.

"It's rare, your cousin is quite simple."

"It's okay now, but it's hard to say in the future. If you are too naive in the entertainment industry, you will suffer."

"Okay, with you here, what can your cousin suffer." Lai Biao said disapprovingly: "Our country has issued dollar bonds, don't you plan to buy some?"

"Speaking of it, I bought it a long time ago, a total of 1 billion, and I bought 300 million, which is interesting enough."

"That's interesting, buy some for me too, you can figure out how much."

"Let's talk about it later, your money has been converted into Mexican pesos, and it will take some time to get it back."

"Mexican peso? The North American Free Trade Agreement? Zapatista riots?" Lai Biao thought for a while and said, "Will there be a big change in the peso?"

"Hey, Biaozi, not bad, he is very concerned about the international situation." Nan Yi joked.

"Nonsense, my job is related to foreign exchange, can I not care about it, do you know when to move?"

"You're talking nonsense. I don't know. I can only predict that there will be major changes. How can I know when the changes will occur? Only by observing the development of the situation and analyzing the data will it gradually become clear."

"Let me know when it's clear."

Nanyi was surprised and said: "What's the use of telling you, it will be too late to enter the game when it becomes clear."

"Our bank does not speculate in foreign exchange. Before the peso plummets, it is over to sell what the bank holds."

"Oh, let's go, go down and play again, the ticket money can't be wasted."

Nanyi tore off the bath towel covering his body, stood up from the recliner, his two long legs were on the ground, and his eight-pack abdominal muscles hung on the male dog's waist. He looked very well-proportioned, not lacking in explosive power, but also more Beautiful, the mermaid lines on both sides are looming.

Lai Biao, who was shy with a small belly, came to Nan Yi and glanced at his waist enviously, "Old Nan, you are blinding people with your body."

"Don't be envious, God is fair, 17,520 hours, almost two years, you are sleeping, I am exercising, you are drool on the pillow, the sweat on my body is like just fished out of the water, almost It’s not worth it to spend so much time to change it.”

"Old Nan, bad friend, stop me from progressing."

Nan Yi stretched his bat muscles, "Come on, you and Liu Zhen are the same thing, you're hot in three minutes, you bought sportswear or something, and the training plan is well formulated. It's fresh on the first day, barely on the second day. Persevere, I can't get up on the third day no matter what, whoever I love, I forgive you Nanyi for not daring to say that I am fat."

"Has Liu Zhen gained weight? I can't tell."

"Sit in the office every day, take the car when you go out, can you grow a swimming ring on your waist, and you are developing towards two. It is impossible to lose weight. Instead of losing weight, it is better to change my aesthetics. Let me tell you, Now I really like women wearing swimming rings, they look good."

"Pull." Lai Biao spat, lowered his head, pulled his beer belly with both hands, and sighed, "Once upon a time, I also had abs."

"Don't recall the past, go forward sixteen years, and you only have one piece."

"At least it's flat. Alas, Lao Nan, we are middle-aged, and we are no longer youthful."

"Okay, regardless of international or domestic standards, anyone under the age of forty is considered a youth. You can comfort yourself with this."

Nanyi warmed up and plunged into the water. Lai Biao followed closely behind, and his big belly came into close contact with the water surface.

In the next few days, Nanyi was in the antique market during the day. Yuan Datou made some gains, and he also collected a few silver ingots. Compared with the ordinary ones, they have been circulating in the market for a long time, and the silver stamps on them are good. There are dozens of them, and the silver ingots are not formed.

At the end of the month, Nan Wuwei, who was already on vacation, came to Liu Zhen first. Instead of sticking to Nan Yi, he took over Nan Yi's workshop and took over the semi-finished aircraft carrier model that Nan Yi had been working on for several years. next to do.

Time passed while preparing new year's goods and giving off new year's festivals. In the song "I'll Be You When I Grow Up", the last batch of 1.2 billion people on the earth also crossed 1993 and completely entered 1994.

Years ago, the regulations came down. This year, fireworks and firecrackers are not allowed in the urban area of ​​Beijing.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, Nan Yi accompanied Nan Wuwei back to Shanghai. While accompanying his son, he continued to search for Yuan Datou in Shanghai. Nan's affairs were all controlled by remote control.

Nan Wuwei went to and from school, and Nan Yi was always picked up by car, and a 28 big bar made up for the time that the father and son missed a few years ago.

A special unit "Iron Abacus Unit" has been formed, and the notice of the special recruitment examination has been issued to the provincial and municipal abacus and mental arithmetic associations. The day of the exam is coming.

As time passed by, Liu Zhen cried a few times and scratched Nanyi's face with flowers all over his face. One morning, Nanyi ushered in the "House of Glory" sign at the gate of the old foreign-style house, and his social status was improved. , From ordinary people to military members.

When Nanyi came out of his son’s feeling of being a soldier, it was already the end of May. In a panic, Nanyi took a domestic flight for the fourth time, flew to Jinling to inspect the makeup workshop, and then transferred to Gusu to inspect the silk craftsman. square.

Then, Nanyi landed at Jianqiao Airport.

When he arrived in Hangzhou, Nanyi didn't inform anyone. When he got off the plane, he went to the West Lake. In front of the lotus leaf, he ordered a cup of Longjing tea that was the same as before, and spread out a copy of "Qianjiang Evening News". Bathing in the cool breeze of the West Lake.

"Tiger cub, go to the post office and buy two local telephones with random numbers, so you can save some money."


Not long ago, Ma Jiajun sold the formula of "Life Nuclear Energy" to Robust at a high-profile price of 10 million. Super agent, not only bionuclear energy, but also the entire health care product market has been heated up.

In 1994, just five months have passed, but it has been established that this year is the year of health products, beverages and food. When I turn on the TV, the most seen are health product advertisements, followed by beverage and food advertisements, and various liquor advertisements are also very popular. All advertisements for color TV refrigerators have to stand aside.

Several health care brands run by Xian Weizhong have never been popular. Nanyi is full of advertising and marketing ideas, but none of them are given to Xian Weizhong. Xian Weizhong himself has a somewhat ambiguous attitude towards health care products. He relies on health care products to make a fortune. But he looks down on it a bit, and is unwilling to call himself a health care product businessman.

Nanyi had already told Xian Weizhong that after finishing this year, he sold the brand and washed his ass and went ashore as soon as possible while the brand was still valuable.

After reading the newspaper, it was time for dinner. Nanyi waved his hand and called the owner of the teahouse over, "Boss, have some instant noodles."

"What brand do you want?"

"Of course it's Master Fan, there's a lot of beef in it."

"Master Fan is six yuan."

"Isn't there five yuan on the sign?" Nan Yi pointed to the price sign of the teahouse.

"That's not Master Fan, it's another master with less beef." The owner of the teahouse used Nanyi's "car" to capture Nanyi's army.

"Okay, six yuan is six yuan, Master Fan."

Eating bowls of noodles in tourist attractions is a fashionable and luxurious thing. If you go out of the West Lake area and find any noodle restaurant, you can get at least three bowls of Pianerchuan for six yuan.

After eating a bowl of noodles by the West Lake, a few people in Nanyi got on the No. 7 bus, got off at the Botanical Garden, spent three yuan per ticket to go in for a walk, followed the back door to the North Peak, and walked a few miles on the mountain Road, down the mountain along the Yangjia archway, and walk to Qiantang Shengjia.

Qian Tangsheng's father passed away, although Qian Tangsheng went to the Northeast when he was a teenager, and he was not very close to his father, but it is the duty of a son to take care of his father's funeral when he returns home.

The culture of ancestral temples in Hangzhou is not strong. Father Qian’s mourning hall is set up at home. After entering the village, Nanyi asked for directions and came to Qiantangsheng’s home.

After presenting the white bag and offering incense to Father Qian, after drinking sugar tea, Nanyi found a corner to stay, watched the cook prepare the banquet there, and took a peek at what dishes were there.

Nanyi came at the right time, Father Qian will go to the mountain early tomorrow morning, and there is no need to come if it is later.

"Smoking, smoking."

Just as Nan Yi was wandering in space, a piece of blue West Lake was handed to him.


Nanyi took the cigarette and pinched it to his ear.

Before Nan Yi and Fan Yan exchanged greetings, the other party had already walked towards another person.

After staying for a while, when someone came to smoke for the second round, Nan Yi couldn't stay any longer. There was still a little time before the banquet, so it would be a bit of an eyesore for him to stay any longer.

Stepping out of the village and coming to the small river at the entrance of the village, Nanyi stayed in another place.

After staying for a while, Nanyi saw Qian Tangsheng's daughter Yunmei coming, and she didn't care much about it. Nanyi didn't even know whether Yunmei's surname was Cui or Qian.

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